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2013 ACORN Conference
Delta Beaus辿jour, Moncton NB
Workshop Title: Economics of Wholesale Vegetable Production
Speaker(s) & their titles: Matt Dykerman, Red Soil Organics (PEI)
Executive Summary
Matt Dykerman's farm, Red Soil Organics, is a 60-acre mixed vegetable operation in
PEI specializing in wholesale. They also produce 100 acres of grain and cover crops.
Red Soil Organics serves retailers across Atlantic Canada and Eastern Canada. In this
presentation, Matt talked about how to sell successfully to retail and distributors, and
discussed the successes and challenges of using a wholesale distribution system.
Detailed Notes
Matt grew up doing conventional production, and has recently transitioned part of the
farm to organic.
Differences between conventional and organic wholesale distribution:
 Void in the marketplace for organics; there's not much marketing info available
for organic producers
 Organic producers sometimes have to learn pricing the hard way
Price of Admission into wholesale distribution-Costs for things that retailers expect
 Food safety credentials (Red Soil is GAP certified)---expectation for certification
and type of certification will vary by retailer
 Liability insurance
 Organic certification
Production costs at Red Soil Organics:
 $65/hr for tractor work
 $15/hr for labor
You have to decide on prices that make economic sense for your farm and your
production costs.
Example : Cost per acre for producing Cauliflower (see slide for the full table)
This table breaks down the cost per acre to produce a cauliflower crop at Red Soil
Organics, considering labor costs, fertilizer costs, fuel costs, etc. In this example the
cost of transplanting accounts for two people transplanting on a tractor. The fertilizer in
this case is pelleted chicken fertilizer.
Yield sensitivity analysis: how much it will cost to produce under different scenarios
(depending on yield)
 Breaks down to cost of production per carton. The increase in yield will result in a
lower cost per carton to ship out.
Yields are within 90% of conventional production, which he considers very good.
Pricing and Margins:
Setting prices can be a big challenge, as there isn't much market information available
for wholesale organics.
Rules of Thumb:
2013 ACORN Conference
Delta Beaus辿jour, Moncton NB

1.Know competition
 What are they selling it for, where are they from, what are their costs of
 Retailers are not going to go out of their way to buy from you if someone else is
selling for a lower price
2.Work backwards from retail
 i.e. Organic cauliflower is $3.99 at retail
Retailer's desired margin=35 to 50 points
Wholesale price=$2 to $2.60
3.Know your competition
 California, Quebec, regional competitors
 'Local' is a selling point---if you can match the prices from another province,
retailers would take your products for the local branding (but probably won't pay
Links in the Supply Chain
 Wholesalers---hold warehouses to store products
 Brokers---middlemen who do not hold warehouses, just make the phone calls
from farmer to retailers
The best thing for the farmer is to sell directly to the retailer if possible, although
sometimes there are advantages to going through wholesale or brokers. They use all
four links at Red Soil Organics.
Purchasing and Capital Investments
 Think in systems---invest in machinery that complements what you have and
based on what makes sense for you and the scale you're at
 Determine payback period----how long will it take to receive a return on your
 How to finance capital investments?
-Farm Credit Canada, which is an arm's length branch of the Canadian
government. They will finance producers at competitive rates. Do have young farmer
programs, i.e. reduced interest rates.
Farm Credit Canada is generally more open to dealing with farmers than standard
banks, and are more familiar with the risks that are associated with farming.

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Dykerman economics ofwholesalevegetableproduction_2013

  • 1. 2013 ACORN Conference Delta Beaus辿jour, Moncton NB Workshop Title: Economics of Wholesale Vegetable Production Speaker(s) & their titles: Matt Dykerman, Red Soil Organics (PEI) Executive Summary Matt Dykerman's farm, Red Soil Organics, is a 60-acre mixed vegetable operation in PEI specializing in wholesale. They also produce 100 acres of grain and cover crops. Red Soil Organics serves retailers across Atlantic Canada and Eastern Canada. In this presentation, Matt talked about how to sell successfully to retail and distributors, and discussed the successes and challenges of using a wholesale distribution system. Detailed Notes Matt grew up doing conventional production, and has recently transitioned part of the farm to organic. Differences between conventional and organic wholesale distribution: Void in the marketplace for organics; there's not much marketing info available for organic producers Organic producers sometimes have to learn pricing the hard way Price of Admission into wholesale distribution-Costs for things that retailers expect Food safety credentials (Red Soil is GAP certified)---expectation for certification and type of certification will vary by retailer Liability insurance Organic certification Production costs at Red Soil Organics: $65/hr for tractor work $15/hr for labor You have to decide on prices that make economic sense for your farm and your production costs. Example : Cost per acre for producing Cauliflower (see slide for the full table) This table breaks down the cost per acre to produce a cauliflower crop at Red Soil Organics, considering labor costs, fertilizer costs, fuel costs, etc. In this example the cost of transplanting accounts for two people transplanting on a tractor. The fertilizer in this case is pelleted chicken fertilizer. Yield sensitivity analysis: how much it will cost to produce under different scenarios (depending on yield) Breaks down to cost of production per carton. The increase in yield will result in a lower cost per carton to ship out. Yields are within 90% of conventional production, which he considers very good. Pricing and Margins: Setting prices can be a big challenge, as there isn't much market information available for wholesale organics. Rules of Thumb:
  • 2. 2013 ACORN Conference Delta Beaus辿jour, Moncton NB 1.Know competition What are they selling it for, where are they from, what are their costs of production Retailers are not going to go out of their way to buy from you if someone else is selling for a lower price 2.Work backwards from retail i.e. Organic cauliflower is $3.99 at retail Retailer's desired margin=35 to 50 points Wholesale price=$2 to $2.60 3.Know your competition California, Quebec, regional competitors 'Local' is a selling point---if you can match the prices from another province, retailers would take your products for the local branding (but probably won't pay more) Links in the Supply Chain Retailers Wholesalers---hold warehouses to store products Brokers---middlemen who do not hold warehouses, just make the phone calls from farmer to retailers Processors The best thing for the farmer is to sell directly to the retailer if possible, although sometimes there are advantages to going through wholesale or brokers. They use all four links at Red Soil Organics. Purchasing and Capital Investments Think in systems---invest in machinery that complements what you have and based on what makes sense for you and the scale you're at Determine payback period----how long will it take to receive a return on your investment? How to finance capital investments? -Farm Credit Canada, which is an arm's length branch of the Canadian government. They will finance producers at competitive rates. Do have young farmer programs, i.e. reduced interest rates. -Banks Farm Credit Canada is generally more open to dealing with farmers than standard banks, and are more familiar with the risks that are associated with farming.