The document provides an overview of Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the 2022 fiscal year (FY2021). Key points include:
1. Net sales decreased but profit increased, hitting record highs due to continued improvement in returns on assets and rental business growth.
2. Operating assets increased to 984.2 billion yen due to growth in loans and investment businesses.
3. Operating profit for FY2023 is forecast to be 20 billion yen, rising for the third consecutive year and achieving management plan targets.
Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2022 (FY2021) Financial HighlightsRicohLease
- Net sales decreased 7.3% year-over-year for Ricoh Leasing due to declines in installment sales and transaction volume from prolonged COVID and semiconductor shortages, however profit increased 17.5% from improved returns.
- Operating assets decreased slightly to 967.9 billion yen due to decreased transaction volume.
- Progress was made toward the 18.5 billion yen full-year operating profit forecast, though uncertainty remains in the market.
Second Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2022(FY2021) Financial HighlightsRicohLease
1. The document provides an overview of Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2022.
2. Net sales decreased but profit increased, exceeding previous highs due to continued improvement in returns on assets and growth in the Rental Business. Operating assets increased due to growth in the Loans and Investment Business.
3. Revisions were made to forecasts for net sales and gross profit for the fiscal year, with operating profit forecast unchanged. The Leases & Finance Business grew more than initially expected but expenses rose due to COVID-19 impacts.
First Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2022 (FY2021) Financial HighlightsRicohLease
This document provides an overview of Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2022, which ended in March 2022. It discusses consolidated results including a year-over-year decrease in net sales but an increase in profit. It also reviews performance by business segment and maintains the full-year forecast. Key points include steady improvement in return on assets, growth in the rental business, and an increase in operating assets due to transaction volume and investment amount growth.
Fiscal Year Ended March 2021 (FY2020)Financial HighlightsRicohLease
- Ricoh Leasing Company reported financial results for the fiscal year ended March 2021, with net sales decreasing 1.8% but profit increasing 11.4% compared to the previous fiscal year.
- Operating assets decreased slightly due to securitization of lease receivables but increased when excluding this effect.
- For the current fiscal year ending March 2022, the company forecasts a decrease in net sales but an increase in profit, with operating profit rising for the second consecutive year.
Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2021 (FY2020) Financial HighlightsRicohLease
This document provides a summary of Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the third quarter of the 2021 fiscal year.
- Net sales and profits increased year-over-year for the 11th and 7th consecutive periods respectively, despite an allowance for doubtful accounts from COVID-19. Operating assets decreased due to securitization.
- Performance was generally positive across business segments. The investment business saw sales and profit increases from prior investments.
- Ricoh is monitoring the full-year forecast carefully due to uncertainty from the pandemic, but progress has been made towards the operating profit target so far.
Presentation Material for 2Q / Mar. 2021RicohLease
This document provides an overview of Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the second quarter of FY2020-2021. Key points include:
1. Net sales increased but profit decreased due to higher allowance for doubtful accounts from COVID-19 impacts. Operating assets decreased from securitization of lease receivables.
2. The Leases & Finance segment saw increased gross profit but lower segment profit due to higher doubtful account provisions. The Services and Investment segments both increased sales and profits.
3. Transaction volumes declined across most product categories from COVID-19 impacts, though new contract yields continued improving. Collection agency transactions increased while factoring services were stable.
Presentation Material for 1Q / Mar. 2021RicohLease
- Net sales increased but profit decreased due to a rise in allowance for doubtful accounts from COVID-19's impact.
- Transaction volume declined in the first quarter compared to the previous year, especially for industrial machinery.
- The services business saw sales and profit increases, while collection agency transactions decreased as new contract acquisition was curtailed.
- Investment business operating assets grew as solar power generation progressed as planned, while the real estate business maintained caution.
Fiscal Year Ended March 2020 (FY2019) Financial Highlights RicohLease
The document summarizes the financial results for Ricoh Leasing Company for the fiscal year ending March 2020. Key points include:
- Net sales and gross profit reached record highs, but operating profit and net income decreased due to an increase in allowance for doubtful accounts.
- The transaction volume of leases and installment sales as well as loans increased. Investments in new businesses also expanded steadily.
- Operating assets increased by 97.2 billion yen due to acquiring new contracts steadily, while the default rate remained low.
Presentation Material for 3Q / Mar. 2020RicohLease
- The document summarizes Ricoh Leasing Company's financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2020. Net sales and profits reached record highs and performance was progressing steadily towards full-year forecasts. Operating assets increased by 69.1 billion yen from the previous term due to acquiring contracts. The default rate decreased due to increased operating assets while default loss showed a slight increase.
Presentation Material for 2Q / Mar. 2020RicohLease
- Ricoh Leasing reported financial results for the second quarter of FY2019, with net sales and profits increasing year-over-year for the tenth and second consecutive periods respectively.
- Transaction volumes and investment amounts progressed steadily for leases, installment sales, and loans. The environmental field saw a large increase.
- Operating assets increased by 54.1 billion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year due to steadily acquiring contracts. The interim dividend per share was 45 yen as forecasted.
Presentation Material for 1Q / Mar. 2020RicohLease
This document summarizes the financial highlights of Ricoh Leasing Company for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2020. Key points include:
- Net sales, gross profit, operating profit, ordinary profit, and net income all reached record highs for the quarter and continued to increase year-over-year.
- Operating assets also reached a record high, increasing to 936.0 billion yen for the quarter.
- Transaction volumes increased across key business segments such as leases and installment sales, collection agency services, and factoring services for healthcare.
- Financial metrics like the default rate and financial expenses ratio improved compared to the same quarter last year.
The document provides an overview of the financial highlights for Ricoh Leasing Company for the fiscal year ending March 2019. Some key points:
- Net sales increased 3.2% to 313.9 billion yen, with all profit categories achieving record highs and plans.
- Operating assets increased 65.5 billion yen to 921.9 billion yen due to higher quality assets.
- The leases and installment sales segment saw increased transaction volumes, especially in commercial equipment and transport. The financial services segment also saw steady growth.
- Gross profit margins stabilized due to improved asset quality and higher commissions, after previously declining.
So in summary, Ricoh Leasing achieved record
Third Quarter of Fiscal Year Ending March 2019(FY2018) Financial HighlightsRicohLease
- Net sales, gross profit, operating profit, ordinary profit, and net income all reached record highs for the third quarter. Performance progressed steadily against full-year forecasts.
- Profits increased due to higher yields on new contracts and steady growth in operating assets. The leases and installment sales business saw higher transaction volumes.
- The financial services business saw increased commissions from collection services and loans. Transaction volumes grew for factoring and lending.
- Operating assets increased to a record high due to acquiring new contracts. The default rate declined despite a slight rise in default losses.
Presentation Material for 2Q / Mar. 2019RicohLease
This document provides financial highlights and results for Ricoh Leasing Company's second quarter of fiscal year 2019, which ended in September 2018. It summarizes that net sales increased 2.8% year-over-year to a record high of 155.4 billion yen due to steady growth in operating assets. Gross profit also increased 3.9% to a record high of 16.1 billion yen. Operating profit rose 2.2% to 8.6 billion yen, while net income grew 3.9% to 5.9 billion yen. Both leases/installment sales and financial services businesses contributed to these gains. Transaction volumes and operating assets continued trending upward.