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Yasser Iftikhar Ali
(Temporary Address)
Lane # 5 House # 16 Hafiz Hayat Campus University of Gujrat
Permanent Address
77 L Phase 1 DHA, Lahore Pakistan
Having had the experience of over 30 years in Hospitality and entertainment
I am an expert in Planning, developing, and expanding brands nationally and
internationally. Having had Extensive success in rolling out new curriculum and
syllabus of Hotel Management at University of Gujrat since 2010 I have
contributed to the aggressive growth and reorganization of companies during
recession in United States of America. Consistently delivered balanced results
based on companys goals. Recognize and believe in satisfied employees and
satisfied, happy customers.
Successful Executive of Multiple Chains in Fortune 500 as multi-unit
regional/district manager in Corporate America with over $50 million Dollar
Budget and over 300 employees.
 B.A in Political Science and European History
 PGD in Hotel & Restaurant Management fromEurope (Salzburg, Austria).
Seek an opportunity to contributeto theHospitality industry in Academia asa
Consultant, evaluating and conduct Training staff at all levelsand mentoring
others whilefulfilling my personal and organizational goalswhilefollowing the
policies, and procedures.
University of Gujrat designed and created a new concept in academia i.e.
launched first ever in Pakistan a degree program of 2 years course. Since, 2010
we have over 200 students graduated students employed in hospitality
industry. Currently we have over 120 students in the pipeline to graduate in the
coming years. This Program has been recognized by Higher Education
Commission; so much so that HEC has recommended following our program in
other Universities inPunjab.
Leadership ( Baker Square , Amf and Boston Market Oggis Pizza and Brewing
Company) lead team by setting the goals based on the companys financial
targets. Developed a plan with the time frame to achieve the set goals; organized,
coached, trained, managers and staff and provided opportunities for them to
meet and exceed company expectations. Analyzed and identified how my
managers and staff could improve in each key area of performance and trained
them how to achieve successfulmeasurableresults.
Planning and Execution  ( Amf and Boston Market) - Developedoperational
plans for the managers in the region, with a time frame to execute the companys
programs and monitored the results; supported the group members as and when
needed; achieved positiveresults in major role plays and implementation of new
policies and procedures of the company.
Consistently broughtpositive results on Q S Cs, Mystery Shoppers and lead the
company as an example in the maintenance of standards at all times.
Increase inProfitability- Developed a local store marketing plan for various stores
in different demographics and introduced controls for the storeoperations, which
resulted in tremendous success in the region. Increased revenues by 3% with a
budget of $50 million; increased the cash flow of $20 million dollars budget by
15%, respectively.
Strong Training and Development skills (Boston Oggis Pizza and Brewing
Company, AMF Bowling Centers Baker Square)
With strong motivational skills recruited well-trained managers built the strongest
franchise in the United States. Overall 45 managers were training over the period
of 2 years. Successfully Managed over $50 Million Dollars Budget with over 300
Y- Consultant. California- Currently in Lahore Pakistan. 2004 - Present
Currently I am working as an Academic Director and founder of Institute of Hotel
& Restaurant Management University of Gujrat, designed the course and
prepared the syllabus for a 2 year Associatedegree program.
As the Academic Director teaching manger the administrative staff as well as
faculty who conductclasses as per the UOG policies and Procedures.
Along with the aforementioned I continue to supportothers as a
 Avatar master  PersonalGrowth and awareness program
 Training and Teaching Classes in Customer Service and development of
business related skills
Educational Telecasts Karachi. 2009 - 2009
Performed as a teaching Chef on HUM TV, Masala Chanel and recorded over 32
live TV shows were watched and appreciated globally. This program was run
during the month of Ramadan in 2009 and live telecasted to over 20 Countries. I
do have a blog and a personalwebsite know as www.baldieskitchen.com
Senior Consultant. Resource-VentureCalifornia. 2006 2009
Consulting with small business owners in improving their cash flow and profits. By
means of conducting teaching, training the Owners CEOs Presidents of
Companies, Companys Key Executives and Staff
 Delivered Lectures on motivation, inspiration and personalDevelopment
 Training and Teaching Classes in Customer Service and development of
business related skills
Small Business Owner:NorthernCalifornia. 2004October 2006
Developed a food concept Coffeebites and operated a beauty Salon in Northern
. Planned, Budgeted, Negotiated Leases
 Designed the concepts
 Designed the layout of both Restaurant and Kitchen
 Developed OperationalManual
 Developed and designed the policies and procedures
 Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability
 Hired and trained employees
Baker Square Division:
General Manager, Baker Square restaurants in Sacramento, CA. July2003  June
 Supervised 2 locations Fair Oaks Sacramento area and Davis California.
 Helped in the opening Visalia Baker Square
 Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service,
work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management
 Revamped and turned around three locations in the region within sixty days
with 4% increase in sales; increased Cash Flow by over 10% by local store
marketing, and increase in the awareness of the employees to minute
details. By conducting shirt courses and seminars
 Maintained consistency in results and improvement in employee
satisfaction; maintained managers turnover below 10%.
 Created enjoyable and comfortable work environment by recognizing and
rewarding employees.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Orange Ca. 2002-2003
General Manager. Managed day to day operations of the highest volume store in
California for Great Circle Family Foods. Over $80,000 weekly sales, over hundred
employees and 6 Managers
Also operated as Training and Development Manager for the franchisee.
 Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service,
work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management
 Developed OperationalManual
 Developed and designed the policies and procedures
 Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability
 Hired and trained employees
 Trained General Managers to the District Level positions
Oggis Pizzaand Brewing Company Huntington Beach Ca. 2000-2002
General Manager. Managed day to day operations of one of the highest volume
stores in Southern California. Over $100,000 weekly sales, over hundred
employees and 4 Managers
Also operated as Training and Development Manager for the franchisee.
 Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service,
work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management
 Developed OperationalManual
 Developed and designed the policies and procedures
 Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability
 Hired and trained employees
AMF Bowling Centers:
District Manager, Bowling and Entertainment centers for Fresno, Sacramento and
Reno Area. April 1999- March 2000
 Responsible for 12 Bowling centers in the central California and Nevada
region for their Operations and P&Ls for a $20+million budget.
 Improved employee productivity by 50% within 120 days as District
 Assisted corporate trainers in organizing and setting up training sessions in
the region
 Prepared $20+million budget and trained Center Managers how to use the
Budget as a guide to their operations. Resulted in turning the cash flow
fromnegative to positive 27%.
 Increased the sales as compared to the budget by 3% in the 3rd quarter by
effective Local Store Marketing.
 Used succession planning as a useful tool at all times resulting in dropping
the Managers turnover by 28%.
 Successfully implemented policies and procedures by training and
conducting shortclasses on ProfitManagement
 Developed, designed and implemented the control systems to maximize
profitability by training of the Managers and staff
 Hired and trained employees
 Trained General Managers to the District Level positions
BostonMarket: DistrictManager, South OrangeCounty, California.
September 1995- February 1999
 Responsible for the operations and P & L of 8 Boston Markets in
Southern OrangeCounty, California, with a budget of over $20 million.
 Improved and maintained high quality of food and service in the entire
area and kept the shopper scores at 96% and the QSC consistently at
93% as a district.
 Assisted corporate trainers in organizing and setting up training sessions
in the region and implemented the talk to me communication tool at
the storelevel.
 Prepared budget and trained the managers on monthly basis how to use
them as useful tools to improve the profitability of their stores. This
resulted in the highestcash flow in the region by 22%
 Developed and promoted 45 managers in the region as a district.
Started my career in food industry in 1978 at Hilton Hotels, where I trained in all
service departments and also worked as the Food & Beverage Cost Controller.
Continued my training in Salzburg in 1981 1982 and received a PGD in Tourism
and Hotel Management Schoolin Austria.
Upon returning to Pakistan I opened a concept called Burger Eleven and then
developed another concept of Salt N Pepper the branches of this concept just
celebrated 30 years of success in Pakistan. Planned designed and trained the staff
at all levels to the extent that it is an extremely successful.
In 1985 moved to Los Angeles and held several management positions in various
restaurants and operated my own restaurant successfully for five years.
Developed myself as an effective trainer and a sound multi-unit manager in
personaldevelopment and successfully managing all aspects of a business.
Hotelfachscule PG Diploma, Salzburg, Austria
Hotel and Kitchen Management 1981-1982
Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Bachelor of Arts, 1979
St. Anthonys High School
Undergraduateclass work 1966-1975
Most of my experience drew me to develop my strength in Training.
Approximate Credit Hours in Teaching Training and Development out
of 33 years of experience at the following companies if at least 10
years are considered I have 40 hours week times 40 weeks times 10
years equalsto 16000 hours.
Currently I am working for University of Gujratas an Academic
Director responsible to Vice chancellor in--chargeof the Hotel
Senior Consultant and Mentor California  Europe  Middle East
Coffeebites restaurant and Salon Northern California
Oggis Pizza and Brewing Company Huntington Beach California
AMF Bowling Centers  Northern California / Reno Nevada
BostonMarket  Southern California
Rim Jim Restaurants  Southern California
Royal Khyber Restaurants  Southern California
Salt N PeppperRestaurants - Pakistan
 I hold an Avatar Masters License to practice and deliver Avatar
Materials all around the world from USA.
 I am a personal mentor to several students around the globe and
assist in improving personal relationship with oneself.
 An author of two books Possibilitiesand New Beginning both on
personal growth and development.Also have translated Harry
Palmers book Deliberate Living in Urdu. Written an Urdu Book which
and another personal growth book is in the press along with Insight
Inside a bookwith personal experience a helping book for readers to
inspire and grow.
 Being an American Citizen I can move and travel to any country
without hesitation.
 Hobbies cooking have a website baldieskitchen.com
 Have 29 live shows on cooking on HUM.TV. Masala cooking channel
that was simultaneously broadcasted to over 20 countries in 2010.
One can Google Yasseriftikharali and watch all the 5 star rated
Yasser AliResume- CV

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Yasser AliResume- CV

  • 1. - Yasser Iftikhar Ali (Temporary Address) Lane # 5 House # 16 Hafiz Hayat Campus University of Gujrat Permanent Address 77 L Phase 1 DHA, Lahore Pakistan PROFILE: Having had the experience of over 30 years in Hospitality and entertainment industry I am an expert in Planning, developing, and expanding brands nationally and internationally. Having had Extensive success in rolling out new curriculum and syllabus of Hotel Management at University of Gujrat since 2010 I have contributed to the aggressive growth and reorganization of companies during recession in United States of America. Consistently delivered balanced results based on companys goals. Recognize and believe in satisfied employees and satisfied, happy customers. Successful Executive of Multiple Chains in Fortune 500 as multi-unit regional/district manager in Corporate America with over $50 million Dollar Budget and over 300 employees. B.A in Political Science and European History PGD in Hotel & Restaurant Management fromEurope (Salzburg, Austria).
  • 2. Seek an opportunity to contributeto theHospitality industry in Academia asa Consultant, evaluating and conduct Training staff at all levelsand mentoring others whilefulfilling my personal and organizational goalswhilefollowing the policies, and procedures. University of Gujrat designed and created a new concept in academia i.e. launched first ever in Pakistan a degree program of 2 years course. Since, 2010 we have over 200 students graduated students employed in hospitality industry. Currently we have over 120 students in the pipeline to graduate in the coming years. This Program has been recognized by Higher Education Commission; so much so that HEC has recommended following our program in other Universities inPunjab. STRENGTHS & ACHIEVEMENTS: Leadership ( Baker Square , Amf and Boston Market Oggis Pizza and Brewing Company) lead team by setting the goals based on the companys financial targets. Developed a plan with the time frame to achieve the set goals; organized, coached, trained, managers and staff and provided opportunities for them to meet and exceed company expectations. Analyzed and identified how my managers and staff could improve in each key area of performance and trained them how to achieve successfulmeasurableresults. Planning and Execution ( Amf and Boston Market) - Developedoperational plans for the managers in the region, with a time frame to execute the companys programs and monitored the results; supported the group members as and when needed; achieved positiveresults in major role plays and implementation of new policies and procedures of the company. Consistently broughtpositive results on Q S Cs, Mystery Shoppers and lead the company as an example in the maintenance of standards at all times.
  • 3. Increase inProfitability- Developed a local store marketing plan for various stores in different demographics and introduced controls for the storeoperations, which resulted in tremendous success in the region. Increased revenues by 3% with a budget of $50 million; increased the cash flow of $20 million dollars budget by 15%, respectively. Strong Training and Development skills (Boston Oggis Pizza and Brewing Company, AMF Bowling Centers Baker Square) With strong motivational skills recruited well-trained managers built the strongest franchise in the United States. Overall 45 managers were training over the period of 2 years. Successfully Managed over $50 Million Dollars Budget with over 300 employees. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Y- Consultant. California- Currently in Lahore Pakistan. 2004 - Present Currently I am working as an Academic Director and founder of Institute of Hotel & Restaurant Management University of Gujrat, designed the course and prepared the syllabus for a 2 year Associatedegree program. As the Academic Director teaching manger the administrative staff as well as faculty who conductclasses as per the UOG policies and Procedures. Along with the aforementioned I continue to supportothers as a PersonalMentor Avatar master PersonalGrowth and awareness program Training and Teaching Classes in Customer Service and development of business related skills
  • 4. Educational Telecasts Karachi. 2009 - 2009 Performed as a teaching Chef on HUM TV, Masala Chanel and recorded over 32 live TV shows were watched and appreciated globally. This program was run during the month of Ramadan in 2009 and live telecasted to over 20 Countries. I do have a blog and a personalwebsite know as www.baldieskitchen.com Senior Consultant. Resource-VentureCalifornia. 2006 2009 Consulting with small business owners in improving their cash flow and profits. By means of conducting teaching, training the Owners CEOs Presidents of Companies, Companys Key Executives and Staff PersonalMentor Delivered Lectures on motivation, inspiration and personalDevelopment Training and Teaching Classes in Customer Service and development of business related skills Small Business Owner:NorthernCalifornia. 2004October 2006 Developed a food concept Coffeebites and operated a beauty Salon in Northern California . Planned, Budgeted, Negotiated Leases Designed the concepts Designed the layout of both Restaurant and Kitchen Developed OperationalManual Developed and designed the policies and procedures Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability Hired and trained employees Baker Square Division:
  • 5. General Manager, Baker Square restaurants in Sacramento, CA. July2003 June 2004 Supervised 2 locations Fair Oaks Sacramento area and Davis California. Helped in the opening Visalia Baker Square Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service, work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management Revamped and turned around three locations in the region within sixty days with 4% increase in sales; increased Cash Flow by over 10% by local store marketing, and increase in the awareness of the employees to minute details. By conducting shirt courses and seminars Maintained consistency in results and improvement in employee satisfaction; maintained managers turnover below 10%. Created enjoyable and comfortable work environment by recognizing and rewarding employees. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Orange Ca. 2002-2003 General Manager. Managed day to day operations of the highest volume store in California for Great Circle Family Foods. Over $80,000 weekly sales, over hundred employees and 6 Managers Also operated as Training and Development Manager for the franchisee. Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service, work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management Developed OperationalManual Developed and designed the policies and procedures Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability Hired and trained employees Trained General Managers to the District Level positions Oggis Pizzaand Brewing Company Huntington Beach Ca. 2000-2002 General Manager. Managed day to day operations of one of the highest volume stores in Southern California. Over $100,000 weekly sales, over hundred employees and 4 Managers
  • 6. Also operated as Training and Development Manager for the franchisee. Conducted training session and offered short courses in customer service, work ethics, etiquettes, diversity and human Resources Management Developed OperationalManual Developed and designed the policies and procedures Developed and designed the controlsystems to maximize profitability Hired and trained employees AMF Bowling Centers: District Manager, Bowling and Entertainment centers for Fresno, Sacramento and Reno Area. April 1999- March 2000 Responsible for 12 Bowling centers in the central California and Nevada region for their Operations and P&Ls for a $20+million budget. Improved employee productivity by 50% within 120 days as District Manager. Assisted corporate trainers in organizing and setting up training sessions in the region Prepared $20+million budget and trained Center Managers how to use the Budget as a guide to their operations. Resulted in turning the cash flow fromnegative to positive 27%. Increased the sales as compared to the budget by 3% in the 3rd quarter by effective Local Store Marketing. Used succession planning as a useful tool at all times resulting in dropping the Managers turnover by 28%. Successfully implemented policies and procedures by training and conducting shortclasses on ProfitManagement Developed, designed and implemented the control systems to maximize profitability by training of the Managers and staff Hired and trained employees Trained General Managers to the District Level positions
  • 7. BostonMarket: DistrictManager, South OrangeCounty, California. September 1995- February 1999 Responsible for the operations and P & L of 8 Boston Markets in Southern OrangeCounty, California, with a budget of over $20 million. Improved and maintained high quality of food and service in the entire area and kept the shopper scores at 96% and the QSC consistently at 93% as a district. Assisted corporate trainers in organizing and setting up training sessions in the region and implemented the talk to me communication tool at the storelevel. Prepared budget and trained the managers on monthly basis how to use them as useful tools to improve the profitability of their stores. This resulted in the highestcash flow in the region by 22% Developed and promoted 45 managers in the region as a district. PROFESSIONAL/PERSONAL BACKGROUND: Started my career in food industry in 1978 at Hilton Hotels, where I trained in all service departments and also worked as the Food & Beverage Cost Controller. Continued my training in Salzburg in 1981 1982 and received a PGD in Tourism and Hotel Management Schoolin Austria. Upon returning to Pakistan I opened a concept called Burger Eleven and then developed another concept of Salt N Pepper the branches of this concept just celebrated 30 years of success in Pakistan. Planned designed and trained the staff at all levels to the extent that it is an extremely successful.
  • 8. In 1985 moved to Los Angeles and held several management positions in various restaurants and operated my own restaurant successfully for five years. Developed myself as an effective trainer and a sound multi-unit manager in personaldevelopment and successfully managing all aspects of a business. EDUCATION: Hotelfachscule PG Diploma, Salzburg, Austria Hotel and Kitchen Management 1981-1982 Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. Bachelor of Arts, 1979 St. Anthonys High School Undergraduateclass work 1966-1975 Most of my experience drew me to develop my strength in Training. Approximate Credit Hours in Teaching Training and Development out of 33 years of experience at the following companies if at least 10 years are considered I have 40 hours week times 40 weeks times 10 years equalsto 16000 hours. Highlights Currently I am working for University of Gujratas an Academic Director responsible to Vice chancellor in--chargeof the Hotel ManagementDepartment. Senior Consultant and Mentor California Europe Middle East Coffeebites restaurant and Salon Northern California Oggis Pizza and Brewing Company Huntington Beach California
  • 9. AMF Bowling Centers Northern California / Reno Nevada BostonMarket Southern California Rim Jim Restaurants Southern California Royal Khyber Restaurants Southern California Salt N PeppperRestaurants - Pakistan I hold an Avatar Masters License to practice and deliver Avatar Materials all around the world from USA. I am a personal mentor to several students around the globe and assist in improving personal relationship with oneself. An author of two books Possibilitiesand New Beginning both on personal growth and development.Also have translated Harry Palmers book Deliberate Living in Urdu. Written an Urdu Book which and another personal growth book is in the press along with Insight Inside a bookwith personal experience a helping book for readers to inspire and grow. Being an American Citizen I can move and travel to any country without hesitation. Hobbies cooking have a website baldieskitchen.com Have 29 live shows on cooking on HUM.TV. Masala cooking channel that was simultaneously broadcasted to over 20 countries in 2010. One can Google Yasseriftikharali and watch all the 5 star rated dishes.