
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
M&E油Consultant油 油 Cundall油Johnston油
Main油Contractor油 油 Trinity油Environmental油Services油Limited油
Value油M&E油Works油 油 贈2,000,000油
Duration油 油 January油2011油油June油2011油(6months)油
Contract油Type油 油 JCT油05油Design油and油Build油
Trinity油completed this油prestigious油贈2million油JP油Morgan油
crane油 lifts油 over油 circa油 8油 weekends.油 Preconstruction油
The油 works油 involved油 the油 replacement油 of油 the油 existing油
four油 roof油 mounted油 chillers油 in油 a油 phased油 manner油 with油
four油 new油 units油 and油 associated油 electrical油 supply油
installations,油 relocation油 of油 existing油 roof油 plant油 and油
equipment油 to油 facilitate油 the油 new油 and油 revised油 chiller油
The油 new油 chiller油 load油 was油 to油 provide油 3No.油 chiller油
machines油 each油 rated油 at油 nominally油 1,568kW油 +油 1No.油
standby油 machine油 rated油 at油 1,568kW油 providing油 N1油
The油 critical油 parts油 of油 these油 works油 were油 the油 logistics油
critical油 item油 of油 works油 was油 rerouting油 and油 diversion油 of油
existing油 live油 critical油 mechanical油 and油 electrical油 services油
whilst油 maintaining油 operation油 of油 the油 building油 and油 the油
As油 main油 contractor油 on油 this油 project油 Trinity also油
incorporated油 within油 our油 works油 the油 required油 builders油
work,油 steel油 work,油 visual油 and油 acoustic油 screens,油
scaffolding油 and油 craneage.油 With油 these油 elements油 of油
During油 the油 whole油 of油 the油 works油 Trinity油 worked油 very油
maintenance油 team油 to油 ensure油 scheme油 was油 developed油
ensured油 that油 the油 project油 was油 delivered油 on油 time油 and油

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  • 1. MATTHEW油WARR油PROFESSIONAL油PORTFOLIO PROJECT油OVERVIEW油No.5油 RESUME/PORTFOLIO |油CONFIDENTIAL油 油 油 油 Project油Title油 油 J油P油MORGAN油CHASE油油ALDERMANBURY油 Client油 油 J油P油MORGAN油CHASE油 M&E油Consultant油 油 Cundall油Johnston油 Main油Contractor油 油 Trinity油Environmental油Services油Limited油 Value油M&E油Works油 油 贈2,000,000油 Duration油 油 January油2011油油June油2011油(6months)油 Contract油Type油 油 JCT油05油Design油and油Build油 Trinity油completed this油prestigious油贈2million油JP油Morgan油 plant油replacement油project油in油September油11.油Acting油as油 the油main油contractor,油the油works油involve油extensive油heavy油 crane油 lifts油 over油 circa油 8油 weekends.油 Preconstruction油 activities/indepth油surveys,油validations油and油conditional油 reports.油油 油 The油 works油 involved油 the油 replacement油 of油 the油 existing油 four油 roof油 mounted油 chillers油 in油 a油 phased油 manner油 with油 four油 new油 units油 and油 associated油 electrical油 supply油 installations,油 relocation油 of油 existing油 roof油 plant油 and油 equipment油 to油 facilitate油 the油 new油 and油 revised油 chiller油 gantry油locations,油modification油to油existing油lighting,油small油 power,油fire油alarm油and油security油system油services,油test油and油 commission油all油works.油 The油 new油 chiller油 load油 was油 to油 provide油 3No.油 chiller油 machines油 each油 rated油 at油 nominally油 1,568kW油 +油 1No.油 standby油 machine油 rated油 at油 1,568kW油 providing油 N1油 resilience油each油chiller油was油supplied油with油two油harmonic油 filter油units.油 油 The油 critical油 parts油 of油 these油 works油 were油 the油 logistics油 regarding油the油craneage油of油materials/plant油etc.油on油and油 off油the油roof.油Due油to油road油closures油this油had油to油be油pre booked油and油schedule油68weeks油in油advance.油The油other油 critical油 item油 of油 works油 was油 rerouting油 and油 diversion油 of油 existing油 live油 critical油 mechanical油 and油 electrical油 services油 whilst油 maintaining油 operation油 of油 the油 building油 and油 the油 services油retaining油downtime油to油an油absolute油minimum.油 As油 main油 contractor油 on油 this油 project油 Trinity also油 incorporated油 within油 our油 works油 the油 required油 builders油 work,油 steel油 work,油 visual油 and油 acoustic油 screens,油 scaffolding油 and油 craneage.油 With油 these油 elements油 of油 works油also油came油the油responsibility油of油Health油&油Safety.油 油 During油 the油 whole油 of油 the油 works油 Trinity油 worked油 very油 closely油with油the油clients油team,油consultants油and油in油house油 maintenance油 team油 to油 ensure油 scheme油 was油 developed油 to油provide油sufficient油access油for油maintenance.油This油also油 ensured油 that油 the油 project油 was油 delivered油 on油 time油 and油 without油any油major油issues油or油instances.油