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What is the World Model Algorithm?
Aug 29, 2018

Sooyoung Moon
World Model 覦 覈
World Model 覦 覈
襷 RNN瑚 る? 旧 蠍  RNN l    .
World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.)
<Car Racing> Random Policy襦 Exploration
Fake environment
Exploration & Flexibility
When training (M)When testing
When training (C)
<Car Racing>
1. Environment reset 豌 obs 螻

2. Agent螳 obs 磯 random action 豬

3. obs, reward, done, info = model.env.step(action)

4. [encoded_obs, action]螳 rnn 誤朱 れ願

5.  z螳螻 h螳 

6. Total reward += reward

7. 2覯朱 螳 覦覲
CMA-ES: cma朱 optimizer
襯 伎 讌 螻襴讀

Cumulative reward襯 豕螳
蟆  W, b 谿場譴
World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.)
Random Policy襦 Exploration
Fake environment
Exploration & Flexibility
World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.)
World Model 覦 process (complicated tasks ver.)
1. M,C 蠏 螳  朱 り朱
朱誤磯ゼ 豐蠍壱 .

2. 襷 ロ螻 obs  願姥 伎
M 碁企.

3. action  reward, done 企 覿覿れ
覿 覈碁 蟆 .  M 牛磯伎 蟆
C襯 碁企.

4. 企慨  覲旧″  M-C 碁企 
朱る 2覯朱 螳.
Loss function
Maximum likelihood loss function
Implementation 鍖les
python 01_generate_data.py car_racing --total_episodes 2000 --start_batch 0 --time_steps 300
python 02_train_vae.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9 --new_model
python 03_generate_rnn_data.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9
python 04_train_rnn.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9 --new_model
python 05_train_controller.py car_racing --num_worker 16 --num_worker_trial 2 --num_episode 4 --
max_length 1000 --eval_steps 25
VAE 牛 latent space 襷 
MDN-RNN 牛 sequential 覲 豌襴 

300 time steps



200 x 10 batches VAE
Implementation 鍖les
CMA-ES螳 企 蟆語 讌蟯朱 危危蠍
Implementation 鍖les
1. 願 螳旧 一碁.

2. 襴殊螳 旧     螻 襴 蟆暑慨 覈詩讌 .

3. 譴 : 襴 蟆曙 觜瑚 一磯 襷 蟆 觜 蟲ロ 企. 一磯 豌願

4. World model simulation朱 谿蠏殊姶蠏 覦一 蟆 襴 襦 牛 policy襯 transfer
  蠍 覓語  糾骸 蟆壱  螻殊 讌朱    

5. 蠏 覦 レ: 

1. Controller model 蟆 襷れ蠍 覓語 覲旧″ 螻襴讀 郁鍵 覲企 朱
一壱蠍  es. 襷 襷讌襷 鍖nal cumulative reward襷 螳讌螻 optimizer 襴

2. ES レ 覲  GPU 郁鍵 譬 伎 豕 RNN 蟲譟磯ゼ
  蟆 .

6. :

1. capacity螳  . 螻朱 continuous 一危郁 ル蠍 覓語

2. RNN 郁鍵 覓語 螳 讌襦 讌 catastrophic forgetting 覓語襯 願屋

 solution: small MDN-RNN 蟆 襷り碓 external memory module 

7. 朱:

1. 觚危 螳ロ讌 豌危企慨覃 譬 蟆

2. 企 task 磯 譬讌?

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World model

  • 1. What is the World Model Algorithm? Aug 29, 2018 Sooyoung Moon
  • 3. 3 World Model 覦 覈 襷 RNN瑚 る? 旧 蠍 RNN l .
  • 4. 4 World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.) <Car Racing> Random Policy襦 Exploration Fake environment Exploration & Flexibility When training (M)When testing
  • 5. When training (C) 5 <Car Racing> Training Simulate 1. Environment reset 豌 obs 螻 2. Agent螳 obs 磯 random action 豬 3. obs, reward, done, info = model.env.step(action) 4. [encoded_obs, action]螳 rnn 誤朱 れ願 5. z螳螻 h螳 6. Total reward += reward 7. 2覯朱 螳 覦覲 Optimizing CMA-ES: cma朱 optimizer 襯 伎 讌 螻襴讀 Cumulative reward襯 豕螳 蟆 W, b 谿場譴 World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.)
  • 6. 6 <VizDoom> Random Policy襦 Exploration Fake environment Exploration & Flexibility World Model 覦 process (simple tasks ver.)
  • 7. World Model 覦 process (complicated tasks ver.) 1. M,C 蠏 螳 朱 り朱 朱誤磯ゼ 豐蠍壱 . 2. 襷 ロ螻 obs 願姥 伎 M 碁企. 3. action reward, done 企 覿覿れ 覿 覈碁 蟆 . M 牛磯伎 蟆 C襯 碁企. 4. 企慨 覲旧″ M-C 碁企 朱る 2覯朱 螳.
  • 9. 01_generate_data.py 03_generate_rnn_data.py 04_train_rnn.py Implementation 鍖les 02_train_vae.py 05_train_controller.py python 01_generate_data.py car_racing --total_episodes 2000 --start_batch 0 --time_steps 300 python 02_train_vae.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9 --new_model python 03_generate_rnn_data.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9 python 04_train_rnn.py --start_batch 0 --max_batch 9 --new_model python 05_train_controller.py car_racing --num_worker 16 --num_worker_trial 2 --num_episode 4 -- max_length 1000 --eval_steps 25 !9
  • 10. VAE 牛 latent space 襷 MDN-RNN 牛 sequential 覲 豌襴 300 time steps . . . 200 x 10 batches VAE Weights.h5 01_generate_data.py 02_train_vae.py 03_generate_rnn_data.py ./vae/weights.h5 04_train_rnn.py MDN- RNN Weights.h5 ./rnn/weights.h5 Implementation 鍖les !10
  • 11. CMA-ES CMA-ES螳 企 蟆語 讌蟯朱 危危蠍 http://blog.otoro.net/2017/10/29/visual-evolution-strategies/ 05_train_controller.py Implementation 鍖les !11
  • 12. Discussion 1. 願 螳旧 一碁. 2. 襴殊螳 旧 螻 襴 蟆暑慨 覈詩讌 . 3. 譴 : 襴 蟆曙 觜瑚 一磯 襷 蟆 觜 蟲ロ 企. 一磯 豌願 . 4. World model simulation朱 谿蠏殊姶蠏 覦一 蟆 襴 襦 牛 policy襯 transfer 蠍 覓語 糾骸 蟆壱 螻殊 讌朱 5. 蠏 覦 レ: 1. Controller model 蟆 襷れ蠍 覓語 覲旧″ 螻襴讀 郁鍵 覲企 朱 一壱蠍 es. 襷 襷讌襷 鍖nal cumulative reward襷 螳讌螻 optimizer 襴 . 2. ES レ 覲 GPU 郁鍵 譬 伎 豕 RNN 蟲譟磯ゼ 蟆 . 6. : 1. capacity螳 . 螻朱 continuous 一危郁 ル蠍 覓語 2. RNN 郁鍵 覓語 螳 讌襦 讌 catastrophic forgetting 覓語襯 願屋 . solution: small MDN-RNN 蟆 襷り碓 external memory module 蟾 7. 朱: 1. 觚危 螳ロ讌 豌危企慨覃 譬 蟆 2. 企 task 磯 譬讌? !12