Foreign exchange markethoathachthao28The document discusses the foreign exchange market. It begins by defining the forex market as a decentralized global market for trading currencies without a central exchange. It operates 24/7 globally with a daily trading volume of $5 trillion, making it the largest financial market in the world. Commercial banks and their clients participate in the forex market, trading currency pairs like EUR/USD. The document also discusses exchange rates, factors that influence rates like balance of payments and monetary supply, and the roles that central banks and commercial banks play in the forex market.
Indian Foreign Exchange Market: Crude Oil price fluctuation and Foreign Excha...john swajanThe document summarizes the Indian foreign exchange market. It is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and has an annual turnover of $400 billion, operating primarily out of Mumbai. The market is governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999. The document also discusses determinants of exchange rates such as balance of trade, external debt, inflation, and interest rates. Additionally, it covers topics like forex volatility between the INR and USD/GBP, as well as trends in crude oil demand, price fluctuations, and economic growth projections for India.
Module 42 the foreign exchange marketAmerican School of GuatemalaThe foreign exchange market allows currencies to be traded and provides liquidity for international trade and investment. It operates 24/5 with many factors influencing exchange rates. The equilibrium exchange rate balances supply and demand for currencies, while real exchange rates account for inflation differences between countries. Purchasing power parity estimates the exchange rate at which currencies would buy the same goods.
The Foreign Exchange MarketRobin KapoorThe document discusses the foreign exchange market, including its functions, participants, rates, and factors that affect exchange rates. It provides definitions of exchange rates, discusses direct and indirect quotes, and covers concepts like appreciation/depreciation and forward premiums/discounts. Key participants in the forex market include importers/exporters, commercial banks, central banks, and forex brokers. Exchange rates are the price of one currency in terms of another.
Foreign exchange markethoathachthao28The document discusses the foreign exchange market. It begins by defining the forex market as a decentralized global market for trading currencies without a central exchange. It operates 24/7 globally with a daily trading volume of $5 trillion, making it the largest financial market in the world. Commercial banks and their clients participate in the forex market, trading currency pairs like EUR/USD. The document also discusses exchange rates, factors that influence rates like balance of payments and monetary supply, and the roles that central banks and commercial banks play in the forex market.
Indian Foreign Exchange Market: Crude Oil price fluctuation and Foreign Excha...john swajanThe document summarizes the Indian foreign exchange market. It is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and has an annual turnover of $400 billion, operating primarily out of Mumbai. The market is governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999. The document also discusses determinants of exchange rates such as balance of trade, external debt, inflation, and interest rates. Additionally, it covers topics like forex volatility between the INR and USD/GBP, as well as trends in crude oil demand, price fluctuations, and economic growth projections for India.
Module 42 the foreign exchange marketAmerican School of GuatemalaThe foreign exchange market allows currencies to be traded and provides liquidity for international trade and investment. It operates 24/5 with many factors influencing exchange rates. The equilibrium exchange rate balances supply and demand for currencies, while real exchange rates account for inflation differences between countries. Purchasing power parity estimates the exchange rate at which currencies would buy the same goods.
The Foreign Exchange MarketRobin KapoorThe document discusses the foreign exchange market, including its functions, participants, rates, and factors that affect exchange rates. It provides definitions of exchange rates, discusses direct and indirect quotes, and covers concepts like appreciation/depreciation and forward premiums/discounts. Key participants in the forex market include importers/exporters, commercial banks, central banks, and forex brokers. Exchange rates are the price of one currency in terms of another.
Indian foreign exchange market & rupee exchange rateNikita BhindeThe document discusses the Indian foreign exchange market and the rupee exchange rate. It provides an overview of the key components of the forex market including instruments like currency futures, forwards, options and swaps. It also discusses determinants that impact exchange rates like inflation, interest rates, current account deficits. The document outlines how the value of the rupee can appreciate or depreciate versus other currencies and some of the factors that have led to depreciation of the Indian rupee recently. Lastly, it provides the exchange rates of the rupee versus the US dollar, British pound, euro and Japanese yen over the last 5 days.
Foreign exchange market and it's structure in indiaStudsPlanet.comThe document discusses the structure and features of the foreign exchange market. It begins by defining foreign exchange and describing the major participants in the exchange market, including commercial banks, money changers, and the Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI). It then outlines the roles and regulations of various authorized entities that can participate in the market, such as authorized dealers and restricted authorized dealers. Finally, it discusses key characteristics of the foreign exchange market, including that it is a 24-hour global market connected by communication channels with a daily turnover of $2.75-3 trillion.
Chapter 13_The Foreign Exchange MarketRusman MukhlisThe document summarizes key concepts about foreign exchange rates and their determinants. In the 1980s, the strong dollar made US goods expensive abroad, hurting competitiveness. By the 2000s, as the dollar weakened, US goods became cheaper and competitiveness increased. Exchange rates are determined by supply and demand in the market. In the long run, factors like relative price levels and productivity affect exchange rates, while in the short run, interest rates and expected future exchange rates drive exchange rate movements through interest rate parity.
Foreign exchange marketVisakhapatnamThe foreign exchange market allows individuals, banks, and firms to buy and sell currencies. It operates globally through telecommunications and includes spot, forward, futures, swap, and options contracts. Major participants include commercial banks, central banks, brokers, importers/exporters, speculators, and hedgers. The market facilitates international trade and investment by enabling currency exchange.
Foreign Exchange MarketPradeep AwasareAxis Ltd, a European company, hedges against adverse currency movements by entering forward exchange contracts after the euro plunges against the dollar, causing lost revenues from prices set in euros. The foreign exchange market allows conversion of one currency to another and helps reduce risk through tools like forward exchange rates, currency swaps, and hedging. Exchange rates are determined by demand and supply of currencies as well as theories including purchasing power parity and interest rate differentials.
Foreign Exchange MarketrajeevjThe document provides an overview of the foreign exchange market and the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) role in managing it. It discusses the basic concepts and participants in the FX market. It describes the historical evolution from a fixed exchange rate regime to a more liberalized and market-based system. It also outlines the RBI's tools for intervening in the interbank market to influence exchange rates and maintain stability, including through moral suasion, relaxing exposure limits, and direct buying and selling of currencies.
Foreign exchange market-final ppt(my)J Prateek Kundu
The foreign exchange market or forex market as it is often called is the market in which currencies are traded.
Currency Trading is the world’s largest market consisting of almost trillion in daily volumes
The market continues to rapidly grow. Not only is the forex market the largest market in the world, but it is also the most liquid, differentiating it from the other markets.
There is no central marketplace for the exchange of currency, but instead the trading is conducted over-the-counter.
This decentralization of the market allows traders to choose from a number of different dealers to make trades with and allows for comparison of prices. Typically, the larger a dealer is the better access they have to pricing at the largest banks in the world, and are able to pass that on to their clients.
The spot currency market is open twenty-four hours a day, five days a week, with currencies being traded around the world in all of the major financial centers.
All trades that take place in the foreign exchange market involve the buying of one currency and the selling of another currency simultaneously. This is because the value of one currency is determined by its comparison to another currency.
The first currency of a currency pair is called the “base currency,” while the second currency is called the counter currency. The currency pair shows how much of the counter currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency.
Currency pairs can be thought of as a single unit that can be bought or sold. When purchasing a currency pair, the base currency is being bought, while the counter currency is being sold.
Forex Capital Markets (FXCM) is an online currency trading firm that offers a free demo account to traders who are new and interested in the foreign exchange market.
It allows you to experience every step of currency trading including choosing currency pairs, deciding how much risk to take, tracking the time and dates of placed trades, deciding how long to stay in the trade, and when to exit the trade. It also allows the placing of stop and limit orders on trades.
Information about trading and specifically about how to use the online trading platform can be found on the FXCM webpage. In addition, FXCM offers FREE interactive online seminars that are extremely useful to both new and experienced currency traders.
Characteristics of foreign exchange
Its huge trading volume representing the largest asset class in the world leading to high liquidity;
Its geographical dispersion;
Its continuous operation: 24 hours a day except weekends, i.e., trading from 20:15 GMT on Sunday until 22:00 GMT Friday;
The variety of factors that affect exchange rates;
The low margins of relative profit compared with other markets of fixed income;
The use of leverage to enhance profit and loss margins and with respect to account size.
2. В соответствии с Конвенцией о правах
ребенка, дети имеют право на особую
защиту и помощь. Ребенок имеет право на
воспитание своими родителями, обеспечение
его интересов, всестороннее развитие,
уважение его человеческого достоинства.
3. Конвенцией о правах ребенка
(статьей 18) провозглашено,
что родители несут
основную ответственность
за воспитание и развитие
ребенка, наилучшие
интересы которого должны
являться предметом
основной заботы родителей.
4. На основании статьи 38
Конституции Российской
Федерации, забота о детях,
их воспитание - равное
право и обязанность
родителей, то есть,
родители имеют равные
права и несут равные
обязанности в отношении
своих детей.
6. Родители обязаны:Родители обязаны:
воспитывать своих детейвоспитывать своих детей
заботиться о здоровье, физическом,заботиться о здоровье, физическом,
психическом, духовном и нравственномпсихическом, духовном и нравственном
развитии своих детей.развитии своих детей.
обеспечить получение детьмиобеспечить получение детьми
основного общего образованияосновного общего образования
защищать права и интересы ребенка.защищать права и интересы ребенка.
содержать ребенкасодержать ребенка
7. Родители имеют право:Родители имеют право:
давать имя. отчество и фамилиюдавать имя. отчество и фамилию
выбирать образовательноевыбирать образовательное
учреждение и форму обученияучреждение и форму обучения
защищать права и интересы детейзащищать права и интересы детей
воспитывать своих детейвоспитывать своих детей
10. распитие подростками в возрасте до 16распитие подростками в возрасте до 16
лет спиртных напитков в общественныхлет спиртных напитков в общественных
появление в нетрезвом виде впоявление в нетрезвом виде в
общественных местах;общественных местах;
доведение несовершеннолетнего додоведение несовершеннолетнего до
состояния опьянения непосредственносостояния опьянения непосредственно
11. Лишение родительскихЛишение родительских
уклонение от выполнения своихуклонение от выполнения своих
обязанностей, в том числе при злостномобязанностей, в том числе при злостном
уклонении от уплаты алиментов;уклонении от уплаты алиментов;
отказ без уважительных причин взять своегоотказ без уважительных причин взять своего
ребенка из родильного дома (отделения)ребенка из родильного дома (отделения)
либо из иного лечебного учреждения, илилибо из иного лечебного учреждения, или
других аналогичных социальныхдругих аналогичных социальных
12. злоупотребление своими родительскимизлоупотребление своими родительскими
жестокое обращение с детьми, в том числежестокое обращение с детьми, в том числе
осуществление физического илиосуществление физического или
психического насилия над ними, покушениепсихического насилия над ними, покушение
на половую неприкосновенность;на половую неприкосновенность;
больны хроническим алкоголизмом илибольны хроническим алкоголизмом или
совершили умышленное преступлениесовершили умышленное преступление
против жизни или здоровья своих детей либопротив жизни или здоровья своих детей либо
против жизни или здоровья супруга.против жизни или здоровья супруга.
ст.69 СК РФст.69 СК РФ
13. Мира, счастья ВамМира, счастья Вам
в семье,в семье,
Хлеба, соли на столе…Хлеба, соли на столе…