The document summarizes a finance presentation covering recent news events over the summer and providing a market update. It discusses the ongoing European debt crisis, focusing on issues in Greece involving high debt levels, government overspending, and widespread tax evasion. It also reviews the Knight Capital trading loss, issues with high-frequency trading, and the LIBOR rate-fixing scandal among major banks. The presentation concludes with an update on the SFG Founders Fund mock investment portfolio and openings for new analyst positions.
Imagine a world where the United States produces more goods than Western Europe and China combined. A world where the US pumps out 20 times more oil than Saudi Arabia. A world where America's debt is dwarfed by its powerful and productive economy. This world, which today sounds more like a fantasy, was a reality not so long ago. Yet a mere 70 years later, the world looks quite different: the US economy's debt has reached a crippling 59 trillion dollars, the government is forced to borrow trillions of dollars every year just to avoid financial collapse, and the income of more than half of America's families can't even keep up with the cost of living. How did things take such a sharp turn so quickly? What will come next for what's called the world's greatest economy? You cannot really answer these questions and truly understand the world we live in without understanding the history of money, an amazing tool invented some 6,500 years ago. This book is not for economists and it is not about the bits and pieces of economic theory, though you cannot cover the history of money without touching upon some important highlights of economics. The book also does not strive to be an encyclopedia of money. Rather it is an overview, designed to give an idea of how step by step we got here, and what should we expect from the years ahead.
The document discusses the consequences of rising global debt levels and the need for debt adjustment, noting that debt has sharply increased as a percentage of GDP in many countries since the 2008 financial crisis. It examines factors that have contributed to rising debt like monetary policy asymmetry and the search for yield, and suggests this debt build-up has increased vulnerabilities and could slow economic growth if not addressed through the appropriate policy responses and investment strategies.
Money laundering and financial crimes have devastating consequences by targeting major financial markets and offshore centers. These activities can damage currencies, interest rates, entire industries, and taxpayers by causing inexplicable changes in money demand and increasing volatility in international capital flows, interest rates, and exchange rates. Criminals engage in money laundering not for profit, but to protect illegal proceeds.
The document discusses best practices for maintaining chilled water systems on superyachts. It notes that fouling from debris in chilled water systems can reduce efficiency over time by restricting flow and causing blockages. It recommends testing water samples annually and keeping suspended solids and iron below certain levels according to industry guidelines. Regular preventative maintenance of water treatment systems is important to prevent corrosion and scaling issues from developing, as these can significantly degrade thermal performance and increase energy consumption for air conditioning over the long run. Proper treatment and filtration methods can help keep water clean and protect chilled water system components.
Agregar o quitar encabezados, pies de p¨¢gina y n¨²meros de p¨¢ginaAngel Aguilar
Este documento explica c¨®mo agregar n¨²meros de p¨¢gina, encabezados y pies de p¨¢gina en Word 2010. Detalla los pasos para insertar un n¨²mero de p¨¢gina, que incluyen seleccionar la posici¨®n y el dise?o deseado. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo agregar un encabezado o pie de p¨¢gina mediante la edici¨®n de la informaci¨®n correspondiente y selecci¨®n de un dise?o. El documento proporciona informaci¨®n de contacto al final.
Marilena Murariu is a painter who created a portrait of Elena Ceausescu, the wife of communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu, who ruled Romania from 1965 to 1989. The portrait, titled "Beatrice V", depicts Ceausescu in a lavish gown, suggesting her role as the country's first lady during Romania's communist period.
Buzzing Stocks in D-Street before European OpeningShailesh Saraf
It has been observed that the stocks which show buying, have either good volume or some news. They stay buzzing stocks for that day and big movement is expected in these stock throughout day. SRF Ltd rose 8.10% in intraday trading at Rs. 1756; recently the company announced that there is room for expansion in nonwovens in India.
The document discusses IT training initiatives for Latin America at a company. It provides statistics showing 18 classes were held in August with 270 participants. The training focused on file cleanup, multifactor authentication, phone guides, and decommissioning collaboration tools. The intern also gained experience facilitating a class, learned about Office 365, and participated in other professional development activities.
As caracter¨ªsticas de dois computadores s?o descritas: um Packard Bell com um ecr? LCD maior de 15,4 polegadas, processador Intel T7100, 1GB de RAM e disco r¨ªgido de 160GB em compara??o com outro Packard Bell com ecr? LCD menor de 9 polegadas, processador Intel Celeron M de 900MHz, 512MB de RAM e disco r¨ªgido de 30GB.
The document discusses societal marketing concept and how marketing has changed from the past to present. Traditionally, marketing focused on selling products and earning profits through high sales volumes. Now, marketing focuses on understanding customer needs and wants to earn profits through customer satisfaction. It also considers the impact of marketing activities on society. The marketing mix now includes additional elements like product portfolio management and more emphasis is given to marketing research to understand latent customer needs. Overall, marketing has evolved from just transactions to building long-term customer relationships.
Naveen Parameshwaraiah has over 14 years of experience in CRM, campaign management, and business intelligence projects for telecommunications and banking clients. He holds a Master's degree in Information Technology and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. Naveen has extensive experience designing solutions and providing consultancy for CRM packages. He has received several awards for his contributions to projects at IBM.
Este documento describe los pasos para resolver problemas de manera efectiva. Primero, se debe definir claramente el problema. Luego, se deben generar varias soluciones potenciales sin juzgarlas. Finalmente, se debe implementar la mejor soluci¨®n y evaluar los resultados.
1. The document discusses the banking crisis in the Eurozone and questions around the €720 billion stabilization fund created by EU leaders.
2. It notes the fund was created hastily without proper structures like a board or bank account and questions if the European Parliament will provide oversight.
3. The document also discusses the "wolf pack" of market speculators betting against Eurozone countries and profiting from declines in their stock markets and currencies. It suggests they may be trying to engineer a break up of the Euro system.
The document discusses the context of the eurozone crisis, including limits to growth, uneven development between nations, and the growing power of the global financial sector. It argues that the crisis stems from trade imbalances between eurozone countries that could no longer be corrected by devaluing currencies after adopting the euro. Government deficits arose from falling tax revenues during the recession and from bailing out failed banks. Austerity policies have exacerbated the crisis through a "debt deflation spiral," with rating downgrades, higher borrowing costs, and recession reducing tax income and increasing deficits. The European Financial Stability Mechanism loans have reinforced this by requiring further austerity. The ECB's LTRO program provided cheap loans to struggling banks but did not address
The document discusses lessons learned from the global financial crisis. It outlines how excessive debt, speculation, and poor regulation contributed to the crisis. It then discusses New Zealand's high levels of public and private debt and dependence on foreign capital. Finally, it proposes reforms to New Zealand's monetary and banking systems, including having the government issue currency instead of private banks, reducing debt as a percentage of the money supply over time, and implementing policies to decrease foreign debt holdings and trade imbalances.
The document discusses the impact of the USA and European debt crises on the global economy. It provides details on:
1) How the USA debt crisis began in 2001 with interest rate cuts and increased lending, leading to a housing bubble and financial crisis in 2008. This crisis spread globally and contributed to the European debt crisis.
2) How the European debt crisis involved several countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Cyprus taking on too much debt and eventually needing bailouts. The crisis threatened the stability of the Eurozone.
3) How both crises led to global economic impacts like recession, falling stock markets, reduced trade and liquidity issues. The European crisis also influenced events like the UK
Sovereignty is over-rated, society is under-rated - Ronan Lyons Parnell Summe...Ronan Lyons
Lecture by economist Ronan Lyons, at the 2012 Parnell Summer School, outlining the limits to the importance of economic sovereignty - and the greater need to calculate a social return on public resources spent.
The document discusses the origins and causes of the financial crisis, tracing it back to cheap money policies by the Federal Reserve that encouraged risky lending practices on Wall Street, fueling a housing bubble. As risky loans were repackaged into complex securities, the exposure to potential defaults grew dangerously large. Eventually, the bubble burst, sparking a wider credit crisis as losses rippled through the interconnected global financial system.
Presentation of a talk given at University of Luxembourg.
The Cyprus crisis is one of the most complex in the Eurozone, although in absolute terms the problem is insignificant. Inflows of foreign deposits in excess of 700% the island¡¯s GDP allowed a ?perfect crisis? to form and contagion from Greece destroyed overnight 23.6% of the GDP. Rescue efforts were (mis)guided by a confluence of European and local politics, conflicting analyses of the problems, and forbearance from the supervisors. Bank depositors were bailed-in, making international headlines. We will argue that the bail-in is a viable solution to banking crises but with potential significant adverse effects.
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Agregar o quitar encabezados, pies de p¨¢gina y n¨²meros de p¨¢ginaAngel Aguilar
Este documento explica c¨®mo agregar n¨²meros de p¨¢gina, encabezados y pies de p¨¢gina en Word 2010. Detalla los pasos para insertar un n¨²mero de p¨¢gina, que incluyen seleccionar la posici¨®n y el dise?o deseado. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo agregar un encabezado o pie de p¨¢gina mediante la edici¨®n de la informaci¨®n correspondiente y selecci¨®n de un dise?o. El documento proporciona informaci¨®n de contacto al final.
Marilena Murariu is a painter who created a portrait of Elena Ceausescu, the wife of communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu, who ruled Romania from 1965 to 1989. The portrait, titled "Beatrice V", depicts Ceausescu in a lavish gown, suggesting her role as the country's first lady during Romania's communist period.
Buzzing Stocks in D-Street before European OpeningShailesh Saraf
It has been observed that the stocks which show buying, have either good volume or some news. They stay buzzing stocks for that day and big movement is expected in these stock throughout day. SRF Ltd rose 8.10% in intraday trading at Rs. 1756; recently the company announced that there is room for expansion in nonwovens in India.
The document discusses IT training initiatives for Latin America at a company. It provides statistics showing 18 classes were held in August with 270 participants. The training focused on file cleanup, multifactor authentication, phone guides, and decommissioning collaboration tools. The intern also gained experience facilitating a class, learned about Office 365, and participated in other professional development activities.
As caracter¨ªsticas de dois computadores s?o descritas: um Packard Bell com um ecr? LCD maior de 15,4 polegadas, processador Intel T7100, 1GB de RAM e disco r¨ªgido de 160GB em compara??o com outro Packard Bell com ecr? LCD menor de 9 polegadas, processador Intel Celeron M de 900MHz, 512MB de RAM e disco r¨ªgido de 30GB.
The document discusses societal marketing concept and how marketing has changed from the past to present. Traditionally, marketing focused on selling products and earning profits through high sales volumes. Now, marketing focuses on understanding customer needs and wants to earn profits through customer satisfaction. It also considers the impact of marketing activities on society. The marketing mix now includes additional elements like product portfolio management and more emphasis is given to marketing research to understand latent customer needs. Overall, marketing has evolved from just transactions to building long-term customer relationships.
Naveen Parameshwaraiah has over 14 years of experience in CRM, campaign management, and business intelligence projects for telecommunications and banking clients. He holds a Master's degree in Information Technology and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. Naveen has extensive experience designing solutions and providing consultancy for CRM packages. He has received several awards for his contributions to projects at IBM.
Este documento describe los pasos para resolver problemas de manera efectiva. Primero, se debe definir claramente el problema. Luego, se deben generar varias soluciones potenciales sin juzgarlas. Finalmente, se debe implementar la mejor soluci¨®n y evaluar los resultados.
1. The document discusses the banking crisis in the Eurozone and questions around the €720 billion stabilization fund created by EU leaders.
2. It notes the fund was created hastily without proper structures like a board or bank account and questions if the European Parliament will provide oversight.
3. The document also discusses the "wolf pack" of market speculators betting against Eurozone countries and profiting from declines in their stock markets and currencies. It suggests they may be trying to engineer a break up of the Euro system.
The document discusses the context of the eurozone crisis, including limits to growth, uneven development between nations, and the growing power of the global financial sector. It argues that the crisis stems from trade imbalances between eurozone countries that could no longer be corrected by devaluing currencies after adopting the euro. Government deficits arose from falling tax revenues during the recession and from bailing out failed banks. Austerity policies have exacerbated the crisis through a "debt deflation spiral," with rating downgrades, higher borrowing costs, and recession reducing tax income and increasing deficits. The European Financial Stability Mechanism loans have reinforced this by requiring further austerity. The ECB's LTRO program provided cheap loans to struggling banks but did not address
The document discusses lessons learned from the global financial crisis. It outlines how excessive debt, speculation, and poor regulation contributed to the crisis. It then discusses New Zealand's high levels of public and private debt and dependence on foreign capital. Finally, it proposes reforms to New Zealand's monetary and banking systems, including having the government issue currency instead of private banks, reducing debt as a percentage of the money supply over time, and implementing policies to decrease foreign debt holdings and trade imbalances.
The document discusses the impact of the USA and European debt crises on the global economy. It provides details on:
1) How the USA debt crisis began in 2001 with interest rate cuts and increased lending, leading to a housing bubble and financial crisis in 2008. This crisis spread globally and contributed to the European debt crisis.
2) How the European debt crisis involved several countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Cyprus taking on too much debt and eventually needing bailouts. The crisis threatened the stability of the Eurozone.
3) How both crises led to global economic impacts like recession, falling stock markets, reduced trade and liquidity issues. The European crisis also influenced events like the UK
Sovereignty is over-rated, society is under-rated - Ronan Lyons Parnell Summe...Ronan Lyons
Lecture by economist Ronan Lyons, at the 2012 Parnell Summer School, outlining the limits to the importance of economic sovereignty - and the greater need to calculate a social return on public resources spent.
The document discusses the origins and causes of the financial crisis, tracing it back to cheap money policies by the Federal Reserve that encouraged risky lending practices on Wall Street, fueling a housing bubble. As risky loans were repackaged into complex securities, the exposure to potential defaults grew dangerously large. Eventually, the bubble burst, sparking a wider credit crisis as losses rippled through the interconnected global financial system.
Presentation of a talk given at University of Luxembourg.
The Cyprus crisis is one of the most complex in the Eurozone, although in absolute terms the problem is insignificant. Inflows of foreign deposits in excess of 700% the island¡¯s GDP allowed a ?perfect crisis? to form and contagion from Greece destroyed overnight 23.6% of the GDP. Rescue efforts were (mis)guided by a confluence of European and local politics, conflicting analyses of the problems, and forbearance from the supervisors. Bank depositors were bailed-in, making international headlines. We will argue that the bail-in is a viable solution to banking crises but with potential significant adverse effects.
This document discusses money, banking, debt, and inflation. It argues that private and central banks have manufactured too much money through lending and monetary policy, leading to high debt levels globally. To avoid widespread defaults, the political system will choose inflation over deflation, benefiting borrowers over savers. The document predicts moderate but sustained inflation for the next 15 years as debt levels slowly shrink, increasing the price of gold substantially. It advises investing in gold and gold stocks to protect from currency debasement and the effects of continued money printing.
The document discusses the dire state of public finances in the UK, with government debt projected to reach 900% of GDP, the level at which the Weimar Republic collapsed. It notes that government spending is unsustainable at 49.4% of GDP currently, and interest payments on the debt are projected to double to ?88 billion by 2015. The author argues that printing more money through quantitative easing will not solve the underlying issues and will likely lead to high inflation. Three potential conclusions are outlined: expect inflation and maximize assets if adventurous; pay off debt and invest outside the UK if cautious; or prepare for government confiscation of assets, shortages, and social unrest if apocalyptic.
This is the ppt from a talk I gave recently to an audience of elderly folk. I hope it's clear what my message is: to have a stable monetary system, we need appropriate boundaries and regulation, neither which are delivered by a market approach. It's also true that governments do not need to borrow money for investment in productive infrastructure. Feedback always welcomed.
This is a recording of a revision webinar exploring some of the causes of financial crises in developed and emerging market countries. There are many different types of crises ranging from currency/external debt crises to disturbances in banking systems.
The current account deficit that cried "wolf!"RBS Economics
The UK current account deficit hit a record 5.2% of GDP in 2015. Senior Economists Rupert Seggins and Marcus Wright take a look at what the current account deficit is, what has happened to it, why and what it does and does not tell us about the economy.
Ppt presentation of swot analysis of Greece & ItalyShailesh shetty
The document discusses tourism in Italy. It receives over 36.5 million tourists annually, making it the 5th most visited country. Tourism employs 3 million people, or 12% of the workforce, and contributes 12% to GDP. Popular destinations include Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, Pompeii, Naples, and coastal areas. Tourism dates back to ancient Rome and involves both cultural sites and geographic attractions like the Alps.
Dynamics of the Housing Sector in Ireland Tommy Gavin
Presented by Rory Hearne,Senior Policy Analyst at Think-tank for Action on Social Change, at the Housing Emergency Conference at Liberty Hall on October 3rd, hosted by Housing Action Now.
The finance presentation covered market updates, current events, a special presentation on the US debt crisis, and announcements. It discussed falling unemployment, the FOMC meeting, the upcoming iPhone 5 release, QE3, and Middle East attacks. The special presentation analyzed the multi-layered US debt problem including the national $16 trillion debt and state issues like California's $117 billion debt and Illinois' underfunded pensions. It discussed municipal bankruptcies in Stockton and Vallejo, CA due to excessive pensions and the ongoing Chicago teachers' strike seeking large pay increases.
Global economic flows are important for several reasons:
1) They allow capital, investment, resources and people to flow between economically important "core" areas and poorer "periphery" areas through mechanisms like foreign direct investment, loans, aid, and remittances.
2) They influence trade relationships and terms of trade between countries, with some countries benefiting from improved export earnings and others seeing declines in the 2000s.
3) Financial innovations like securitization of subprime mortgages contributed to overconfidence in risky lending practices and spread of risk, helping trigger the global financial crisis when housing prices declined.
The EU Referendum - what's the big dealWorld First
World First's chief economist, Jeremy Cook, talks about the history of Britain in Europe, the arguments for and against Brexit, and what impact it will have on businesses.
We study the effects of gender board diversity on firm performance. We use novel and rich firm-level data covering over seven million private and public firms spanning the years 1995-2020 in Europe. We augment a standard TFP estimation with a shift-share instrument for gender board diversity. We find that increasing the share of women in the boardroom is conducive to better economic performance. The results prove robust in a variety of subsamples, and to a variety of sensitivity analyses. This outcome is driven primarily by firms from the service sector. The positive impact was stronger during the more recent years of our sample that is a period with relatively more board diversity.
After investing nearly everything I had worked for, my cryptocurrency journey took a devastating turn, completely changing my life. I lost $4.7 million in a Bitcoin investment, leaving me in a desperate and hopeless situation. I was overwhelmed with despair until I came across iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY while researching solutions.? After explaining my predicament to them, they assured me that they could help recover my lost funds. I decided to give them a chance, and to my amazement, they did an outstanding job¡ªwithin days, all my money was restored to my wallet. I am beyond relieved to have my crypto back, and I can confidently say that iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY provides truly reliable and trustworthy services.
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The Ultimate Guide for Easy and Effective Content Creation 2025.pdfNirahealthy
Chapter 1: Understanding Content Creation in 2025
Definition of Content Creation
Content creation is the process of generating ideas, crafting messages, and producing materials that engage and inform an audience. It encompasses a wide range of formats, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more.
Types of Content
Written Content: Blogs, articles, eBooks, and social media posts.
Visual Content: Images, infographics, videos, and animations.
Audio Content: Podcasts, audiobooks, and voiceovers.
Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, AR/VR experiences, and gamified content.
The Role of AI and Automation
AI and automation are revolutionizing content creation by streamlining processes, enhancing creativity, and enabling personalization at scale. Tools like ChatGPT and Jasper are helping creators generate ideas, write copy, and even edit content in minutes.
Trends Shaping Content Creation in 2025
"Personalization: Crafting content that aligns with individual preferences and behaviors."
"Short-Form Content: Revolutionized by platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, which dominate social media engagement."
Immersive Experiences: AR/VR and interactive content gaining traction.
Sustainability: Eco-friendly and ethical content practices.
Chapter 2: Setting Goals for Your Content
Why Goal-Setting is Crucial
Without clear goals, content creation can feel aimless and ineffective. Goals provide direction, help measure success, and ensure your efforts align with your overall objectives.
Types of Goals
Brand Awareness: Increasing visibility and recognition.
Lead Generation: Attracting potential customers.
Engagement: Building relationships with your audience.
Conversions: Driving sales or other desired actions.
Aligning Content Goals with Business Objectives
"Align your content goals to directly drive and support your core business objectives.". For example, if your goal is to increase sales, focus on creating content that highlights your products and includes strong CTAs.
Tools for Tracking and Measuring Performance
Google Analytics
? Click here to get "Content Creation" from official website
Chapter 3: Tools and Technologies for Easy Content Creation
AI-Powered Content Creation Tools
ChatGPT: For generating ideas and writing copy.
Jasper: For creating blog posts and marketing materials.
Canva: For designing visuals and graphics.
Video and Audio Editing Software
Adobe Premiere Pro: For professional video editing.
Audacity: For audio editing and podcast production.
InVideo: For beginner-friendly video creation.
Platforms for Automating Content Distribution
Buffer: For scheduling social media posts.
Mailchimp: For email marketing automation.
Hootsuite: For managing multiple social media accounts.
Emerging Technologies
AR/VR: For creating immersive experiences.
AI-Generated Visuals: Tools like DALL¡¤E for generating unique images.
??My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldn¡¯t have been able to recover my funds.?iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
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Adoption of SAP Ariba by Large Corporations.docxJacek Pakula
Case study to analyze why SAP Ariba did modernize large corporation procurement process ¨C turning a traditionally back-office function into a driver of strategic value.
?iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY consists of professional hackers who specialize in securing compromised devices, accounts, and websites, as well as recovering stolen bitcoin and funds lost to scams. They operate efficiently and securely, ensuring a swift resolution without alerting external parties. From the very beginning, they have successfully delivered on their promises while maintaining complete discretion.? Few organizations take the extra step to investigate network security risks, provide critical information, or handle sensitive matters with such? ?professionalism. The iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY team helped me retrieve $364,000 that had been stolen from my corporate bitcoin wallet. I am incredibly grateful for their assistance and for providing me with additional insights into the unidentified individuals behind the theft.
? ?Webpage; www. iforcehackersrecovery. com
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whatsapp; +1 240. 803. 3. 706? ??
??My name is Raclaw Wysocki, a real estate investor from Warszawa, Poland. Last year, I invested in cryptocurrency, hoping to double my investment by the start of the new year. However, I soon discovered that I had fallen victim to a scam. It was a devastating experience for me and my family, and without iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY, I wouldn¡¯t have been able to recover my funds.?iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY is a leading cryptocurrency and data recovery company specializing in retrieving lost crypto assets from hackers and fraudulent investment brokers. Thanks to their expertise, I successfully recovered $950,000 worth of crypto. I highly recommend their services. They are trustworthy, reliable, and have a proven 100% success rate.
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Email; contact@iforcehackersrecovery. com?
Call/whatsapp +1 240 (80) (33) 706? ? ?
TYPES OF TAXATION IN INDIA: Direct, Indirect, and Their Economic ImpactSunita C
This presentation explains the different types of taxation in India, including direct and indirect taxes, their structures, revenue significance, policy implications, and effects on individuals, businesses, and economic growth, with real-world examples and case studies.
_Offshore Banking and Compliance Requirements.pptxLDM Global
Offshore banking allows individuals and businesses to hold accounts in foreign jurisdictions, offering benefits like privacy, asset protection, and potential tax advantages. However, strict compliance regulations govern these banks to prevent financial crimes. Key requirements include Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, along with international regulations like FATCA (for U.S. taxpayers) and CRS (for global tax transparency).
Nadia Dawed¡¯s remarkable journey in financial management reflects her commitment to delivering measurable results. With extensive experience in supply chain financial analysis and compliance, she ensures businesses operate efficiently and profitably. Her ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and implement strategic solutions makes her an invaluable leader in financial operations.
Pearson's Chi-square Test for Research AnalysisYuli Paul
The Chi-Square test is a powerful statistical tool used to analyze categorical data by comparing observed and expected frequencies. It helps determine whether a dataset follows an expected distribution (Goodness-of-Fit Test) or whether two categorical variables are related (Test for Independence). Being a non-parametric test, it is widely applicable but requires large sample sizes and independent observations for reliable results. While it identifies associations between variables, it does not measure causation or the strength of relationships. Despite its limitations, the Chi-Square test remains a fundamental method in statistics for hypothesis testing in various fields.
2. Agenda
? Who Am I?
? What¡¯s the ¡°Game Plan¡± this Fall?
? Summer News in Review
¨C The European Debt Crisis
¨C A Greek Tragedy
¨C A Knight¡¯s Tale
? Market Update
? Founders Fund
4. Who Am I?
Shane Jarman
? 3rd Year Finance Major
¨C MAIB combined degree program
? SFG VP of Finance
? Founder¡¯s Fund PM
? Trading in the stock market for 2+ Years
? I love news, politics, stocks, and talking
? Talk fast, get excited, give me feedback
5. Weekly Game Plan
Weekly Staples
? Market Update
? Election Coverage
? Current Events
¡°SFG¡¯s Choice¡± Topics
? Stock Market Basics
? ¡°What is ______?¡±
? Random Topics ¡°In-Depth¡±
? Keep things interesting, fast-paced, and educational
7. The European Debt Crisis
What Is It?
? ¡°The most serious financial
crisis since at least the 1930s,
if not ever.¡± ¨C The Bank of England
? Europe is struggling to pay the
debts it has built up in recent decades
? The crisis has escalated the past 2 years with Greece
defaulting, unemployment in Spain hitting 25.1%, and bond
yields spiking to new highs.
8. The European Debt Crisis
Who¡¯s involved?
? All of Europe
¨C The stronger economies of
Germany and France had to
bail out the PIIGS
¨C EuroZone vs. EU
? The Euro Breakup?
¨C Tensions have been high
¨C Germans retiring at age 69 have to bail out Greeks retiring at 58
¨C Trading Austerity for Bailout Funds
9. The European Debt Crisis
Why You Should Care
? The Euro Crisis could hit home
¨C Looking for jobs/internships soon?
? Contagion
¨C Greece is small so it was contained
¨C Spain¡¯s economy is 2x as big as
Greece, Portugal, and Ireland
¨C Too big to bail out?
10. The European Debt Crisis
Germany vs. Greece
? Germany has been fiscally
responsible since WW II
? AAA-rated, balanced budget
expected by 2014
¨C This gives them huge influence
over ¡°The Troika¡±
? The EU, ECB, and IMF
? Can set austerity rules
? Just how irresponsible has Greece been? Let¡¯s take a look.
11. A Greek Tragedy
Greece = VERY Irresponsible
? Debt to GDP = 178.9%
¨C Reduced to 132.4%
? 13 Billion Euro deficit Jan-Jul
? Revenue: 27 billion Euros
? Spending: 40 billion Euros
? The Greek gov¡¯t depends on
bailout funds to pay workers
? How did it get so bad?
12. How It Got So Bad
Greece Lived Large on the Euro Credit Card
? Statistics / Stories will show:
¨C The government in Greece
recklessly spent for a decade
¨C The people of Greece like their
benefits, but not working/paying
for them
¨C Most entitlements are laughably abused
13. Reckless Spending: The Olympics
The Olympics cost Greece $11 billion to host in 2004
? They spent lavishly on the Games
¨C What¡¯s This?
¨C More than a dozen venues are empty,
but guarded by security officers
¨C Government red-tape
14. Reckless Spending: Hellenic Railways
? Hellenic Railways loses $3.8 million a day
¨C 5% of Greek Debt
? Train Operators in USA = $55 k
¨C Guess Greece?
¨C $130k w/ $110k pension
¨C 4 hours by train, or 2 by car?
¨C Average pay = $78,000
? More employees than passengers
¨C They also love to strike
¨C Workforce down 30% past decade, cost up 50% from 2001-2009
15. We Love Benefits, But¡.
Greek salaries rose 50% from 2001-2009
? Retirement age = 61
¨C Pension 80% of salary
? More than 600 ¡°dangerous¡±
professions retire at age 50
¨C Receive a state pension of 95%
of their last working year¡¯s
? Expansive welfare network
16. ¡. Not Paying For Them
Tax Evasion ¨C ¡°A Greek National Pastime¡±
? ¡°Report your own taxes¡±
¨C 5,000 citizens report making over 90k BUT..
? 60,000 Greek Homes have investments
over $1,000,000?
¨C People reporting income under 10k have boats, second homes, and
? Official ¡°Bribe Rate¡± is 2,000 Euros
¨C Greek shippers ¡°exempt¡± from taxes
? ¡°Greece is a poor country full of rich people¡±
¡°The gap between what Greek taxpayers owed last year and what they paid was
about a third of total tax revenue, roughly the size of the country¡¯s budget deficit.¡±
- Greek Central Bank Report
17. The Isle of the Blind
? Zakynthos
¨C 700 of 40,000 residents claimed
¡°blindness¡± disability benefits
? 1.8% while average rate is 0.2%
¨C Free $6,500 a year plus discounts
? Held ¡°blindness¡± test on island
¨C 700 paid blindness claims
170 signed up for the test
100 showed up to take it
40 were actually blind
200 still getting paid!
? 200,000 welfare/pension claims
halted b/c dead, ineligible claimants
18. A Greek Tragedy: Conlusion
Greece Right Now
? 23% unemployment
? 2 years of Austerity
¨C More austerity needed to secure
4.2 billion Euro bailout tranche
? 40% judge / police pay cut
¨C Golden Dawn = 5% of vote
? Watch Spain and Italy¡¯s Bonds
¨C Drama update, ECB bond update
? EU in recession, but everything seems stable
19. A Knight¡¯s Tale
? ¡°Knight Capital¡± ¨C What¡¯s that?
? What happened to them?
¨C Lost $445 million in 45 min
? BATS global IPO fiasco
? HFT Trading = 73% of volume
¨C Causes erratic behavior
20. ¡°Sawtooth¡± Trading in KO
? What happened to them?
¨C Lost $445 million in 45 min
? BATS global IPO fiasco
? HFT Trading = 73% of volume
¨C Causes erratic behavior, look at graphs
22. LIBOR Scandal
? What is the LIBOR rate?
¨C The London Interbank Offering
¨C It¡¯s the short-term interest rate
banks (supposedly) lend to
each other at
? Why does it matter?
¨C This rate underpins the $350
- $850 trillion derivative market
¨C $350 trillion is 96 years of US gov¡¯t spending
? The rate was illegally manipulated by banks for profit
23. LIBOR Scandal
? Trader Quotes
¨C "We have another big fixing tom[orrow] and with the market move I
was hoping we could set the ¡ Libor as high as possible,¡±
-Anonymous Barclays Trader, May 2006
¨C "Always happy to help, leave it with me, Sir,¡±
-Anonymous Libor Rate Submitter, May 2006
¨C "Dude. I owe you big time! Come over one day after work and I'm
opening a bottle of Bollinger."
-Anonymous Barclays Trader
? Who was responsible?
¨C Barclays fined nearly $500 million
¨C JP Morgan and Citibank under investigation
25. Founders Fund
? The SFG Mock Investment Fund
? Spring Performance
¨C S&P 500= +6.63%
¨C Founders Fund= +8.19%
? 14 analyst positions, 5 openings this semester
? Application will be e-mailed
¨C Also on SFG Website
¨C Due Sunday September 9th at Midnight
#5: I don¡¯t want to lecture, you get enough of that in class.Feel free to interrupt or ask questionsTry to go thru stories in under 2 min, today longer
#6: I don¡¯t want to lecture, you get enough of that in class.Feel free to interrupt or ask questionsTry to go thru stories in under 2 min, today longer
#8: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#9: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#10: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#11: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#12: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#13: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#14: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#15: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#16: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#17: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#18: ¡°Magic ¡° ¨C train losing a billion a year, more employees than passengers, ¡°disappeared ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#19: ¨C Isle of Blind - Haridressers and musicians live dangerous, retire at 50Explain EZ vs. EU
#20: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#21: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#22: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#23: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#24: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#25: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.
#26: Recommendation should be a pretty brief, but attention grabbing pitch why your company is the best investment. Try to use your most interesting or strong ideas in this section. Keep it under 5 minutes.