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The second mobility was held in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. The central square is Trg
bana Jelaia.
16-22 October 2021
Borovje Primary School in Zagreb is a
proudly multicultural institution with a
mission to nourish friendship, build
lifelong positive memories and create
successful individuals with skills
necessary for their future life.
There are around 400 students and 60
employees at our school. Students have classes in two shifts and there is an after-school
care programme for the first and the second grade. Optional classes at our school are
Computer Science, German, Catholic and Islamic Religious Education.
The school has rich out-of-classroom learning programme and students can also
participate in various extracurricular activities. Every year we organize numerous
classroom and school projects, and the school is regularly involved in eTwinning and
Erasmus+ projects.
School Erasmus corner
Zagreb is the capital and the biggest city in Croatia. It is also the cultural, scientific,
economic and political centre of the country.
Zagreb is situated in the northern part of the country on the slopes of Medvednica
Mountain and along the Sava River, and it has a population of about 800 000.
It has a long and interesting history - it was first mentioned in 1094 and, until 1850, it
used to be two cities - Gradec and Kaptol.
When you come to Zagreb, be sure to visit Zagreb Chatedral, St Mark's Church, Lotr邸ak
Tower, Historic Stone Gate, Croatian National Theatre, Dolac Market, and have fun in many
museums, galleries, parks, theatres, lively streets and clubs.
Zagreb te zove  Zagreb is calling you
Republika Hrvatska
The Republic of Croatia is a
country at the crossroads
of Central and Southeast
Europe. It shares a coastline
along the Adriatic Sea.
The country spans an area of
56,594 square kilometres ,
hosting a population of nearly
3.9 million.
Different areas of Croatia have their own folk costumes.
The Zagreb area is characterized by a combination of red and white colors, richly
decorated with traditional needlework.
In Croatia our traditional dish is 邸trukle. trukle can be salty or sweet.
These are the ingredients for salty 邸trukli:
2.5 deciliters of water,
1 and a half spoon of oil,
1 or 2 tea spoons of salt,
37 ounces of sharp and smooth flour,
and for cream inside we need:
35 ounces of fresh cow cheese,
1 spoon of sour cream,
1 or 2 eggs and salt.
Of all these ingredients you have to mix dough and you have
to separete the dough into 3 balls.Let the balls to rest for 30-
40 minutes on kitchen towel and gently sprinkle them with
flour and cover. While the balls are resting you have to make
a cream. After you made a cream you have to pull the dough
into the circle.
When you stretch the dough, you have to fill the
cream up to half and with kitchen towel roll the
dough and cream. Before baking spread with
sour cream.
The first cable car, paracute and hanging bridge were some of Vrani most
important inventions.
Faust Vrani (1551-1617) was versatile, linguist, historian, constructor and technical
writer, diplomat, engineer, priest, bishop. He published the "Dictionary of the Five
Noblest Languages of Europe", which include: Latin, Italian, German, Croatian and
Vrani considered the Croatian language the most beautiful and called it the Dalmatian
language. He is the creator of technical terminology in the Croatian language. Faust's
knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci's technical drawings resulted in the publication of his
most important work, "Machinae novae" (New Machines), which contains 56 different
technical constructions. The idea of lowering a man with a parachute was conceived in
the mind of the genius Leonardo da Vinci, and perfected by the construction and
realization of Faust Vrani.
Luka Modri
Luka Modri is a Croatian football player who is currently
playing as a midfielder for the Spanish football club Real
He was born in Zadar, Croatia. He had a difficult childhood
since he grew up during the Croatian War of Independence.
However, he continued playing football and by his mid-
teenage years, he grew into an exceptional footballer.
He started playing for the Croatian football team Dinamo in 2005, and in 2008, he moved
to the Premier League team Tottenham Hotspur. He joined Real Madrid in 2012.
He received La Liga Best Midfielder award in 2016. He has also won prestigious awards
such as The Best FIFA Mens Player and the Ballon dOr. He led his national team to the
finals of the 2018 World Cup and was named the best player of the tournament.
Sandra Perkovi
Sandra Perkovi (Zagreb, June 21, 1990), is a Croatian athlete,
Croatian record holder in the discus throw and former state
record holder in the shot put, two-time Olympic, two-time
world, and six-time European champion in the discus throw.
With six consecutive Diamond League titles, she became the
most successful athlete of that athletics competition. In 2022,
she became the first discus player to win five medals at the world championships with
her silver medal in Eugene.
Hi! Bok!
My name is  Moje ime je 
How are you? Kako si?
I卒m fine. Dobro sam.
Thanks! Hvala!
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good afternoon! Dobar dan!
Good night! Laku no!
Goodbye! Dovienja!
See you! Vidimo se!
Yes / No Da / Ne
Sorry! Oprosti!
I don卒t speak Croatian. Ne govorim hrvatski.
I like you. Svia邸 mi se.

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  • 1. The second mobility was held in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. The central square is Trg bana Jelaia. 16-22 October 2021
  • 2. Borovje Primary School in Zagreb is a proudly multicultural institution with a mission to nourish friendship, build lifelong positive memories and create successful individuals with skills necessary for their future life. There are around 400 students and 60 employees at our school. Students have classes in two shifts and there is an after-school care programme for the first and the second grade. Optional classes at our school are Computer Science, German, Catholic and Islamic Religious Education.
  • 3. The school has rich out-of-classroom learning programme and students can also participate in various extracurricular activities. Every year we organize numerous classroom and school projects, and the school is regularly involved in eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects. School Erasmus corner
  • 4. Zagreb is the capital and the biggest city in Croatia. It is also the cultural, scientific, economic and political centre of the country. Zagreb is situated in the northern part of the country on the slopes of Medvednica Mountain and along the Sava River, and it has a population of about 800 000. It has a long and interesting history - it was first mentioned in 1094 and, until 1850, it used to be two cities - Gradec and Kaptol. When you come to Zagreb, be sure to visit Zagreb Chatedral, St Mark's Church, Lotr邸ak Tower, Historic Stone Gate, Croatian National Theatre, Dolac Market, and have fun in many museums, galleries, parks, theatres, lively streets and clubs. Zagreb te zove Zagreb is calling you
  • 5. Republika Hrvatska The Republic of Croatia is a country at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe. It shares a coastline along the Adriatic Sea. The country spans an area of 56,594 square kilometres , hosting a population of nearly 3.9 million.
  • 6. Different areas of Croatia have their own folk costumes. The Zagreb area is characterized by a combination of red and white colors, richly decorated with traditional needlework.
  • 7. In Croatia our traditional dish is 邸trukle. trukle can be salty or sweet. These are the ingredients for salty 邸trukli: 2.5 deciliters of water, 1 and a half spoon of oil, 1 or 2 tea spoons of salt, 37 ounces of sharp and smooth flour, and for cream inside we need: 35 ounces of fresh cow cheese, 1 spoon of sour cream, 1 or 2 eggs and salt. Of all these ingredients you have to mix dough and you have to separete the dough into 3 balls.Let the balls to rest for 30- 40 minutes on kitchen towel and gently sprinkle them with flour and cover. While the balls are resting you have to make a cream. After you made a cream you have to pull the dough into the circle. When you stretch the dough, you have to fill the cream up to half and with kitchen towel roll the dough and cream. Before baking spread with sour cream.
  • 8. The first cable car, paracute and hanging bridge were some of Vrani most important inventions. Faust Vrani (1551-1617) was versatile, linguist, historian, constructor and technical writer, diplomat, engineer, priest, bishop. He published the "Dictionary of the Five Noblest Languages of Europe", which include: Latin, Italian, German, Croatian and Hungarian. Vrani considered the Croatian language the most beautiful and called it the Dalmatian language. He is the creator of technical terminology in the Croatian language. Faust's knowledge of Leonardo da Vinci's technical drawings resulted in the publication of his most important work, "Machinae novae" (New Machines), which contains 56 different technical constructions. The idea of lowering a man with a parachute was conceived in the mind of the genius Leonardo da Vinci, and perfected by the construction and realization of Faust Vrani.
  • 9. Luka Modri Luka Modri is a Croatian football player who is currently playing as a midfielder for the Spanish football club Real Madrid. He was born in Zadar, Croatia. He had a difficult childhood since he grew up during the Croatian War of Independence. However, he continued playing football and by his mid- teenage years, he grew into an exceptional footballer. He started playing for the Croatian football team Dinamo in 2005, and in 2008, he moved to the Premier League team Tottenham Hotspur. He joined Real Madrid in 2012. He received La Liga Best Midfielder award in 2016. He has also won prestigious awards such as The Best FIFA Mens Player and the Ballon dOr. He led his national team to the finals of the 2018 World Cup and was named the best player of the tournament. Sandra Perkovi Sandra Perkovi (Zagreb, June 21, 1990), is a Croatian athlete, Croatian record holder in the discus throw and former state record holder in the shot put, two-time Olympic, two-time world, and six-time European champion in the discus throw. With six consecutive Diamond League titles, she became the most successful athlete of that athletics competition. In 2022, she became the first discus player to win five medals at the world championships with her silver medal in Eugene.
  • 10. Hi! Bok! My name is Moje ime je How are you? Kako si? I卒m fine. Dobro sam. Thanks! Hvala! Good morning! Dobro jutro! Good afternoon! Dobar dan! Good night! Laku no! Goodbye! Dovienja! See you! Vidimo se! Yes / No Da / Ne Sorry! Oprosti! I don卒t speak Croatian. Ne govorim hrvatski. I like you. Svia邸 mi se.