This document contains contact information for an individual named Donny Maulana, including a phone number, pin number, and email address. It also includes a link to a WordPress blog titled "Rusunamisubsidi".
The simple explanation and introduction to Social Media. This was a small presentation delivered to a few businesses to give them a different way of looking at the tools we use.
This document discusses decentralization of rural water services in various countries. It finds that while all countries have undergone or are undergoing decentralization processes, progress has been mixed, with some experiencing only "paper reforms" that fail to provide local governments with the capacity or resources to take over responsibilities. Success in rural water sectors appears linked to broader public sector reforms, including stable fiscal flows to local governments and clear definition of roles. However, local governments often still lack skills and resources to fully support water service delivery life cycles. The process of decentralization takes many decades even in developed countries.
Sharing with Others: An Introduction to Open Education ResourcesEmily Puckett Rodgers
Presentation materials for the 2011 Computers and Writing conference at the University of Michigan. Presentation on May 21, 2011. Session E06- Panel "Copyright Issues in Online Learning"
WASH 2011 conference: Shreya Bajimaya
-MSc. Student, Nepal Engineering College
Research Intern, NGO Forum for urban water and sanitation, Prakash Amatya
-Executive Director, NGO Forum for urban water and sanitation
El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a los tiempos verbales del subjuntivo y del condicional en espa?ol, incluyendo ejemplos de su uso. Explica el presente perfecto, pasado perfecto, subjuntivo perfecto y el uso de las conjunciones de tiempo que requieren el subjuntivo. Tambi¨¦n cubre pronombres demostrativos y la diferencia entre saber y conocer.
This one sentence document provides the title of a James Blunt song ("You're Beautiful"), instructions not to automatically click on something, and attributes the work to C. Galarneau from 2007 along with an email address.
Financing Local Governance for Sustainable WatSan Service Delivery: HYSAWA Mo...International WaterCentre
1) The HYSAWA model tests decentralized, demand-driven water and sanitation service delivery by local government institutions in Bangladesh.
2) The goal is to improve hygiene, sanitation, and water supply through community-led approaches while strengthening the capacity and financial autonomy of local governments.
3) Early results show local governments can effectively manage water and sanitation projects with capacity building support. However, they will still need central government grants for sustainability. Generating their own income sources and cost-sharing principles can help reduce dependency over time.
Papua New Guinea has a population of 6.5 million people, with 85% living in rural areas where access to improved water and sanitation is only 20% and 15% respectively. The RWSSP project aimed to improve health through increasing access to water and promoting improved hygiene and sanitation over 5 years with €15.6 million in funding from the EU. The project benefited 600 communities and 270,000 people across 19 of Papua New Guinea's 20 provinces. Sustainability of services faces challenges including physical difficulties, lack of funds, limited service provider capacity, divided government responsibility, and heterogeneous communities.
El documento describe el periodo de adaptaci¨®n de 3 a?os en la escuela. Los estudiantes ser¨¢n recibidos en peque?os grupos de lunes a viernes de la semana del 16 de septiembre. Cada grupo asistir¨¢ en horarios diferentes para facilitar la transici¨®n a la nueva escuela. A partir del 23 de septiembre, el horario ser¨¢ de 9 a 14h para todos.
The simple explanation and introduction to Social Media. This was a small presentation delivered to a few businesses to give them a different way of looking at the tools we use.
This document discusses decentralization of rural water services in various countries. It finds that while all countries have undergone or are undergoing decentralization processes, progress has been mixed, with some experiencing only "paper reforms" that fail to provide local governments with the capacity or resources to take over responsibilities. Success in rural water sectors appears linked to broader public sector reforms, including stable fiscal flows to local governments and clear definition of roles. However, local governments often still lack skills and resources to fully support water service delivery life cycles. The process of decentralization takes many decades even in developed countries.
Sharing with Others: An Introduction to Open Education ResourcesEmily Puckett Rodgers
Presentation materials for the 2011 Computers and Writing conference at the University of Michigan. Presentation on May 21, 2011. Session E06- Panel "Copyright Issues in Online Learning"
WASH 2011 conference: Shreya Bajimaya
-MSc. Student, Nepal Engineering College
Research Intern, NGO Forum for urban water and sanitation, Prakash Amatya
-Executive Director, NGO Forum for urban water and sanitation
El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a los tiempos verbales del subjuntivo y del condicional en espa?ol, incluyendo ejemplos de su uso. Explica el presente perfecto, pasado perfecto, subjuntivo perfecto y el uso de las conjunciones de tiempo que requieren el subjuntivo. Tambi¨¦n cubre pronombres demostrativos y la diferencia entre saber y conocer.
This one sentence document provides the title of a James Blunt song ("You're Beautiful"), instructions not to automatically click on something, and attributes the work to C. Galarneau from 2007 along with an email address.
Financing Local Governance for Sustainable WatSan Service Delivery: HYSAWA Mo...International WaterCentre
1) The HYSAWA model tests decentralized, demand-driven water and sanitation service delivery by local government institutions in Bangladesh.
2) The goal is to improve hygiene, sanitation, and water supply through community-led approaches while strengthening the capacity and financial autonomy of local governments.
3) Early results show local governments can effectively manage water and sanitation projects with capacity building support. However, they will still need central government grants for sustainability. Generating their own income sources and cost-sharing principles can help reduce dependency over time.
Papua New Guinea has a population of 6.5 million people, with 85% living in rural areas where access to improved water and sanitation is only 20% and 15% respectively. The RWSSP project aimed to improve health through increasing access to water and promoting improved hygiene and sanitation over 5 years with €15.6 million in funding from the EU. The project benefited 600 communities and 270,000 people across 19 of Papua New Guinea's 20 provinces. Sustainability of services faces challenges including physical difficulties, lack of funds, limited service provider capacity, divided government responsibility, and heterogeneous communities.
El documento describe el periodo de adaptaci¨®n de 3 a?os en la escuela. Los estudiantes ser¨¢n recibidos en peque?os grupos de lunes a viernes de la semana del 16 de septiembre. Cada grupo asistir¨¢ en horarios diferentes para facilitar la transici¨®n a la nueva escuela. A partir del 23 de septiembre, el horario ser¨¢ de 9 a 14h para todos.
Este documento describe la vegetaci¨®n del bosque mediterr¨¢neo. Las tierras alrededor del mar Mediterr¨¢neo se caracterizan por inviernos suaves y lluviosos y veranos c¨¢lidos y secos, lo que da lugar al crecimiento de bosques y matorrales mediterr¨¢neos. La cuenca mediterr¨¢nea es la mayor de las cinco zonas boscosas mediterr¨¢neas del mundo. Entre las especies vegetales m¨¢s comunes se encuentran el pino, la encina, el avellano y el roble. La vegetaci¨®n