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Philosophy for Dummies Reading Guide, Chapter 7 p. 1

Name:                                 Due Date:                                      Block:
Philosophy for Dummies by Tom Morris, Reading Guide
Please write your answers clearly. Have this waiting on the top left corner of your desk the day it is due. When this is
returned, put it in your notebook under ¡°reading guide¡± in proper page order.
Chapter 7
    1. What is noncognitivism.

    2. Give an example of a noncognitivist statement (same as boo/yay). Any statement.

    3. What are the two problems with noncognitivism?

    4. What is ethical subjectivism?

    5. If a person is an ethical subjectivist, what does it really mean if that person says, ¡°Eating meat is morally wrong¡±?

    6. What are two problems with ethical subjectivism?

    7. What is moral objectivism?

    8. What does the ethical skeptic say?

    9. What principle can we use to answer the ethical skeptic?

    10. Finish this statement from the book: In every case, the ___________________ thing does successfully what it
        ______________________________________________. It hits its target, serves its _________________, and
        fulfills its ________________________________.

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  • 1. Philosophy for Dummies Reading Guide, Chapter 7 p. 1 Name: Due Date: Block: Philosophy for Dummies by Tom Morris, Reading Guide Please write your answers clearly. Have this waiting on the top left corner of your desk the day it is due. When this is returned, put it in your notebook under ¡°reading guide¡± in proper page order. ? Chapter 7 1. What is noncognitivism. 2. Give an example of a noncognitivist statement (same as boo/yay). Any statement. 3. What are the two problems with noncognitivism? 4. What is ethical subjectivism? 5. If a person is an ethical subjectivist, what does it really mean if that person says, ¡°Eating meat is morally wrong¡±? 6. What are two problems with ethical subjectivism? 7. What is moral objectivism? 8. What does the ethical skeptic say? 9. What principle can we use to answer the ethical skeptic? 10. Finish this statement from the book: In every case, the ___________________ thing does successfully what it ______________________________________________. It hits its target, serves its _________________, and fulfills its ________________________________.