Зимние мотивыЗональная научная библиотека имени В. А. АртисевичЗНБ СГУ представляет виртуальную выставку «ЗИМНИЕ МОТИВЫ».
Выставка раскрывает перед зрителем композиции, составленные из еловых веток, ёлочных игрушек, живых цветов, даров леса. Изготовленные художниками, они могут послужить образцом для самостоятельного творчества, выполненные с фантазией и любовью, ― стать предновогодним украшением кабинета, детской, гостиной.
ZNB SGU is a virtual exhibition "Winter motive".
The exhibition opens to the audience compositions made of fir branches, Christmas toys, fresh flowers, forest products. Made by artists, they can serve as a model for self-creation made with imagination and love - to become a pre-New Year decoration of office, nursery, living room.
Bullying digitalSNEIDER20El bullying es un problema grave que afecta a millones de niños en todo el mundo, independientemente de su origen. Puede ocurrir en la escuela, en casa o en línea y tiene consecuencias negativas como falta de asistencia a clases, baja autoestima y problemas de salud. Para combatir el bullying, es importante que los niños hablen con adultos de confianza, sean amables con las víctimas y se involucren en programas escolares de prevención.
Gifted childrenPharaoh FoeThis document discusses potential positive and negative outcomes of identifying gifted students. It notes that while there are few benefits to labeling a child as gifted, providing an appropriately challenging curriculum tailored to their abilities can stimulate gifted children's natural curiosity and independent thinking. However, gifted children often face social isolation, bullying, and disengagement in standard classrooms. The document examines outcomes for students, teachers, and other stakeholders, noting that unaddressed, the negatives can outweigh the positives for students' psychological well-being and academic success.
7 laws of the universe (edited by pharaoh foe)Pharaoh FoeThe document summarizes 7 laws of the universe:
1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that everything is constantly changing.
2. The Law of Relativity deals with how things exist through their relationships to each other.
3. The Law of Vibration states that everything, from thought to energy, exists at a frequency.
4. The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.
5. The Law of Rhythm states that everything exists in a pattern or dance.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect states that everything happens as a result of actions.
7. The Law of Gender states that everything has
Зимние мотивыЗональная научная библиотека имени В. А. АртисевичЗНБ СГУ представляет виртуальную выставку «ЗИМНИЕ МОТИВЫ».
Выставка раскрывает перед зрителем композиции, составленные из еловых веток, ёлочных игрушек, живых цветов, даров леса. Изготовленные художниками, они могут послужить образцом для самостоятельного творчества, выполненные с фантазией и любовью, ― стать предновогодним украшением кабинета, детской, гостиной.
ZNB SGU is a virtual exhibition "Winter motive".
The exhibition opens to the audience compositions made of fir branches, Christmas toys, fresh flowers, forest products. Made by artists, they can serve as a model for self-creation made with imagination and love - to become a pre-New Year decoration of office, nursery, living room.
Bullying digitalSNEIDER20El bullying es un problema grave que afecta a millones de niños en todo el mundo, independientemente de su origen. Puede ocurrir en la escuela, en casa o en línea y tiene consecuencias negativas como falta de asistencia a clases, baja autoestima y problemas de salud. Para combatir el bullying, es importante que los niños hablen con adultos de confianza, sean amables con las víctimas y se involucren en programas escolares de prevención.
Gifted childrenPharaoh FoeThis document discusses potential positive and negative outcomes of identifying gifted students. It notes that while there are few benefits to labeling a child as gifted, providing an appropriately challenging curriculum tailored to their abilities can stimulate gifted children's natural curiosity and independent thinking. However, gifted children often face social isolation, bullying, and disengagement in standard classrooms. The document examines outcomes for students, teachers, and other stakeholders, noting that unaddressed, the negatives can outweigh the positives for students' psychological well-being and academic success.
7 laws of the universe (edited by pharaoh foe)Pharaoh FoeThe document summarizes 7 laws of the universe:
1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation states that everything is constantly changing.
2. The Law of Relativity deals with how things exist through their relationships to each other.
3. The Law of Vibration states that everything, from thought to energy, exists at a frequency.
4. The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.
5. The Law of Rhythm states that everything exists in a pattern or dance.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect states that everything happens as a result of actions.
7. The Law of Gender states that everything has
4. На уроках русского языка мы формируем грамотность
развиваем навыки и
умения устной и письменной
речи, получаем знания о языке,
учим правила орфографии и пунктуации.
Интересные и полезные уроки русского языка проводит
Савеленко Татьяна Ивановна
5. На истории мы вместе решаем проблемные
выдвигаем версии, строим гипотезы,
ищем пути решения.
Уроки истории ведёт наш классный руководитель
Коршикова Ирина Васильевна