Latif ladid gen6 overviewGlobalForumThe GEN6 project aims to pilot IPv6 upgrades of eGovernment services across Europe. It has a budget of 6 million euros and involves organizations from 8 countries. The project will provide guidelines for IPv6 deployment and document national pilot projects upgrading networks, services, and applications in areas like eGovernment, secure clouds, education, and emergency response. Outcomes will include technical documentation of the pilots and estimates of transition costs and benefits to support broader IPv6 adoption. Dissemination efforts will spread the results to public administrations and other stakeholders.
Global forum 2012 pascal poitevin v2GlobalForumThe document discusses livestock data in France, including:
1) There are over 18 million cattle and 1 million dairy sheep in France, generating over 17 billion euros annually.
2) France has national livestock identification and traceability databases containing over 10 million animal movements per year.
3) New sensor technologies on farms are generating large amounts of data on animals' health, behavior, and productivity. This livestock big data could provide insights to improve animal welfare and farm management.
Сергеев Д.Е.ThinTechКлоков В.В., профессор, Сергеев Д.Е., Казанский государственный университет, Казань
Стационарная электрохимическая обработка системой катодов-инструментов
Ppt shark global forum session 3 2012 v4GlobalForumThis document summarizes a presentation on big data, civic media, and new patterns of governance. It discusses how 90% of the world's data has been generated since 2010, the rise of smartphones and mobile apps, and how cities like New York are using data and GIS. It defines the key aspects of big data as volume, variety, and velocity of information. It outlines how large cities are hiring chief data officers and how open data can allow for better decisions, innovation, and more effective governance. Ongoing challenges with big data initiatives are also reviewed.
Слуцкий АлександрThinTechГригорий Йом Дин, Александр Слуцкий, Йехиель Штайнмец
Golan Research Institute, University of Haifa, Katzrin, Israel
Extension Service, Department of Floriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Israel
Различия в эффективности ферм в
отрасли цветов Safari Sunset
Generating insight from dataCambridge ConsultantsTailoring Analytic Algorithms and Visualization to Address User Requirements - how do you get from a user with data to one acting on the basis of said data?
Smart Agriculture & Food Security: Ensuring I(o)T all comes togetherRobert OssevoortThis document summarizes a proposed large scale pilot project called "Smart Farming and Food Security" that aims to develop architectures and solutions for connecting the agri-food value network through Internet of Things technologies. The project would involve building a software as a service platform for business collaboration in agriculture, transportation, and logistics. It would also involve large scale trials in various areas of the food supply chain like crop protection information sharing, greenhouse management, fish distribution, and food quality assurance. The project is proposed by Wageningen UR, ATB, and FIWARE partners and would require partnerships with agriculture service providers, manufacturers, cooperatives, and associations. The estimated budget for the large scale pilot is 30 million Euros.
Is a Small AFO Big Business and What About VTS? NDSU Carrington Research Extension CenterThis document discusses the use of vegetative treatment systems (VTS) for small and medium livestock operations in Nebraska. It provides statistics on cattle farms in the US and Nebraska to establish that small and medium operations can be economically significant. The document then describes the engineering and costs of a sprinkler VTS system installed at a 150-head cattle operation in Lancaster County, NE. It cost $22,991 to design and install the system to treat runoff from the 1.9 acre feeding area. The document concludes by discussing considerations for properly matching VTS and nutrient management plans to farm operations and climate.
Krijn Poppe nifa data summit Chicago 2016Krijn PoppeThis document discusses the opportunities and challenges presented by emerging technologies like mobile/cloud computing, the Internet of Things, location-based monitoring, social media, and big data for agriculture. It notes several disruptive ICT trends and their potential to enable unprecedented innovations. However, it also discusses issues around data ownership, platform governance, effects on markets and business models, as well as implications for government policy and public research. Two scenarios are presented - one of "captive product chains" dominated by large companies, and another enabling more "open network collaboration." Overall, the document analyzes how digital technologies could transform agriculture but also raises important questions around their adoption and impacts.
FutureFarmAkbar Sanaei, PhDThe FutureFarm project aims to meet the challenges of farms tomorrow through integrating farm management information systems to support real-time management decisions and compliance with standards. The 3-year, 15 partner project will develop and demonstrate a prototype real-time farm management information system (FMIS) incorporating precision agriculture, evaluate the impacts of robotics and biofuels, and generalize results on commercial farms in Europe.
Delta Lloyd Innovatie in Agrarische sectorSjaak WolfertPresentatie voor verzekeringsspecialisten van Delta Lloyd tijdens het Delta Lloyd Adviseurs Live! event.
KJP EAAE seminar Kiev 2016Krijn PoppeKrijn J. Poppe presented on economic and scientific collaboration between East and West. He discussed trends in science and innovation such as the focus on multi-actor and interdisciplinary research. Collaboration between East and West could focus on topics like ICT, precision farming, and supply chain integration. Organizing collaboration through Horizon 2020 projects, public-private partnerships, and programs like the EBRD could help strengthen interaction in research between East and West.
Sagentia Corporate OverviewSagentiaSagentia is an outsourced R&D consulting firm with 25 years of experience in product development for medical, consumer, and industrial sectors. They take projects from concept through manufacturing using a multi-disciplinary team approach and work with startups to large companies. Sagentia's core capabilities include all stages of innovation from market analysis and voice of customer research through prototyping and manufacturing transfer.
IFCN Wageningen 2016 Dairy developmentsKrijn PoppePresentation where developments in livestock chains are discussed to reflect on the future of the dairy industry
Effect of Big Data on Farm EnterprisesSjaak WolfertBig data and new technologies are making agriculture more data-driven and virtualized. This could lead to two scenarios for farmers: 1) becoming contractors with limited freedom in integrated supply chains, or 2) being empowered through open collaboration and more direct sales. In reality it will likely be somewhere in between. New platforms and apps are needed to facilitate data exchange and sharing between stakeholders in agricultural supply chains. This could impact the nature of farming and provide both opportunities and risks for different players.
2015 technology trendsSagentiaWhat are the key technology trends for 2015 that could be driving your R&D programmes this year and into next? We’ve put together this infographic showing some of the trends we’re currently seeing across the consumer, industrial, oil & gas and healthcare sectors, along with some examples of products or potential applications for each.
Inventory of innovative farmer advisory services using ic tsBoniThis document provides an inventory of innovative farmer advisory services using information and communication technologies (ICTs). It describes several projects that utilize different ICT approaches, including voice information delivery services, radio broadcasts and dial-up services, extension services using mobile phones and databases, and e-learning platforms. It also discusses measuring the social and economic impacts of these services and highlights some challenges to scaling them up, such as low digital literacy rates and the high costs of infrastructure and equipment. Overall, the document aims to showcase how ICTs can provide valuable information to farmers and support agricultural development.
Precision livestock production gps animal tracking - Zac Economou (UNE)Mallee Sustainable FarmingGPS tracking sheep in the Mallee
Can we quantify how sheep graze Mallee
Do sheep use different soil zones differently
across a field?
If there is differential grazing pressure, how does
that translate into an impact on ground cover,
biomass etc.?
What are the potential applications of this sort of
The Future Internet for Agri-Food Business CollaborationSjaak WolfertThis document discusses the future role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the agri-food sector. It summarizes several ongoing and past EU projects that aim to develop ICT solutions for agriculture and food supply chains. These include using sensors, cloud services, and social media to connect stakeholders and enable precision agriculture, monitoring of supply chains, and tailored information for consumers. The document outlines the FI-PPP initiative and several projects under it including SmartAgriFood and FIspace, which are developing ICT platforms and pilots cases across the agri-food sector to improve collaboration, transparency, and innovation through a future internet approach.
Automated harvesting - is the juice worth the squeeze?Cambridge ConsultantsAgriculture has many tasks that may be amenable to automation. Labour is expensive, and getting more so. Robots are becoming more and more capable, and can do tasks they couldn’t do before. Lots of farmers want to automate tasks like harvesting.
Gnss Opportunities In Precision AgricultureTamme van der Walresults of FieldFact project (EU FP6) concerning relevant EGNOS precision based applications for European agriculture. Three applications show how EGNOS and precision agriculture are critical instruments in transforming agriculture into a sustainable sector.
Robots - Getting out of factories and into fieldsCambridge ConsultantsRobot technology has been around for a long time, and robots are amazingly good at doing the same thing over and over again. Typically used in factory environments. Hard objects, exact dimensions, known locations. Industrial automation
Animal behaviour analysis with GPS and 3D accelerometersTamme van der WalPresentation delivered at European Conference for Precision Livestock Farming at 11 September 2013 by Andrew Spink. How GPS and 3D accelerometers help in sensing and analysing different animal behaviours.
Новаков И.А.ThinTechНоваков И.А., Рахимова Н.А., Краснов А.П., Афоничева О.В., Баженова В.Б.
Волгоградский государственный технический университет, Волгоград
Институт элементоорганических соединений им. Н.А.Несмеянова РАН, Москва
Исследование трибохимических свойств материалов из ПКА, модифицированных микродопированием полифторированных соединений
Овсянников А.А.ThinTechОвсянников А.А., Российский Государственный Гидрометеорологический Университет, Санкт-Петербург
К вопросу об управлении айсберговыми рисками при освоении Штокмановского газоконденсатного месторождения
Мальцева А.А.ThinTechМальцева А.А., Федеральное агентство по образованию Курский государственный технический университет, Курск
Создание университета исследовательского типа как фактор эффективного социально-экономического развития региона
Курочкин И.И.ThinTechГринберг Я.Р., Курочкин И.И., Институт системного анализа РАН, Москва
Математическое моделирование последовательного заполнения телекоммуникационных сетей с кластерной топологией
Кудинов А.П.ThinTechМаричев В.Н., гл. н. с., Кудинов А.П., зам. директора, Институт оптики атмосферы СО РАН, Томск
Лидарные исследования вертикальногораспределения аэрозоля, озона и температуры встратосфере над Томском
Кудинов А.П.ThinTechКудинов А.П., Кузьменков Д.О., Маричев В.Н., Институт оптики атмосферы СО РАН, Томск
Программный комплекс для обработки данных лидарного зондирования аэрозоля и температуры в нижней и средней атмосфере
Is a Small AFO Big Business and What About VTS? NDSU Carrington Research Extension CenterThis document discusses the use of vegetative treatment systems (VTS) for small and medium livestock operations in Nebraska. It provides statistics on cattle farms in the US and Nebraska to establish that small and medium operations can be economically significant. The document then describes the engineering and costs of a sprinkler VTS system installed at a 150-head cattle operation in Lancaster County, NE. It cost $22,991 to design and install the system to treat runoff from the 1.9 acre feeding area. The document concludes by discussing considerations for properly matching VTS and nutrient management plans to farm operations and climate.
Krijn Poppe nifa data summit Chicago 2016Krijn PoppeThis document discusses the opportunities and challenges presented by emerging technologies like mobile/cloud computing, the Internet of Things, location-based monitoring, social media, and big data for agriculture. It notes several disruptive ICT trends and their potential to enable unprecedented innovations. However, it also discusses issues around data ownership, platform governance, effects on markets and business models, as well as implications for government policy and public research. Two scenarios are presented - one of "captive product chains" dominated by large companies, and another enabling more "open network collaboration." Overall, the document analyzes how digital technologies could transform agriculture but also raises important questions around their adoption and impacts.
FutureFarmAkbar Sanaei, PhDThe FutureFarm project aims to meet the challenges of farms tomorrow through integrating farm management information systems to support real-time management decisions and compliance with standards. The 3-year, 15 partner project will develop and demonstrate a prototype real-time farm management information system (FMIS) incorporating precision agriculture, evaluate the impacts of robotics and biofuels, and generalize results on commercial farms in Europe.
Delta Lloyd Innovatie in Agrarische sectorSjaak WolfertPresentatie voor verzekeringsspecialisten van Delta Lloyd tijdens het Delta Lloyd Adviseurs Live! event.
KJP EAAE seminar Kiev 2016Krijn PoppeKrijn J. Poppe presented on economic and scientific collaboration between East and West. He discussed trends in science and innovation such as the focus on multi-actor and interdisciplinary research. Collaboration between East and West could focus on topics like ICT, precision farming, and supply chain integration. Organizing collaboration through Horizon 2020 projects, public-private partnerships, and programs like the EBRD could help strengthen interaction in research between East and West.
Sagentia Corporate OverviewSagentiaSagentia is an outsourced R&D consulting firm with 25 years of experience in product development for medical, consumer, and industrial sectors. They take projects from concept through manufacturing using a multi-disciplinary team approach and work with startups to large companies. Sagentia's core capabilities include all stages of innovation from market analysis and voice of customer research through prototyping and manufacturing transfer.
IFCN Wageningen 2016 Dairy developmentsKrijn PoppePresentation where developments in livestock chains are discussed to reflect on the future of the dairy industry
Effect of Big Data on Farm EnterprisesSjaak WolfertBig data and new technologies are making agriculture more data-driven and virtualized. This could lead to two scenarios for farmers: 1) becoming contractors with limited freedom in integrated supply chains, or 2) being empowered through open collaboration and more direct sales. In reality it will likely be somewhere in between. New platforms and apps are needed to facilitate data exchange and sharing between stakeholders in agricultural supply chains. This could impact the nature of farming and provide both opportunities and risks for different players.
2015 technology trendsSagentiaWhat are the key technology trends for 2015 that could be driving your R&D programmes this year and into next? We’ve put together this infographic showing some of the trends we’re currently seeing across the consumer, industrial, oil & gas and healthcare sectors, along with some examples of products or potential applications for each.
Inventory of innovative farmer advisory services using ic tsBoniThis document provides an inventory of innovative farmer advisory services using information and communication technologies (ICTs). It describes several projects that utilize different ICT approaches, including voice information delivery services, radio broadcasts and dial-up services, extension services using mobile phones and databases, and e-learning platforms. It also discusses measuring the social and economic impacts of these services and highlights some challenges to scaling them up, such as low digital literacy rates and the high costs of infrastructure and equipment. Overall, the document aims to showcase how ICTs can provide valuable information to farmers and support agricultural development.
Precision livestock production gps animal tracking - Zac Economou (UNE)Mallee Sustainable FarmingGPS tracking sheep in the Mallee
Can we quantify how sheep graze Mallee
Do sheep use different soil zones differently
across a field?
If there is differential grazing pressure, how does
that translate into an impact on ground cover,
biomass etc.?
What are the potential applications of this sort of
The Future Internet for Agri-Food Business CollaborationSjaak WolfertThis document discusses the future role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the agri-food sector. It summarizes several ongoing and past EU projects that aim to develop ICT solutions for agriculture and food supply chains. These include using sensors, cloud services, and social media to connect stakeholders and enable precision agriculture, monitoring of supply chains, and tailored information for consumers. The document outlines the FI-PPP initiative and several projects under it including SmartAgriFood and FIspace, which are developing ICT platforms and pilots cases across the agri-food sector to improve collaboration, transparency, and innovation through a future internet approach.
Automated harvesting - is the juice worth the squeeze?Cambridge ConsultantsAgriculture has many tasks that may be amenable to automation. Labour is expensive, and getting more so. Robots are becoming more and more capable, and can do tasks they couldn’t do before. Lots of farmers want to automate tasks like harvesting.
Gnss Opportunities In Precision AgricultureTamme van der Walresults of FieldFact project (EU FP6) concerning relevant EGNOS precision based applications for European agriculture. Three applications show how EGNOS and precision agriculture are critical instruments in transforming agriculture into a sustainable sector.
Robots - Getting out of factories and into fieldsCambridge ConsultantsRobot technology has been around for a long time, and robots are amazingly good at doing the same thing over and over again. Typically used in factory environments. Hard objects, exact dimensions, known locations. Industrial automation
Animal behaviour analysis with GPS and 3D accelerometersTamme van der WalPresentation delivered at European Conference for Precision Livestock Farming at 11 September 2013 by Andrew Spink. How GPS and 3D accelerometers help in sensing and analysing different animal behaviours.
Новаков И.А.ThinTechНоваков И.А., Рахимова Н.А., Краснов А.П., Афоничева О.В., Баженова В.Б.
Волгоградский государственный технический университет, Волгоград
Институт элементоорганических соединений им. Н.А.Несмеянова РАН, Москва
Исследование трибохимических свойств материалов из ПКА, модифицированных микродопированием полифторированных соединений
Овсянников А.А.ThinTechОвсянников А.А., Российский Государственный Гидрометеорологический Университет, Санкт-Петербург
К вопросу об управлении айсберговыми рисками при освоении Штокмановского газоконденсатного месторождения
Мальцева А.А.ThinTechМальцева А.А., Федеральное агентство по образованию Курский государственный технический университет, Курск
Создание университета исследовательского типа как фактор эффективного социально-экономического развития региона
Курочкин И.И.ThinTechГринберг Я.Р., Курочкин И.И., Институт системного анализа РАН, Москва
Математическое моделирование последовательного заполнения телекоммуникационных сетей с кластерной топологией
Кудинов А.П.ThinTechМаричев В.Н., гл. н. с., Кудинов А.П., зам. директора, Институт оптики атмосферы СО РАН, Томск
Лидарные исследования вертикальногораспределения аэрозоля, озона и температуры встратосфере над Томском
Кудинов А.П.ThinTechКудинов А.П., Кузьменков Д.О., Маричев В.Н., Институт оптики атмосферы СО РАН, Томск
Программный комплекс для обработки данных лидарного зондирования аэрозоля и температуры в нижней и средней атмосфере
Крылов Б.В.ThinTechКрылов Б.В., Институт физиологии им. И.П. Павлова РАН Санкт-Петербург
Новые механизмы купирования боле: роль медленных натриевых каналов
Изобелло А.Ю.ThinTechИзобелло А.Ю., Волочко А.Т., Физико-технический институт НАНБ, Минск, Беларусь
Исследование влияния конструкции охлаждающей камеры на температурное состояние поршня двигателя внутреннего сгорания
Mustafa ÜBEYLİThinTechTeyfik DEMİR, Mustafa ÜBEYLİ and R. Orhan YILDIRIM
TOBB ETU Mechanical Engineering, Söğütözü Cad. No:43, Ankara-TURKEY
Middle East Technical University, Mechanical Eng., Ankara-TURKEY
Effect of aging treatment on the ballistic behavor of aluminium alloy 7075 against 7.62mm armor piercing projectiles
Горбунов Н.А.ThinTechГорбунов Н.А., Государственная морская академия им. С.О. Макарова, г. Санкт-Петербург
Разработка плазменных технологий для прямого фотоэлектрического преобразования с сфокусированного солнечного излучения
Воробьёв В.И.ThinTechВоробьёв В.И., д.т.н., Шишкин В.М., к.т.н., Санкт-Петербургский институт
информатики и автоматизации РАН, Лаборатория информационно-вычислительных систем и проблем защиты информации, Санкт-Петербург
Оценка рисков при прогнозе погоды
Ившина И.Б.ThinTechИвшина И.Б., Вихарева Е.В., Рычкова М.И., Наймарк О.Б., Плехов О.А., Нечеухина Т.А.
Институт экологии и генетики микроорганизмов УрО РАН, ПермьПермская государственная фармацевтическая академия
Институт механики сплошных сред УрО РАН, Пермь
Пермский государственный университет
Экологически безопасный способ биоконверсии лекарственных средств, непригодных к медицинскому использованию
Белов Г.П.ThinTechБелов Г.П., Институт проблем химической физики РАН, г. Черноголовка
Состояние научных исследований и промышленных разработок в области получения альфа-олефинов(бутена-1, гексена-1, октена-1)
Андриенко И.Н.ThinTechАндриенко И.Н., Институт проблем технологии микроэлектроники и особочистых материалов
РАН (ИПТМ РАН), г.Черноголовка
Некоторые аспекты разработки библиографической комплексной базы данных технологии микро- и наноэлектроники с переменным форматом данных
Скудин В.В.ThinTechСкудин В.В., Российский химико-технологический университет им. Д.И. Менделеева, Москва
Каталитические мембраны: получение и применение
Деспотули А.Л.ThinTechДеспотули А.Л., Андреева А.В., Институт проблем технологии микроэлектроники и особочистых материалов,
г.Черноголовка, Московская обл.
Проект создания субвольтовых интегральных схем с наноионными суперконденсаторами
Куренкова В.В.ThinTechКуренкова В.В., Малашенко И. С., Трохимченко В. В., Институт электросварки им. Е. О. Патона НАН Украины, г. Киев
Высокотемпературная пайка никелевого сплава ЖС26 композиционным бор-, кремний содержащим припоем с наполнителем
Нырков А.П.ThinTechНырков А.П., д.т.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой СПбГУВК, Санкт-Петербург
Современные информационные технологии в обеспечении безопасности судоходства
Григорьев Е.Г.ThinTechГригорьев Е.Г., Московский инженерно-физический институт, г. Москва
Нанесение упрочняющих покрытий электрическим взрывом контакта
Кудинов В.А.ThinTechКудинов В.А., Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет, Санкт-Петербург
Распараллеливание циклов. Решетчатый граф. Покрывающие функции.
1. Изменения климата в Северной Европе с конца Х IX века Федосеева Н.В. РГГМУ Санкт-Петербург 2009 г.
2. Используемые данные Для расчёта среднемесячной приземной температуры воздуха и атмосферных осадков был использован архив данных World Monthly Surface Station Climatology 1738 – 200 8 гг. ( NCAR , NCDC ) Для расчёта аномалий давления был использован архив среднемесячных значений приземного давления в регулярных узлах сетки “Грид” с шагом 5 градусов широты на 5 градусов долготы с 1873 по 200 8 гг. Monthly Northern Hemisphere Sea - Level Pressure Grids ( NCAR )
4. Среднемесячные и пятилетние скользящие средние значений температуры в Северной Европе с 1860 по 2007 гг. Изменения температуры в январе Изменения температуры в апреле Изменения температуры в июле Изменения температуры в октябре
5. Типовые поля аномалий среднемесячного давления холодного полугодия (октябрь-март) при экстремальных значениях температуры в Северной Европе
6. Типовые поля аномалий среднемесячного давления теплого полугодия (апрель-сентябрь) при экстремальных значениях температуры в Северной Европе
7. Среднегодовые и пятилетние скользящие средние значений атмосферных осадков в Северной Европе с 1886 по 2008 гг.
8. Среднемесячные и пятилетние скользящие средние значений атмосферных осадков в Северной Европе с 1886 по 2008 гг. Изменения осадков в январе Изменения температуры в апреле Изменения температуры в июле Изменения температуры в октябре
9. Типовые поля аномалий среднемесячного давления холодного полугодия (октябрь-март) при экстремальных значениях атмосферных осадков в Северной Европе
10. Типовые поля аномалий среднемесячного давления теплого полугодия (апрель-сентябрь) при экстремальных значениях атмосферных осадков в Северной Европе
11. Поля аномалий среднемесячного давления холодного полугодия (октябрь-март), осредненные за последние 20 лет XIX и XX веков
12. Выводы Наблюдается общая тенденция роста температуры и осадков с конца 19 века в отдельные месяцев холодного и теплого времени года Экстремальные увеличения и уменьшения температуры и осадков на территории Северной Европы обусловлены макроциркуляционными процессами, типичными для всего исследуемого интервала времени Заметный рост температуры и осадков на рубеже ХХ и XXI веков в холодное полугодие были непосредственно обусловлены перестройкой макроциркуляционных процессов по типу, близкому к экстремальному