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Unofficial Transcript
Name: Megan Nicole Luft
Student ID: 2001811
Institution Info: Capella University
225 South 6th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Birthdate: 08/25
Student Address: 239 Ringneck Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Print Date: 02/03/2016
Degrees Awarded
Master of Science
MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Sub-Plan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Confer Date: 03/31/2014
Degree GPA: 3.333
Beginning of Graduate Record
Fall Quarter 2012
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 5001 Introduction to Higher
4.000 4.000 A 16.000
ED 5006 Survey of Research
4.000 4.000 B 12.000
Term GPA 3.500 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000
Cum GPA 3.500 Cum Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000
Winter Quarter 2013
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 5012 Overview of Higher Education 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
ED 5016 Foundations of Higher
Education Assessment and
4.000 4.000 B 12.000
Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.250 Cum Totals 16.000 16.000 52.000
Spring Quarter 2013
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 5570 History, Issues, and Trends in
Higher Education
4.000 4.000 B 12.000
ED 5572 Politics and Public Policy in
Higher Education
4.000 4.000 A 16.000
Term GPA 3.500 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000
Cum GPA 3.333 Cum Totals 24.000 24.000 80.000
Summer Quarter 2013
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 7540 Leadership in Higher Education 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
ED 7834 Higher Education and the Law 4.000 4.000 B 12.000
Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.250 Cum Totals 32.000 32.000 104.000
Fall Quarter 2013
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 5574 Financial Management and
Institutional Development
4.000 4.000 A 16.000
ED 6572 Organization and Functions of
Higher Education Programs
4.000 4.000 A 16.000
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Unofficial Transcript
Name: Megan Nicole Luft
Student ID: 2001811
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 32.000
Cum GPA 3.400 Cum Totals 40.000 40.000 136.000
Winter Quarter 2014
Program: MS in Higher Education
Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration
Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
ED 5890 Higher Education Leadership
and Administration Capstone
4.000 4.000 B 12.000
ED 7855 Higher Education
4.000 4.000 B 12.000
Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.333 Cum Totals 48.000 48.000 160.000
Summer Quarter 2014
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8300 Leadership through Personal
and Professional Development
6.000 6.000 A 24.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.407 Cum Totals 54.000 54.000 184.000
Winter Quarter 2015
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8302 Becoming a Critical Consumer
of Action Research
6.000 6.000 A 24.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.467 Cum Totals 60.000 60.000 208.000
Spring Quarter 2015
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8304 The How-To of Becoming an
Action Researcher
6.000 6.000 A 24.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.515 Cum Totals 66.000 66.000 232.000
Summer Quarter 2015
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8306 Systems and Theories of
Organizational Dynamics and
6.000 6.000 A 24.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.556 Cum Totals 72.000 72.000 256.000
Fall Quarter 2015
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8320 Collaboration in Leading and
Managing a Culture of Learning
6.000 6.000 A 24.000
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
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Unofficial Transcript
Name: Megan Nicole Luft
Student ID: 2001811
Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000
Winter Quarter 2016
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8322 Leading and Managing Change 6.000 0.000 0.000
Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000
Spring Quarter 2016
Program: Doctor of Education
Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
EDD 8324 Leading and Managing the
Application of Organizational
6.000 0.000 0.000
Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000
Academic Program Summary
Graduate Career Totals
Attempted Earned Points
Cum GPA: 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000
End of Unofficial Transcript

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Megan Luft Masters and EdD Transcripts Feb 2016

  • 1. Page 1 of 3 Unofficial Transcript Name: Megan Nicole Luft Student ID: 2001811 Institution Info: Capella University 225 South 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Birthdate: 08/25 Student Address: 239 Ringneck Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112 Print Date: 02/03/2016 Degrees Awarded Degree: Program: Master of Science MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Sub-Plan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Confer Date: 03/31/2014 Degree GPA: 3.333 Beginning of Graduate Record Fall Quarter 2012 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 5001 Introduction to Higher Education 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 ED 5006 Survey of Research Methodology 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Term GPA 3.500 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000 Cum GPA 3.500 Cum Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000 Winter Quarter 2013 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 5012 Overview of Higher Education 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 ED 5016 Foundations of Higher Education Assessment and Evaluation 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.250 Cum Totals 16.000 16.000 52.000 Spring Quarter 2013 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 5570 History, Issues, and Trends in Higher Education 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 ED 5572 Politics and Public Policy in Higher Education 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 Term GPA 3.500 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 28.000 Cum GPA 3.333 Cum Totals 24.000 24.000 80.000 Summer Quarter 2013 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 7540 Leadership in Higher Education 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 ED 7834 Higher Education and the Law 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.250 Cum Totals 32.000 32.000 104.000 Fall Quarter 2013 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 5574 Financial Management and Institutional Development 4.000 4.000 A 16.000 ED 6572 Organization and Functions of Higher Education Programs 4.000 4.000 A 16.000
  • 2. Page 2 of 3 Unofficial Transcript Name: Megan Nicole Luft Student ID: 2001811 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 32.000 Cum GPA 3.400 Cum Totals 40.000 40.000 136.000 Winter Quarter 2014 Program: MS in Higher Education Plan: Specialization in Higher Education Leadership and Administration Subplan: Emphasis in Higher Education Program Administration Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points ED 5890 Higher Education Leadership and Administration Capstone 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 ED 7855 Higher Education Administration 4.000 4.000 B 12.000 Term GPA 3.000 Term Totals 8.000 8.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.333 Cum Totals 48.000 48.000 160.000 Summer Quarter 2014 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8300 Leadership through Personal and Professional Development 6.000 6.000 A 24.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.407 Cum Totals 54.000 54.000 184.000 Winter Quarter 2015 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8302 Becoming a Critical Consumer of Action Research 6.000 6.000 A 24.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.467 Cum Totals 60.000 60.000 208.000 Spring Quarter 2015 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8304 The How-To of Becoming an Action Researcher 6.000 6.000 A 24.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.515 Cum Totals 66.000 66.000 232.000 Summer Quarter 2015 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8306 Systems and Theories of Organizational Dynamics and Change 6.000 6.000 A 24.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000 Cum GPA 3.556 Cum Totals 72.000 72.000 256.000 Fall Quarter 2015 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8320 Collaboration in Leading and Managing a Culture of Learning 6.000 6.000 A 24.000 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 24.000
  • 3. Page 3 of 3 Unofficial Transcript Name: Megan Nicole Luft Student ID: 2001811 Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000 Winter Quarter 2016 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8322 Leading and Managing Change 6.000 0.000 0.000 Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000 Spring Quarter 2016 Program: Doctor of Education Plan: Specialization in Educational Leadership and Management Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points EDD 8324 Leading and Managing the Application of Organizational Theory 6.000 0.000 0.000 Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 0.000 0.000 0.000 Cum GPA 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000 Academic Program Summary Graduate Career Totals Attempted Earned Points Cum GPA: 3.590 Cum Totals 78.000 78.000 280.000 End of Unofficial Transcript