This document discusses considerations for implementing an enterprise content management (ECM) system. It recommends looking beyond just initial process improvements to consider how an ECM system can provide access to legacy systems, improve compliance initiatives, and manage organizational change. The right ECM system that is built on web services can integrate all of an organization's software applications and ensure the organization is no longer dependent on obsolete technologies. An effective ECM implementation requires choosing a manageable initial project scale, focusing on short-term needs as well as long-term goals, and enlisting user involvement to facilitate adoption of the new system.
El documento trata sobre la observaci¨®n de la pr¨¢ctica escolar de matem¨¢ticas en el Grupo de Matem¨¢ticas I de la Normal Superior del Estado de Puebla. El profesor Gustavo Reyes Sandoval supervis¨® a los estudiantes mientras ense?aban matem¨¢ticas a alumnos de primaria para obtener comentarios que mejoren su pr¨¢ctica docente.
O documento fornece informa??es sobre compressores de ar comprimido, incluindo:
1) Apresenta uma breve hist¨®ria do uso do ar comprimido e suas vantagens e desvantagens;
2) Discutem fundamentos sobre press?o atmosf¨¦rica e leis dos gases;
3) Classifica e descreve os tipos de compressores e suas caracter¨ªsticas.
Shikshak is an online training tool developed by New MEK Solutions to address faculty shortages at educational institutions. It allows for live online classes, guest lectures, simultaneous teaching across multiple branches, and doubt sessions. Key features include video conferencing, desktop sharing, a whiteboard, and communication via audio and video. Shikshak provides benefits like equitable access to top instructors, reduced travel costs, and creating a virtual classroom environment for remote learning. It is an affordable and customizable solution that requires minimal hardware and setup.
Este documento resume un estudio sobre la sepsis neonatal temprana (SNT). Reporta una incidencia de SNT de 4.7 eventos por 1,000 reci¨¦n nacidos, siendo las bacterias m¨¢s comunes las enterobacterias como E. coli y K. pneumoniae. Los factores de riesgo para SNT incluyen bajo peso al nacer, prematuridad, ruptura prolongada de membranas y fiebre materna durante el parto.
XyEnterprise is a software developer and services provider focused on content management and multi-channel publishing solutions. Their solutions include a content management system, an electronic publishing system, and an interactive content delivery platform. They help companies manage structured XML content to reduce costs of authoring, content development, and delivery across multiple formats. Emerging standards like DITA and S1000D encourage component-based rather than document-based authoring and provide opportunities for automation, reuse, and just-in-time publishing across channels. XyEnterprise's role involves all aspects of the publishing process from content creation to dynamic, tailored delivery on multiple channels.
2015 Top Trends in B2B Social Marketing and explore actionable insights regarding the biggest shifts in social marketing.
Contained within the report are answers to these questions:
-How is social marketing strategy changing in 2015?
-What are the new rules in content marketing?
-How are businesses adjusting their technology and process?
-Why is mobile so important for B2B marketers today?
-How are ad dollars shifting to social in 2015?
This document discusses internal communication at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. UiT has over 16,000 students and 3,600 staff, with an annual budget of 4 billion NOK. UiT is a major provider of Arctic science worldwide and hosts the annual Arctic Frontiers conference.
This is a powerpoint presentation I created for young learners, around the grades of 1-3. While going through the presentation the students can also use manipulative blocks to have a hands on experience. This activity can also be adapted for smart board use to help teach place value.
This document shows the grades of a student in different subjects across 5 grading periods (1o BIM to 5o BIM). The student's grades ranged from 7 to 10 across subjects such as Spanish, Math, Science, History, Geography and Civics. Their overall average was 8.5 and their average for subjects requiring scholarships was 8.2.
Resultater fra eb sp?rreunders?kelse om holdninger til og kunnskap om Nord-Norge som studiested. Gjennomf?rt av Synovate AS p? oppdrag fra Universitetet i Troms?, H?gskolen i Finnmark og H?gskolen i Harstad h?sten 2010.
UiT is the northernmost university in the world, located in Troms?, Norway at 69¡ã North. It has over 11,800 students and 2,750 faculty and staff. Key areas of research include biomarine studies, indigenous studies, and northern and Arctic studies. UiT offers over 250 study programs, around 40 of which are taught in English, focusing on topics relevant to the High North region such as law of the sea, indigenous studies, and telemedicine. The university aims to explore global issues from its unique close-up perspective in the High North.
The University of Troms? is located in northern Norway and is the northernmost university in the world. It has over 9,100 students, including 10% from other countries. The university focuses on research related to the Arctic and global issues like climate change, natural resources, and the environment. As the effects of climate change are already evident in the Arctic, the university's location gives it a unique perspective for exploring these important topics.
The document provides an overview of Troms?, Norway, the University of Troms?, and its Faculty of Health Sciences. It notes that Troms? is located at 69¡ã40¡ä58¡ä¡äN 18¡ã56¡ä34¡ä¡äE and has a population of 67,000. The University of Troms? has 9,000 students from around the world and 2,800 staff across 300 programs, with a focus on research in the northern region. The Faculty of Health Sciences is the largest faculty and offers programs in fields like medicine, dentistry, nursing, and conducts population health research through projects like the Troms? Study and NOWAC study.
2015 Top Trends in B2B Social Marketing and explore actionable insights regarding the biggest shifts in social marketing.
Contained within the report are answers to these questions:
-How is social marketing strategy changing in 2015?
-What are the new rules in content marketing?
-How are businesses adjusting their technology and process?
-Why is mobile so important for B2B marketers today?
-How are ad dollars shifting to social in 2015?
This document discusses internal communication at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. UiT has over 16,000 students and 3,600 staff, with an annual budget of 4 billion NOK. UiT is a major provider of Arctic science worldwide and hosts the annual Arctic Frontiers conference.
This is a powerpoint presentation I created for young learners, around the grades of 1-3. While going through the presentation the students can also use manipulative blocks to have a hands on experience. This activity can also be adapted for smart board use to help teach place value.
This document shows the grades of a student in different subjects across 5 grading periods (1o BIM to 5o BIM). The student's grades ranged from 7 to 10 across subjects such as Spanish, Math, Science, History, Geography and Civics. Their overall average was 8.5 and their average for subjects requiring scholarships was 8.2.
Resultater fra eb sp?rreunders?kelse om holdninger til og kunnskap om Nord-Norge som studiested. Gjennomf?rt av Synovate AS p? oppdrag fra Universitetet i Troms?, H?gskolen i Finnmark og H?gskolen i Harstad h?sten 2010.
UiT is the northernmost university in the world, located in Troms?, Norway at 69¡ã North. It has over 11,800 students and 2,750 faculty and staff. Key areas of research include biomarine studies, indigenous studies, and northern and Arctic studies. UiT offers over 250 study programs, around 40 of which are taught in English, focusing on topics relevant to the High North region such as law of the sea, indigenous studies, and telemedicine. The university aims to explore global issues from its unique close-up perspective in the High North.
The University of Troms? is located in northern Norway and is the northernmost university in the world. It has over 9,100 students, including 10% from other countries. The university focuses on research related to the Arctic and global issues like climate change, natural resources, and the environment. As the effects of climate change are already evident in the Arctic, the university's location gives it a unique perspective for exploring these important topics.
The document provides an overview of Troms?, Norway, the University of Troms?, and its Faculty of Health Sciences. It notes that Troms? is located at 69¡ã40¡ä58¡ä¡äN 18¡ã56¡ä34¡ä¡äE and has a population of 67,000. The University of Troms? has 9,000 students from around the world and 2,800 staff across 300 programs, with a focus on research in the northern region. The Faculty of Health Sciences is the largest faculty and offers programs in fields like medicine, dentistry, nursing, and conducts population health research through projects like the Troms? Study and NOWAC study.
Presentasjon av unders?kelse om s?rnorsk ungdoms holdninger til Nord-Norge gjennomf?rt av Synovate for Universitetet i Troms?, H?gskolen i Harstad og H?gskolen i Finnmark
Presentation by University of Troms? rector Jarle Aarbakke and NARFU rector Elena Kudryashova on the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two universities in Arkhangelsk on September 17, 2010.
2. Ny organisasjon p? plass 6 fakulteter og 25 institutter operativ fra 1.8.09. Nye fakultetsstyrer med ekstern styreledere Gjennomg?ende enhetlig ledelse p? fakultets- og instituttniv?
4. Noen n?kkeltall 2008 ¨C Forskning 865 publikasjonspoeng ?kning p? 14,6% sammenlignet med 2007 9,1% ?kning i relativ andel sammenlignet med ?vrige universitet 1,4 publiseringspoeng pr fagstilling Her har vi mer ? strekke oss etter (UiB 1,7; NTNU 1,8: UiO 2,2) 12,3% ?kning i andel av eksternfinansiering Ogs? her har vi noe ? strekke oss etter (UiB 14,3; NTNU 32,2; UiO 31,4) Suksessrate p? 16,9% p? innvilgende prosjekter i NFR og 18% p? EUs 7. rammeprogram
5. Noen n?kkeltall 2008 ¨C Utdanning 18,75% vekst i antall 1.pri-s?kere 21,31% vekst i ¡±antall m?tte¡± 8.400 registrerte studenter h?st 2009 9% vekst i antall inn/utreisende studenter Om lag 78% av UiTs prim?rs?kere kommer fra Nord-Norge 78% av nye studenter ved UiT oppgir at hjemmesida er den viktigste kilden til informasjon om studietilbud
6. Forts. Utdanning Utfordringer: 40,8 avlagte studiepoeng pr student 60% av studentene faller fra i l?pet av de 6 f?rste semestrene
7. Forts. Udanning ?pning av Handelsh?gskolen i Troms? Gjennomgang av biologiutdanningene Ny l?rerutdanning Implementering av nytt kvalitetssikringssystem Total gjennomgang av fagportef?ljen p? hele UiT
8. Forskerutdanning Vi har 644,5 aktive doktorgradsavtaler 126 nye inng?tt i 2009 Antall disputaser i 2009 kommer trolig opp i 110
10. Statsbudsjettet 2010 0 ?kning i basis ¨C og styrkingen i 2008 (160 MNOK) og 2009 (80 MNOK) er ikke videref?rt 0 til ?kning i den resultatbaserte forskningskomponenten (RBO) Ikke flere studieplasser enn videref?ring av opptaket fra revidert nasjonalbudsjett (RNB) med unntak Trafikkflygerutdanningen Ingen nye stipendiater Utstyr 140 MNOK i 2010 ¨C var antydet til 200 MNOK Ingen ?kning til regionale fond Ingen nye bygg
11. Redusert handlingsrom Ny aktivitet kommer som ?remerkinger Manglende kompensasjon for ?kt l?nnsvekst og ?kte kostnader til Statens pensjonskasse Ikke fullfinansiering av stipendiatstillinger ?kt konkurranse om studentene og opprettelse av studieplasser p? marginalkostnadene Omfordeling av insentsivmidler i den resultatbaserte forskningskomponenten (ikke friske midler) Krav om egenandel i eksternt finansierte prosjekter Manglende finansiering av ?kte vedlikeholdsutgifter
12. UiT sine budsjettrammer for 2010 Total ramme er p? 1.711.266 i Statsbudsjett Rammen er korrigert for: L?nns- og priskompensasjon p? 3,2% Videref?ring av studieplasser tildelt i RNB (300) Videref?ring av stipendiatstillinger tildelt i 2009 Bevilgning til Trafikkflygerutdanningen p? 13,5 MNOK Nedgang i studiepoengsproduksjonen i 2008 p? 6,8 MNOK ?kning i forskningskomponenten p? 5,7 MNOK
13. Ny intern budsjettfordelings-modell vedtatt for 2010 Utgangspunkt: Ingen omfordelende effekt i utgangs?ret (2009) Tre komponenter: Basis Resultatbasert tildeling til undervisning og forskning Strategiske tildelinger Modellen vil bli gjennomg?tt i 2010 for ? se p? utilsiktede skjevheter Fordeles i universitetsstyrem?te 8.12.
14. Strategiske utfordringer Grunnforskning Nordomr?det Nordomr?demuseet Yngreb?lgen: Ingeni?rutdanninger L?rerutdanninger Helsefagsutdanninger Strukturendring i Nord
Editor's Notes
#10: Den m?rke bl? heltrukne linja viser veksten i bevilgningen til NFR og EU ¨C nominell vekst. Den bl? striplede linja er NFR/EU tildeling l?nns- og prisjustert Den r?de heltrukne linja er tidelingen til Universitets og h?gskolesektoren Den r?de striplede linja er tidelingen til U/H-sektoren l?nns- og prisjustert Det er et stort gap mellom politikernes retorikk og sektorens virkelighetsoppfatning. Politikerne fokuserer p? samlet vekst og ny aktivitet, mens sektoren ar fokus p? rammebetingelser og eksiterende aktivitet (Figuren er hentet fra UiO sitt saksforelegg til UiO-styret om fordeling av statsbevilgningen 2010)
#14: Fordeles av universitetsstyret i m?te 8.12.09 etter ny fordelingsmodell: 1. Basistildelingen ¨C basert p? historiske tall 2. Resultatbasert tildeling : Studiepoengsproduksjon to ?r tilbake med en sats p? 75% av departementets sats Utvekslingsstudenter (inn og ut over 3 m?neder). Lik departementets sats Resultatbasert forskningskomponent med uttelling etter f?lgende indikatorer: doktorgradskandidater (95% av nasjonal sats) publikasjonspoeng (75% av nasjonal sats) EU-midler (50% av nasjonal sats) NFR-midler (150% av nasjonal sats i 2010 og med forslag til en reduksjon til 100% av nasjonal sats i 2011) BOA (3 ?re pr krone) 3. Strategiske tildeling : Rekrutteringsstillinger Desentralisert utdanning Strategiske prioriteringer