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Avoiding Payday Loans
Individuals develop their good and bad habits at an early age. If you want to become a responsible
person, you have to practice the right things now. Handling money is a very important task because
if you make it a habit to spend more than what you actually earn, that is really bad and it can cause
problems in the future. Opting for payday loans is not a very good option because this is considered
one of the risky solutions available to over-spenders.
Payday loans can be a good solution for those who terribly need money because of an urgent
situation. However, if you apply for payday loans without weighing the risks, you can be caught in
some sort of debt trap that can only worsen your current situation.
There are certain disadvantages in applying for payday loans. One very evident reason is the high
cost. The annual interests can reach 400 to 800%. With this rate, it would be even much better to
invest on high risk stocks because you can enjoy investment returns from 20 to 30%.
Because of inappropriate financial planning, you will often resort to borrowing. At the start of the
month, it is advisable that you set a realistic monthly budget so that you can already balance out
your earnings and expenditures. Dont make unnecessary purchases. Make sure that you keep a
certain portion of your salary for savings so that when something comes up unexpectedly, you will
have money to spend. There are counseling bureaus that can help you out in preparing monthly
Suppose you ended up borrowing money and now you have a creditor. Some individuals will tend to
borrow again from someone else or probably apply for payday loans in order to pay the creditors.
This is not good and it would be best to talk to your creditors and ask if they can wait until your next
paycheck. You can save a lot on the interest if you follow this advice.
Urgent payments can be made through credit cards. The interest charges of credit cards are much
lower than the payday loans. If youre member of a credit union, you can borrow a loan because the
interest there is also lower. If you have the guts to talk to your employer, then you can ask him to
give you a cash advance especially in the case of a medical emergency. Your employer will surely
understand the situation that you are in if you just talk to him in a nice way.
If you cant fight the urge of borrowing, dont go for payday loans yet. Ask your friends or relatives if
they can lend you money and tell them that youre going to pay them back in two weeks or even a
month. This will only work if you dont have any bad credit record or if you paid your previous debts
to them.
There are also community social services that give urgent financial assistance to the needy. You can
ask if youre qualified to receive such assistance.
So there you have it; you just have to know your other options before you plunge into applying for a
payday loan. Payday loans have good sides too but the disadvantages are so obvious and as long as
you can avoid it, try to do so. Just apply for it when you have exhausted all the other options.

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Avoiding Payday Loans

  • 1. Avoiding Payday Loans Individuals develop their good and bad habits at an early age. If you want to become a responsible person, you have to practice the right things now. Handling money is a very important task because if you make it a habit to spend more than what you actually earn, that is really bad and it can cause problems in the future. Opting for payday loans is not a very good option because this is considered one of the risky solutions available to over-spenders. Payday loans can be a good solution for those who terribly need money because of an urgent situation. However, if you apply for payday loans without weighing the risks, you can be caught in some sort of debt trap that can only worsen your current situation. There are certain disadvantages in applying for payday loans. One very evident reason is the high cost. The annual interests can reach 400 to 800%. With this rate, it would be even much better to invest on high risk stocks because you can enjoy investment returns from 20 to 30%. Because of inappropriate financial planning, you will often resort to borrowing. At the start of the month, it is advisable that you set a realistic monthly budget so that you can already balance out your earnings and expenditures. Dont make unnecessary purchases. Make sure that you keep a certain portion of your salary for savings so that when something comes up unexpectedly, you will have money to spend. There are counseling bureaus that can help you out in preparing monthly budgets. Suppose you ended up borrowing money and now you have a creditor. Some individuals will tend to borrow again from someone else or probably apply for payday loans in order to pay the creditors. This is not good and it would be best to talk to your creditors and ask if they can wait until your next paycheck. You can save a lot on the interest if you follow this advice. Urgent payments can be made through credit cards. The interest charges of credit cards are much lower than the payday loans. If youre member of a credit union, you can borrow a loan because the interest there is also lower. If you have the guts to talk to your employer, then you can ask him to give you a cash advance especially in the case of a medical emergency. Your employer will surely understand the situation that you are in if you just talk to him in a nice way. If you cant fight the urge of borrowing, dont go for payday loans yet. Ask your friends or relatives if they can lend you money and tell them that youre going to pay them back in two weeks or even a month. This will only work if you dont have any bad credit record or if you paid your previous debts to them.
  • 2. There are also community social services that give urgent financial assistance to the needy. You can ask if youre qualified to receive such assistance. So there you have it; you just have to know your other options before you plunge into applying for a payday loan. Payday loans have good sides too but the disadvantages are so obvious and as long as you can avoid it, try to do so. Just apply for it when you have exhausted all the other options.