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Close Encounters of
the Open Kind
University of Guelph
Open Education Week 2019
Arthur Gill Green
In the beginning
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
A Generational Crisis
Higher Education is broken. Its becoming less
accessible. That impacts the most economically
vulnerable the most.
We are confronted by the worlds greatest, free
misinformation machine.
Teaching is a Political Act
Knowledge access and creation is never neutral.
Untangling the multiple literacies needed to be
informed citizens in the digital age is more challenging
than maybe any other point in human history.
Where can we turn for help?
Three Encounters Leading to
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
A close encounter of the first kind is sighting of a UFO;
The second kind is physical evidence to prove existence of
And the third kind is actual contact with alien life forms.
A close encounter of the first kind is sighting of an OER;
The second kind is physical evidence to prove existence of
And the third kind is actual contact with Open Education life
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education and OERs
In order to broaden access to learning
opportunities and eliminate barriers to
learning, we develop and adopt OERs
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
"Fin, aren't you afraid people are going to steal your food?"
And I'm like, "Hell no, I ain't afraid they're gonna steal it.
That's why it's on the street. That's the whole idea. I want
them to take it, but at the same time, I want them to take
back their health."
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education = Collaborative Community
The opposite of open isnt closed.
The opposite of open is broken.
 John Wilbanks
The Potential
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Kids that grow kale, eat kale.
 Ron Finley
Kids that write, edit, or illustrate books  read books.
Access to Agency
Consumer to Creator
Banking to Interacting
Creating Community
Evolution > Revolution
Open (Resources and
Not Open (Resources &
Effective Learning
Learning-centered design,
supported by vast affordances
of the internet. Authentic
learning and public scholarship.
Work on mapping project,
analyze, contribute results to
OSM. Create scientific education
materials. Conduct research
using open science principles.
Great learning design, using
closed resources, and
conducted in closed spaces.
Service learning, reflection
handed in to only the instructor.
Not Effective
Learning Design
Using OER, but under-utilizing
the potential of open. Watch an
open education resource video
on coral reefs, write a paper for
the instructor.
Instructor-centered methods,
disposable assignments in a
closed environment. Multiple
choice exam based on lectures.
Disposable assignments?
Ways to get started
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
The average cost per textbook for an
Associate Degree in British Columbia is:
$122.29-102.81 (95% confidence interval)
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Stanley Park Virtual Reality Experience
 Students and faculty from Geography,
Computer Science, Media Studies.
 Local VR experts MetanautVR.
 UBCStudios and eventually the Emerging
Media Lab.
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
A Recipe for a Successful Institutional Open
Education Initiative (Jhangiani 2019)
Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University
Open Education Movement
 Takes all kind of people  like you!
 Strong organization, great organizers  like you!
 Break through periods are characterized by
upheaval, disrupting entrenched interests  like
 Moral relativism (ethical fog), it takes sea change
to overcome what is accepted, what is "not
possible  it is possible!
 Words matter. Education access is a human right
and we can co-create knowledge  Say YES!
Reach out and talk to the community of
people. You are not alone.
Thank You!
Some slides in this presentation adapted from
Rajiv Jhangiani, Robin DeRosa, and Clint
Lalonde under a CC BY 4.0 license.
All slides under a CC BY 4.0 license,
Arthur Gill Green

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Open Education Week 2019 Keynote Guelph University

  • 1. Close Encounters of the Open Kind University of Guelph Open Education Week 2019 Arthur Gill Green @greengeographer
  • 14. A Generational Crisis Higher Education is broken. Its becoming less accessible. That impacts the most economically vulnerable the most. We are confronted by the worlds greatest, free misinformation machine.
  • 15. Teaching is a Political Act Knowledge access and creation is never neutral. Untangling the multiple literacies needed to be informed citizens in the digital age is more challenging than maybe any other point in human history. Where can we turn for help?
  • 18. A close encounter of the first kind is sighting of a UFO; The second kind is physical evidence to prove existence of UFOs; And the third kind is actual contact with alien life forms.
  • 19. A close encounter of the first kind is sighting of an OER; The second kind is physical evidence to prove existence of OERs; And the third kind is actual contact with Open Education life forms.
  • 23. Open Education and OERs In order to broaden access to learning opportunities and eliminate barriers to learning, we develop and adopt OERs Retain Reuse Revise Remix Redistribute
  • 25. "Fin, aren't you afraid people are going to steal your food?" And I'm like, "Hell no, I ain't afraid they're gonna steal it. That's why it's on the street. That's the whole idea. I want them to take it, but at the same time, I want them to take back their health."
  • 29. Open Education = Collaborative Community
  • 30. The opposite of open isnt closed. The opposite of open is broken. John Wilbanks
  • 34. Kids that grow kale, eat kale. Ron Finley Kids that write, edit, or illustrate books read books.
  • 35. Access to Agency Consumer to Creator Banking to Interacting Creating Community Motivation Inspiration Evolution > Revolution
  • 36. Open (Resources and Approaches) Not Open (Resources & Approaches) Effective Learning Design Learning-centered design, supported by vast affordances of the internet. Authentic learning and public scholarship. Work on mapping project, analyze, contribute results to OSM. Create scientific education materials. Conduct research using open science principles. Great learning design, using closed resources, and conducted in closed spaces. Service learning, reflection handed in to only the instructor. Not Effective Learning Design Using OER, but under-utilizing the potential of open. Watch an open education resource video on coral reefs, write a paper for the instructor. Instructor-centered methods, disposable assignments in a closed environment. Multiple choice exam based on lectures. Disposable assignments?
  • 37. Ways to get started
  • 43. The average cost per textbook for an Associate Degree in British Columbia is: $112.55CAD $122.29-102.81 (95% confidence interval)
  • 47. Stanley Park Virtual Reality Experience http://eml.ubc.ca/projects/geography-vr/ Students and faculty from Geography, Computer Science, Media Studies. Local VR experts MetanautVR. UBCStudios and eventually the Emerging Media Lab.
  • 55. A Recipe for a Successful Institutional Open Education Initiative (Jhangiani 2019)
  • 57. Open Education Movement Takes all kind of people like you! Strong organization, great organizers like you! Break through periods are characterized by upheaval, disrupting entrenched interests like now! Moral relativism (ethical fog), it takes sea change to overcome what is accepted, what is "not possible it is possible! Words matter. Education access is a human right and we can co-create knowledge Say YES!
  • 58. Reach out and talk to the community of people. You are not alone.
  • 59. Thank You! Some slides in this presentation adapted from Rajiv Jhangiani, Robin DeRosa, and Clint Lalonde under a CC BY 4.0 license. All slides under a CC BY 4.0 license, Arthur Gill Green