ProyectoANaFAbB mtsEste documento presenta un proyecto llamado FalckLanDii para brindar asistencia médica y sanitaria a las 70 niñas del Orfanato Sofía Magdalena. El proyecto consiste en dos partes: médica y sanitaria. La parte médica incluye crear expedientes médicos para cada niña, exámenes de salud y derivación a especialistas si es necesario. La parte sanitaria involucra conferencias sobre cuidado personal, prevención de enfermedades, limpieza e higiene. Se necesitaría el apoyo de mé
20.304.vala.neetaneeta Listening is a receptive language skill and complex process that involves understanding spoken language. It works through four levels: phonological, grammatical, lexical, and prepositional content. Research on listening focuses on its role in second language acquisition, speech processing, interactive settings, and strategies used. In conclusion, listening requires dealing with characteristics of spoken language, using context and world knowledge, understanding different text types and speeds/accents, and employing various subskills.
Initial ideasMiloWatsonA young man moves from the suburbs to the city and struggles with the mental and physical toll it takes. The music video will contrast his happier childhood in the suburbs with his current fragile state in the city. Flashbacks will show him enjoying time with friends as a youth, emphasizing how much better those times were. The city will be portrayed with dark lighting while his hometown had a mellow, positive tone to highlight the different environments' effects on him.
Tarea de redes socialesCarolina AguileraEl gráfico muestra los rankings a nivel mundial y nacional de diferentes redes sociales y medios de información. A nivel mundial, Facebook ocupa el segundo lugar y Twitter el noveno, mientras que My Space está en el puesto 77. En Chile, El Mercurio es el medio más usado en el ranking nacional en el puesto 5, seguido por La Tercera en el puesto 15.
Aberracionescromosmicas 110808153519-phpapp02Marco Villa ArellanoEste documento describe diferentes tipos de aberraciones cromosómicas, incluyendo aberraciones numéricas como aneuploidías que involucran la adición o deleción de un cromosoma, y aberraciones estructurales como inversiones, traslocaciones y delecciones que involucran cambios en la estructura de los cromosomas. También menciona algunos síndromes específicos asociados con diferentes tipos de aberraciones cromosómicas.
Question 7 finalTaliaWilsonThe document discusses the differences between the author's preliminary task and their final media product. For the preliminary task, the author lacked experience, equipment, and skills which resulted in limitations and a lower standard product. However, for the final media product, the author gained more exposure, learned new software, researched audiences, and incorporated a variety of shots, transitions, and equipment to create a higher quality thriller opening sequence that met professional standards. Social Media CampaignTigercubThis document outlines a social media marketing campaign for to increase brand awareness, traffic to the website, and conversions. It includes a situational analysis of and its competitors, identification of target audiences, communication objectives, and a creative strategy. This strategy involves improving social media profiles, creating engaging content, running Facebook/Google ads, and collaborating with a social media agency. Key performance indicators and a monthly budget are provided to evaluate the campaign's success in meeting conversion rate targets.
Yoda Business StyleTigercubYoda is known for his consideration of all factors before making decisions, creating a social environment of training, care, loyalty and respect among his workers. He focuses on creating a positive working environment where all perspectives are valued and respected.
Constantius IiiTigercubThe document references key figures and events related to the decline of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. It mentions Roman emperors Honorius and Constantius III, the city of Naissus, the military leader Aelia Galla Placidia and her children Galla and Honoria, and the emperor Valentinian III.
Stevan SremacTigercubThis document lists several Serbian place names and cultural references including Senta, Niš, and Pirot which are towns, and "Zona i Mane", "Ivkova slava", and "Pop Ćira i Pop Spira" which refer to Serbian folk traditions, customs, or characters.
Crisis ManagementTigercubThis document discusses crisis management for a brand and decreasing prices. It mentions an importance scale for something before discussing mechanisms and then mentions an importance scale for today. Social Media CampaignTigercubThis document outlines a social media marketing campaign for to increase brand awareness, traffic to the website, and conversions. It includes a situational analysis of and its competitors, identification of target audiences, communication objectives, and a creative strategy. This strategy involves improving social media profiles, creating engaging content, running Facebook/Google ads, and collaborating with a social media agency. Key performance indicators and a monthly budget are provided to evaluate the campaign's success in meeting conversion rate targets.
Yoda Business StyleTigercubYoda is known for his consideration of all factors before making decisions, creating a social environment of training, care, loyalty and respect among his workers. He focuses on creating a positive working environment where all perspectives are valued and respected.
Constantius IiiTigercubThe document references key figures and events related to the decline of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. It mentions Roman emperors Honorius and Constantius III, the city of Naissus, the military leader Aelia Galla Placidia and her children Galla and Honoria, and the emperor Valentinian III.
Stevan SremacTigercubThis document lists several Serbian place names and cultural references including Senta, Niš, and Pirot which are towns, and "Zona i Mane", "Ivkova slava", and "Pop Ćira i Pop Spira" which refer to Serbian folk traditions, customs, or characters.
Crisis ManagementTigercubThis document discusses crisis management for a brand and decreasing prices. It mentions an importance scale for something before discussing mechanisms and then mentions an importance scale for today.
7. Alfons De Lamartin „ Nek srbi sačuvaju ovaj spomenik! On će naučiti njihovu decu koliko vredi nezavisnost jednog naroda,pokazujući im po kakvu su je cenu platili njihovi očevi.“