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Vannessa M. McDaniel
10800 Old Harbor Road Apt. #7
Fort Smith , AR 72903
Cell Phone:(479)226-0026
E-mail: nessamarie0420@yahoo.com
Objective: Seeking A Full Time Position
Education: Graduate of Southside 2001
St Edwards Mercy Medical Center 7301 Rogers Ave Fort Smith ,Ar 72901 (479)314-6000
Experience: October 31,2011 To Present
 Entering in Patient Demographics
 Takes Incoming calls as needed
 Call Insurance Companies to recieve Eligibilities
 Scan Papers into Computer system
 Call Insurance to get benefits
 Call Member to Explain benefits
 Fill in for the Emergency Department Registration
Sparks Hospital 1001 Towson Ave Fort Smith Ar 72901 (479) 441-4000
Experience: August 15, 2002 To October 2011
 Records Clerk/Receptionist/Team Leader
 Organize and file medical records.
 Fax medical records to various offices.
 Registering patients upon arrival.
 Collecting co-pays and office visit fees.
 Answering up to 5 phone lines and taking messages as needed.
El Chico Restaurant, 5111 Rogers Ave, Fort Smith Arkansas (479)452-1099
Experience September 2001 To July 2002
 Hostess/ Server
 Greet Customers
 Seat People in Sections
 Take Orders Of customers
 Run Orders to tables
Quality Child Care OF Fort Smith 2415 South 57th
Street Fort Smith Arkansas (479)452-0532
Experience August 2000 To August 2002
 Assist staff with both long and short range activities in accordance with
curriculum objectives, developmentally appropriate practice and program
philosophy. Maintain daily open communication with parents
 Maintain confidentiality
 Report any suspect abuse to supervisor
 Arrange a classroom environment in accordance to program goals and
 Maintain a safe and healthy environment
 Inspect and replace damaged or lost materials
 Attend in-service and staff meetings
 Keep all appropriate records such as records, attendance and time sheets.
Computer Skills, Type 40 wpm, Familiar with WordPerfect 9, Familiar with Microsoft office, Microsoft
Outlook, Cisco Telephone System
Additional References available upon Request

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  • 1. Vannessa M. McDaniel 10800 Old Harbor Road Apt. #7 Fort Smith , AR 72903 Cell Phone:(479)226-0026 E-mail: nessamarie0420@yahoo.com Objective: Seeking A Full Time Position Education: Graduate of Southside 2001 St Edwards Mercy Medical Center 7301 Rogers Ave Fort Smith ,Ar 72901 (479)314-6000 Experience: October 31,2011 To Present Entering in Patient Demographics Takes Incoming calls as needed Call Insurance Companies to recieve Eligibilities Scan Papers into Computer system Call Insurance to get benefits Call Member to Explain benefits Fill in for the Emergency Department Registration Collections Sparks Hospital 1001 Towson Ave Fort Smith Ar 72901 (479) 441-4000 Experience: August 15, 2002 To October 2011 Records Clerk/Receptionist/Team Leader Organize and file medical records. Fax medical records to various offices. Registering patients upon arrival. Collecting co-pays and office visit fees. Answering up to 5 phone lines and taking messages as needed. El Chico Restaurant, 5111 Rogers Ave, Fort Smith Arkansas (479)452-1099 Experience September 2001 To July 2002 Hostess/ Server Greet Customers Seat People in Sections Take Orders Of customers Run Orders to tables
  • 2. Quality Child Care OF Fort Smith 2415 South 57th Street Fort Smith Arkansas (479)452-0532 Experience August 2000 To August 2002 Assist staff with both long and short range activities in accordance with curriculum objectives, developmentally appropriate practice and program philosophy. Maintain daily open communication with parents Maintain confidentiality Report any suspect abuse to supervisor Arrange a classroom environment in accordance to program goals and philosophy Maintain a safe and healthy environment Inspect and replace damaged or lost materials Attend in-service and staff meetings Keep all appropriate records such as records, attendance and time sheets. Computer Skills, Type 40 wpm, Familiar with WordPerfect 9, Familiar with Microsoft office, Microsoft Outlook, Cisco Telephone System Additional References available upon Request