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Design, Development and Testing of a Delta wing UAV
Researcher: Reduan Sagor
Supervisor: Dr Farbod Khoshnoud
1. Personal Motivation
2. Introduction
3. Project Goal
4. Design Specifications?
5. Methodology Applied
6. Results & Discussions
7. Limitations
8. Future Recommendations
1. Personal Motivation
Photo Courtesy: British Airways Concorde
2. Introduction
 UAV applications:
 Archaeological surveying.
 Environmental/meteorology- climate study, storm monitoring etc.
 Military- surveillance, air strikes.
 Security- crowd monitoring and control.
 Law enforcement- traffic monitoring, search and rescue operations.
Oral Presentation
3. Project Goal
The aim of this project was to design and manufacture a Delta wing
UAV for surveillance and data acquisition purposes.
Was the goal achieved?..........................
4. Design Specifications?
 What data can/should be collected?
 Is the wing going to be a flat plate?
 Will the UAV have a fuselage?
 How about a surveillance camera?
 3D printed UAV sounds good! Hmm..
 Autonomous flight possible?
5. Methodology Applied
 Weight Estimation: Market Research.
 Airfoil Analysis: XFLR5; 2D analysis software; was intended to be used for 3D analysis of
the wing; plots of important parameters in one display interface.
 Wing Analysis: ANSYS Fluent; 3D flow simulation over the wing; manual plotting of
parameters needed.
 CAD Design: CATIA V5 & SOLIDWORKS 2014; SOLIDWORKS used to generate models for
Laser cutting machine.
 Structural Analysis: ANSYS Workbench; FEA analysis of the structure for suitable
material selection.
6. Results & Discussions
 XFLR5 results of the selected airfoil:
 CAD models of the aircraft:
 CFD analysis of the aircraft:
 FEA analysis of the model:
Total deformation
Boundary Condition
7. Limitations
 XFLR5 was not used for 3D wing analysis.
 No previous experience of:
 3D wing analysis using ANSYS CFD.
 Using SOLIDWORKS 2014.
 FEA analysis of aircraft structure.
 Limited budget:
 Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was not bought.
8. Future Recommendations
 Use of:
 Surveillance Camera.
 Flight Data Recorder.
 Landing Gear.
 Traditional take-off and landing using runaway.
 Autonomous flight using ground system.
Any Questions?

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Oral Presentation

  • 1. Design, Development and Testing of a Delta wing UAV Researcher: Reduan Sagor Supervisor: Dr Farbod Khoshnoud
  • 2. Contents 1. Personal Motivation 2. Introduction 3. Project Goal 4. Design Specifications? 5. Methodology Applied 6. Results & Discussions 7. Limitations 8. Future Recommendations
  • 3. 1. Personal Motivation Photo Courtesy: British Airways Concorde
  • 4. 2. Introduction UAV applications: Archaeological surveying. Environmental/meteorology- climate study, storm monitoring etc. Military- surveillance, air strikes. Security- crowd monitoring and control. Law enforcement- traffic monitoring, search and rescue operations.
  • 6. 3. Project Goal The aim of this project was to design and manufacture a Delta wing UAV for surveillance and data acquisition purposes. Was the goal achieved?..........................
  • 7. 4. Design Specifications? What data can/should be collected? Is the wing going to be a flat plate? Will the UAV have a fuselage? How about a surveillance camera? 3D printed UAV sounds good! Hmm.. Autonomous flight possible?
  • 8. 5. Methodology Applied Weight Estimation: Market Research. Airfoil Analysis: XFLR5; 2D analysis software; was intended to be used for 3D analysis of the wing; plots of important parameters in one display interface. Wing Analysis: ANSYS Fluent; 3D flow simulation over the wing; manual plotting of parameters needed. CAD Design: CATIA V5 & SOLIDWORKS 2014; SOLIDWORKS used to generate models for Laser cutting machine. Structural Analysis: ANSYS Workbench; FEA analysis of the structure for suitable material selection.
  • 9. 6. Results & Discussions XFLR5 results of the selected airfoil:
  • 10. CAD models of the aircraft:
  • 11. CFD analysis of the aircraft:
  • 12. FEA analysis of the model: Meshing Total deformation Boundary Condition
  • 13. 7. Limitations XFLR5 was not used for 3D wing analysis. No previous experience of: 3D wing analysis using ANSYS CFD. Using SOLIDWORKS 2014. FEA analysis of aircraft structure. Limited budget: Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was not bought.
  • 14. 8. Future Recommendations Use of: Surveillance Camera. Flight Data Recorder. Landing Gear. Traditional take-off and landing using runaway. Autonomous flight using ground system.