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     A Global Problem
   Bangkok March 2013
 CEO Summit Animal Health

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
What is Resistance?

It means that microbes have become
immune against the drugs used to
   What resistance?

This occurs as a result of the use of

            deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The Human Health
 We have a situation

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
History antibiotics
1928 Fleming

1938 Chain and Florey make penicillin useful in
1942 First life saving treatment
1944 D-day; enough penicillin for all soldiers

1946-1960 Wonder drug era; discovery of
tetracycline, chloramphenicol, many others
Early sixties: First signs of resistance

Late sixties  early seventies: analogs

Eighties and nineties: Resistance crisis
reduction of agricultural use, restrictive use
in humans

20?? Postantibiotic ??
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Use of antibiotics outside the hospital
              in Europe

              deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
European Antimicrobial Resistance
 Surveillance Network (EARS-Net)

The report reflects the state of submissions in
  TESSy as of 2013-02-19 at 11:30

                  deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus
           aureus (MRSA)

            deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Fluoroquinolones Resistant (R)
       Escherichia coli

          deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
3rd gen. cephalosporins Resistant (R) Klebsiella
             pneumoniae Isolates

                  deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Emerging Risks
            an example

  Dissertation Liny Keessen 2013
       Man and Pigs:
Sharing the same C. difficile

              deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
C. difficile subtype 078
 Found in man and pigs ( 10%)
 No difference in organic production
 Air inside and outside ( up to 20 m.) is
 Causes severe diarrhea

                   deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Some figures
 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause 25 000
  deaths in EU every year and cost economy
  1.5 billion. (IMI/EFPIA project)
 If no action is taken to address these issues,
  we risk leaving society in a situation where
  doctors will have few, if any, options to treat
  bacterial infections.

                   deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
 Oct. 16, 2007 -- It appears that more people in
  the U.S. now die from the mostly hospital-
  acquired staph infection MRSA than from AIDS,
  according to a new report from the CDC.
 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
  aureus (MRSA) was responsible for an estimated
  94,000 life-threatening infections and 18,650
  deaths in 2005, CDC researchers report in the Oct.
  17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical

                     deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Totally Drug-Resistant
Tuberculosis in India

  Oxford journals
  The most recent version of this article [] was
  published on 2012-01-31

               deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
   More infections
   Higher costs
   Higher mortality
   Higher risks in human health
   Lower Food Safety
   Higer Risks in Labour circumstances

                    deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The environment

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Increase antibiotic resistence in archived soils
Environ Sci.Techn. 2010;44;580-7

                  deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Relation Human Health and

Of the strains ( ESBL Coli)causing urinairy
tract infections in humans in 2009, 13 % was
identical to chicken strains. Trend shows
increase of transfer.

               deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Belgium 2011

  deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
ESBL source

 Poultry     88%
Beef/Porc meat 20%

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The security of our food supply is at risk in ways
    more noxious than anyone had feared.

                   deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Use of antibiotica

    deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

2005, South Korea, meat
2011 Germany, fenugreek
    2012 Germany, ?
  2013 Sweden, meat

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Special strain of Methicillin Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) found in pigs
is also found in pig farmers and, less often,
their families

All evidence taken together suggests that
resistance is transfered from agricultural to the
human sector. How much it contributes to total
resistance in human pathogens is unclear.
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Seagulls 'may be spreading superbugs
By Michelle Roberts, Health reporter, BBC

Scientists fear migratory birds may be spreading
hard-to-treat infections after discovering seagulls
can carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Diverse and abundant antibiotic
resistance genes in Chinese swine

Published online before printFebruary 11, 2013,

PNAS February 11, 2013 201222743
                          deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Investigation University Link旦ping, Sweden

              Effect of traveling
 Of 231 persons 4% was carrier of ESBL
   bacteries before travel .
 After traveling this had increased to 32%
  (nobody had been in hospital)
  India     82%                    Egypt    57%
  Thailand 37%                     Peru     36%
   S.Africa 27%                    Tanzania 24%
Food Supply Chain

deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Strong increase of resistant strains
1994: strains isolated that are resistant
to all drugs available at that time

Cause: (over)use

USA,1951: 580 tons medical use, 110 tons
growth promotor
1978: 6080 tons medical use; 5580 tons
growth promotor
Intensive animal
  husbandry is believed to be a
major contributor to the increased
  environmental burden of AR

            deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a
growing problem worldwide there is
        an urgent need for :

      Reluctant use of antibiotics
   Reserve the better ones for man
   New medicines to treat resistant

             deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
VIV Animal Health Summit Closing CEO-level Conference, Mr. Wim de Wit, VIV Asia 2013
The microbes strike back!
        Resistance crisis

That which does not kill me, only
      makes me stronger!!
                            Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences
The system is overloaded. Can we lighten it?
What can we do?

     deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Limiting density of
  Farm Animals

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
                                                                         Observed             Expected   Tolerance

                                            120               Campylobacter
Weekly number of cases campylobacteriosis

                                             80                           outbreak


















                                                     2002                             2003                           2004
                                                       Avian-influenza outbreak (april-june) 17% reduction of
                                                                    Campylobacter cases NL 2003
                                                              Wilfrid van Pelt, RIVM
Concentration of Cleared Farms

          deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Wilfrid van Pelt,
        May-June 2003

Greatest reduction
around cleared
chicken farms
Actions by
  International bodies
 National governments
   Pharma Industries
Feed and Food Producers

     deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The consumers role, WHO

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The Veterinarians

     deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
        Federation of Veterinarians of Europe

1) Animals receiving antibiotics must be under the
   care of the prescribing vet
2) Good administration
3) Species and indication approved, susceptible
4) Dosage regimen based on pharmacodynamics
5) Limit broad spectrum and multiple antibiotics
6) Flock/herd treatment only to prevent spreading
Different antibiotics for human usage
          and for agriculture

  Resistance patterns change rapidly
Hence reviews of the exclusively human
         list every other year?
The Farmers

 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Eliminate improper incentives to
      prescribe Antibiotics.

     Good Agricultural Practice:
         Cleaning carefully
     Constant removal of refuse
          Reduce density
         Good quality feed
Exclusieve relationship
Goal: not to allow the farmer to shop
around for a vet who easily prescibes

    What kind of measures are

Growth/day 65 g> 50 g
Time 40 days> 45 days

      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
A new Animal Health Strategy
   for the European Union
     (2007-2013) where
  Prevention is better than
Goal 1
To ensure a high level of public
   health and food safety by
  minimising the incidence of
biological and chemical risks to
Goal 2

 To promote animal health by
    preventing/reducing the
 incidence of animal diseases,
   and in this way to support
farming and the rural economy.

         deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Goal 3

          To improve economic
    assuring free circulation of goods
        and proportionate animal
               deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Goal 4
To promote farming practices
  and animal welfare which
prevent animal health related
    threats and minimise
  environmental impacts in
support of the EU Sustainable
    Development Strategy
         deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

    deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
The search for new antibiotics

 Innovative Medicines Initiative EU
     Cooperation with European
     Federation of Pharmaceutical
      Industries and Associations

             deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  the IMI-funded COMBACTE
 project, aims to give antibiotic
  drug development a much-
needed boost by pioneering new
      ways of designing and
 implementing efficient clinical
   trials for novel antibiotics.
           deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

 EFPIA companies
 GlaxoSmithKline Research and
  Development Ltd, UK
 AstraZeneca AB, Sweden
 Janssen Infectious Diseases
  Diagnostics BVBA, Belgium
            deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
16 Universities, research organisations, public
          bodies, non-profit groups

            Management group :
       University Medical Center Utrecht,
                The Netherlands
          Professor Marc J M Bonten
             Project coordinator
                  Scott White
  GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development

                 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Combatting Bacterial Resistance in
   Start Date01/01/2013
   Duration84 months
   IMI Funding    83 033 010
   EFPIA         104 398 189
   Other           7 129 184
   Total cost    194 560 383

                   deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

    guidelines ??

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Food and Feed Industries
   Hygienic processing methods
 Adapted (slaughter) machineries
          Cleaning methods
       Sustainable production
     Avoid cross contamination

            deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
 Improve Animal Health
    Lower growth rate
 Lower production rate
       Smaller flocks

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
 Options in controlling
 antibiotic resistance in

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Natural Enemies


    deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Bacteriophages are strain specific
        natural ennemies

    110 times smaller than bacteria
Each 2 days 50% of all bacteria are killed
 No influence on man, animal or plant
      None effect on food or feed

                deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
 Listex is on the market,
used in the food industry
  Salmonelex in testing

          deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Competitive Inhibition
 Promote an healthy flora in the contestinal
  tract by
 Selecting specific gut profiles by
 Producing feed able to stimulate healthy flora

                  deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

       deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

   No consumer trust
Upcoming social pressure
    Loss of markets

        deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
Big Question

What can YOU do ?
      deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
For further reading
   1.Foodborne antimicrobial resistance as a biological hazard1 Scientific Opinion of
    the Panel on Biological Hazards (Question No EFSA-Q-2007-089)
    2.Arias CA, Murray BE (2009) Antibiotic-resistant bugs in the 21st centuryA
    clinical super-challenge. N Engl J Med 360(5):439443
   3.Udwadia ZF, Amale RA, Ajbani KK, Rodrigues C (2012) Totally drug-resistant
    tuberculosis in India. Clin Infect Dis 54(4):579581.
   4. Knapp CW, Dol鍖ng J, Ehlert PAI, Graham DW (2010) Evidence of increasing
    antibiotic resistance gene abundances in archived soils since 1940. Environ Sci
    Technol 44(2):580587.
   5. Marshall BM, Levy SB (2011) Food animals and antimicrobials: Impacts on
    human health. Clin Microbiol Rev 24(4):718733.
   6. Forsberg KJ, et al. (2012) The shared antibiotic resistome of soil bacteria and
    human pathogens. Science 337(6098):11071111.

                               deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013

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VIV Animal Health Summit Closing CEO-level Conference, Mr. Wim de Wit, VIV Asia 2013

  • 1. NATURE STRIKES BACK A Global Problem Bangkok March 2013 CEO Summit Animal Health deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 2. What is Resistance? It means that microbes have become immune against the drugs used to treatisinfections. What resistance? This occurs as a result of the use of antibiotics. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 3. The Human Health We have a situation deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 4. History antibiotics 1928 Fleming 1938 Chain and Florey make penicillin useful in humans 1942 First life saving treatment 1944 D-day; enough penicillin for all soldiers 1946-1960 Wonder drug era; discovery of tetracycline, chloramphenicol, many others
  • 5. Early sixties: First signs of resistance Late sixties early seventies: analogs Eighties and nineties: Resistance crisis reduction of agricultural use, restrictive use in humans 20?? Postantibiotic ??
  • 7. Use of antibiotics outside the hospital in Europe deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 8. European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net) The report reflects the state of submissions in TESSy as of 2013-02-19 at 11:30 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 9. Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 10. Fluoroquinolones Resistant (R) Escherichia coli deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 11. 3rd gen. cephalosporins Resistant (R) Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolates deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 13. Emerging Risks an example Dissertation Liny Keessen 2013 Man and Pigs: Sharing the same C. difficile deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 14. C. difficile subtype 078 Found in man and pigs ( 10%) No difference in organic production Air inside and outside ( up to 20 m.) is contaminated Causes severe diarrhea deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 15. Some figures Antibiotic-resistant bacteria cause 25 000 deaths in EU every year and cost economy 1.5 billion. (IMI/EFPIA project) If no action is taken to address these issues, we risk leaving society in a situation where doctors will have few, if any, options to treat bacterial infections. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 16. Oct. 16, 2007 -- It appears that more people in the U.S. now die from the mostly hospital- acquired staph infection MRSA than from AIDS, according to a new report from the CDC. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was responsible for an estimated 94,000 life-threatening infections and 18,650 deaths in 2005, CDC researchers report in the Oct. 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 18. Totally Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in India Oxford journals The most recent version of this article [] was published on 2012-01-31 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 19. Resistance More infections Higher costs Higher mortality Higher risks in human health Lower Food Safety Higer Risks in Labour circumstances deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 20. The environment deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 21. Increase antibiotic resistence in archived soils Environ Sci.Techn. 2010;44;580-7 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 22. Relation Human Health and Agriculture Of the strains ( ESBL Coli)causing urinairy tract infections in humans in 2009, 13 % was identical to chicken strains. Trend shows increase of transfer. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 23. Belgium 2011 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 24. ESBL source Poultry 88% Beef/Porc meat 20% deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 25. The security of our food supply is at risk in ways more noxious than anyone had feared. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 26. Use of antibiotica deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 27. EHEC 2005, South Korea, meat 2011 Germany, fenugreek 2012 Germany, ? 2013 Sweden, meat deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 28. Special strain of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) found in pigs is also found in pig farmers and, less often, their families All evidence taken together suggests that resistance is transfered from agricultural to the human sector. How much it contributes to total resistance in human pathogens is unclear.
  • 30. Seagulls 'may be spreading superbugs By Michelle Roberts, Health reporter, BBC News Scientists fear migratory birds may be spreading hard-to-treat infections after discovering seagulls can carry antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • 31. Diverse and abundant antibiotic resistance genes in Chinese swine farms Published online before printFebruary 11, 2013, doi:10.1073/pnas.1222743110 PNAS February 11, 2013 201222743 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 32. Investigation University Link旦ping, Sweden Effect of traveling Of 231 persons 4% was carrier of ESBL bacteries before travel . After traveling this had increased to 32% (nobody had been in hospital) India 82% Egypt 57% Thailand 37% Peru 36% S.Africa 27% Tanzania 24%
  • 35. Strong increase of resistant strains 1994: strains isolated that are resistant to all drugs available at that time Cause: (over)use USA,1951: 580 tons medical use, 110 tons growth promotor 1978: 6080 tons medical use; 5580 tons growth promotor
  • 36. Intensive animal husbandry is believed to be a major contributor to the increased environmental burden of AR deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 37. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing problem worldwide there is an urgent need for : Reluctant use of antibiotics Reserve the better ones for man New medicines to treat resistant infections deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 39. The microbes strike back! Resistance crisis That which does not kill me, only makes me stronger!! Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences
  • 40. The system is overloaded. Can we lighten it?
  • 41. What can we do? deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 42. Limiting density of Farm Animals deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 43. 140 Observed Expected Tolerance 120 Campylobacter Weekly number of cases campylobacteriosis 100 Avian influenza 80 outbreak 60 40 20 0 mrt mrt jul okt okt jul jul okt jan jan jun feb feb jun mei apr jun mei apr nov nov dec aug aug sep sep aug dec sep 2002 2003 2004 Avian-influenza outbreak (april-june) 17% reduction of Campylobacter cases NL 2003 Wilfrid van Pelt, RIVM
  • 44. Concentration of Cleared Farms deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 45. Wilfrid van Pelt, RIVM May-June 2003 Greatest reduction around cleared chicken farms
  • 46. Actions by International bodies National governments Pharma Industries Feed and Food Producers Farmers Vets Retail Consumers deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 47. The consumers role, WHO deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 48. The Veterinarians deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 49. PRUDENT USE GUIDELINES Federation of Veterinarians of Europe 1) Animals receiving antibiotics must be under the care of the prescribing vet 2) Good administration 3) Species and indication approved, susceptible 4) Dosage regimen based on pharmacodynamics 5) Limit broad spectrum and multiple antibiotics 6) Flock/herd treatment only to prevent spreading
  • 50. Different antibiotics for human usage and for agriculture Resistance patterns change rapidly Hence reviews of the exclusively human list every other year?
  • 52. Eliminate improper incentives to prescribe Antibiotics. Good Agricultural Practice: Cleaning carefully Constant removal of refuse Reduce density Good quality feed
  • 53. Exclusieve relationship Goal: not to allow the farmer to shop around for a vet who easily prescibes antibiotics What kind of measures are implementable?
  • 54. Broilers Growth/day 65 g> 50 g Time 40 days> 45 days deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 59. A new Animal Health Strategy for the European Union (2007-2013) where Prevention is better than cure
  • 60. Goal 1 To ensure a high level of public health and food safety by minimising the incidence of biological and chemical risks to humans.
  • 61. Goal 2 To promote animal health by preventing/reducing the incidence of animal diseases, and in this way to support farming and the rural economy. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 62. Goal 3 To improve economic growth/cohesion/competitiveness assuring free circulation of goods and proportionate animal movements . deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 63. Goal 4 To promote farming practices and animal welfare which prevent animal health related threats and minimise environmental impacts in support of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 64. PHARMA INDUSTRY deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 65. The search for new antibiotics Innovative Medicines Initiative EU Cooperation with European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 66. Combacte the IMI-funded COMBACTE project, aims to give antibiotic drug development a much- needed boost by pioneering new ways of designing and implementing efficient clinical trials for novel antibiotics. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 67. Participants EFPIA companies GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Ltd, UK AstraZeneca AB, Sweden Janssen Infectious Diseases Diagnostics BVBA, Belgium deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 68. 16 Universities, research organisations, public bodies, non-profit groups Management group : University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands Professor Marc J M Bonten Project coordinator Scott White GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Ltd deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 69. Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe Start Date01/01/2013 Duration84 months Contribution IMI Funding 83 033 010 EFPIA 104 398 189 Other 7 129 184 Total cost 194 560 383 deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 70. FOOD and AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION guidelines ?? deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 71. Food and Feed Industries Hygienic processing methods Adapted (slaughter) machineries Cleaning methods Sustainable production Avoid cross contamination deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 72. Agriculture Improve Animal Health Lower growth rate Lower production rate Smaller flocks deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 73. INNOVATIONS Options in controlling antibiotic resistance in agriculture deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 74. Natural Enemies BACTERIOPHAGES deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 75. Bacteriophages are strain specific natural ennemies 110 times smaller than bacteria Each 2 days 50% of all bacteria are killed No influence on man, animal or plant None effect on food or feed deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 76. Listex is on the market, used in the food industry Salmonelex in testing phase deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 77. Competitive Inhibition Promote an healthy flora in the contestinal tract by Selecting specific gut profiles by metagenomics Producing feed able to stimulate healthy flora deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 78. NO ACTION TODAY NO CURE TOMORROW deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 79. NO ACTION ? No consumer trust Upcoming social pressure Loss of markets deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 80. Big Question What can YOU do ? deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013
  • 82. For further reading 1.Foodborne antimicrobial resistance as a biological hazard1 Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biological Hazards (Question No EFSA-Q-2007-089) 2.Arias CA, Murray BE (2009) Antibiotic-resistant bugs in the 21st centuryA clinical super-challenge. N Engl J Med 360(5):439443 3.Udwadia ZF, Amale RA, Ajbani KK, Rodrigues C (2012) Totally drug-resistant tuberculosis in India. Clin Infect Dis 54(4):579581. 4. Knapp CW, Dol鍖ng J, Ehlert PAI, Graham DW (2010) Evidence of increasing antibiotic resistance gene abundances in archived soils since 1940. Environ Sci Technol 44(2):580587. 5. Marshall BM, Levy SB (2011) Food animals and antimicrobials: Impacts on human health. Clin Microbiol Rev 24(4):718733. 6. Forsberg KJ, et al. (2012) The shared antibiotic resistome of soil bacteria and human pathogens. Science 337(6098):11071111. deWitAgroAdvies Bangkok 2013