The document provides information about IFSC codes and details for several branches of ING Vysya Bank. It defines an IFSC code as an 11-character alphanumeric code used to identify bank branches for electronic funds transfers. It then gives an overview of ING Vysya Bank as a privately owned Indian bank formed through a partnership with Dutch company ING Group. The rest of the document provides location details, IFSC codes, and contact information for several important ING Vysya Bank branches across India, including in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Chennai, Noida, and Pune.
2. What is Ifsc Code?
The Indian Financial System Code,
better known as the IFSC code, is
an alphanumeric code.
This code innovatively identifies a
bank branch that participates in
two of the major electronic funds
settlement in the country, RTGS
and NEFT.
This 11 character code has its first
four letters representing the bank
and the last 6 letters representing
a particular branch.
3. ING Vysya Bank
ING Vysya Bank was a privately owned Indian multinational bank based
in Bangalore, with retail, wholesale, and private banking platforms
formed from the 2002 purchase of an equity stake in Vysya Bank by the
Dutch ING Group.
As of March 2013, ING Vysya is the seventh largest private sector bank
in India with assets totalling 54836 crore (US$8.7 billion) and operating
a pan-India network of over 1,000 outlets, including 527 branches, which
service over two million customers.