This document contains 12 slides related to solving projectile motion problems using vectors. It begins with two example problems involving resolving forces into components. The objectives are then stated as understanding how to resolve projectile problems by breaking vectors into horizontal and vertical components. Several example problems are worked through demonstrating this process. Key equations for projectile motion are also reviewed. The final slides provide additional practice problems for students to solve, applying the techniques demonstrated in the document.
This document discusses kinematics concepts related to particle dynamics, including:
1) Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, describing the position, velocity, and acceleration of particles moving along straight and curved paths. Formulas are provided for determining motion given acceleration as a function of time, position, or velocity.
2) Examples of uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, where acceleration is zero or constant, providing equations for relating position, velocity, and acceleration over time.
3) Discussion of relative motion between particles moving along the same line, noting the importance of using a common reference for time and measuring displacements relative to each other.
The document discusses a website that provides free university textbooks and solutions manuals. It states that the solutions manuals contain step-by-step solutions to all the problems in the textbooks. It invites visitors to download the textbooks and solutions manuals for free.
This document contains solutions to problems from a solutions manual for an unknown textbook. It provides step-by-step workings and solutions to 6 sample problems involving calculations of position, velocity, acceleration and related quantities for motions defined by equations. The problems cover topics such as determining these values at specific times, finding times when velocity or acceleration is zero, and calculating maximum velocity and acceleration. The document demonstrates the process of solving kinematics problems algebraically and shows the level of detail provided in an instructor's solutions manual.
Newtons Laws; Moment of a Vector; Gravitation; Finite Rotations; Trajectory of a Projectile with Air Resistance; The Simple Pendulum; The Linear Harmonic Oscillator; The Damped Harmonic Oscillator
The document discusses momentum and impulse, including key equations and examples. It covers how impulse relates to changes in momentum and how momentum is conserved in a system when the net external force is zero. Examples include balls dropping on the floor, ice skaters pushing each other, and firing guns with and without bullets.
This document provides information about the 12th edition of the textbook "Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics" by R.C. Hibbeler, published by Prentice Hall. It also provides a link to a blog that contains free downloads of solution manuals for this and other university textbooks. The blog states it has clear, explained solutions to all the problems in the textbooks.
In Engineering Mechanics the static problems are classified as two types: Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems. The presentation discloses a methodology to solve the problems of Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems.
This document contains 12 solutions to physics problems related to dynamics and kinematics. The solutions calculate things like work, acceleration, forces, velocities, distances, and times using concepts like Newton's laws of motion, kinematics equations, coefficients of friction, and incline plane equations. Key details provided in the solutions include calculations, equations used, given values, and final results.
This document contains 5 physics problems involving kinematics concepts such as position, velocity, acceleration, and related calculations. The problems analyze the motion of objects moving with constant or variable acceleration. The solutions show the calculations and reasoning to determine requested values like distance traveled, time taken, velocity, and acceleration at given points in the motion.
The document summarizes key points from Physics 111 Lecture 2:
1) It recaps 1-D constant acceleration motion and introduces 1-D free fall, reviewing that gravity causes a downward acceleration.
2) Vectors in 2D and 3D are discussed, including vector addition and unit vectors.
3) Kinematics equations for constant acceleration are extended to 3D motion, and it is noted that for constant acceleration, most 3D problems can be reduced to 2D.
4) Examples of projectile motion and 2D motion are presented to demonstrate applying the concepts.
This document contains solutions to problems from Chapter 2 on kinematics.
1) It calculates average velocities for objects moving with constant acceleration based on displacement and time intervals.
2) It uses kinematic equations to solve for quantities like displacement, velocity, and acceleration from graphs of position vs. time.
3) It finds the slope of tangent lines on x-t graphs to determine instantaneous velocity.
The document discusses the calculus of variations and derives Euler's equation. It explains that the fundamental problem is to find an unknown function that makes a functional (function of a function) an extremum. Euler's equation provides the necessary condition for a functional to be extremized. As an example, it derives the Euler-Lagrange equation for the shortest distance between two points in Cartesian coordinates, showing the path is a straight line.
This document contains the solutions to two geotechnical engineering problems involving retaining wall design. For problem 1, the dimensions, soil properties, and forces acting on an 8m retaining wall are given. Calculations are shown to find the factors of safety against overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity failure, all of which meet the required minimum of 1.5. Problem 2 provides modified dimensions and soil properties and similarly calculates the safety factors for a 6m retaining wall.
Resolu巽達o.f鱈sica sears zemansky 12捉 edi巽達o young e freedman (todos os...ASTRIDEDECARVALHOMAG
1) The document applies Newton's laws of motion to analyze various physical situations involving forces, masses, and accelerations. It considers tension forces in ropes and chains, as well as normal and frictional forces.
2) Key steps include drawing free-body diagrams, identifying all forces, and writing the appropriate force equations. Forces are resolved into components parallel and perpendicular to surfaces.
3) Solutions involve calculating tensions, normal forces, angles, and other variables by setting the force equations equal to mass times acceleration and solving.
Yes, you can apply work-energy to the combined system of blocks A and B.
For the combined system:
Initial KE = 0
Final KE = 1/2mv^2
Work done by tension in cable = 0 (internal force)
Work done by friction = -亮kNds = -亮k(mg)ds
Work done by gravity = -mgds
Setting Work = KE:
-亮k(mg)ds - mgds = 1/2mv^2
(亮kmg + mg)ds = 1/2mv^2
(1+亮k)mgds = 1/2mv^2
This document outlines the agenda and content for Physics 111 Lecture 2. The lecture will recap 1-D motion with constant acceleration, cover 1-D free fall, review vectors, and discuss 3-D kinematics. It provides examples and problems involving calculating the time and velocity of objects in free fall. It also demonstrates how to use vectors to represent position, velocity, and acceleration in 3 dimensions and how to add vectors. The components of motion in different directions are treated independently for 3-D problems.
We solve for acceleration and tension of the ideal Atwood machine by exploring many of the assumptions needed to solve the system of equations. This slide deck accompanies a series of 5 short videos on the "Bloom Where Planted" YouTube channel.
1) A car traveling at 60 m/s takes 4.0 seconds to react and decelerate at -5.0 m/s^2 until stopping. The normal stopping distance is 80 m.
2) For a drunk driver reacting in 6.0 seconds and decelerating at -5.0 m/s^2, the stopping distance is 120 m.
3) Kinematic equations are used to determine the stopping distance from the initial velocity, deceleration, and reaction time.
This document provides an overview and introduction to Physics 101. It outlines the course format, grading scale, lectures, homework, labs, and discussions. Key concepts that will be covered include forces, kinematics, energy, momentum, and thermodynamics. Newton's laws of motion are introduced, including inertia and the relationship between force and mass acceleration. The document also discusses the forces of gravity, friction, and normal contact forces, and how to draw free body diagrams.
The document discusses algorithms and data structures covered in a CS algorithms course, including Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, shortest paths in DAGs, Kruskal's algorithm for minimum spanning trees, and disjoint-set union data structures. It provides examples and explanations of how each algorithm works.
This document contains the solutions manual for the textbook "Classical Mechanics: A Critical Introduction" by Larry Gladney. It provides detailed step-by-step solutions to problems from each chapter of the textbook, which covers topics in classical mechanics including kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, momentum, work and energy, simple harmonic motion, equilibrium, rotational motion, and gravitation. The solutions manual is intended to help students learn classical mechanics by solving example problems with the guidance of fully worked out solutions. It also serves to check students' own work and understanding of concepts.
The document discusses three frameworks for externalizing tacit knowledge: Nonaka's SECI model of knowledge conversion, the knowledge asset model, and the 4I model of organizational learning. The SECI model involves four processes - socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization - that transform tacit and explicit knowledge. The knowledge asset model categorizes knowledge into experiential, conceptual, systematic, and routine assets. The 4I model consists of intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and institutionalizing steps in organizational learning. Examples are provided to illustrate how companies like Honda, Tesla, and Toyota apply these frameworks.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al software, incluyendo que los programas son necesarios para que funcione un ordenador y que el sistema operativo permite la comunicaci坦n entre el usuario y la m叩quina. Tambi辿n describe diferentes tipos de sistemas operativos como Windows y Ubuntu, ejemplos de software libre y de pago como Microsoft Office y OpenOffice, y c坦mo los virus pueden infectar un ordenador a trav辿s del correo electr坦nico, sitios web o archivos descargados, por lo que se recomienda instalar y mantener actualizado un antivirus.
The MIB School of Management offers a highly international MBA in International Business that provides comprehensive management training and a focus on developing personal leadership skills. Over 25 years, MIB has built strong industry partnerships and a reputation for excellence through its diverse, multicultural learning environment and internationally experienced faculty. The intensive, full-time MBA program combines classroom instruction with real-world projects, study tours, and opportunities for career development through MIB's extensive alumni network.
El documento presenta el resumen de los an叩lisis realizados por varios pares sobre los planes TIC de cinco centros educativos. Cada par clasific坦 las acciones de los planes en tres categor鱈as: mejora de la gesti坦n, ense単anza y aprendizaje. Los resultados se recopilaron en un documento alojado en la intranet de TKNIKA.
In Engineering Mechanics the static problems are classified as two types: Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems. The presentation discloses a methodology to solve the problems of Concurrent and Non-Concurrent force systems.
This document contains 12 solutions to physics problems related to dynamics and kinematics. The solutions calculate things like work, acceleration, forces, velocities, distances, and times using concepts like Newton's laws of motion, kinematics equations, coefficients of friction, and incline plane equations. Key details provided in the solutions include calculations, equations used, given values, and final results.
This document contains 5 physics problems involving kinematics concepts such as position, velocity, acceleration, and related calculations. The problems analyze the motion of objects moving with constant or variable acceleration. The solutions show the calculations and reasoning to determine requested values like distance traveled, time taken, velocity, and acceleration at given points in the motion.
The document summarizes key points from Physics 111 Lecture 2:
1) It recaps 1-D constant acceleration motion and introduces 1-D free fall, reviewing that gravity causes a downward acceleration.
2) Vectors in 2D and 3D are discussed, including vector addition and unit vectors.
3) Kinematics equations for constant acceleration are extended to 3D motion, and it is noted that for constant acceleration, most 3D problems can be reduced to 2D.
4) Examples of projectile motion and 2D motion are presented to demonstrate applying the concepts.
This document contains solutions to problems from Chapter 2 on kinematics.
1) It calculates average velocities for objects moving with constant acceleration based on displacement and time intervals.
2) It uses kinematic equations to solve for quantities like displacement, velocity, and acceleration from graphs of position vs. time.
3) It finds the slope of tangent lines on x-t graphs to determine instantaneous velocity.
The document discusses the calculus of variations and derives Euler's equation. It explains that the fundamental problem is to find an unknown function that makes a functional (function of a function) an extremum. Euler's equation provides the necessary condition for a functional to be extremized. As an example, it derives the Euler-Lagrange equation for the shortest distance between two points in Cartesian coordinates, showing the path is a straight line.
This document contains the solutions to two geotechnical engineering problems involving retaining wall design. For problem 1, the dimensions, soil properties, and forces acting on an 8m retaining wall are given. Calculations are shown to find the factors of safety against overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity failure, all of which meet the required minimum of 1.5. Problem 2 provides modified dimensions and soil properties and similarly calculates the safety factors for a 6m retaining wall.
Resolu巽達o.f鱈sica sears zemansky 12捉 edi巽達o young e freedman (todos os...ASTRIDEDECARVALHOMAG
1) The document applies Newton's laws of motion to analyze various physical situations involving forces, masses, and accelerations. It considers tension forces in ropes and chains, as well as normal and frictional forces.
2) Key steps include drawing free-body diagrams, identifying all forces, and writing the appropriate force equations. Forces are resolved into components parallel and perpendicular to surfaces.
3) Solutions involve calculating tensions, normal forces, angles, and other variables by setting the force equations equal to mass times acceleration and solving.
Yes, you can apply work-energy to the combined system of blocks A and B.
For the combined system:
Initial KE = 0
Final KE = 1/2mv^2
Work done by tension in cable = 0 (internal force)
Work done by friction = -亮kNds = -亮k(mg)ds
Work done by gravity = -mgds
Setting Work = KE:
-亮k(mg)ds - mgds = 1/2mv^2
(亮kmg + mg)ds = 1/2mv^2
(1+亮k)mgds = 1/2mv^2
This document outlines the agenda and content for Physics 111 Lecture 2. The lecture will recap 1-D motion with constant acceleration, cover 1-D free fall, review vectors, and discuss 3-D kinematics. It provides examples and problems involving calculating the time and velocity of objects in free fall. It also demonstrates how to use vectors to represent position, velocity, and acceleration in 3 dimensions and how to add vectors. The components of motion in different directions are treated independently for 3-D problems.
We solve for acceleration and tension of the ideal Atwood machine by exploring many of the assumptions needed to solve the system of equations. This slide deck accompanies a series of 5 short videos on the "Bloom Where Planted" YouTube channel.
1) A car traveling at 60 m/s takes 4.0 seconds to react and decelerate at -5.0 m/s^2 until stopping. The normal stopping distance is 80 m.
2) For a drunk driver reacting in 6.0 seconds and decelerating at -5.0 m/s^2, the stopping distance is 120 m.
3) Kinematic equations are used to determine the stopping distance from the initial velocity, deceleration, and reaction time.
This document provides an overview and introduction to Physics 101. It outlines the course format, grading scale, lectures, homework, labs, and discussions. Key concepts that will be covered include forces, kinematics, energy, momentum, and thermodynamics. Newton's laws of motion are introduced, including inertia and the relationship between force and mass acceleration. The document also discusses the forces of gravity, friction, and normal contact forces, and how to draw free body diagrams.
The document discusses algorithms and data structures covered in a CS algorithms course, including Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, shortest paths in DAGs, Kruskal's algorithm for minimum spanning trees, and disjoint-set union data structures. It provides examples and explanations of how each algorithm works.
This document contains the solutions manual for the textbook "Classical Mechanics: A Critical Introduction" by Larry Gladney. It provides detailed step-by-step solutions to problems from each chapter of the textbook, which covers topics in classical mechanics including kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, momentum, work and energy, simple harmonic motion, equilibrium, rotational motion, and gravitation. The solutions manual is intended to help students learn classical mechanics by solving example problems with the guidance of fully worked out solutions. It also serves to check students' own work and understanding of concepts.
The document discusses three frameworks for externalizing tacit knowledge: Nonaka's SECI model of knowledge conversion, the knowledge asset model, and the 4I model of organizational learning. The SECI model involves four processes - socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization - that transform tacit and explicit knowledge. The knowledge asset model categorizes knowledge into experiential, conceptual, systematic, and routine assets. The 4I model consists of intuiting, interpreting, integrating, and institutionalizing steps in organizational learning. Examples are provided to illustrate how companies like Honda, Tesla, and Toyota apply these frameworks.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al software, incluyendo que los programas son necesarios para que funcione un ordenador y que el sistema operativo permite la comunicaci坦n entre el usuario y la m叩quina. Tambi辿n describe diferentes tipos de sistemas operativos como Windows y Ubuntu, ejemplos de software libre y de pago como Microsoft Office y OpenOffice, y c坦mo los virus pueden infectar un ordenador a trav辿s del correo electr坦nico, sitios web o archivos descargados, por lo que se recomienda instalar y mantener actualizado un antivirus.
The MIB School of Management offers a highly international MBA in International Business that provides comprehensive management training and a focus on developing personal leadership skills. Over 25 years, MIB has built strong industry partnerships and a reputation for excellence through its diverse, multicultural learning environment and internationally experienced faculty. The intensive, full-time MBA program combines classroom instruction with real-world projects, study tours, and opportunities for career development through MIB's extensive alumni network.
El documento presenta el resumen de los an叩lisis realizados por varios pares sobre los planes TIC de cinco centros educativos. Cada par clasific坦 las acciones de los planes en tres categor鱈as: mejora de la gesti坦n, ense単anza y aprendizaje. Los resultados se recopilaron en un documento alojado en la intranet de TKNIKA.
Social Recruiting & Employer Branding - Key to attracting and engaging Gen YMindTickle
MindTickle offers social recruiting and employer branding solutions to attract top talent and engage new hires. Their solutions include creating online competitions for students to generate buzz and attract applicants. They also provide a gamified assessment portal for new hires to demonstrate skills and get classified into appropriate roles. This increases engagement between the offer date and start date, reduces pre-hire churn, and helps classify new hires based on strengths. Analytics dashboards provide insights into participation levels and skill assessments.
This document contains the personal details, educational background, qualifications, work experience, and references of Muhamad Farhan Bin Osman. It summarizes that he graduated from the University Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute with a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering and has work experience in electrical and process instrumentation & control fields through industrial placements at Shell Refining Company and Petronas Penapisan Melaka. His objectives are to gain knowledge and utilize his engineering skills to achieve his career goals.
The document outlines how many liters of water Jonny Brown uses per day through various activities like showering, washing, flushing toilets, and drinking. It calculates his total daily water usage is 154 liters. It then provides suggestions for reducing water usage, such as taking shorter showers, washing hands quicker, drinking pure juices instead of water, and potentially reducing toilet flushes.
The document discusses applying ratios to vectors. It provides examples of using ratios to find unknown points along vectors. The key steps are: 1) Form an equation using the position vector rule relating the unknown point P to the known endpoints A and B; 2) Make P the subject of the equation; 3) Solve the equation to find the coordinates of P. Examples show setting up equations for points dividing vectors in given ratios and solving to find the coordinates of the unknown points.
The national flag of Freedonia features a flying penguin in the center with three colored circles representing different values. Red represents philanthropy, green represents freedom, and orange represents equality. The people typically dress warmly in long coats, hats, and boots made of fur. Their houses are made of wood and artistic, and they grow their own wheat and vegetables. The national bird is the flying penguin, and a notable animal is the big rabbit, which resembles a small white bear. Freedonia gained independence from England in the 1980s after a land dispute, and now has a population of around 3.8 million people.
The document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure recruiting success and performance. It recommends tracking 5 specific KPIs: 1) the number of qualified candidates per job opening, 2) candidate survey results indicating a positive experience, 3) the number of days from when a candidate applies to when an offer is accepted or rejected, 4) the offer acceptance rate, and 5) the number of hires compared to goals. The document explains each KPI in detail and provides benchmarks for high performance. It also discusses how to analyze the data from each KPI to identify areas for improvement.
The document discusses changes in employment relations systems over the past 20-30 years in Australia and Spain from an industrial relations model to a contemporary employment relations model. In Australia, the pluralist approach that empowered unions has given way to a growing unitarist approach that has increased employer power over the past 2-3 decades. Employers have gained influence through enterprise bargaining laws and associations that have weakened unions. In Spain, reforms to increase competitiveness including allowing temporary contracts have reduced union influence, though high unemployment remained an issue. Overall the passage argues employers have become more powerful actors under the contemporary employment relations systems in both countries.
Romanii sunt, in sfirsit, mai optimisti in ceea ce priveste viitorul. Isarescu apare ca o alternativa pentru Tariceanu. Becail urca in top. Basescu e considerat European (ca si Geoana).
This document discusses using the dot product to calculate the angle between two vectors. It provides the formula for calculating the dot product and shows examples of using the formula to find the angle between vectors. It also discusses how if two vectors are perpendicular, their dot product will equal 0.
This document provides instructions for making a 3D paper star craft that can be used as a Christmas decoration or ornament. It lists the materials needed, which include paper, scissors, glue, and string or yarn. The instructions explain how to print and cut out two star shapes from paper, fold and glue the shapes together to form a 3D star, and attach a loop of string so it can be hung on a Christmas tree.
This document provides an overview of kinematic equations and how to approach solving kinematics problems. It includes:
- A list of common kinematic equations and how they are used depending on whether an object starts from rest, has constant velocity, or constant acceleration.
- Guidance on identifying key variables like displacement, velocity, acceleration and determining the correct signs based on the problem context.
- Worked examples showing how to set up and solve kinematics problems step-by-step using the appropriate equations.
- Tips for dealing with problems that may require using multiple equations or are multi-stage problems where acceleration changes. The key is to solve for available variables and use those solutions to determine missing variables
This document contains lecture notes on kinematics in one dimension, including key concepts like displacement, velocity, acceleration, and motion with constant acceleration.
The notes begin by discussing reference frames and defining coordinate systems used to describe motion. Displacement, average speed, velocity, and acceleration are then defined. Constant acceleration is explored through derivations of equations for displacement, velocity, and time as functions of acceleration. Graphical analysis of motion graphs velocity as the slope of a position-time graph and acceleration as the slope of a velocity-time graph.
Worked examples are provided to demonstrate applying the kinematic equations, including calculating acceleration from changes in velocity over time and solving for time, displacement, and velocity in falling object problems
Solutions for Problems in Dynamics (15th Edition) by Russell Hibbelernazrinajeeb3
This collection of solved problems from Dynamics (15th Edition) by Russell Hibbeler provides clear and well-explained solutions to various mechanics-related exercises. It is an essential resource for students studying kinematics, kinetics, work-energy principles, and impulse-momentum methods. Get step-by-step solutions to complex problems and improve your understanding of engineering dynamics.
For access, contact us via:
This document provides information about a Physics 1: Mechanics course taught by Phan Bao Ngoc. The course covers kinematics and dynamics of mass points, laws of conservation, and dynamics and statics of rigid bodies. It is worth 2 credits and uses the 7th edition of Fundamentals of Physics as the primary text. Assessment includes attendance, homework, an assignment, midterm exam, and final exam. Topics covered include one-dimensional and two-dimensional motion, velocity, acceleration, constant acceleration, freely falling objects, and projectile motion. Homework assigned is to read a section and problems 1-7, 14, 23, 27-29, 38, 40, and 45.
The document discusses particle kinematics and concepts such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, and their relationships for rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Key concepts covered include definitions of displacement, average and instantaneous velocity, acceleration, graphical representations of position, velocity, and acceleration over time, and analytical methods for solving kinematic equations involving constant or variable acceleration. Several sample problems are provided to illustrate applying these kinematic concepts and relationships to solve for variables like time, velocity, acceleration, and displacement given relevant conditions.
The document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 3 of a physics textbook, including:
1) Equations of kinematics in two dimensions are presented to describe motion in x and y directions independently, as well as calculating overall velocity and direction.
2) Projectile motion examples show how to apply the kinematics equations to objects thrown or falling under gravity near Earth's surface, finding values like maximum height, landing time and location, or velocity on impact.
3) The concept of relative velocity is introduced to calculate overall velocity when combining motion relative to different reference frames, such as an object moving across a river relative to the boat and water currents.
Brief review of velocity and acceleration along with mathematically explained feature . speed of lava bomb is also explained in these slides and the example of cap is qouted
This document discusses concepts in rectilinear kinematics including position, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and their relationships. It defines these terms and concepts for motion along a straight line. Equations of motion are presented that relate these quantities including expressions for velocity and position as functions of time given constant acceleration. Examples are provided to demonstrate calculating these values for objects in motion. Free fall under constant acceleration due to gravity is also analyzed as a specific example.
The lecture covered potential energy and the conservation of energy. Key points included:
1) Work done by conservative forces like gravity is independent of path. Potential energy U can be defined as mgh for gravity and 1/2kx^2 for springs.
2) The work-energy theorem states the work done by non-conservative forces equals the change in kinetic and potential energy.
3) For problems involving gravity, conservation of energy can be used to calculate changes in speed and height by setting the initial gravitational potential energy equal to the final kinetic and potential energies.
The lecture covered potential energy and the conservation of energy. Key concepts included:
1) Work done by conservative forces like gravity is independent of path. Potential energy U can be defined as mgh for gravity and 1/2kx^2 for springs.
2) The work-energy theorem states the work done by non-conservative forces equals the change in kinetic energy plus potential energy.
3) Problems can be solved using the conservation of energy principle that the total energy at the start equals the total energy at the end.
This problem involves analyzing the motion of a ball thrown vertically upwards in an elevator shaft, and an open-platform elevator moving upwards at a constant velocity.
The key steps are:
1) Use kinematic equations to find the velocity and position of the ball as a function of time, assuming constant downward acceleration due to gravity.
2) Determine the velocity and position of the elevator as a constant upward velocity.
3) Express the relative motion of the ball with respect to the elevator to determine when they meet.
By setting the position of the ball equal to the position of the elevator and solving for time, we can determine when the ball and elevator meet at 26.4 seconds after the ball is thrown
Discusses projectile motion as two dimensional motion.
**More good stuff available at:
Chapter 2 introduces the concepts of kinematics including reference frames, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and motion with constant acceleration. Equations are derived that relate displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time for objects undergoing constant acceleration. Near the Earth's surface, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.80 m/s2, so these equations can be applied to analyze falling or projected objects using this value of acceleration.
The document summarizes key concepts from Chapter 2 of a Physics textbook on kinematics of linear motion. It discusses the following in 3 sentences:
Linear motion can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional projectile motion. Equations of motion include relationships between displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. Uniformly accelerated motion follows equations that relate the initial and final velocity, acceleration, and time to determine displacement and distance traveled.
1. The document discusses various kinematics problems involving motion under uniform acceleration. It provides solutions using graphical, analytical and vector methods.
2. Methods include calculating time taken to cross a river based on velocities and angles, determining average and instantaneous velocities from distance-time graphs, resolving velocities into components, and finding the distance between particles moving with different initial velocities.
3. One problem involves three particles moving in a circle such that they are always at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, and calculates the distance traveled by one particle before they meet.
1) The document describes the components and steps for solving 2-dimensional projectile motion problems.
2) It explains that projectile motion problems can be broken into independent horizontal and vertical components using velocity and acceleration.
3) The document provides the key steps to solve all 2D projectile motion problems: (1) break velocity into x and y components, (2) use displacement to find time, (3) use time to find other displacement, (4) find maximum height, and (5) find final velocity.
The document describes a theoretical problem involving a child on a swing. It provides equations related to angular momentum and mechanical energy of rotation to analyze the motion. The key points are:
- As the child squats and stands, its distance from the swing pivot changes, altering the angular velocity.
- Each cycle increases the angular velocity by a factor determined by the ratio of distances when squatting vs. standing.
- Conservation laws are applied to calculate how many cycles are needed to double the maximum angular velocity/amplitude.
- The solution finds it takes 5 cycles to increase the angular velocity/amplitude by a factor of two, based on the given distance ratio of 1.072 when squatting vs. standing
In this relative motion and relative speed concept is demonstrated with help of examples, graphically and mathematically. The concepts of Einstein and Galileo
solucionario de hibbeler din叩mica ed 12 Chapter 12stiven solis
1) A car traveling at 60 m/s takes 4.0 seconds to react and decelerate at -5.0 m/s^2 until stopping. The normal stopping distance is 80 m.
2) For a drunk driver reacting in 6.0 seconds and decelerating at -5.0 m/s^2, the stopping distance is 120 m.
3) Kinematic equations are used to determine the stopping distances based on initial velocity, deceleration, and reaction time.
solucionario de hibbeler din叩mica ed 12 Chapter 12stiven solis
Ls 11 Components of vectors
1. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 1 of 12
Components of
2. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 2 of 12
Solve the following problems
Q1. A ship is pulled by two tugs at 12o to the direction the ship. If each pulls with a force
of 6kN. Calculate the resultant force the ship is moved with
Q2. A kite has a mass of 0.5 kg. It is hit by a find with a force of 10N.
(Assume g = -9.81 ms-2)
10 N a) Find the weight of the Kite.
b) Using your answer to a) construct a triangle for the
c) Using your answers to a) and b) find the tension in the main kite string
3. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 3 of 12
1) Know the effect of gravity on the movement of
. a projectile in terms of components
2) Understand how to resolve projectile problems
through resolution of vectors into components
3) Be able to solve projectile problems
4. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 4 of 12
Cosine rule
Flight Path
Horizontal Component
Pythagoras theorem
Sine rule
Vertical Component
vutas equations
5. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 5 of 12
Objects thrown upwards.
In these sort of problems it is convention that upwards is a positive direction
and downwards a negative direction
Look at the following problem
Q1 .A person throws a cricket ball straight up into the air with an initial velocity of 30ms-1.
What height will the ball reach from its point of release? (Assume g= -9.81ms -1)
Draw a diagram to represent the information
30ms -1
Height 9.81 ms -2
Assign the correct signs to the vectors
Q. At what point will the ball stop increasing in height?
When the upward (+) instantaneous velocity is zero
Summarise further information now
u = 30 ms-1
v = 0 ms-1
a = -9.81 ms-2
Height = displacement (s)
s = ?
Looking at the data use the appropriate vutas equation
v 2 = u2 + 2as v = u +at Eqn 1
s = (v + u)t Eqn 2
s = ut + 遜 at2 Eqn 3
v2 = 2as + u2 Eqn 4
v 2- u2 = s
0 2- 302 = s
2 -9.81
- 900 = s
s = 45.8 m
6. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 6 of 12
Objects thrown upwards.
In these sort of problems it is convention that upwards is a positive direction
and downwards a negative direction Look at the following problem
Q2 .A person throws a ball straight up into the air with an initial velocity of 27ms-1, and it
goes over a cliff 40m high. How long does it take to reach the top of its trajectory? What
is the final velocity the ball will reach the ground at the bottom of the cliff?
Draw a diagram to represent the information
27 ms -1
9.81 ms -2
Assign the correct signs to the vectors
u = 27 ms-1
v = ms-1
a = -9.81 ms-2
Height = displacement (s)
s = - 40 m
v = u +at Eqn 1
s = (v + u)t Eqn 2
s = ut + 遜 at2 Eqn 3
v2 = 2as + u2 Eqn 4
40 m-
v = u +at Eqn 1
0 = 27 +(-9.81 x t )
0 -27 = -9.81 x t 0 -27 = t
t = 2.75 s
Find the time for the object to
reach the top of its height
v2 = 2as + u2 Eqn 4
Final velocity from full drop
v2 = 2 x -9.81 x -40. + 272
v2 = 1513.8
v2 = 1513.8.8
v = - 38.91 ms-1
7. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 7 of 12
Components of vectors.
Just as several vectors can be made to give a resultant vector the opposite is true. In
this that a vector can be split into two perpendicular component vectors. This becomes
useful, particularly for projectiles.
Imagine the problem you have just solved, except the ball was thrown horizontal. With
initial velocity of 30ms-1.
Q2. What would the flight path of the ball be?
Q3. Why will it follow an curved down path? Acceleration due to gravity
Constant velocity 30ms-1 (Assuming no drag which is
arrows same length common for these type of
Velocity at each point
due to the acceleration
due to gravity increases
Longer downward
So there is still a problem. The
velocity varies vertically
8. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 8 of 12
Acceleration due to gravity
Look at the object falling opposite. At each
millisecond the position of an identical ball is
shown and a line drawn to the axis
Q4. What do you notice about the distance
the ball moves in the y (downwards)
direction ?
Moves the same amount downwards or
negative direction
This enables us along with the use of vutas equations to solve these types of problems
v =u + at Equation 1. s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
2s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
v2 = 2as + u2 Equation 4.
Plus the use of the trigonometric formulas
a = b = c .
sin a sin b sin c
Sine rule Pythagorus theoremCosine rule
a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A
9. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
Solving projectile problems
際際滷 9 of 12
Consider the following problem:
A cannon fires a steel ball at 83 ms- 1 in the horizontal direction
from the top of a cliff 80m high. Find the maximum range of the
canon. (g = -9.81ms-2)
Draw out the problem
Solve vertical function. The time the cannonball
will stay in the air s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
Initial velocity u is zero s = 0 x t + 遜 at 2
-80m = 遜 -9.81 t 2
-80m x 2 = t 2
160/9.81 = t2
16.31 = t2 4.04 s = t
s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
Now the horizontal component
s = (83 + 83 ) 4.04s
s = (166 ) 4.04s
s = 83 x 4.04s s = 335.32 m
v =u + at Equation 1.
s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
v2 = 2as + u2 Equation 4.
Sine rule
a = b = c .
sin a sin b sin c
Cosine rule
a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A
Pythagorus theorem
Or s = v t s = 83 x 4.04 = 335.32 m
10. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 10 of 12
A cannon fires a steel ball at 120 ms- 1 in at an elevation of 30o from the top of a cliff 80m
high. Find the maximum range of the canon. (g = -9.81ms-2)
Solving projectile problems 2
120 ms-1
Split the balls initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components
120 ms-1 sin q = 0pp
hypsin q x hyp = 0pp
sin 30o x 120ms-1 opp
Vertical component
0.5 x 120ms-1 = opp
Opp = 60 ms-1 vertical component u v
Look at the vertical motion in terms of vutas equations.80 m
v =u + at Equation 1.
s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
v2 = 2as + u2 Equation 4.
Sine rule
a = b = c .
sin a sin b sin c
Cosine rule
a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A
Pythagorus theorem
v2 = 2as + u2
v2 = 2 x -9.81 x -80 + (+60ms-1)2
vv =
uv = + 60m s-1
t =
av = -9.81m s-2
sv = -80 m
v2 = 1569.6 +3600
v2 = 1569.6 +3600
v2 = 5169.6 v2 = 5169.6
vv = -71.89 ms-1
-71.89 ms-1
Minus because it is the final velocity is downwards
v =u + at Equation 1 v u = t
-71.89 (+60) = t
-9.81-71.89 60 = t
-131.89 = t
t = 13.44 s
1.21 s
Horizontal component
vh =
uh = ?
t = 13.44 s
ah = 0 m s-2
sh = ?
cos q = adj .
cos 30o = adj .
120 ms-1
cos q x 120 = adj . 0.866 x 120 = 103.9 ms-1
103.9 ms-1
s = 103.9 m x 13.44 s s = 1396.4 m
103.9 ms-1
s = v t
11. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 11 of 12
Problem for you to solve
A child throws a stone at a 40o angle from the horizontal. If it reaches the sea 100m below,
70m out, 1.4s later. What was the speed it left his hand at ? (Assume g= 9.81 ms-2)
SMCs tip: draw the problem out
SMCs tip: write out vutas down the side and assign
vv = ?
uv = ?
t = 1.4 s
av = -9.81 m s-2
sv = ? + -100m
vh = uh
uh = vh
t = 1.4 s
ah = 0 m s-2
sh = 70m
SMCs tip: Draw out the component vector diagram for the
initial vector
40 o
We assume nothing effects the horizontal
component we have a displacement and
v =u + at Equation 1.
s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
v2 = 2as + u2 Equation 4.
Sine rule
a = b = c .
sin a sin b sin c
Cosine rule
a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A
Pythagorus theorem
s = vh t
70 m-100m
-9.81 ms-2
40 ou
1.4 s
70 m = vh = 50ms-1
cos 40o = 50ms-1
hyp = 50ms-1
Cos 40o
u = 65.3 ms-1
Velocity the stone left the hand at
Horizontal component
Why is the actual velocity it leaves the hand likely to be slightly
higher ?
For the stone to reach the distance indicated the velocity will have be higher due to air
resistance slowing down the horizontal vector for velocity which we assumed was the
same value
12. KYS Malaysia Physics AS / 2 S.M.Chappell
Lesson 11
際際滷 12 of 12
Problem for you to solve 2
A child throws a stone at a 45o angle from the horizontal. If it reaches the sea 120 m below, 120m
sea,170m out, 2.7s later. What was the speed it left his hand at ? (Assume g= -9.81 ms-2)
SMCs tip: draw the problem out
SMCs tip: write out vutas down the side and assign
vv = ?
uv = ?
t = 2.7 s
av = -9.81 m s-2
sv = ? + -120m
vh = uh
uh = vh
t = 2.7 s
ah = 0 m s-2
sh = 170m
SMCs tip: Draw out the component vector diagram for the
initial vector
45 o
We assume nothing effects the horizontal
component we have a displacement and
v =u + at Equation 1.
s = (v + u ) t Equation 2.
s = u t + 遜 at 2 Equation 3.
v2 = 2as + u2 Equation 4.
Sine rule
a = b = c .
sin a sin b sin c
Cosine rule
a2 = b2 + c2 2bc cos A
Pythagorus theorem
s = vh t
170 m-120m
-9.81 ms-2
45 ou
2.7 s
170 m = vh = 63 ms-1
63 ms-1
63 ms-1
cos 45o = 63ms-1
hyp = 63ms-1
Cos 45o
u = 89.1 ms-1
Velocity the stone left the hand at
Horizontal component
Calculate the height the stone falls from
above the cliff. For this vv = 0ms-1
Why? The point where the stones starts its minus velocity due to av
uv sin 45 o = opp
89.1 m
sin 45 o x 89.1= 63 ms-1
0 2 632 =s
2 x -9.81
v2 = 2as + u2 v2 u2= s
s= 202.3m