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Victor Molev  was born in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) in 1955.He graduated from architecture faculty in 1976 and has worked as an architect and theatre set painter.  He immigrated to Israel in 1990. Victor was a member of the association of artist and sculptors in Israel. He is painter and graphic artist. He had participated in numerous exhibitions (both solo and general) in Russia, Europe and Israel. His works can be found in private collections throughout Europe, United States, Canada and Israel. In august 2006 He immigrated to Canada. Up to day he lives in Richmond Hill, Ontario.  Victor Molev  1955-ben Nyizsnyij Novgorodban, Oroszorsz叩gban sz端letett. p鱈t辿szm辿rn旦ki diplom叩j叩t 1976-ban megszerezve 辿p鱈t辿szk辿nt 辿s sz鱈nh叩zi festk辿nt dolgozott. 1990-ben Izraelbe emigr叩lt, ahol a m撤v辿sz 辿s szobr叩szok sz旦vets辿g辿ben tev辿kenykedett, mint fest 辿s grafikus. M叩r Oroszorsz叩gban is r辿szt vett sz叩mos egy辿ni 辿s 叩ltal叩nos ki叩ll鱈t叩son, de kiv叩ndorl叩s叩t k旦veten alkot叩sait Eur坦p叩ban 辿s Izraelben is megismerhett辿k. M撤vei megtal叩lhat坦k szerte Eur坦p叩ban, az Egyes端lt llamok, Kanada 辿s Izrael mag叩ngy撤jtem辿nyeiben. 2006 augusztus叩ban Kanad叩ba k旦lt旦z旦tt, jelenleg Richmond Hill, Ontario 叩llamban 辿l.
Mona Lisa
Elvis Presley
John   Lennon
Paul Mc Cathey
George  Harrison
J im Morison
Roger Waters
Magic forest
V. Vysotski
M.   Escher
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Victor Molev

  • 1.
  • 3. Victor Molev was born in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia) in 1955.He graduated from architecture faculty in 1976 and has worked as an architect and theatre set painter. He immigrated to Israel in 1990. Victor was a member of the association of artist and sculptors in Israel. He is painter and graphic artist. He had participated in numerous exhibitions (both solo and general) in Russia, Europe and Israel. His works can be found in private collections throughout Europe, United States, Canada and Israel. In august 2006 He immigrated to Canada. Up to day he lives in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Victor Molev 1955-ben Nyizsnyij Novgorodban, Oroszorsz叩gban sz端letett. p鱈t辿szm辿rn旦ki diplom叩j叩t 1976-ban megszerezve 辿p鱈t辿szk辿nt 辿s sz鱈nh叩zi festk辿nt dolgozott. 1990-ben Izraelbe emigr叩lt, ahol a m撤v辿sz 辿s szobr叩szok sz旦vets辿g辿ben tev辿kenykedett, mint fest 辿s grafikus. M叩r Oroszorsz叩gban is r辿szt vett sz叩mos egy辿ni 辿s 叩ltal叩nos ki叩ll鱈t叩son, de kiv叩ndorl叩s叩t k旦veten alkot叩sait Eur坦p叩ban 辿s Izraelben is megismerhett辿k. M撤vei megtal叩lhat坦k szerte Eur坦p叩ban, az Egyes端lt llamok, Kanada 辿s Izrael mag叩ngy撤jtem辿nyeiben. 2006 augusztus叩ban Kanad叩ba k旦lt旦z旦tt, jelenleg Richmond Hill, Ontario 叩llamban 辿l.
  • 6. John Lennon
  • 16. M. Escher