The document provides instructions and activities for students to work through as part of a learning scenario about being shipwrecked on an island. The activities involve using different thinking tools and graphic organizers, such as Bloom's Taxonomy, thinking hats, y-charts, SWOT analyses, and fishbone diagrams. Students are tasked with mapping the island, deciding where to build shelter, establishing group rules, designing flags for their tribe, and using semaphore to communicate with other tribes. The document emphasizes key competencies such as managing self, participating and contributing, relating to others, thinking, using language and symbols, and reflecting on learning.
This document lists the names of students from various year levels, the dinosaur projects they completed, and notes that each used a Creative Commons image. It includes 28 student entries showing the student's name, the dinosaur studied in quotation marks, a note about using a Creative Commons image, and the student's year level. The document provides attribution for dinosaur projects and images used by multiple students.
Prezentacja poświęcona zasadom przygotowania wniosków o dofinansowanie w ramach konkursów 4.1._4 i 4.2_2 Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego dla Województwa Pomorskiego.
The document provides information about phonics and pronunciation. It includes a story with words demonstrating different sounds, exercises identifying words and phrases with the same sounds, sentences practicing various consonant blends and clusters, riddles, and a poem about using time wisely. It emphasizes learning the sounds of letters and letter combinations using examples, activities, and the dictionary's key to pronunciation.
Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived in western North America millions of years ago. It could grow over 40 feet long and 15-20 feet tall. Tyrannosaurus Rex was the apex predator of its time and ate other dinosaurs, using its powerful jaws to bite down with forces of 1,500 to 3,000 pounds of pressure. While much is known about its size and predatory abilities, some details about Tyrannosaurus Rex such as its lifespan, skin texture, and whether it was solely carnivorous remain uncertain.
1. Amel dituduh berselingkuh dengan pacar sahabatnya Nayla setelah bertemu dengan David tanpa sepengetahuan Nayla.
2. Nayla dan Desi memihak tuduhan tersebut dan menjauhi Amel.
3. Gina berusaha menenangkan Amel dengan mengatakan bahwa Amel tidak bersalah.
This document provides information about multiple choice tests:
- Multiple choice tests consist of stems presenting a problem or incomplete statement, followed by a set of options from which the test taker must select the correct answer. They are commonly used for educational and other types of assessments.
- Advantages include the ability to test a wide range of material efficiently. Disadvantages are that they are best for testing lower-order thinking skills and may be ambiguous.
- Guidelines for constructing high-quality multiple choice questions include basing each item on a clear problem, including relevant information in the stem, stating stems positively, writing alternatives clearly and concisely, and making alternatives mutually exclusive.
XenServer uses physical interfaces (PIFs) and virtual interfaces (VIFs) to connect virtual machines to networks. There are different types of networks like private, external, and bonded networks. External networks connect VMs to the physical network through a bridge. The XenServer hypervisor handles VM traffic by forwarding packets to the virtual switch which determines the destination VIF and passes the packet to the VM. Management interfaces are used for controlling XenServer and live migrations. Bonds aggregate multiple NICs and VLANs segregate traffic using separate bridges.
Wystawa, prezentowana w Urzędzie Marszałkowskim Województwa Pomorskiego, przedstawia projekty zrealizowane dzięki dofinansowaniu z Unii Europejskiej w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego dla Województwa Pomorskiego.
Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large carnivorous dinosaur that lived in western North America millions of years ago. It could grow over 40 feet long and 15-20 feet tall. Tyrannosaurus Rex was the apex predator of its time and ate other dinosaurs, using its powerful jaws to bite down with forces of 1,500 to 3,000 pounds of pressure. While much is known about its size and predatory abilities, some details about Tyrannosaurus Rex such as its lifespan, skin texture, and whether it was solely carnivorous remain uncertain.
1. Amel dituduh berselingkuh dengan pacar sahabatnya Nayla setelah bertemu dengan David tanpa sepengetahuan Nayla.
2. Nayla dan Desi memihak tuduhan tersebut dan menjauhi Amel.
3. Gina berusaha menenangkan Amel dengan mengatakan bahwa Amel tidak bersalah.
This document provides information about multiple choice tests:
- Multiple choice tests consist of stems presenting a problem or incomplete statement, followed by a set of options from which the test taker must select the correct answer. They are commonly used for educational and other types of assessments.
- Advantages include the ability to test a wide range of material efficiently. Disadvantages are that they are best for testing lower-order thinking skills and may be ambiguous.
- Guidelines for constructing high-quality multiple choice questions include basing each item on a clear problem, including relevant information in the stem, stating stems positively, writing alternatives clearly and concisely, and making alternatives mutually exclusive.
XenServer uses physical interfaces (PIFs) and virtual interfaces (VIFs) to connect virtual machines to networks. There are different types of networks like private, external, and bonded networks. External networks connect VMs to the physical network through a bridge. The XenServer hypervisor handles VM traffic by forwarding packets to the virtual switch which determines the destination VIF and passes the packet to the VM. Management interfaces are used for controlling XenServer and live migrations. Bonds aggregate multiple NICs and VLANs segregate traffic using separate bridges.
Wystawa, prezentowana w Urzędzie Marszałkowskim Województwa Pomorskiego, przedstawia projekty zrealizowane dzięki dofinansowaniu z Unii Europejskiej w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego dla Województwa Pomorskiego.
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