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Quality Management Gurus
Who was W. Edwards Deming
Dr. W. Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese post-war industrial revival
and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States. He passed on in
His expertise was used during World War II to assist the United States in its effort to improve
the quality of war materials
-He got his PHD in the states in physics and math's
-Get his first employment chance in an electricity company in Chicago
-He taught physics , mathematics , statistics and quality in Japan .
* Deming is best known for his management philosophy , establishing quality , productivity
and competitive position
Deming focus on 5 ideas :
1. Statistical process controlling (SPC)
2. Deming philosophy
3. Deming 14 points
4. Deming Cycle (for continuous improvements)
5. Seven deadly diseases of quality
Statistical process controlling: its a process which aims at achieving good quality during
manufacture through prevention rather than detection .
It is concerned with controlling the process (machine) which make the product through
inspecting the machine rather than the product itself.
For example why the salesman cant sell the same amount every month ?
SPC will answer this question by discovering and analyzing these items
Deming's cycle
Who was Joseph Juran?
Joseph Juran is an internationally acclaimed quality guru, similar to Edwards
Deming, strongly influencing Japanese manufacturing practices. Joseph Jurans
belief that quality does not happen by accident gave rise to the quality trilogy
Juran views quality as fitness for use.
Juran Trilogy is designed to reduce the cost of quality over time.
1. Determine internal & external customers.
2. Their needs are discovered.
3. Develop product / service features.
4. Develop the processes able to produce the product / service features.
5. Transfer plans to operations.
1. Determine items to be controlled.
2. Set goals for the controls.
3. Measure actual performance.
4. Compare actual performance to goals.
5. Act on the difference.
1. Establishment of quality council.
2. Identify the improvement projects.
3. Establish the project teams with a project leader.
4. Provide the team with the resources
1.9.TQM gurus.pdf
Who is Philip Crosby?
Known as The Fun Uncle of the Quality Revolution
*Where Phil Crosby excellence was in finding a terminology for quality that mere
mortals could understand. (Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran were the great brains of the
quality revolution)
*He popularized the idea of the "cost of poor quality", that is, figuring out how
much it really costs to do things badly
Kaoru Ishikawa
Kaoru Ishikawa was a Japanese professor and influential quality management innovator
best known in north America for the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram (also known as
fishbone diagram) that are used in the analysis of industrial process.
Quality Contribution:
User Friendly Quality Control
Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram - Ishikawa diagram
Implementation of Quality Circles
Emphasized the 'Internal Customer '
Shared Vision
Quality Contribution:
he was known for the use of the seven basic tools of quality:
Pareto analysis: which are the big problems?
Cause and effect diagrams: what causes the problems?
Stratification: how is the data made up?
Check sheets: how often it occurs or is done?
Histograms: what do overall variations look like?
Scatter charts: what are the relationships between factors?
Process control charts: which variations to control and how?
Ishikawa diagram
The Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause-and-effect diagram) are diagrams,
that shows the causes of a certain event. A common use of the Ishikawa diagram is in
product design. Also it reveals key relationships among various variables
Genichi Taguchi is an engineer and statistician. Taguchi developed a methodology for
applying statistics to improve the quality of manufactured goods. Taguchi methods have
been controversial among some conventional Western statisticians, but others have
accepted many of the concepts introduced by him as valid extensions to the body of
Taguchi Philosophy
3 stages in a products (or processs) development:
1) System design: uses scientific and engineering principles to
determine the basic configuration.
2) Parameter design: specific values for the system parameters are
3) Tolerance design: determine the best tolerances for the
Taguchi Philosophy
Recommends: statistical experimental design methods have to
be used for quality improvement, particularly during
parameter and tolerance design phases.
Key component: reduce the variability around the target
(nominal) value.
Points to be remember
Quality Gurus
Deming Wheel
Juran  Trilogy
Crossby  Quality Contribution
Ishikawa  cause and effect diagram or fish bone diagram
Taguchi -DoE

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  • 2. Who was W. Edwards Deming Dr. W. Edwards Deming is known as the father of the Japanese post-war industrial revival and was regarded by many as the leading quality guru in the United States. He passed on in 1993. His expertise was used during World War II to assist the United States in its effort to improve the quality of war materials -He got his PHD in the states in physics and math's -Get his first employment chance in an electricity company in Chicago -He taught physics , mathematics , statistics and quality in Japan . * Deming is best known for his management philosophy , establishing quality , productivity and competitive position
  • 3. Deming focus on 5 ideas : 1. Statistical process controlling (SPC) 2. Deming philosophy 3. Deming 14 points 4. Deming Cycle (for continuous improvements) 5. Seven deadly diseases of quality Statistical process controlling: its a process which aims at achieving good quality during manufacture through prevention rather than detection . It is concerned with controlling the process (machine) which make the product through inspecting the machine rather than the product itself. For example why the salesman cant sell the same amount every month ? SPC will answer this question by discovering and analyzing these items
  • 5. Who was Joseph Juran? Joseph Juran is an internationally acclaimed quality guru, similar to Edwards Deming, strongly influencing Japanese manufacturing practices. Joseph Jurans belief that quality does not happen by accident gave rise to the quality trilogy
  • 6. CONTRIBUTIONS OF JURAN: THE JURAN TRILOGY Juran views quality as fitness for use. Juran Trilogy is designed to reduce the cost of quality over time. 1. QUALITY PLANNING 1. Determine internal & external customers. 2. Their needs are discovered. 3. Develop product / service features. 4. Develop the processes able to produce the product / service features. 5. Transfer plans to operations. 2. QUALITY CONTROL 1. Determine items to be controlled. 2. Set goals for the controls. 3. Measure actual performance. 4. Compare actual performance to goals. 5. Act on the difference. 3. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 1. Establishment of quality council. 2. Identify the improvement projects. 3. Establish the project teams with a project leader. 4. Provide the team with the resources
  • 8. Who is Philip Crosby? Known as The Fun Uncle of the Quality Revolution *Where Phil Crosby excellence was in finding a terminology for quality that mere mortals could understand. (Dr. Deming and Dr. Juran were the great brains of the quality revolution) *He popularized the idea of the "cost of poor quality", that is, figuring out how much it really costs to do things badly
  • 9. Kaoru Ishikawa Kaoru Ishikawa was a Japanese professor and influential quality management innovator best known in north America for the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram (also known as fishbone diagram) that are used in the analysis of industrial process. Quality Contribution: User Friendly Quality Control Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram - Ishikawa diagram Implementation of Quality Circles Emphasized the 'Internal Customer ' Shared Vision
  • 10. Quality Contribution: he was known for the use of the seven basic tools of quality: Pareto analysis: which are the big problems? Cause and effect diagrams: what causes the problems? Stratification: how is the data made up? Check sheets: how often it occurs or is done? Histograms: what do overall variations look like? Scatter charts: what are the relationships between factors? Process control charts: which variations to control and how?
  • 11. Ishikawa diagram The Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram or also cause-and-effect diagram) are diagrams, that shows the causes of a certain event. A common use of the Ishikawa diagram is in product design. Also it reveals key relationships among various variables
  • 12. Taguchi Genichi Taguchi is an engineer and statistician. Taguchi developed a methodology for applying statistics to improve the quality of manufactured goods. Taguchi methods have been controversial among some conventional Western statisticians, but others have accepted many of the concepts introduced by him as valid extensions to the body of knowledge.
  • 13. Taguchi Philosophy 3 stages in a products (or processs) development: 1) System design: uses scientific and engineering principles to determine the basic configuration. 2) Parameter design: specific values for the system parameters are determined. 3) Tolerance design: determine the best tolerances for the parameters.
  • 14. Taguchi Philosophy Recommends: statistical experimental design methods have to be used for quality improvement, particularly during parameter and tolerance design phases. Key component: reduce the variability around the target (nominal) value.
  • 15. Points to be remember Quality Gurus Deming Wheel Juran Trilogy Crossby Quality Contribution Ishikawa cause and effect diagram or fish bone diagram Taguchi -DoE