The document is a presentation by Tim Richardson to MPQH on January 7, 2016 about thinking and innovation. Some key points discussed include that people don't think enough because it isn't encouraged, there is a fear of failure, and people are conditioned for sameness. Richardson advocates growing innovators and early adopters first to convince the mass of a new idea. He suggests partnering with innovators and early adopters in certain states to drive innovation. Richardson also discusses utilizing both logical and creative thinking, overcoming weaknesses, and expanding one's brain possibilities through various learning and improvement activities.
The document provides advice and words of encouragement. It suggests that one should not compare themselves to others and that problems will not be given without solutions. It also notes that every painful story leads to success and the past cannot be changed, but one can create a successful future. The document encourages focusing on solutions rather than worries and finding opportunities in challenges.
1. Panitia angket kasus Bank Century akan meminta keterangan dari tujuh pejabat dan mantan pejabat Bank Indonesia untuk mengklarifikasi keterangan sebelumnya.
2. Koalisi Cicak memberi waktu dua pekan bagi KPK untuk menetapkan Anggodo Widjoyo sebagai tersangka kasus rekaman rekayasa.
3. Wakil Ketua DPR Marwoto meninggal di RS akibat komplikasi penyakit diabetes yang sudah lama dideritanya.
Web 2.0 Apps To Expand Your Market Base (Tom Higley)Tracy Collier
This document discusses strategies for music artists and venues to expand their audience base through various social media platforms and web applications. It recommends engaging with fans on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, and using apps like Twitter, iPhone apps, and analytics tools to better connect with fans and track engagement. It also provides examples of popular social media apps and profiles of people that can advise on latest trends.
Dokumen tersebut membahas beberapa hal:
1. Rekomendasi pansus DPR untuk nonaktifkan Wapres dan Menteri Keuangan dinilai berlebihan dan tidak berdasar hukum.
2. Indonesia butuh lembaga pengawas LSM untuk mencegah propaganda asing melalui isu lingkungan.
3. Menteri Dalam Negeri mencabut 206 perda yang dianggap memperlambat birokrasi.
Trish Johnson Sparrow has over 30 years of experience in finance, treasury, risk management, and corporate governance roles. She currently works as the Business Services Manager at Eskom Holdings, where she oversees functions like power exchange settlements, audit and compliance, and quality management. Previously, she held treasury positions at Palabora Mining Company and Louis Dreyfus Africa, and worked as a risk consultant for Gworx Risk Management. She has extensive experience in financial reporting, regulatory compliance, and developing risk management frameworks. Trish has a MBA from Henley Business School and professional qualifications in company secretarial practice, accounting, and treasury management.
Ringkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. KPK menahan mantan Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi, mantan Direktur Utama PT Kimia Farma Tbk Gunawan Pranoto dan Direktur Utama PT Rifa Jaya Mulia Rinaldi Yusuf terkait dugaan korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan pada 2003.
Sense® is a telephony middleware developed by New Bridges that acts as a layer between telephony networks and applications, and can handle millions of calls across thousands of channels. V-Blox is an application development environment built on Sense® that allows users to visually design voice applications using configurable building blocks without extensive coding. V-Blox applications are web-based, can be customized through both standard and custom building blocks, and provide administration and call logging functionality.
ºÝºÝߣ deck for memorizing the Vim commands that I've found most useful over my first few months as a Vim user.
This was purposefully kept free of any styling etc as this is the actual deck I use for memorization and don't like distractions.
The biological clock refers to the age-related decline in a woman's ability to reproduce. As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, meaning their supply of eggs declines. This begins immediately after birth and accelerates in the late 30s. Various tests can estimate a woman's remaining ovarian reserve, including measuring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and doing an antral follicle count. While these tests provide information, they cannot determine a woman's exact reproductive potential, as fertility declines well before test results become abnormal. Treatment options for women with low ovarian reserve are limited in their ability to increase chances of pregnancy.
Towards the development of smart agriculture infrastructure in Wielkopolska r...Raul Palma
The document discusses plans to develop a smart agriculture infrastructure in the Wielkopolska region of Poland. It outlines steps to:
1) Identify and engage stakeholders from research, public bodies, businesses, and individual farmers.
2) Define scenarios and goals with stakeholders like demonstrating precision agriculture techniques.
3) Set up the base infrastructure using the Polish e-Infrastructure and deploying applications on the FIWARE platform.
Findings from Progress Walks October 2011douglasgreig
Students are making good progress according to teacher observations and assessments. Questioning is used to check understanding and scaffold learning. Most students' progress is in line with expectations based on prior assessments. Objectives explain level progression and are referenced during lessons to check progress. Students understand their targets and levels. Exercise books are marked with grades, levels, and targets to show students how to improve. Homework is checked and signed. In-depth marking with comments and targets occurs every 2-3 weeks.
Wielkopolska activities with potential to cluster to cluster collaboration EU...Raul Palma
We introduce the experiences and lessons learned towards the development of a smart agriculture infrastructure in Wielkopolska region, and comment on potential gaps and opportunities for clustering collaborations
ROHub is a digital library and management system for research objects (ROs). It enables scientists to create, manage, and share ROs, which are semantic aggregations of related scientific resources, annotations, and research context. ROHub provides APIs and a web portal for scientists to use throughout the research lifecycle. It stores ROs long-term to support reproducibility and allows for monitoring changes to assess quality.
Site Speed 101: How to Get Your Site to Load in 1 Second or LessDustin Nay
My presentation in a breakout session at SLCSEM's first annual Digital Marketing Conference 2015. It was an honor to present and meet so many excellent marketers and technologists.
Tim Richardson gave a presentation called "THINK!" to encourage thinking in new ways. He discussed why people don't think like being conditioned for sameness or fearing failure. He suggested being like "Joseph" from the Bible and cultivating a culture that encourages new thinking. Richardson also advised assessing which ideas need reconsidering and partnering with innovators in a company to drive innovation. The presentation emphasized using both logical and visual thinking styles and expanding brain possibilities through continuous learning.
This document discusses enabling visitors to explore smart cities using the 3cixty knowledge base and applications. 3cixty connects data from over 20 different sources about places, events, and related information in cities semantically to provide personalized recommendations and exploration. It was developed and tested for Expo Milano 2015 to help visitors plan trips and get recommendations. The system achieved high accuracy in evaluating reconciled data and an app called ExplorMI was created for multi-device exploration of the city. Ongoing work is applying the 3cixty approach to other cities like London and Nice.
4Growth Large Opportunity Validation SystemDavid Sharples
4Growth's LOVS (Large Opportunity Validation System) is a tool for sales organizations to test the veracity of important sales deals in the forecast. LOVS provides a playbook of next steps which includes activities required to either pursue or abandon deals based on specific analysis and qualification.
The document is a presentation about thinking given by Tim Richardson. It discusses why people don't think, keys to thinking such as increasing risk tolerance and encouraging innovation, different thinking styles like "Jud" and "Gen", and ways to take thinking to the next level including making time to think and taking small incremental improvements. It encourages recognizing and rewarding creativity to foster more innovative thinking.
This document summarizes a research study that examined how decoys and background information impact consumer preferences and decision making. The study tested how an attraction effect caused by decoys is impacted by conflicting or non-conflicting background information. It also tested whether the attraction effect is stronger when the decoy is a real option or a phantom (unavailable) option. An online experiment with over 1,100 Italian consumers presented choice sets involving personal computers. The study aimed to provide empirical evidence about the interaction between attraction effects and background information, as well as between real and phantom decoys. The results could provide useful insights for retailers on how context effects influence consumer decision making.
The document discusses misconceptions about conflict and provides strategies for effectively dealing with conflict. It outlines workshop objectives related to recognizing signs of conflict and learning approaches to conflict resolution. Some common misconceptions about conflict are that it is inherently bad, doesn't occur often, is always about right vs wrong, and results from personalities. The document recommends diagnosing the root causes of conflicts and taking action based on this diagnosis. It provides a model for moving beyond conflict through venting emotions and then resolving issues.
This document outlines keys to thinking presented by Tim Richardson to KMGMA on April 16, 2015. It discusses how people are not formally taught or encouraged to think, and are conditioned for "sameness," fearing failure. Keys to thinking include increasing risk tolerance, letting go of old ideas, encouraging innovation, making thinking participatory and visual, utilizing both logical and creative thinking, and making time to think. It provides examples of laws around technology advancement and emphasizes taking small incremental improvements to reach peak performance.
RDGInsights & Retail Doctor Group Corporate ProfileThe Retail Doctor
Retail Doctor Group is one of Australia's leading retail consulting companies with expertise in insights, strategy and implementation.
Founded in 2005, we have since worked with over 400 clients to plan and build fit business structures that achieve operational excellence and sustainable profitability.
RDG Insights is RDG’s consumer insights division, specialising in neuromarketing insights, consumer profiling and strategic brand management
We specialise in providing retailers and brands with the missing link between understanding the real drivers of consumer behaviour, brand strategy and operational implications at the point of sale.
This presentation builds the case for a backup strategy for photographers.
It discusses three different backup levels and gives tips and tricks about how to implement them in the most effective way.
Ringkasan dari dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. KPK menahan mantan Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi, mantan Direktur Utama PT Kimia Farma Tbk Gunawan Pranoto dan Direktur Utama PT Rifa Jaya Mulia Rinaldi Yusuf terkait dugaan korupsi pengadaan alat kesehatan pada 2003.
Sense® is a telephony middleware developed by New Bridges that acts as a layer between telephony networks and applications, and can handle millions of calls across thousands of channels. V-Blox is an application development environment built on Sense® that allows users to visually design voice applications using configurable building blocks without extensive coding. V-Blox applications are web-based, can be customized through both standard and custom building blocks, and provide administration and call logging functionality.
ºÝºÝߣ deck for memorizing the Vim commands that I've found most useful over my first few months as a Vim user.
This was purposefully kept free of any styling etc as this is the actual deck I use for memorization and don't like distractions.
The biological clock refers to the age-related decline in a woman's ability to reproduce. As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases, meaning their supply of eggs declines. This begins immediately after birth and accelerates in the late 30s. Various tests can estimate a woman's remaining ovarian reserve, including measuring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and doing an antral follicle count. While these tests provide information, they cannot determine a woman's exact reproductive potential, as fertility declines well before test results become abnormal. Treatment options for women with low ovarian reserve are limited in their ability to increase chances of pregnancy.
Towards the development of smart agriculture infrastructure in Wielkopolska r...Raul Palma
The document discusses plans to develop a smart agriculture infrastructure in the Wielkopolska region of Poland. It outlines steps to:
1) Identify and engage stakeholders from research, public bodies, businesses, and individual farmers.
2) Define scenarios and goals with stakeholders like demonstrating precision agriculture techniques.
3) Set up the base infrastructure using the Polish e-Infrastructure and deploying applications on the FIWARE platform.
Findings from Progress Walks October 2011douglasgreig
Students are making good progress according to teacher observations and assessments. Questioning is used to check understanding and scaffold learning. Most students' progress is in line with expectations based on prior assessments. Objectives explain level progression and are referenced during lessons to check progress. Students understand their targets and levels. Exercise books are marked with grades, levels, and targets to show students how to improve. Homework is checked and signed. In-depth marking with comments and targets occurs every 2-3 weeks.
Wielkopolska activities with potential to cluster to cluster collaboration EU...Raul Palma
We introduce the experiences and lessons learned towards the development of a smart agriculture infrastructure in Wielkopolska region, and comment on potential gaps and opportunities for clustering collaborations
ROHub is a digital library and management system for research objects (ROs). It enables scientists to create, manage, and share ROs, which are semantic aggregations of related scientific resources, annotations, and research context. ROHub provides APIs and a web portal for scientists to use throughout the research lifecycle. It stores ROs long-term to support reproducibility and allows for monitoring changes to assess quality.
Site Speed 101: How to Get Your Site to Load in 1 Second or LessDustin Nay
My presentation in a breakout session at SLCSEM's first annual Digital Marketing Conference 2015. It was an honor to present and meet so many excellent marketers and technologists.
Tim Richardson gave a presentation called "THINK!" to encourage thinking in new ways. He discussed why people don't think like being conditioned for sameness or fearing failure. He suggested being like "Joseph" from the Bible and cultivating a culture that encourages new thinking. Richardson also advised assessing which ideas need reconsidering and partnering with innovators in a company to drive innovation. The presentation emphasized using both logical and visual thinking styles and expanding brain possibilities through continuous learning.
This document discusses enabling visitors to explore smart cities using the 3cixty knowledge base and applications. 3cixty connects data from over 20 different sources about places, events, and related information in cities semantically to provide personalized recommendations and exploration. It was developed and tested for Expo Milano 2015 to help visitors plan trips and get recommendations. The system achieved high accuracy in evaluating reconciled data and an app called ExplorMI was created for multi-device exploration of the city. Ongoing work is applying the 3cixty approach to other cities like London and Nice.
4Growth Large Opportunity Validation SystemDavid Sharples
4Growth's LOVS (Large Opportunity Validation System) is a tool for sales organizations to test the veracity of important sales deals in the forecast. LOVS provides a playbook of next steps which includes activities required to either pursue or abandon deals based on specific analysis and qualification.
The document is a presentation about thinking given by Tim Richardson. It discusses why people don't think, keys to thinking such as increasing risk tolerance and encouraging innovation, different thinking styles like "Jud" and "Gen", and ways to take thinking to the next level including making time to think and taking small incremental improvements. It encourages recognizing and rewarding creativity to foster more innovative thinking.
This document summarizes a research study that examined how decoys and background information impact consumer preferences and decision making. The study tested how an attraction effect caused by decoys is impacted by conflicting or non-conflicting background information. It also tested whether the attraction effect is stronger when the decoy is a real option or a phantom (unavailable) option. An online experiment with over 1,100 Italian consumers presented choice sets involving personal computers. The study aimed to provide empirical evidence about the interaction between attraction effects and background information, as well as between real and phantom decoys. The results could provide useful insights for retailers on how context effects influence consumer decision making.
The document discusses misconceptions about conflict and provides strategies for effectively dealing with conflict. It outlines workshop objectives related to recognizing signs of conflict and learning approaches to conflict resolution. Some common misconceptions about conflict are that it is inherently bad, doesn't occur often, is always about right vs wrong, and results from personalities. The document recommends diagnosing the root causes of conflicts and taking action based on this diagnosis. It provides a model for moving beyond conflict through venting emotions and then resolving issues.
This document outlines keys to thinking presented by Tim Richardson to KMGMA on April 16, 2015. It discusses how people are not formally taught or encouraged to think, and are conditioned for "sameness," fearing failure. Keys to thinking include increasing risk tolerance, letting go of old ideas, encouraging innovation, making thinking participatory and visual, utilizing both logical and creative thinking, and making time to think. It provides examples of laws around technology advancement and emphasizes taking small incremental improvements to reach peak performance.
RDGInsights & Retail Doctor Group Corporate ProfileThe Retail Doctor
Retail Doctor Group is one of Australia's leading retail consulting companies with expertise in insights, strategy and implementation.
Founded in 2005, we have since worked with over 400 clients to plan and build fit business structures that achieve operational excellence and sustainable profitability.
RDG Insights is RDG’s consumer insights division, specialising in neuromarketing insights, consumer profiling and strategic brand management
We specialise in providing retailers and brands with the missing link between understanding the real drivers of consumer behaviour, brand strategy and operational implications at the point of sale.
This presentation builds the case for a backup strategy for photographers.
It discusses three different backup levels and gives tips and tricks about how to implement them in the most effective way.
University Of Antwerp Ken Lawrence Lights Camera InteractionThisco
This document analyzes the relationship between electronic games and cinema. It discusses how early games shared some similarities with primitive cinema in their emphasis on "showing" rather than "telling". It also examines how games have incorporated cinematic conventions and techniques over time, such as using scrolling screens and creating an illusion of depth. While games borrow visual elements from film, their visual evolution is not purely chronological and is determined more by the desired player interaction. Cutscenes in games are also analyzed in terms of their use of cinematic techniques compared to gameplay sequences.
University Of Antwerp Ken Lawrence Contemporary Film Auteurs Haute TensionThisco
This document provides an analysis of the 2003 French horror film Haute Tension directed by Alexandre Aja. It examines how the film uses various postmodern concepts and techniques. The analysis discusses how the film presents itself as a simulacrum or fabrication, with evidence that the entire narrative is constructed by the character Marie. It also explores how the film deconstructs concepts of identity, particularly through the subject fragmentation of Marie and her creation of an imaginary killer. Finally, it notes how the open-ended conclusion presents a relativity of narrative that is postmodern in nature.
University Of Antwerp The Uk Digital Television Landscape Ken LawrenceThisco
This document discusses interactive digital television in the UK. It covers the benefits of digital TV for viewers and broadcasters, the different ways to receive digital TV in the UK, research on adoption of digital TV, UK providers like Freeview, BSkyB, NTL and Telewest, the failure of ITV Digital, and the UK government's plans for digital switchover by 2010. Research shows price is a major barrier to adoption, and some experts question if the government's 95% target can be met on time.
University Of Antwerp Seminar Diversity In The Third World Ken LawrenceThisco
This document provides an overview and summary of the negative impacts of globalization and international organizations that propagate it, specifically the IMF. It discusses how the IMF has shifted from Keynesian ideas to neoliberal ideology focused on deregulation, privatization, and liberalization. While these policies may work in theory, in practice they have often been disastrous for developing countries when implemented too quickly and without consideration for local needs. The IMF is also criticized for its lack of democratic oversight and focus on numbers over social outcomes.
University Of Antwerp Paper International Business Environment Ken LawrenceThisco
The document provides an analysis of the business environment in Ecuador using the PEST framework. It finds that Ecuador has a history of political instability with no president completing a full term in recent years. The economy relies heavily on oil and agricultural exports, leaving it vulnerable to global price fluctuations. While dollarization in 2000 stabilized inflation, unemployment remains high at 9.3% and income inequality is a major issue. Opportunities may exist for industries utilizing Ecuador's low-cost labor force, but infrastructure and education levels pose challenges. Overall, the analysis finds business opportunities in Ecuador but also significant political and economic risks to navigate.
1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Socialist Het wuxia-genre Over sociaal bewogen vagebonden en hun subversieve heldendaden
2. Structuur 1.Historiek 2.1 Jianghu: een parallelle wereld 2.2 Xia: een sociaal geïnspireerde filosofie 2.3 Wushu: de martial arts 3.Wuxia als ‘Cinema of attractions’ 2.Herkenbaarheid 4.Conclusie
3. 1.Historiek -Wuxia=‘martial arts ridderlijkheid’ Xia=filosofie Wu=gevechtskunst -The Water Margin Subversieve elementen Tegen heersende machthebbers Boycot door overheid -4 mei 1919: Revolutie Verandering?
4. -Omverwerpen corruptie + klassentegenstellingen MAAR: Tegen herwaardering Confucianisme + conservatieve familie-systeem -1928: Eerste wuxia-film: ‘The Burning of Red Lotus Monastery’ ‘ Negatieve invloed op Chinese jeugd’ -Na WO II: Incorporeren elementen melodrama Geheime genootschappen -1949: Nieuw filmbeleid Hong Kong en Taiwan
5. - Jaren ’50: *Liang Yusheng: Held intellectueel cachet *Magie en fantasy *Aantal technieken ‘ reverse motion shooting’, trampolines, kabels - Jaren ’60: *Minder bovennatuurlijke elementen *Shaw Brothers Gratie en elegantie Discipline en training
6. -King Hu: baanbrekende esthetiek *Come Drink With Me (1966): transitie *Dragon (Gate) Inn (1966) *A Touch of Zen (1969) -Jaren ’70: Yuen Woo-Ping ‘ Iron Monkey’, de ‘Once Upon a Time in China’-trilogie en ‘Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon’ -Recent: Ang Lee en Zhang Yimou
7. 2.1 Jianghu: Een parallelle wereld 2.Herkenbaarheid 2.2 Xia: een sociaal geïnspireerde filosofie 2.3 Wushu: de martial arts
8. 2.1 Jianghu: Een parallelle wereld -Samensmelting historische werkelijkheid en fictie -Redenen voor jianghu ‘ suspension of disbelief’ kritiek zonder bestraffing -Letterlijk: ‘rivieren en meren’ -Soort bewoners Oosterse ‘far west’, bevolkt door verstotenen samenleving
9. De bereidheid om geweld te gebruiken voor een nobel doel 2.2 Xia: een sociaal geïnspireerde filosofie -Code of the xia Gave inzetten om zwakkeren te beschermen -Vergelijking: Robin Hood Ideologie en gedrag
10. 2.3 Wushu: de martial arts -Bekwaamheden van strijders -Mogelijk door jianghu-wereld -Mythische bekendheid bij gewone volk -Ook iconografisch herkenbaar Wire work Wire fu Fragment uit documentaire rond Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
11. 3.Wuxia als ‘Cinema of attractions’ -Nobele doeleinden in de verhaallijnen MAAR: Essentie waarom we kijken naar wuxia films? -Pre-narratieve cinema Menselijke bewegingen centraal -Dynamiek, licht, beweging, muziek, kleuren, ... -Verbanden met musical
12. -Improviseren met ‘toevallige’ attributen -‘Not just the power but the elegance and beauty of the movements become values to be pursued for their own sake, and they can remain splendid even in defeat. ’
13. 4.Conclusie -Ontstaan als subversief literair genre -Een parallelle wereld bevolkt door de verstotenen van de samenleving, onderdrukt door machthebbers -Held gebruikt geweld, maar steunt op een sociale filosofie -Als filmgenre vrij herkenbaar ( o.a. wire work ) *Sociale boodschap steeds meer verborgen onder laag esthetisch geweld -Verklaring titel presentatie: *Communisme? Totalitair regime dat vrijheidsstrijders kan missen