Sessi坦 2 grup de treball per a lelaboraci坦 de materials llengua anglesa educ...Joe Planas
Presentaci坦 de la segona sessi坦 del grup de treball per elaborar materials de llengua anglesa a l'educaci坦 d'adults.
Metodologia i perfil de l'alumnat adult.
unitat didctica del projecte transversal IGD 4 Teens. mbits de llengua anglesa, medi, digital, aprendre a aprendre i autonomia iniciativa personal i emprenedoria
Practical uses of mobile technologies pptMagda Ventura
The document lists various digital tools that can be used in the classroom including apps for creating flashcards, 4D animations, mind maps, puzzles and games. It also mentions websites for making collaborative boards, quizzes and discussions as well as using QR codes and animated stories. These tools provide new opportunities for interactive learning activities on mobile devices and online platforms.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create and share slideshow presentations online.
unitat didctica del projecte transversal IGD 4 Teens. mbits de llengua anglesa, medi, digital, aprendre a aprendre i autonomia iniciativa personal i emprenedoria
Practical uses of mobile technologies pptMagda Ventura
The document lists various digital tools that can be used in the classroom including apps for creating flashcards, 4D animations, mind maps, puzzles and games. It also mentions websites for making collaborative boards, quizzes and discussions as well as using QR codes and animated stories. These tools provide new opportunities for interactive learning activities on mobile devices and online platforms.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In a single sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create and share slideshow presentations online.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on 際際滷Share by stating it provides inspiration and allows users to get started making their own presentations. It encourages the reader to create presentations on the Haiku Deck platform hosted on 際際滷Share.
This document provides information about various aspects of Spanish culture, including common dishes like paella and cal巽ots, iconic landmarks like the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, popular areas like Las Ramblas, the important port of Barcelona, traditions like Seville's April Fair, and the celebration of St. George's Day with roses and books in Catalonia. It outlines both famous destinations and customs across different regions of Spain.
Power point benvinguda comenius 2012 (1) (1)Magda Ventura
The document summarizes information about the Sant Llu鱈s de Pla i Amell-Bosch school in Begues, Barcelona. It describes the school's location near a beach and mountains. It provides details about the school's founding in 1925 and daily schedule. Extracurricular activities are mentioned like trips, cultural weeks, and fundraising for children in Colombia and Venezuela.
Power point benvinguda comenius 2012 (1) (1)Magda Ventura
1. CLIL - Content and
Language Integrated
2. Beneficis del CLIL
1. Habilitats comunicatives.
2. Interesos i actituds interculturals.
3. La motivaci坦 i la confian巽a amb la llengua estrangera.
4. Diverses perspectives a lhora destudiar un contingut.
A m辿s a m辿s:
- No cal fer m辿s hores de classe.
- Complementa altres assignatures.
4. Contingut
Activitats per presentar contingut
-Preguntar que volen saber.
- Diamond 9
- Presentar paraules i els alumnes han de suposar el tema.
- Identificar paraules a trav辿s de les s鱈l揃labes.
9. Cognici坦
A partir de la Taxonomia de Bloom
Fer pr嘆pia definici坦
Fat questions i skinny questions.
Dictat en parelles.
10. Taxonomia de Bloom
Recordar: recon竪ixer, llistar, descriure, identificar, recuperar, anomenar, localitzar i trobar.
Entendre: interpretar, resumir, inferir, parafrasejar, classificar, comparar, explicar i exemplificar.
Aplicar: implementar, desenvolupar, utilitzar i executar
Analitzar: organitzar, desconstruir, atribuir, trobar, estructurar i integrar.
Avaluar: revisar, formular hip嘆tesis, criticar, experimentar, jutjar, detectar i provar.
Crear : dissenyar, construir, planificar, produir, idear i elaborar
11. Eines per fer un text m辿s accessible
Diagrama de Venn
Grfic (de barres, circular, lineal)
Esquema Causa Efecte
Cercle de fets
Mapa conceptual
Diagrama en arbre
14. Comunicaci坦
BICS: Habilitats que necessitem quan interactuem amb altres persones a nivell social. NO
llenguatge espec鱈fic.
CALP: Llenguatge que necessitem per parlar sobre un tema acad竪mic.
Shan de tenir en compte els dos.
15. Comunitat
Apropar els alumnes a altres comunitats i apropar altres comunitats als alumnes.
- Convidant gent que parli la llengua que fem servir a laula.
- Interactuant amb altres escoles.
- Interactuant amb altres grups.
- Escrivint un blog escolar.
16. Compet竪ncia i avaluaci坦
Language 20%
Content 80%.
- Deixen clar el que esperem dels alumnes.
- s un diagrama molt fcil dentendre.
- Motiva als alumnes ja que els dirigeix.
- Incrementa lautonom鱈a del alumne.