Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
San Luis Obispo, California
Research Fellow
I can write the saddest verses tonight. Write, for example, "The night is full of stars, twinkling blue, in the distance. The night wind spins in the sky and sings." I can write the saddest verses tonight. -Pablo Neruda
Soy una alma soñadora...y puedo ser un poco caotica...(I'm a dreaming soul and can be a bit chaotic)
Tica-Cholita-Chinita-Gringa--please don't put me in a box!
I strive to be a BALANCED cynic...taking an internal inventory every now and then to insure I am not too deeply committed to my cynicism.
Don't let my hard-shell cynicism fool you. Deep down, I am an incorrigible, serial romantic and I will be an absolute fool for Love. God knows I've certainly been a foo
Users following Anna Rojas