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Dutch action plan animal production sectors

Erik de Jonge

1. Introduction / reasons for action plan on antibiotics

2. Action plan

3. Targets

4. Results and conclusions
Introduction /reasons for action plan

 Increasing antibiotic resistance is public health risk.

 The use of antibiotics in animal production sectors is a risk for public health
  - Transfer of antibiotic resistent bacteria to humans (ESBLs, MRSA)
  - Relations between sectors and public health are becoming more
    prominent (ESBLs)

 Relatively high use of antibiotics in animal production sectors compared
  to Dutch human use of antibiotics

Animal production sectors have responsibilty to take action.
Action plan antibiotics animal production

   Discussion on antibiotics in Government and Parliament since 2007
   Agreement: sectors take initiative; Government monitors results and if
    necessary interveres
   December 2008: official voluntary agreement on antibiotic resistance.
   Participants agreement:
    - 4 animal production sectors (cattle, veal calves, pigs, poultry)
    - farmers, industry, veterinarians, feed industry
    - Facilitated by ministry of Economic Affairs
   Aim: less, better and transparant use of antibiotics
   Installation of an Authority for Veterinary Medicine
   Action plan is a dynamic plan
Reduction targets for the use of antibiotics

The Government set targets for the reduction of the use of antibiotics in
2010 and 2012.

Overall targets for the use of antibiotics are set for the animal production
sectors (cattle, pigs, veal calves, broilers)

  2011 (2009): -/- 20%
  2013 (2009): -/- 50%
  2015 (2009): -/- 70%

Poultry sector follows the same targets: broilers, laying hens, turkeys
Main activities in the action plan
For all sectors
1.   Registration of all delivered antibiotics in central databases
2.   One farmer, one vet (contract)
3.   Health and treatment plans
4.   Guidelines for the prescription of antibiotics
5.   Individual feed back with a benchmark to farmers / vets
6.   Approach for individual reduction on farms

Specific actions per sector
 For example: transparancy, research in certain health issues,
a ban on certain antibiotics in q.a.s. (3/4 gen. cefalosporines).
Implementation action plan

1. Antibiotics agreement is implemented through private quality
   assurance programs (IKB)
2. IKB  programs: from farm to processing plants
3. Participation rates are very high
4. 90 to 95% of the farmers in the pig sector, dairy sector, broiler
   sector and veal sector

Non participants: product board regulation
Approved in boards PPE and PVV mid 2011
1. Registration in central databases

   Every sector has a centrale database.
   Vets have to register the delivered antibiotics in the central database:
    type of antibiotic, quantity, dosage, length of treatment, etc.
   In the poultry sector standardised clinical signs and diagnosis are also
   Antibiotics database is connected with the database for animals and
    flocks on the farm (I&R)
   Inspections on farm and incorrect registration is sanctioned
   Starting date of registration: pig sector (01-01-10), veal calves (01-07-
    10), broiler (01-01-11), cattle and layer sector (01-01-12).
1. Registration in central databases

Goals of registration of antibiotics in central database

    Monitoring (do the actions have the required results)
    Used for poultry health policies
    Basis for individual feed back (benchmarking)
    Basis for approach for individual reduction on the farm
    Public accountablity (sector, government, public)
2. One farmer, one vet

   Contract between farmer and vet
   One on one relationship
   Only prescriptions for antibiotics from contracted vet
   Minimum frequency of visits (varies per sector and type of farm)
   Poultry: every antibiotic is prescribed after diagnosis on farm
   Health plan and treatment plan
   Vet must use the veterinary guidelines from KNMvD when
    prescribing antibiotics
   Replacement and responsibility
3. Health and treatment plans

   Health plan: drawn up by farmer, vet and, preferably, other advisors
    - analysis of farm management with respect to animal health - climate,
      feed, use of antibiotica, watersystems, welfare  (model)
    - write down improvement measures and a target for the use antibiotics
    - farmer implements improvements
   Treatment plan: drawn up by vet in cooperation with farmer
    - how diseases are tackeled in the next period
    - how diagnoses are made on the farm and for instance about the use
       of bacteriological tests and sensitivity tests
    - based on formularia
   Both plans: at least a yearly evaluation
4. Veterinary guidelines for the use of

    Formularies for the prescription of antibiotics
    Drawn up by expert groups from KNMvD per type of animal
    List of relevant indications per type of animal
    Per indication a first, second and third choise of medicins
    Criteria for choises
      - effectivity of antibiotic
      - chance on developping or spreading resistance
      - minimum use of antibiotics that are important for human health
        (fluoroquinolones / cefalosporines are third choise)
5. Individual feed back (benchmark)

   Individual feed back report at least every three months for
   Poultry: also individual reports for veterinary practises
   Figures compared to colleagues (national average / best farmers)
   Started mid 2011 (broilers, veal calves, pigs).
   Feed back report: the report becomes more and more extended
   Aim: awareness of use of antibiotics
   Feed back reports are used in health and treatment plans
5. Individual feed back with benchmark
 Benchmark veterinarian practises: use of antibiotics 2012
5. Individual feed back with benchmark
 Example of use of antibiotics in 2012 on a broiler farm
5. Individual feed back with benchmark
 Example: weeks in which treatment was started
5. Individual feed back with benchmark
 Example: reason for the use of antibiotics
5. Individual feed back with benchmark
 Example: which groups of antibiotics are used
6. Approach for individual reduction on farms

 Started 01-01-2013
 Four categories: target category, signal category, action category 1 / 2
 Every farm is assessed and categorized every 6 months
 Every farm above target category should reach a lower level in 1 year
 The higher the category, the firmer the measures

We do not tell the farmer what to do. Farmer decides which measures to take
 Signal category: improvement plan within 4 weeks
 Action category 1: extra mandatory screening of the farm (digital tool)
 Action category 2: use of independent expert at own expense
Results: animal production sectors

Dutch veterinairy sales of antibiotics from 1999 - 2012

                                              Antibiotic sales

 kg active substance x 1000


                                                                        Antimicrobial growthpromoter

                              200                                       Therapeutic sales




                    Source FIDIN: manufacturers and importers of veterinary medicines
Results Dutch broiler sector
Use of antibiotics in Dutch broiler sector (daily dosis per animal year)

                         Use of antibiotics broilersector







                  2009          2010          2011         2012

Source: 2009 / 2010 database VMP (50% of farms) 2011 / 2012 database IKB CRA      (98% of farms)
Results and conclusions


 Reduction of the use of antibiotics in Dutch animal production
  sectors was 32% in 2011. Therefore the target for 2011 (20%) has
  been achieved.
 Reduction of the use of antibiotics in Dutch animal production
  sectors was 51% in 2012 (first 6 months). Therefore the target
  for 2013 (50%) has already been achieved in 2012.
 In the broilersector the reduction was 26% in 2011 and 40% in

The Dutch broilersector is well on its way to reduce the use of
antibiotitcs. Individual programms on farms should lead to a 50%
reduction for 2013. Then probably verder steps have to be taken.
Thanks for your attention
Action plan antibiotics animal production

Actions 2013

2013: focus on critical antibiotics (poultry: fluoroquinolones)

2013: expending benchmarks and feed back reports with feed
supplier, breed and hatcheries.

2013: broilers: new requirements for all chicken meat delivered
to Dutch supermarkets in de period 2015  2020 (25%): slower
growing broiler, lower density, maximum use of antibiotics, etc.
VIV Animal Health Summit Closing CEO-level Conference, Erik de Jonge, VIV Asia 2013

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VIV Animal Health Summit Closing CEO-level Conference, Erik de Jonge, VIV Asia 2013

  • 1. Antibiotics Dutch action plan animal production sectors Erik de Jonge 14-03-13
  • 2. Content 1. Introduction / reasons for action plan on antibiotics 2. Action plan 3. Targets 4. Results and conclusions
  • 3. Introduction /reasons for action plan Increasing antibiotic resistance is public health risk. The use of antibiotics in animal production sectors is a risk for public health - Transfer of antibiotic resistent bacteria to humans (ESBLs, MRSA) - Relations between sectors and public health are becoming more prominent (ESBLs) Relatively high use of antibiotics in animal production sectors compared to Dutch human use of antibiotics Conclusion Animal production sectors have responsibilty to take action.
  • 4. Action plan antibiotics animal production sectors Discussion on antibiotics in Government and Parliament since 2007 Agreement: sectors take initiative; Government monitors results and if necessary interveres December 2008: official voluntary agreement on antibiotic resistance. Participants agreement: - 4 animal production sectors (cattle, veal calves, pigs, poultry) - farmers, industry, veterinarians, feed industry - Facilitated by ministry of Economic Affairs Aim: less, better and transparant use of antibiotics Installation of an Authority for Veterinary Medicine Action plan is a dynamic plan
  • 5. Reduction targets for the use of antibiotics The Government set targets for the reduction of the use of antibiotics in 2010 and 2012. Overall targets for the use of antibiotics are set for the animal production sectors (cattle, pigs, veal calves, broilers) 2011 (2009): -/- 20% 2013 (2009): -/- 50% 2015 (2009): -/- 70% Poultry sector follows the same targets: broilers, laying hens, turkeys
  • 6. Main activities in the action plan For all sectors 1. Registration of all delivered antibiotics in central databases 2. One farmer, one vet (contract) 3. Health and treatment plans 4. Guidelines for the prescription of antibiotics 5. Individual feed back with a benchmark to farmers / vets 6. Approach for individual reduction on farms Specific actions per sector For example: transparancy, research in certain health issues, a ban on certain antibiotics in q.a.s. (3/4 gen. cefalosporines).
  • 7. Implementation action plan 1. Antibiotics agreement is implemented through private quality assurance programs (IKB) 2. IKB programs: from farm to processing plants 3. Participation rates are very high 4. 90 to 95% of the farmers in the pig sector, dairy sector, broiler sector and veal sector Non participants: product board regulation Approved in boards PPE and PVV mid 2011
  • 8. 1. Registration in central databases Every sector has a centrale database. Vets have to register the delivered antibiotics in the central database: type of antibiotic, quantity, dosage, length of treatment, etc. In the poultry sector standardised clinical signs and diagnosis are also registered. Antibiotics database is connected with the database for animals and flocks on the farm (I&R) Inspections on farm and incorrect registration is sanctioned Starting date of registration: pig sector (01-01-10), veal calves (01-07- 10), broiler (01-01-11), cattle and layer sector (01-01-12).
  • 9. 1. Registration in central databases Goals of registration of antibiotics in central database Monitoring (do the actions have the required results) Used for poultry health policies Basis for individual feed back (benchmarking) Basis for approach for individual reduction on the farm Public accountablity (sector, government, public)
  • 10. 2. One farmer, one vet Contract between farmer and vet One on one relationship Only prescriptions for antibiotics from contracted vet Minimum frequency of visits (varies per sector and type of farm) Poultry: every antibiotic is prescribed after diagnosis on farm Health plan and treatment plan Vet must use the veterinary guidelines from KNMvD when prescribing antibiotics Replacement and responsibility
  • 11. 3. Health and treatment plans Health plan: drawn up by farmer, vet and, preferably, other advisors - analysis of farm management with respect to animal health - climate, feed, use of antibiotica, watersystems, welfare (model) - write down improvement measures and a target for the use antibiotics - farmer implements improvements Treatment plan: drawn up by vet in cooperation with farmer - how diseases are tackeled in the next period - how diagnoses are made on the farm and for instance about the use of bacteriological tests and sensitivity tests - based on formularia Both plans: at least a yearly evaluation
  • 12. 4. Veterinary guidelines for the use of antibiotics Formularies for the prescription of antibiotics Drawn up by expert groups from KNMvD per type of animal List of relevant indications per type of animal Per indication a first, second and third choise of medicins Criteria for choises - effectivity of antibiotic - chance on developping or spreading resistance - minimum use of antibiotics that are important for human health (fluoroquinolones / cefalosporines are third choise)
  • 13. 5. Individual feed back (benchmark) Individual feed back report at least every three months for farmers Poultry: also individual reports for veterinary practises Figures compared to colleagues (national average / best farmers) Started mid 2011 (broilers, veal calves, pigs). Feed back report: the report becomes more and more extended Aim: awareness of use of antibiotics Feed back reports are used in health and treatment plans
  • 14. 5. Individual feed back with benchmark Benchmark veterinarian practises: use of antibiotics 2012
  • 15. 5. Individual feed back with benchmark Example of use of antibiotics in 2012 on a broiler farm
  • 16. 5. Individual feed back with benchmark Example: weeks in which treatment was started
  • 17. 5. Individual feed back with benchmark Example: reason for the use of antibiotics
  • 18. 5. Individual feed back with benchmark Example: which groups of antibiotics are used
  • 19. 6. Approach for individual reduction on farms Poultry Started 01-01-2013 Four categories: target category, signal category, action category 1 / 2 Every farm is assessed and categorized every 6 months Every farm above target category should reach a lower level in 1 year The higher the category, the firmer the measures Measures We do not tell the farmer what to do. Farmer decides which measures to take Signal category: improvement plan within 4 weeks Action category 1: extra mandatory screening of the farm (digital tool) Action category 2: use of independent expert at own expense
  • 20. Results: animal production sectors Dutch veterinairy sales of antibiotics from 1999 - 2012 Antibiotic sales 600 500 kg active substance x 1000 400 300 Antimicrobial growthpromoter 200 Therapeutic sales 100 0 jaar Source FIDIN: manufacturers and importers of veterinary medicines
  • 21. Results Dutch broiler sector Use of antibiotics in Dutch broiler sector (daily dosis per animal year) Use of antibiotics broilersector 40 35 30 25 20 broilersector 15 10 5 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: 2009 / 2010 database VMP (50% of farms) 2011 / 2012 database IKB CRA (98% of farms)
  • 22. Results and conclusions Conclusions Reduction of the use of antibiotics in Dutch animal production sectors was 32% in 2011. Therefore the target for 2011 (20%) has been achieved. Reduction of the use of antibiotics in Dutch animal production sectors was 51% in 2012 (first 6 months). Therefore the target for 2013 (50%) has already been achieved in 2012. In the broilersector the reduction was 26% in 2011 and 40% in 2012. The Dutch broilersector is well on its way to reduce the use of antibiotitcs. Individual programms on farms should lead to a 50% reduction for 2013. Then probably verder steps have to be taken.
  • 23. Thanks for your attention
  • 24. Action plan antibiotics animal production sectors Actions 2013 2013: focus on critical antibiotics (poultry: fluoroquinolones) 2013: expending benchmarks and feed back reports with feed supplier, breed and hatcheries. 2013: broilers: new requirements for all chicken meat delivered to Dutch supermarkets in de period 2015 2020 (25%): slower growing broiler, lower density, maximum use of antibiotics, etc.