Lesson 4Speaking ClubThis lesson discusses products and services. It focuses on the importance of understanding customer needs in order to develop products and services that meet those needs. Understanding customer needs is key to developing successful offerings that customers will value.
European language portfolio )))1966kazachkalenaThis document appears to be a pupil's guide or passport with sections for them to fill in personal information like their name, birthday, country, native language, city/village, and school. It also has sections for them to self-assess their English language skills in areas like reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar. There are tables to indicate their level according to the European system from A1 to C2. Finally, there are sections for the pupil to outline goals, a project topic, and scientific work subject in English.
Lesson 40Speaking ClubThis document appears to be about English grammar lessons, specifically Lesson 40 which focuses on the use of "had + been + V3" and "had + being + V3". It includes sections for practice exercises A and B, as well as a section listing new vocabulary words and phrases introduced in the lesson.
Lesson 39Speaking ClubThis document provides examples of using the passive voice in different tenses in English. It defines the structure of the passive voice and provides examples of how to form the passive voice in the present simple, past simple, future simple, present continuous, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. It also discusses less commonly used tenses like the future continuous and future perfect continuous and provides examples of simplifying sentences from these tenses to more common forms.
European language portfolio )))1966kazachkalenaThis document appears to be a pupil's guide or passport with sections for them to fill in personal information like their name, birthday, country, native language, city/village, and school. It also has sections for them to self-assess their English language skills in areas like reading, writing, speaking, listening, and grammar. There are tables to indicate their level according to the European system from A1 to C2. Finally, there are sections for the pupil to outline goals, a project topic, and scientific work subject in English.
Lesson 40Speaking ClubThis document appears to be about English grammar lessons, specifically Lesson 40 which focuses on the use of "had + been + V3" and "had + being + V3". It includes sections for practice exercises A and B, as well as a section listing new vocabulary words and phrases introduced in the lesson.
Lesson 39Speaking ClubThis document provides examples of using the passive voice in different tenses in English. It defines the structure of the passive voice and provides examples of how to form the passive voice in the present simple, past simple, future simple, present continuous, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. It also discusses less commonly used tenses like the future continuous and future perfect continuous and provides examples of simplifying sentences from these tenses to more common forms.
1. Тип квеста: линейный
Аудитория: дети 8-13 лет
Место проведения: ул. Поля,2а
Продолжительность: 1,5 часа
Кол-во участников: 3-5 команд
Стоимость квеста: 85 грн
050.822.11.29 067.607.14.30
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