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CQ is the Navy radio signal that indicates an
urgent need for help. Since 1987, CQ Personnel
has responded quickly and efficiently to companies'
calls by finding highly qualified, dependable and
well-trained temporary personnel. Through careful
recruitment and meticulous screening, CQ Personnel
places only the highest quality of temporary
professional and support personnel for government
agencies and companies.
                                                      Our core mission at CQ Personnel is to open doors
                                                      and support all talented, ambitious employees and
                                                      companies striving to create and take advantage of
                                                      new opportunities. We strive to provide best value
                                                      and promote diversity. CQ Personnel's commended
                                                      record of client satisfaction is built on a strong
                                                      foundation of customer service and relentless
                                                      commitment to integrity and diversity.

                                                      We specialize in the temporary & direct-hire

Part of our mission here at CQ is
 to go the extra mile and show our
 clients that we care. Procurement
 officers have an enormous stake in
                                                      placement of staff including:

                                                      Administrative Assistants
                                                                                      Insurance Personnel
                                                                                      IT Professionals
                                                                                      Legal Staff
 making sure that jobs are done well.                 Convention Temps                Mail Room Clerks
                                                      C/S Representatives             Medical Staff
 We ensure that our clients get the                   E-Discovery Specialists         Quickbooks Experts
 best talent out there.
  Jonilee Rossi, President, CQ Personnel, Inc.
                                                       Certified by the Supplier Diversity Office of Massachusetts
CQ Personnel's Service Guarantee

In its early inception, CQ Personnel focused on         CQ responds quickly and efficiently in finding
                                                        qualified, dependable, and highly-skilled temporary
training welfare recipients and those on unemploy-      personnel.
ment through government-funded Welfare-to-Work
                                                        Same day service allows CQ Personnel to provide
programs. Many of the company's original clients        you with top candidates for last minute needs or
are still with us today. With a strong statewide        emergencies.

presence, CQ is a trusted vendor to the City of         CQs commitment to diversity is unmatched. Our
                                                        policy is to promote equality in a manner that
Boston and the entire Commonwealth of                   develops and strengthens community bonds to
Massachusetts.                                          ensure diversity-staffing needs are being adhered to.

                                                        CQ recruits temps from a variety of diverse
                                                        resources, both regional and national.
Our unique value proposition includes on-call
                                                        CQ maintains strict screening policies including
temps, diversity compliance, payroll services, timely   mandatory testing and review of work history,
notices, purchase orders, accurate invoices, group      competencies and proven track record.

time cards, hiring, placement strategy, promotion,      CQ adheres to a strict policy of Timely Notice. CQ
                                                        will confirm or announce non-availability of an
termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of
                                                        assigned individual in response to a request within 2
absence, compensation, training and outplacement.       hours after a request is made for services that will
                                                        commence the next business day.
If your firm or company needs help with document
                                                         CQ offers a competitive benefits package to its
preparation, secretarial or clerical support,
                                                         temp workers, including health insurance, paid
spreadsheet preparation, accounts receivable,            vacation, holiday pay, free training, and unlimited
                                                         ongoing support.
accounts payable, collections, reception, medical
transcription and a variety of other projects,          CQ Personnel is ready to find you the highest quality of
CQ Personnel can meet and exceed your                   personnel. Please contact us today at 617.262.1313. We
                                                        look forward to working with you.
temporary needs.

                                                                   CQ PE R S O N N E L I N C.
                                                                   224 Clarendon Street, Suite 51
                                                                   Boston, Massachusetts 02116
                                                                   T 617.262.1313
                                                                   F 617.262.1322
                                                                   E jobs@cqpersonnel.com
                                                                   W www.cqpersonnel.com

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CQ Personnel Brochure

  • 1. WHO WE ARE CQ is the Navy radio signal that indicates an urgent need for help. Since 1987, CQ Personnel has responded quickly and efficiently to companies' calls by finding highly qualified, dependable and well-trained temporary personnel. Through careful recruitment and meticulous screening, CQ Personnel places only the highest quality of temporary professional and support personnel for government agencies and companies. Our core mission at CQ Personnel is to open doors and support all talented, ambitious employees and companies striving to create and take advantage of new opportunities. We strive to provide best value and promote diversity. CQ Personnel's commended record of client satisfaction is built on a strong foundation of customer service and relentless commitment to integrity and diversity. We specialize in the temporary & direct-hire Part of our mission here at CQ is to go the extra mile and show our clients that we care. Procurement officers have an enormous stake in placement of staff including: Accountants Administrative Assistants AP/AR Insurance Personnel IT Professionals Legal Staff making sure that jobs are done well. Convention Temps Mail Room Clerks C/S Representatives Medical Staff We ensure that our clients get the E-Discovery Specialists Quickbooks Experts best talent out there. Jonilee Rossi, President, CQ Personnel, Inc. Certified by the Supplier Diversity Office of Massachusetts
  • 2. CQ Personnel's Service Guarantee In its early inception, CQ Personnel focused on CQ responds quickly and efficiently in finding qualified, dependable, and highly-skilled temporary training welfare recipients and those on unemploy- personnel. ment through government-funded Welfare-to-Work Same day service allows CQ Personnel to provide programs. Many of the company's original clients you with top candidates for last minute needs or are still with us today. With a strong statewide emergencies. presence, CQ is a trusted vendor to the City of CQs commitment to diversity is unmatched. Our policy is to promote equality in a manner that Boston and the entire Commonwealth of develops and strengthens community bonds to Massachusetts. ensure diversity-staffing needs are being adhered to. CQ recruits temps from a variety of diverse resources, both regional and national. Our unique value proposition includes on-call CQ maintains strict screening policies including temps, diversity compliance, payroll services, timely mandatory testing and review of work history, notices, purchase orders, accurate invoices, group competencies and proven track record. time cards, hiring, placement strategy, promotion, CQ adheres to a strict policy of Timely Notice. CQ will confirm or announce non-availability of an termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of assigned individual in response to a request within 2 absence, compensation, training and outplacement. hours after a request is made for services that will commence the next business day. If your firm or company needs help with document CQ offers a competitive benefits package to its preparation, secretarial or clerical support, temp workers, including health insurance, paid spreadsheet preparation, accounts receivable, vacation, holiday pay, free training, and unlimited ongoing support. accounts payable, collections, reception, medical transcription and a variety of other projects, CQ Personnel is ready to find you the highest quality of CQ Personnel can meet and exceed your personnel. Please contact us today at 617.262.1313. We look forward to working with you. temporary needs. CQ PE R S O N N E L I N C. 224 Clarendon Street, Suite 51 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 T 617.262.1313 F 617.262.1322 E jobs@cqpersonnel.com W www.cqpersonnel.com