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The use of the same letter or sound 
at the beginning of adjacent or 
closely connected words 
Eg: The birds of the bush, 
While our sports shall be seen
Rhyme is the use of words in a 
poem/song that have the same 
sounds,especially at the end of lines 
Eg:Old John with white hair 
Does laugh away care
Internal rhyme is a rhyme that occurs 
within the lines of a poem 
Eg : And hand in hand ,on the edge of the sand 
They dined on mince and slices of quince
Simile is a figure of speech that makes a 
comparison showing similarities 
between two different things 
Eg: Oh,my love like a red red rose 
Thats newly sprung in june.
 Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes 
an implicit comparison between two things 
but have some characteristics common 
between them. 
 Eg: 1. Shall I compare Thee to 
a summers day. 
2. She is all states, 
and all princes,I.

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  • 5. The use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words Eg: The birds of the bush, While our sports shall be seen
  • 6. Rhyme is the use of words in a poem/song that have the same sounds,especially at the end of lines Eg:Old John with white hair Does laugh away care
  • 7. Internal rhyme is a rhyme that occurs within the lines of a poem Eg : And hand in hand ,on the edge of the sand They dined on mince and slices of quince
  • 8. Simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison showing similarities between two different things Eg: Oh,my love like a red red rose Thats newly sprung in june.
  • 9. Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit comparison between two things but have some characteristics common between them. Eg: 1. Shall I compare Thee to a summers day. 2. She is all states, and all princes,I.