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1. The Quran
       a. Quran basics
                i. Literally means reading or recitation
               ii. Muslims believe it is a recitation of an eternal Scripture written in heaven and
                   revealed, chapter by chapter, to Muhammad
              iii. Title may also reflect the words of the first surah or chapter to be revealed
                   which says, Recite: in the name of the Lord who created.
       b. Influence
                i. Memorized
               ii. Thought to be actually the word of God
                        1. Eternal
                        2. Absolute
                        3. Irrevocable
                        4. Gods last word/message to humanity
                                a. Muhammad was only a loudspeaker for Allah
                                b. Quran has been transmitted unchanged since Muhammads
              iii. Recitation of Quran important
                        1. Ritual act
                        2. Source of Allahs blessing because it reproduces his divine speech
                        3. Power of words is in Arabic, not in translations
                        4. When you might hear/read the Quran
                                a. First words a child hears upon birth
                                b. Inscribed on the walls of Muslim homes for decorations
                                c. Often the last words a person hears before death
                        5. Supreme act of piety is to memorize the entire Quran. If you do this,
                            you will be given a special title of hafiz.
              iv. What is in the Quran
                        1. The exact words of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad, from the time of
                            the first revelation to the end of Muhammads life
                                a. Muhammad was illiterate, so he memorized the messages and
                                     passed them on to his secretary Zayd who wrote them on
                                     leaves, stones, bones or parchment
                                b. The third spiritual leader (caliph) after Muhammads death
                                     (Uthman) collected all of the writings of the Quran and
                                     developed an official version
                        2. Organization
                                a. 114 chapters called surahs
                                b. Organized according to length of the surah, in descending order
                                           i. Neither topical nor chronological
                                          ii. Can be confusing for the non-Muslim
2. The Nature of God
a. One sovereign God of the entire universe
       b. God expects people to say There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the messenger of
            Allah each day
       c. Allah is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent creator of the universe
       d. Allah will repay evil with justice and righteousness with mercy
       e. Names of Allah
                  i. Ninety-nine, including
                          1. The Holy One
                          2. The Merciful
                          3. The Compassionate
                          4. The Guardian
                          5. The Creator
                 ii. Muslims repeat the names of God
       f. Allah is aided by other heavenly figures
                  i. Angels act as messengers
                 ii. Warriors fight at the side of believers against infidels
                iii. Jinn
                          1. Creation halfway between humans and angels
                          2. Created of fire
                          3. Some are like guardian angels (they are Muslim)
                          4. Some are like demons (they are unbelievers)
                          5. Leader of the evil jinn is a fallen angel called Iblis
                                   a. Iblis acts like Satan in the book of Job
                                   b. Iblis acts as a tempter and prosecuting attorney against
3. Eschatology (end of the world)
       a. Judgment of Allah at the end of the world is a basic belief of Islam
       b. When a person dies, the body remains on earth and the soul goes into a state of sleep
            until the judgment day
       c. On the judgment day, an angel will sound a trumpet, the earth will split, and the bodies
            will rejoin their souls
       d. All people will be judged on a record of their deeds
                  i. The faithful will be rewarded
                 ii. The evil will be punished
       e. Heaven is a beautiful garden with flowing water and shade
       f. Righteous are fed wine (normally forbidden to Muslims) that does not disturb the
            senses and does not leave the drinker with a hangover
       g. Hell is a place with scalding winds, black smoke, and brackish water
4. Five pillars
       a. Repetition of the creed/confession
                  i. There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
                 ii. Known as the Shahadah
b. Daily prayer
          i. Salaht
         ii. Pray five times per day
                  1. Dawn
                  2. Midday
                  3. Midafternoon
                  4. Sunset
                  5. Nightfall
       iii. Must wash hands, feet and face before prayer
        iv. Pray toward Mecca
         v. Men and women pray separately
c. Almsgiving
          i. Zakaht
         ii. Obligatory  you must do this!
       iii. Between 2.5  10% of your wealth
        iv. Given to the poor, widows, orphans, or religious institutions, scholars or
d. Fasting
          i. Sawm
         ii. Ramadan
       iii. No eating, drinking, smoking, during daylight for the month of Ramadan
        iv. People who are excused are the old, travelers, nursing mothers and small
e. Pilgrimage
          i. Hajj
         ii. To Mecca
       iii. Trip must be made once in a lifetime
        iv. Trip taken during Dhu al-Hijah (special month in the Muslim calendar)
         v. Visitors go to the Zamzam well (well established by Hagar and Ishmael)
        vi. Make seven trips around the Kaba and kiss the black sacred stone
       vii. Offer a sacrifice of sheep or goat on the tenth day of Hajj to commemorate
             Abrahams willingness to sacrifice his own son
      viii. One who has completed the Hajj may add the title haji to his name

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Islam notes outline basics

  • 1. 1. The Quran a. Quran basics i. Literally means reading or recitation ii. Muslims believe it is a recitation of an eternal Scripture written in heaven and revealed, chapter by chapter, to Muhammad iii. Title may also reflect the words of the first surah or chapter to be revealed which says, Recite: in the name of the Lord who created. b. Influence i. Memorized ii. Thought to be actually the word of God 1. Eternal 2. Absolute 3. Irrevocable 4. Gods last word/message to humanity a. Muhammad was only a loudspeaker for Allah b. Quran has been transmitted unchanged since Muhammads time iii. Recitation of Quran important 1. Ritual act 2. Source of Allahs blessing because it reproduces his divine speech 3. Power of words is in Arabic, not in translations 4. When you might hear/read the Quran a. First words a child hears upon birth b. Inscribed on the walls of Muslim homes for decorations c. Often the last words a person hears before death 5. Supreme act of piety is to memorize the entire Quran. If you do this, you will be given a special title of hafiz. iv. What is in the Quran 1. The exact words of Allah to the Prophet Muhammad, from the time of the first revelation to the end of Muhammads life a. Muhammad was illiterate, so he memorized the messages and passed them on to his secretary Zayd who wrote them on leaves, stones, bones or parchment b. The third spiritual leader (caliph) after Muhammads death (Uthman) collected all of the writings of the Quran and developed an official version 2. Organization a. 114 chapters called surahs b. Organized according to length of the surah, in descending order i. Neither topical nor chronological ii. Can be confusing for the non-Muslim 2. The Nature of God
  • 2. a. One sovereign God of the entire universe b. God expects people to say There is no God but Allah Muhammad is the messenger of Allah each day c. Allah is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent creator of the universe d. Allah will repay evil with justice and righteousness with mercy e. Names of Allah i. Ninety-nine, including 1. The Holy One 2. The Merciful 3. The Compassionate 4. The Guardian 5. The Creator ii. Muslims repeat the names of God f. Allah is aided by other heavenly figures i. Angels act as messengers ii. Warriors fight at the side of believers against infidels iii. Jinn 1. Creation halfway between humans and angels 2. Created of fire 3. Some are like guardian angels (they are Muslim) 4. Some are like demons (they are unbelievers) 5. Leader of the evil jinn is a fallen angel called Iblis a. Iblis acts like Satan in the book of Job b. Iblis acts as a tempter and prosecuting attorney against mankind 3. Eschatology (end of the world) a. Judgment of Allah at the end of the world is a basic belief of Islam b. When a person dies, the body remains on earth and the soul goes into a state of sleep until the judgment day c. On the judgment day, an angel will sound a trumpet, the earth will split, and the bodies will rejoin their souls d. All people will be judged on a record of their deeds i. The faithful will be rewarded ii. The evil will be punished e. Heaven is a beautiful garden with flowing water and shade f. Righteous are fed wine (normally forbidden to Muslims) that does not disturb the senses and does not leave the drinker with a hangover g. Hell is a place with scalding winds, black smoke, and brackish water 4. Five pillars a. Repetition of the creed/confession i. There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah ii. Known as the Shahadah
  • 3. b. Daily prayer i. Salaht ii. Pray five times per day 1. Dawn 2. Midday 3. Midafternoon 4. Sunset 5. Nightfall iii. Must wash hands, feet and face before prayer iv. Pray toward Mecca v. Men and women pray separately c. Almsgiving i. Zakaht ii. Obligatory you must do this! iii. Between 2.5 10% of your wealth iv. Given to the poor, widows, orphans, or religious institutions, scholars or students d. Fasting i. Sawm ii. Ramadan iii. No eating, drinking, smoking, during daylight for the month of Ramadan iv. People who are excused are the old, travelers, nursing mothers and small children e. Pilgrimage i. Hajj ii. To Mecca iii. Trip must be made once in a lifetime iv. Trip taken during Dhu al-Hijah (special month in the Muslim calendar) v. Visitors go to the Zamzam well (well established by Hagar and Ishmael) vi. Make seven trips around the Kaba and kiss the black sacred stone vii. Offer a sacrifice of sheep or goat on the tenth day of Hajj to commemorate Abrahams willingness to sacrifice his own son viii. One who has completed the Hajj may add the title haji to his name