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Name of Presenter: Sith Premashthira
Position: Senior Professional Veterinarian
Affiliation: Department of Livestock Development
Country Presentation
FMD Situation and its
Prevention & Control
Country name: Thailand
Number of FMD outbreaks in Thailand, 2021
0 0
No of Outbreaks
Type A
Type O
Not Type
 Total outbreak : 47 outbreaks in 18 provinces
 Type O : 14 outbreaks
 Type A : 12 outbreaks
 Not type : 13 outbreaks
 Not sample: 1 outbreak
 Pending : 7 outbreaks
Number of FMD outbreaks in Thailand, 2021
Type of animal Number of outbreaks Susceptible Number of sick Number of death
Dairy cattle 17 10,495 393 6
Beef cattle 29 2405 1,658 6
Buffalo 1 24 1 0
Total 47 12,924 2,052 12
Key FMD Prevention and Control strategies
 The DLD vaccination campaign in 2021 was changed to mass vaccination. DLD distributed the amount of vaccine
by 80% of animal population in each province. In dairy cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat, we have vaccinated
more than 100% of target population. In beef cattle, about 97% of target population have been vaccinated.
This vaccination campaign was conducted about 2-3 rounds per year depending on the animal species. In each
vaccination campaign we determined the animal population so if there are newborn target animal, they will be
included in our target animals.
Beef cattle Buffaloes Sheep and goats dairy cattle
The result of FMD vaccination campaign
Target No. of Animals No. of vaccinated animals
FMD Situation and Control Measures
- Ring Vaccination
- Animal movement restriction
- Disinfection of risk area
- Improvement of farm biosecurity
- Warning & Promote collaboration
between livestock
- Animal Movement control
and disinfection check point
Clinical Surveillance (Passive and active) &
Raising awareness
Law enforcement: Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558 (2015)
- FMD  Notifiable disease
- Temporary epidemic zone (Only the designated zone 5 km
radius within a province) announced by local veterinary
authority for at least 30 days
- Sample Collection  RRL
- Quarantine and treatment of
sick animals
- Strict biosecurity measures
FMD Situation and Control Measures: Biosecurity
Good Farming
Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558
Ministerial Regulation Section 7 : General
Biosecurity system
FMD-Free farms
 GFM/GAP (Swine)
 NSP-Negative herd
 1-year accredited
FMD Strategic Plan
 DLD is drafting a new strategy, setting clear targets to certain areas, to drive
 Strategic goals
 Develop system and process to establish animal production zones/compartments
which is safe from FMD
 Increase export opportunities
 Gap analysis
 Zone/compartment evaluation (MCDA, etc.)
 Cost effectiveness
 Consult with OIE
 Strategic plan drafting
Main challenges and recommended solution
 Increase the number of standard farms and developed them into FMD-free
 Public Private Partnership on public awareness and establishment of FMD-
free zone/compartment especially in pig farms
 Re-evaluation information to adjust prevention and control
measures consist of
 The value chain or network analysis each susceptible animals
 Stakeholder analysis
 The Knowledge Attitude and Practice of farmer
Thank You

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  • 1. Name of Presenter: Sith Premashthira Position: Senior Professional Veterinarian Affiliation: Department of Livestock Development Country Presentation FMD Situation and its Prevention & Control Country name: Thailand
  • 2. Number of FMD outbreaks in Thailand, 2021 3 1 3 2 3 2 0 0 3 12 11 7 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 month No of Outbreaks Type A Type O Not Type pending Total outbreak : 47 outbreaks in 18 provinces serotype Type O : 14 outbreaks Type A : 12 outbreaks Not type : 13 outbreaks Not sample: 1 outbreak Pending : 7 outbreaks
  • 3. Number of FMD outbreaks in Thailand, 2021 Type of animal Number of outbreaks Susceptible Number of sick Number of death Dairy cattle 17 10,495 393 6 Beef cattle 29 2405 1,658 6 Buffalo 1 24 1 0 Total 47 12,924 2,052 12
  • 4. Key FMD Prevention and Control strategies The DLD vaccination campaign in 2021 was changed to mass vaccination. DLD distributed the amount of vaccine by 80% of animal population in each province. In dairy cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat, we have vaccinated more than 100% of target population. In beef cattle, about 97% of target population have been vaccinated. This vaccination campaign was conducted about 2-3 rounds per year depending on the animal species. In each vaccination campaign we determined the animal population so if there are newborn target animal, they will be included in our target animals. 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 Beef cattle Buffaloes Sheep and goats dairy cattle The result of FMD vaccination campaign Target No. of Animals No. of vaccinated animals
  • 5. FMD Situation and Control Measures FMD - Ring Vaccination - Animal movement restriction - Disinfection of risk area - Improvement of farm biosecurity - Warning & Promote collaboration between livestock networks/cooperatives - Animal Movement control and disinfection check point Clinical Surveillance (Passive and active) & Raising awareness Law enforcement: Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558 (2015) - FMD Notifiable disease - Temporary epidemic zone (Only the designated zone 5 km radius within a province) announced by local veterinary authority for at least 30 days - Sample Collection RRL - Quarantine and treatment of sick animals - Strict biosecurity measures
  • 6. FMD Situation and Control Measures: Biosecurity Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Good Farming Management (GFM) Animal Epidemics Act, B.E. 2558 (2015) Ministerial Regulation Section 7 : General Biosecurity system FMD-Free farms GFM/GAP (Swine) NSP-Negative herd 1-year accredited
  • 7. FMD Strategic Plan DLD is drafting a new strategy, setting clear targets to certain areas, to drive exports. Strategic goals Develop system and process to establish animal production zones/compartments which is safe from FMD Increase export opportunities Activities Gap analysis Zone/compartment evaluation (MCDA, etc.) Cost effectiveness Consult with OIE Strategic plan drafting
  • 8. Main challenges and recommended solution Increase the number of standard farms and developed them into FMD-free farms Public Private Partnership on public awareness and establishment of FMD- free zone/compartment especially in pig farms Re-evaluation information to adjust prevention and control measures consist of The value chain or network analysis each susceptible animals Stakeholder analysis The Knowledge Attitude and Practice of farmer