This study compared the effectiveness of four laryngoscope devices (Macintosh, Glidescope, Truview EVO2w, and Airwayscope) for tracheal intubation in patients with cervical spine immobilization. One hundred and twenty patients were randomly assigned to intubation with one of the four devices. The Glidescope, Airwayscope, and Truview EVO2w all improved the glottic view and reduced intubation difficulty compared with the Macintosh. However, the Glidescope and Airwayscope further reduced intubation difficulty and improved the glottic view more than the Truview EVO2w. While the Macintosh was faster, the Glidescope and Airwayscope provided
O documento discute o OpenSSH, um pacote de software livre que fornece utilit¨¢rios seguros para conex?es de rede, incluindo o ssh para login remoto seguro e o scp para c¨®pia remota segura de arquivos. Ele explica como o OpenSSH funciona, seus arquivos de configura??o e como usar os comandos ssh e scp.
2.9 Animal Heroes: Helen Woodward Animal Centre - Mike ArmsDogs Trust
The document describes several animal heroes from 9/11 and other rescue situations. It discusses Sirius, a search and rescue dog who died in the 9/11 attacks trying to find his handler. It also talks about Roselle, a guide dog who led her blind owner to safety during the 9/11 evacuations. Finally, it shares the story of Scarlett, a cat who pulled her kittens from a fire, sustaining severe burns herself in the process before collapsing.
Este documento presenta el pliego de cl¨¢usulas administrativas particulares para el contrato de gesti¨®n del servicio p¨²blico integral del Centro de Interpretaci¨®n de la Cultura de la Madera en Cazorla, Ja¨¦n. El contrato tendr¨¢ una duraci¨®n de 6 a?os con posibilidad de pr¨®rroga de 2 a?os adicionales. Se adjudicar¨¢ mediante procedimiento abierto y varios criterios de adjudicaci¨®n. El canon anual ser¨¢ de 1,500€ actualizable seg¨²n el IPC.
O documento discute permiss?es de arquivos no Linux, incluindo: 1) tipos de permiss?o como leitura, escrita e execu??o; 2) como permiss?es s?o definidas para usu¨¢rios, grupos e outros; 3) como modificar permiss?es usando comandos como chmod, chown e chgrp.
El documento detalla la visita del maestro Rodolfo Him a las clases de karate y el pre-examen de varios estudiantes como parte de la celebraci¨®n de 32 a?os de pr¨¢ctica de karate do. Se enumeran los nombres de los estudiantes que realizaron su pre-examen.
Stay safe while lending money from money lendermoneylender0
This document discusses things to consider when borrowing money from money lenders. It recommends borrowing from licensed and government-approved money lenders, as they follow legal procedures and will not put one's life or property at risk. It suggests checking that the lender has flexible repayment terms, follows government procedures like using a loan agreement, and does not require property as collateral. Using a licensed money lender in Singapore provides a safe option for obtaining a loan during financial need.
The document summarizes two past DRESD meetings held in July 2006 and July 2007 at Hotel Villa Gina in Goglio. It then announces plans for the upcoming 3D-DRESD meeting from July 28 to August 1, 2008, which will include a DRESD workshop from July 28-30 followed by an ATMEL training from July 31 to August 1. Key dates and costs are provided for registration for the 3D-DRESD meeting and paper submissions for the DRESD workshop.
Es un documento de defensa en favor de la estudiante universitaria Yesenia Coromoto Urdaneta Alvarez debe proseguir sus estudios universitarios, iniciados en la Misi¨®n Sucre, por supuesto con los niveles de apoyo necesarios, esto es que su familia, los profesores universitarios y sus compa?eros de estudios contin¨²en tendi¨¦ndole la mano. Que cuando se presenten situaciones de reto acad¨¦mico, como lo puede ser las evaluaciones, se tome en cuenta que Yesenia Coromoto, ha pesar de su condici¨®n m¨¦dica, ha sido evaluada en las mismas condiciones que sus otros compa?eros, lo cual en altamente significativo y es evidencia de sus potencialidades y capacidades.
The document discusses highlights from Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency from 1963 to 1973. It describes how he was sworn in as president after JFK's assassination in 1963. It outlines his signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act, as well as his calls for reforms as part of his Great Society programs. The document also mentions LBJ signing Medicare into law in 1965 and calling for increased Vietnam War funding in 1966. It provides details on events like the assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK in 1968 before concluding with LBJ's death in 1973.
This document outlines the units and content covered in a subject on business systems and procedures. The 5 units cover: 1) concepts of systems and procedures including writing standard operating procedures, 2) accounting procedures for various financial activities and principles of internal control, 3) lean office processes and digital office automation systems, 4) case studies of various systems used in retail, manufacturing, and service organizations, and 5) a group project to map processes, propose improvements, and write standard operating procedures for an organization. The subject aims to teach students how to analyze, document, and improve business systems and procedures.
La ley de dependencia de 2006 establece prestaciones para personas dependientes. Tiene derecho quien necesite ayuda para actividades b¨¢sicas como vestirse o comer. La ley se aplica de forma progresiva, empezando por los de grado III de gran dependencia en 2007. Para solicitar la valoraci¨®n de la dependencia hay que presentar documentaci¨®n como el DNI y un informe m¨¦dico en los servicios sociales.
Los 2 pacientes presentaban un compromiso respiratorio grave y fueron sometidos a cirug¨ªa de resecci¨®n pulmonar. En ambos casos se utiliz¨® con ¨¦xito un bloqueador bronquial de Arndt para lograr un bloqueo lobular selectivo y permitir la ventilaci¨®n adecuada durante la intervenci¨®n quir¨²rgica. El bloqueo lobular selectivo mediante el bloqueador bronquial de Arndt representa una alternativa a la ventilaci¨®n unipulmonar total en pacientes con compromiso respiratorio.
Laprog Software es una empresa colombiana fundada en 2004 dedicada a proveer soluciones tecnol¨®gicas para la educaci¨®n. Su producto principal es, un portal educativo en internet que ofrece herramientas como foros de discusi¨®n, biblioteca virtual, y calendario para mejorar la educaci¨®n en Latinoam¨¦rica. La empresa tiene alianzas con organizaciones como Comfandi, Ministerio de Educaci¨®n de Colombia, y Microsoft para promover el uso de su producto.
Colorado Gives Day Social Media Copy for NonprofitsBryce Wilkinson
The document provides guidelines and suggested social media copy for organizations participating in Colorado Gives Day. It encourages engagement on Facebook and Twitter to promote the event and increase awareness of local charities. Suggested posts are given to consistently share information about donating through on December 8th and help raise $1 million for Colorado nonprofits. The Community First Foundation Facebook page and @GivingFirst Twitter account are listed as key platforms to join conversations around Colorado Gives Day using the hashtag #COGivesDay.
Este documento presenta el pliego de cl¨¢usulas administrativas particulares para el contrato de gesti¨®n del servicio p¨²blico integral del Centro de Interpretaci¨®n de la Cultura de la Madera en Cazorla, Ja¨¦n. El contrato tendr¨¢ una duraci¨®n de 6 a?os con posibilidad de pr¨®rroga de 2 a?os adicionales. Se adjudicar¨¢ mediante procedimiento abierto y varios criterios de adjudicaci¨®n. El canon anual ser¨¢ de 1,500€ actualizable seg¨²n el IPC.
O documento discute permiss?es de arquivos no Linux, incluindo: 1) tipos de permiss?o como leitura, escrita e execu??o; 2) como permiss?es s?o definidas para usu¨¢rios, grupos e outros; 3) como modificar permiss?es usando comandos como chmod, chown e chgrp.
El documento detalla la visita del maestro Rodolfo Him a las clases de karate y el pre-examen de varios estudiantes como parte de la celebraci¨®n de 32 a?os de pr¨¢ctica de karate do. Se enumeran los nombres de los estudiantes que realizaron su pre-examen.
Stay safe while lending money from money lendermoneylender0
This document discusses things to consider when borrowing money from money lenders. It recommends borrowing from licensed and government-approved money lenders, as they follow legal procedures and will not put one's life or property at risk. It suggests checking that the lender has flexible repayment terms, follows government procedures like using a loan agreement, and does not require property as collateral. Using a licensed money lender in Singapore provides a safe option for obtaining a loan during financial need.
The document summarizes two past DRESD meetings held in July 2006 and July 2007 at Hotel Villa Gina in Goglio. It then announces plans for the upcoming 3D-DRESD meeting from July 28 to August 1, 2008, which will include a DRESD workshop from July 28-30 followed by an ATMEL training from July 31 to August 1. Key dates and costs are provided for registration for the 3D-DRESD meeting and paper submissions for the DRESD workshop.
Es un documento de defensa en favor de la estudiante universitaria Yesenia Coromoto Urdaneta Alvarez debe proseguir sus estudios universitarios, iniciados en la Misi¨®n Sucre, por supuesto con los niveles de apoyo necesarios, esto es que su familia, los profesores universitarios y sus compa?eros de estudios contin¨²en tendi¨¦ndole la mano. Que cuando se presenten situaciones de reto acad¨¦mico, como lo puede ser las evaluaciones, se tome en cuenta que Yesenia Coromoto, ha pesar de su condici¨®n m¨¦dica, ha sido evaluada en las mismas condiciones que sus otros compa?eros, lo cual en altamente significativo y es evidencia de sus potencialidades y capacidades.
The document discusses highlights from Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency from 1963 to 1973. It describes how he was sworn in as president after JFK's assassination in 1963. It outlines his signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act, as well as his calls for reforms as part of his Great Society programs. The document also mentions LBJ signing Medicare into law in 1965 and calling for increased Vietnam War funding in 1966. It provides details on events like the assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK in 1968 before concluding with LBJ's death in 1973.
This document outlines the units and content covered in a subject on business systems and procedures. The 5 units cover: 1) concepts of systems and procedures including writing standard operating procedures, 2) accounting procedures for various financial activities and principles of internal control, 3) lean office processes and digital office automation systems, 4) case studies of various systems used in retail, manufacturing, and service organizations, and 5) a group project to map processes, propose improvements, and write standard operating procedures for an organization. The subject aims to teach students how to analyze, document, and improve business systems and procedures.
La ley de dependencia de 2006 establece prestaciones para personas dependientes. Tiene derecho quien necesite ayuda para actividades b¨¢sicas como vestirse o comer. La ley se aplica de forma progresiva, empezando por los de grado III de gran dependencia en 2007. Para solicitar la valoraci¨®n de la dependencia hay que presentar documentaci¨®n como el DNI y un informe m¨¦dico en los servicios sociales.
Los 2 pacientes presentaban un compromiso respiratorio grave y fueron sometidos a cirug¨ªa de resecci¨®n pulmonar. En ambos casos se utiliz¨® con ¨¦xito un bloqueador bronquial de Arndt para lograr un bloqueo lobular selectivo y permitir la ventilaci¨®n adecuada durante la intervenci¨®n quir¨²rgica. El bloqueo lobular selectivo mediante el bloqueador bronquial de Arndt representa una alternativa a la ventilaci¨®n unipulmonar total en pacientes con compromiso respiratorio.
Laprog Software es una empresa colombiana fundada en 2004 dedicada a proveer soluciones tecnol¨®gicas para la educaci¨®n. Su producto principal es, un portal educativo en internet que ofrece herramientas como foros de discusi¨®n, biblioteca virtual, y calendario para mejorar la educaci¨®n en Latinoam¨¦rica. La empresa tiene alianzas con organizaciones como Comfandi, Ministerio de Educaci¨®n de Colombia, y Microsoft para promover el uso de su producto.
Colorado Gives Day Social Media Copy for NonprofitsBryce Wilkinson
The document provides guidelines and suggested social media copy for organizations participating in Colorado Gives Day. It encourages engagement on Facebook and Twitter to promote the event and increase awareness of local charities. Suggested posts are given to consistently share information about donating through on December 8th and help raise $1 million for Colorado nonprofits. The Community First Foundation Facebook page and @GivingFirst Twitter account are listed as key platforms to join conversations around Colorado Gives Day using the hashtag #COGivesDay.
This lesson discusses products and services. It focuses on the importance of understanding customer needs in order to develop products and services that meet those needs. Understanding customer needs is key to developing successful offerings that customers will value.
This document appears to be about English grammar lessons, specifically Lesson 40 which focuses on the use of "had + been + V3" and "had + being + V3". It includes sections for practice exercises A and B, as well as a section listing new vocabulary words and phrases introduced in the lesson.
This document provides examples of using the passive voice in different tenses in English. It defines the structure of the passive voice and provides examples of how to form the passive voice in the present simple, past simple, future simple, present continuous, past continuous, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses. It also discusses less commonly used tenses like the future continuous and future perfect continuous and provides examples of simplifying sentences from these tenses to more common forms.