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Please fill up each of the fields in the PDS when applicable.
 CSC ID No. is a systems-generated number to be filled by up the CSC-CO
personnel. Do not fill up this field.
 Write name of the employee at the lower right end of every page of the PDS.
 Print entries in the PDS using black ink ballpen only. Do not use sign pen.
 All information should be provided accurately as it will be the permanent
record in the CSC Personnel Information Database.
 Do not leave blank entries. Put N/A for not applicable.
I. Personal Information
 Employees name is to be filled up in the form: surname, first name and
middle name where a space is allotted for each character or letter in the
 Dates are in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy)
 Specifics should be given to Others response in the civil status field.
 Agency employee number refers to employee ID number in the current
II. Family Background
 Names of spouse and parents are to be filled up in the form: surname, first
name and middle name.
 Mothers name is her maiden name, that is, when she was single or before
 List full names (first and surname) of ALL your children.
 Date of birth is in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy)
III. Educational Background
 Indicate FULL name of schools.
 Indicate in FULL all courses taken in college (e.g. ASSO. IN ARTS, AB
 Indicate all masters or doctorate courses taken.
 If graduated for every level, indicate year of graduation.
 If not graduated in any level, indicate the highest grade, level or units
 Inclusive dates of attendance are stated in schoolyears.
 Indicate any scholarship and/or academic honors received in each level.
IV. Civil Service Eligibility
 Indicate all civil service eligibilities earned with corresponding rating, date
and place of examination /conferment.
Career service sub-professional EO132/790 - Veteran Prefernce Rating
Career service professional PD 907 - Honor Graduate
Career service executive RA 7883 - Barangay Health Worker
Stenographer PD 997 - Scientific and Techonological
CSC Res. #93-3666 - Barangay Official
 If earned eligibility entails a license (RA 1080), indicate the license number
and its date of release.
V. Work Experience
 Indicate all positions held both in the public and private employment
starting from current work.
 Inclusive dates are indicated in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy)
 Indicate FULL position titles and COMPLETE NAME of
 Indicate monthly salary in figures (e.g. P21,877)
 Salary grade and step increment is stated in the format 00-0 (e.g. 24-2
for salary grade 24, step increment 2).
 Indicate status of employment (i.e., permanent, temporary, casual,
 Indicate yes under government service if position held is in the public or
government employment or no if held in the private employment.
VI. Voluntary Work or involvement in civic/non-
government/people/voluntary organizations
 Indicate the FULL name and address of the organization where involved
as voluntary worker.
 Inclusive dates, start (from) and end (to) shall be in numeric form
 Indicate the number of hours of voluntary work rendered.
 Indicate the position /nature of voluntary work rendered.
I. VII. Training Programs
 Indicate FULL titles of seminars, conferences, workshops and short
courses attended during employment. Indicate list from the most recent
 Inclusive dates of attendance, start (from) and end (to) shall be in numeric
form (mm/dd/yyyy).
 Indicate the number of hours attended for program
 Indicate the FULL name of institution/agency that conducted or sponsored
the program. Do not use abbreviation (e.g. CSC should be Civil Service
VIII. Other Information
 Indicate special skills/hobbies
 Indicate in FULL non-academic distinctions/recognition (awards received)
 Indicate membership in any professional association/organization by
writing in FULL said association/organization.
#s 36-41
 Indicate response to questions 36 to 41 on the right side of the sheet.
 Give details or specifications for any yes response.
 Indicate the FULL name of references with the format SURNAME, FIRST
NAME MI, their addresses and respective telephone numbers
 As agreement to #43 and for completion of the PDS, indicate the
employees signature and right thumb mark in the boxes provided. Also
indicate the community tax certificate number, date and place of issuance
in the boxes provided. Lastly, attach a RECENT PASSPORT SIZE picture
with the name and signature affixed at the back and must be taken within
the last 6 months. Computer generated or photocopied/xeroxed picture is
not acceptable.

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Guideline pds

  • 1. GUIDE TO FILLING UP THE PERSONAL DATA SHEET Please fill up each of the fields in the PDS when applicable. Note: CSC ID No. is a systems-generated number to be filled by up the CSC-CO personnel. Do not fill up this field. Write name of the employee at the lower right end of every page of the PDS. Print entries in the PDS using black ink ballpen only. Do not use sign pen. All information should be provided accurately as it will be the permanent record in the CSC Personnel Information Database. Do not leave blank entries. Put N/A for not applicable. I. Personal Information Employees name is to be filled up in the form: surname, first name and middle name where a space is allotted for each character or letter in the name. Dates are in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy) Specifics should be given to Others response in the civil status field. Agency employee number refers to employee ID number in the current agency. II. Family Background Names of spouse and parents are to be filled up in the form: surname, first name and middle name. Mothers name is her maiden name, that is, when she was single or before marriage. List full names (first and surname) of ALL your children. Date of birth is in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy) III. Educational Background Indicate FULL name of schools. Indicate in FULL all courses taken in college (e.g. ASSO. IN ARTS, AB ECONOMICS, BS PSYCHOLOGY, MA IN HISTORY). Indicate all masters or doctorate courses taken. If graduated for every level, indicate year of graduation.
  • 2. If not graduated in any level, indicate the highest grade, level or units earned. Inclusive dates of attendance are stated in schoolyears. Indicate any scholarship and/or academic honors received in each level. IV. Civil Service Eligibility Indicate all civil service eligibilities earned with corresponding rating, date and place of examination /conferment. Example: Career service sub-professional EO132/790 - Veteran Prefernce Rating Career service professional PD 907 - Honor Graduate Career service executive RA 7883 - Barangay Health Worker Stenographer PD 997 - Scientific and Techonological Specialist CSC Res. #93-3666 - Barangay Official If earned eligibility entails a license (RA 1080), indicate the license number and its date of release. V. Work Experience Indicate all positions held both in the public and private employment starting from current work. Inclusive dates are indicated in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy) Indicate FULL position titles and COMPLETE NAME of department/agency/office/company. Indicate monthly salary in figures (e.g. P21,877) Salary grade and step increment is stated in the format 00-0 (e.g. 24-2 for salary grade 24, step increment 2). Indicate status of employment (i.e., permanent, temporary, casual, contractual) Indicate yes under government service if position held is in the public or government employment or no if held in the private employment. VI. Voluntary Work or involvement in civic/non- government/people/voluntary organizations Indicate the FULL name and address of the organization where involved as voluntary worker. Inclusive dates, start (from) and end (to) shall be in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy)
  • 3. Indicate the number of hours of voluntary work rendered. Indicate the position /nature of voluntary work rendered. I. VII. Training Programs Indicate FULL titles of seminars, conferences, workshops and short courses attended during employment. Indicate list from the most recent training. Inclusive dates of attendance, start (from) and end (to) shall be in numeric form (mm/dd/yyyy). Indicate the number of hours attended for program Indicate the FULL name of institution/agency that conducted or sponsored the program. Do not use abbreviation (e.g. CSC should be Civil Service Commission). VIII. Other Information Indicate special skills/hobbies Indicate in FULL non-academic distinctions/recognition (awards received) Indicate membership in any professional association/organization by writing in FULL said association/organization. #s 36-41 Indicate response to questions 36 to 41 on the right side of the sheet. Give details or specifications for any yes response. #42 Indicate the FULL name of references with the format SURNAME, FIRST NAME MI, their addresses and respective telephone numbers #43 As agreement to #43 and for completion of the PDS, indicate the employees signature and right thumb mark in the boxes provided. Also indicate the community tax certificate number, date and place of issuance in the boxes provided. Lastly, attach a RECENT PASSPORT SIZE picture with the name and signature affixed at the back and must be taken within the last 6 months. Computer generated or photocopied/xeroxed picture is not acceptable.