Sovint cal fer l'adaptaci de d'aparells elctrics per poder-lo connectar a un polsador cosa que no s possible moltes vegades perqu funcionen amb 220V.
Mitjan?ant l's de rels s possible fer aquesta adaptaci sewgura, ja que amb la petita corrent d'unes piles s possible conmutar 220v
Anna Calzada, Isis Ballester
La llum negra es fa servir en ambients foscos per ressaltar alguns colors sobre altres, aconseguint efectes sorprenents i molt motivadors pels infants
Llus Rius
Mitjan?ant elements de baix cost es pot construir una eina multisensorial casolana aprofitant diferents elements com secadors, ventil.ladors, llums, etc i una placa d'arduino per controlar-ne l'activaci
Este documento presenta una serie de ejercicios prcticos sobre circuitos elctricos para ser resueltos usando el programa Crocodile Clips. Incluye instrucciones para acceder al programa, definiciones bsicas como la ley de Ohm, y doce ejercicios que involucran el dise?o y anlisis de circuitos en serie y paralelo para calcular valores de voltaje, corriente e identificar el tipo de circuito.
The repair process that a damaged djembe undergoes. While its usually the goat skin drum head that needs to be replaced, other parts such as the shell and rings may need repair.
Este documento proporciona un tutorial sobre el uso del programa Crocodile Clips, el cual permite dise?ar y probar circuitos elctricos y mecnicos. Explica que el programa es til para estudiantes de secundaria y para aquellos vinculados con disciplinas electrotcnicas. Detalla los pasos para abrir ejemplos de circuitos, agregar componentes al rea de trabajo, unirlos elctricamente y simular o borrar el circuito.
This Spring I taught a 5 day class to our middle school students called Makey Makey. The class focused around the ideas of invention, creativity and imagination. Students were given a Makey Makey (a simple pre-programed circuit board that lets users control a computer by using alligator clips and anything that is conductive). Students were taught the elements of basic design, and circuitry. The students had to use the Makey Makey to create a final project that was original. The presentation will give attendees some insight about using a project based model for learning and exploration. I will also show videos of student work and possibly bring in a student or two to answer questions.
Makey Makey es un dispositivo que permite crear controles de juego usando objetos cotidianos como banana, pltano u otros alimentos, permitiendo jugar videojuegos de forma innovadora y divertida.
A presentation given by Kimberly Weaver of Washington University's Institute for School Partnership. Weaver covers the importance of introducing #engineering in the #elementary classroom.
have you ever wondered about what you want for your birthday? Or you're just bored and want new interesting geeky stuff? Discover new technology here! Check out part 2 here:
This document discusses an experiment using the MaKey MaKey conductive kit to allow older adults to create their own musical instruments and explore new technologies. The kit allows users to connect everyday objects like fruit to a computer to turn them into piano keys. The conclusions suggest future kits should be designed for open-ended use and adoption rather than contained activities, as a large part of design occurs through experimentation and use. The document promotes the benefits of introducing new technologies to older populations in an accessible and creative way.
Presentation fr?n Programmeringsinspirationskv?ll den 18 oktober 2016 i Sj?bo. Vad ?r Makey Makey och vilka material kan man anv?nda? Exempel p? hur man kan anv?nda Makey Makey i skolan (teknik, idrott, ber?ttande, tillsammans med Scratch). Innan presentationen provade deltagarna Makey:n p? tre olika stationer. Efter presentationen testade alla att koppla ihop krokodilkl?mmor med Makey:n, kopllat till metall, lera, ledande f?rg, osv.
Instructions for Scratch Pong Game Adaptation to use with MaKey MaKeyRenee Neumeier
This document provides instructions for creating a simple Pong video game using the Scratch programming platform and Makey Makey hardware. It outlines how to:
1. Set up a Scratch account and delete the default cat sprite. Add ball and paddle sprites along with a background.
2. Program the ball sprite to bounce off edges, move, and change direction randomly when touching a paddle using Scratch blocks.
3. Program the left and right paddle sprites to move up and down when specific keyboard keys are pressed, to act as player controls.
4. Optional instructions are given to use a Makey Makey board to turn other objects into physical game controllers.
This document provides information about the Arduino workshop. It discusses Arduino boards and their components. It describes the Arduino IDE and basic code structure using functions like pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and delay(). It also explains programming concepts like variables, loops, and using sensors and actuators with digital and analog input/output pins.
Vicen? Casas
Com utilitzar el llenguatge de programaci 'Scratch', la placa 'Makey Makey' i els motors de 'LEGO WeDo', per tal de crear contes virtuals i interactius destinats a persones (nens i nenes) amb diversitat funcional.
1) The document provides instructions for making a Pacman controller using materials like paddle pop sticks, cardboard, tin foil, clay, and a Makey Makey board connected to a laptop.
2) The sticks are arranged on cardboard in the shape of arrow keys and connected to the Makey Makey board to control Pacman movement in different directions when touched.
3) An additional stick is used as a click button to start and restart the Pacman game being controlled by the homemade controller.
Este documento describe Makey Makey, un dispositivo que permite convertir objetos fsicos en teclas de computadora. Makey Makey usa circuitos elctricos simples para detectar cuando los objetos hacen contacto, y mapea eso a teclas de computadora o funciones de mouse. El autor aprendi sobre Makey Makey en un taller y qued impresionado por su simplicidad y potencial educativo. Describe cmo Makey Makey puede usarse para crear juegos interactivos, instrumentos musicales y ms, estimulando la creatividad de estudiantes
Y5-6 Forces and Electricity Teaching Ideas J VillisJoanne Villis
This slide share provides lesson ideas for teachers in Year 5 and 6. Teaching ideas are linked to the Australian Technologies Curriculum. Ideas include brain boxes (simple circuits), Makey Makey, lemon circuits and squishy circuits. For additional resources visit:
Challenge Based Learning in Makerspaces: How to Use Design to Develop CreativityDiana Rendina
Created and presented with Colleen Graves.
Design challenges have the power to encourage creativity in your students C by providing limitations and guidelines, students can actually become more creative. Learn strategies for creating design prompts, running challenges, and incorporating the design process into projects with your students. Well discuss how to create open-ended challenges and material-specific challenges in a way that will maximize your students creativity, as well as how to create passive design challenges that require minimal supervision. Examples will be given for elementary, middle, and high school, as creativity isnt limited to an age range. Whether youve had a makerspace up and running for years or are just getting started with the Maker Movement, you will leave this session feeling equipped to lead your students through design challenges that will spark their creative genius.
Este documento describe las aplicaciones de la impresin 3D en productos de apoyo, actividad y creacin de material de rehabilitacin. Explica cmo la impresin 3D permite dise?ar y fabricar productos de apoyo personalizados de forma autofabricada a bajo costo. Tambin permite adaptar el entorno y controlarlo mediante la combinacin con otras tecnologas. Finalmente, la impresin 3D facilita la creacin y comparticin de material de rehabilitacin para trabajar con personas.
Makey Makey es un dispositivo que permite crear controles de juego usando objetos cotidianos como banana, pltano u otros alimentos, permitiendo jugar videojuegos de forma innovadora y divertida.
A presentation given by Kimberly Weaver of Washington University's Institute for School Partnership. Weaver covers the importance of introducing #engineering in the #elementary classroom.
have you ever wondered about what you want for your birthday? Or you're just bored and want new interesting geeky stuff? Discover new technology here! Check out part 2 here:
This document discusses an experiment using the MaKey MaKey conductive kit to allow older adults to create their own musical instruments and explore new technologies. The kit allows users to connect everyday objects like fruit to a computer to turn them into piano keys. The conclusions suggest future kits should be designed for open-ended use and adoption rather than contained activities, as a large part of design occurs through experimentation and use. The document promotes the benefits of introducing new technologies to older populations in an accessible and creative way.
Presentation fr?n Programmeringsinspirationskv?ll den 18 oktober 2016 i Sj?bo. Vad ?r Makey Makey och vilka material kan man anv?nda? Exempel p? hur man kan anv?nda Makey Makey i skolan (teknik, idrott, ber?ttande, tillsammans med Scratch). Innan presentationen provade deltagarna Makey:n p? tre olika stationer. Efter presentationen testade alla att koppla ihop krokodilkl?mmor med Makey:n, kopllat till metall, lera, ledande f?rg, osv.
Instructions for Scratch Pong Game Adaptation to use with MaKey MaKeyRenee Neumeier
This document provides instructions for creating a simple Pong video game using the Scratch programming platform and Makey Makey hardware. It outlines how to:
1. Set up a Scratch account and delete the default cat sprite. Add ball and paddle sprites along with a background.
2. Program the ball sprite to bounce off edges, move, and change direction randomly when touching a paddle using Scratch blocks.
3. Program the left and right paddle sprites to move up and down when specific keyboard keys are pressed, to act as player controls.
4. Optional instructions are given to use a Makey Makey board to turn other objects into physical game controllers.
This document provides information about the Arduino workshop. It discusses Arduino boards and their components. It describes the Arduino IDE and basic code structure using functions like pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and delay(). It also explains programming concepts like variables, loops, and using sensors and actuators with digital and analog input/output pins.
Vicen? Casas
Com utilitzar el llenguatge de programaci 'Scratch', la placa 'Makey Makey' i els motors de 'LEGO WeDo', per tal de crear contes virtuals i interactius destinats a persones (nens i nenes) amb diversitat funcional.
1) The document provides instructions for making a Pacman controller using materials like paddle pop sticks, cardboard, tin foil, clay, and a Makey Makey board connected to a laptop.
2) The sticks are arranged on cardboard in the shape of arrow keys and connected to the Makey Makey board to control Pacman movement in different directions when touched.
3) An additional stick is used as a click button to start and restart the Pacman game being controlled by the homemade controller.
Este documento describe Makey Makey, un dispositivo que permite convertir objetos fsicos en teclas de computadora. Makey Makey usa circuitos elctricos simples para detectar cuando los objetos hacen contacto, y mapea eso a teclas de computadora o funciones de mouse. El autor aprendi sobre Makey Makey en un taller y qued impresionado por su simplicidad y potencial educativo. Describe cmo Makey Makey puede usarse para crear juegos interactivos, instrumentos musicales y ms, estimulando la creatividad de estudiantes
Y5-6 Forces and Electricity Teaching Ideas J VillisJoanne Villis
This slide share provides lesson ideas for teachers in Year 5 and 6. Teaching ideas are linked to the Australian Technologies Curriculum. Ideas include brain boxes (simple circuits), Makey Makey, lemon circuits and squishy circuits. For additional resources visit:
Challenge Based Learning in Makerspaces: How to Use Design to Develop CreativityDiana Rendina
Created and presented with Colleen Graves.
Design challenges have the power to encourage creativity in your students C by providing limitations and guidelines, students can actually become more creative. Learn strategies for creating design prompts, running challenges, and incorporating the design process into projects with your students. Well discuss how to create open-ended challenges and material-specific challenges in a way that will maximize your students creativity, as well as how to create passive design challenges that require minimal supervision. Examples will be given for elementary, middle, and high school, as creativity isnt limited to an age range. Whether youve had a makerspace up and running for years or are just getting started with the Maker Movement, you will leave this session feeling equipped to lead your students through design challenges that will spark their creative genius.
Este documento describe las aplicaciones de la impresin 3D en productos de apoyo, actividad y creacin de material de rehabilitacin. Explica cmo la impresin 3D permite dise?ar y fabricar productos de apoyo personalizados de forma autofabricada a bajo costo. Tambin permite adaptar el entorno y controlarlo mediante la combinacin con otras tecnologas. Finalmente, la impresin 3D facilita la creacin y comparticin de material de rehabilitacin para trabajar con personas.
Este documento presenta una introduccin a la realidad virtual, incluyendo definiciones de diferentes tipos de realidad aumentada y virtual, usos como educacin, simulacin y entretenimiento, y dispositivos como Cardboards, Oculus y HTC Vive. Tambin describe aplicaciones para crear y ver contenido en RV, cmaras para fotos y videos esfricos, y sitios para crear rutas inmersivas.
? Makey-makey
? Modul Bluetooth BlueSmirf Silver (RN-42):
? Bateria de 3,7V de Polimero Litio (LiPo) de uns 1000ma:
? Tamb serveixen bateries de mbil, es poden utilitzar les dun mbil
antic, nomes assegurar-se que es de 3,7v, que son la majoria. Els ma
(miliamperis) de la bateria depenen de l autonomia que es vulgui, el
mnim seria una de 500ma.
? Si es vol, una caixeta on guardar la bateria, el modul BT i collocar un
interruptor a la caixeta que obri o tancar lalimentaci de 3,7v al modul
BT i al Makey.
? Cables de diferents colores, soldador i estany
? Per que el modul BT pugui connectar al PC via Bluetooth i sigui
reconegut como un dispositiu HID (teclat+ratol), hem de canviar el
perfil que porta activat per defecte el modul BT y canviar-lo per el
perfil HID. Si no fem aix, podrem aparellar el modulo BT amb
lordinador, per no ser reconegut como un teclat/ratol, i no
arribarien les pulsacions de tecla des del Makey.
? Per a realitzar aquest canvi de perfil hem de connectar el modul BT
al PC a travs dun port USB. Per aix necessitem disposar dun
adaptador TTL-USB com aquest:
? Tamb podem fer el canvi del perfil connectant el modul BT al PC a
travs de Bluetooth, per en el nostre cas no ho hem provat, ja que ho
varem fer amb el adaptador TTL.
? La connexi del modul BT amb el adaptador TTL ha de fer-se tal
com s indica en la segent imatge:
4. ?Bsicament es connectar el GND amb el GND, el VCC amb 5V i
connectar de forma creuada els cables de dades, es a dir el TXD
amb el RXD i el RXD amb el TXD.
?Aquesta connexi hem de fer-la sense soldar cables, ja que es
temporal, nomes es per canviar el perfil del mdul BT a HID, i aix
es fa una sola vegada.
?Una vegada connectat el mdul BT al adaptador USB-TTL,
connectem aquest adaptador al PC a travs de un port USB.
5. ? A partir daqu hem de seguir les indicacions del captol
5 (en concret apartat 5.1 y 5.2) del manual del mdul
BT (RN-42) per canviar el perfil per defecte a HID:
? Per tenir mes detalls de com entrar en modo comando
en el mdul BT per realitzar el canvio de perfil a HID,
pot consultar tamb els apartats 1.3 y 1.4.
? El canvi de perfil HID es un procs una mica complexa
i entretingut, aix que cal llegir amb calma el manual i
es necessitaran diversos intents i pacincia abans de
aconseguir realitzar el canvi.
? Una vegada realitzat el canvi de perfil a HID
procedirem a la interconnexi de tots els element.
7. ? La bateria LiPo ha de concertar-se al mdul BT, per tal
connectem GND del BT amb negatiu (negre) de la bateria i el
VCC del BT amb el positiu (vermell) de la bateria.
? Desprs connectem tamb el VCC del BT al 5V del Makey i el
GND del BT al GND del Makey. El RX del BT el connectarem al
pin 16 del Makey i el TX al pin 14.
? Connectat d aquesta manera la bateria LiPo alimentar al mdul
BT i tamb al Makey. Si volem podem collocar un interruptor a
la sortida del positiu de la bateria, per poder obrir/tancar
(encendre/apagar) lalimentaci de tot el conjunt.
? Per carregar la bateria ho farem a travs del propi port USB del
Makey. Connectarem el Makey a travs del seu port mini-USB a
un carregador de 5V o port USB d un PC i posarem al
interruptor de la bateria en tancat (encs), per que pugui arribar
els 5V d alimentaci tamb fins la bateria (a travs del cable
? Ahora deberemos cargar una versin modificada del cdigo de Arduino
para el Makey. Esto se realiza de la misma forma que cargamos el cdigo
original del Makey cuando realizamos algn cambio de programacin de
? Por ltimo, debemos emparejar el mdulo BT con el PC. Para ellos
procederemos de la misma forma en la que emparejamos cualquier
dispositivo BT con el PC. Debemos tener encendido el Makey y el mdulo
BT y a partir de ah hacer una bsqueda de dispositivos Bluetooth en el
PC. Deber aparecernos un nuevo dispositivo Bluetooth de tipo
teclado/ratn, ese dispositivo es nuestro Makey+BT, deberemos
seleccionarlo para emparejar con l e introducir el cdigo PIN cuando lo
solicite (normalmente el PIN por defecto es 1234, si no probaremos con
0000 o 9999).