A Magyar Könyvtárosok Egyesülete MENET-2008 pályázathoz készített összefoglalás
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carteles de colombiaguest67d1e0El documento habla sobre varios temas diferentes de forma breve y desordenada, incluyendo carteles en Colombia, formas de ligar, exigencias de choferes, materiales, multinacionales, clasificación de almejas como mariscos, y la posibilidad de pintar por Internet con avances tecnológicos. No existe un tema principal claro ni una idea central que una estas oraciones sueltas.
Creating ‘Just-in-Time’ Resources for Faculty and Students: Using Technology ...ottumtkQR codes provide a way to link physical objects and locations to online content and resources using mobile devices. The document discusses how QR codes work and their history. It also provides examples of how QR codes can be used on a college campus to direct students to course materials, disseminate contact information, and link people to further information. Some challenges with QR codes are that users need a mobile device and QR code reader, and standards for readers are still being developed. However, QR codes allow for experiential learning by bringing online resources into physical experiences.
Emerging Wireless (4 G Lte M2M Cognitive Radios) Technologies Patent and Stan...Alex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPThe document summarizes emerging wireless technologies including LTE-Advanced, cognitive radios, TV white space, ZigBee, 60GHz WiFi, and NFC. It analyzes patent landscapes and identifies leading patent holders for each technology. It also examines licensing power dynamics for LTE essential patents held by Qualcomm, InterDigital, and Samsung.
Mobile patents in lawsuitAlex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPMobile companies are embroiled in numerous patent lawsuits in 2010. Nokia sued Apple for patent infringement. Apple sued HTC for similar reasons. Microunity sued 22 companies for infringing on its processor patents. SmartPhone Technologies sued Apple, AT&T, Samsung and others. Elan Microelectronics also filed a complaint against Apple claiming patent infringement. These lawsuits involve a variety of patents and are being fought in courts and the International Trade Commission.
How To TranslateJoerg ThelenbergThe document provides tips for translating a text from one language to another. It recommends looking up any unknown words in a dictionary to determine parts of speech, register, and regional variations. When translating a sentence, the translator should check that no aspects of meaning or words are left out and that the meaning has not been shifted. Translations should be experimented with and sound convincing for the register and text type, consistent in grammar elements, and correct without adding or losing information from the original text.
Israel - Haifas Bahai GardensLuiz Carlos DiasThe Baha'i Gardens in Haifa, Israel are a series of terraced gardens that stretch up the slopes of Mount Carmel. Considered sacred places, the gardens were designed to represent the oneness and unity of all people and religions. They are one of the most popular tourist attractions in Haifa, drawing thousands of visitors each year to see the beautiful landscaping and panoramic views of the city and Mediterranean Sea.
Characteristics of Litigated Patents for the IoT(Internet of Things) Connecti...Alex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPThe document discusses characteristics of litigated patents related to the Internet of Things (IoT). It analyzes 29 patents and finds that the majority are related to mobile (52%) and WiFi (17%) connectivity standards. It also identifies the most litigated patent which relates to a local area network using multiple wireless channels. Finally, it provides statistics on litigated patents such as the number of litigations, defendants involved, and valuations of patented technologies.
Ib.2009Ant WongThis activity statement from Interactive Brokers covers the period from December 31, 2008 to May 22, 2009. It provides a summary of the client's equity holdings and cash balances over time. It also includes a breakdown of the mark-to-market performance of each stock held, showing quantities, prices, and the profits or losses from transactions, corporate actions, commissions, and dividends for each holding. Overall, the client's total equity increased from around $123,000 to over $212,000 during the period.
Patent Evaluation Services for Investment ProfessionalsAlex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPThis document discusses patent evaluation services for investment professionals. It explains that patents have become an important investment asset, so understanding their true value through accurate evaluation is essential for investment decision making. The company TechIPm provides expert patent evaluation services exploiting technical, business, and legal expertise to accurately evaluate patents and understand their value. They offer both high-level and deep-dive patent evaluations and valuations to help clients determine investment feasibility and return on investment.
Tokyo traffic transit transportLuiz Carlos DiasThe document discusses various modes of urban transportation in Tokyo, including the subway system, JR train lines, monorails, and traffic control centers. It also mentions the Shinkansen bullet trains that connect major cities like Tokyo and Osaka, as well as river cruises and ferries used for transportation on Tokyo Bay.
SIFE BCIT - ACE Western Regional Exposition - Entrepreneurship PresentationconniewchangSIFE BCIT\'s Entrepreneurship Presentation for the ACE Western Regional Exposition. Our team came in third place.
anneguru9999The document summarizes procedures for information exchange regarding regulations in the United States. It outlines the notification process for proposed regulations, which includes a "notice and comment" period where notices are issued, comments from domestic and foreign parties are accepted and considered, and a final rule is published. It also describes the U.S. Federal Register as the main source for proposed regulations and notices, and an electronic tool called RegAlert that tracks regulations in U.S. states.
Community Over Code: How to Build a Successful ProjectJoe BrockmeierThis document discusses how to build a successful open source project with an emphasis on community over code. It recommends defining clear project goals and governance guidelines, investing in infrastructure like mailing lists and code repositories to support the community, engaging users through marketing and promotion, and focusing on open communication, mentorship, and diversity. The key is treating community as a continuous process rather than an end state and ensuring the project evolves to meet changing needs.
Quantitative and qualitative researchdhinnarThis document provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. It discusses the key differences between the two approaches, including that quantitative research aims to measure predetermined variables and examine relationships numerically, while qualitative research seeks to understand human experiences through exploration. Some common data collection methods for quantitative research include questionnaires and structured observations, while qualitative research often relies on flexible methods like interviews and group discussions. Both approaches have benefits and limitations for understanding different aspects of human phenomena.
Incarnation - Turning Real World Objects into Perfume WorldYung-Luen LanUse Free iOS App and Open Source Software to convert real-world objects to 3D houses in Perfume World website.
Characteristics of Litigated Patents for the IoT(Internet of Things) Connecti...Alex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPThe document discusses characteristics of litigated patents related to the Internet of Things (IoT). It analyzes 29 patents and finds that the majority are related to mobile (52%) and WiFi (17%) connectivity standards. It also identifies the most litigated patent which relates to a local area network using multiple wireless channels. Finally, it provides statistics on litigated patents such as the number of litigations, defendants involved, and valuations of patented technologies.
Ib.2009Ant WongThis activity statement from Interactive Brokers covers the period from December 31, 2008 to May 22, 2009. It provides a summary of the client's equity holdings and cash balances over time. It also includes a breakdown of the mark-to-market performance of each stock held, showing quantities, prices, and the profits or losses from transactions, corporate actions, commissions, and dividends for each holding. Overall, the client's total equity increased from around $123,000 to over $212,000 during the period.
Patent Evaluation Services for Investment ProfessionalsAlex G. Lee, Ph.D. Esq. CLPThis document discusses patent evaluation services for investment professionals. It explains that patents have become an important investment asset, so understanding their true value through accurate evaluation is essential for investment decision making. The company TechIPm provides expert patent evaluation services exploiting technical, business, and legal expertise to accurately evaluate patents and understand their value. They offer both high-level and deep-dive patent evaluations and valuations to help clients determine investment feasibility and return on investment.
Tokyo traffic transit transportLuiz Carlos DiasThe document discusses various modes of urban transportation in Tokyo, including the subway system, JR train lines, monorails, and traffic control centers. It also mentions the Shinkansen bullet trains that connect major cities like Tokyo and Osaka, as well as river cruises and ferries used for transportation on Tokyo Bay.
SIFE BCIT - ACE Western Regional Exposition - Entrepreneurship PresentationconniewchangSIFE BCIT\'s Entrepreneurship Presentation for the ACE Western Regional Exposition. Our team came in third place.
anneguru9999The document summarizes procedures for information exchange regarding regulations in the United States. It outlines the notification process for proposed regulations, which includes a "notice and comment" period where notices are issued, comments from domestic and foreign parties are accepted and considered, and a final rule is published. It also describes the U.S. Federal Register as the main source for proposed regulations and notices, and an electronic tool called RegAlert that tracks regulations in U.S. states.
Community Over Code: How to Build a Successful ProjectJoe BrockmeierThis document discusses how to build a successful open source project with an emphasis on community over code. It recommends defining clear project goals and governance guidelines, investing in infrastructure like mailing lists and code repositories to support the community, engaging users through marketing and promotion, and focusing on open communication, mentorship, and diversity. The key is treating community as a continuous process rather than an end state and ensuring the project evolves to meet changing needs.
Quantitative and qualitative researchdhinnarThis document provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative research approaches. It discusses the key differences between the two approaches, including that quantitative research aims to measure predetermined variables and examine relationships numerically, while qualitative research seeks to understand human experiences through exploration. Some common data collection methods for quantitative research include questionnaires and structured observations, while qualitative research often relies on flexible methods like interviews and group discussions. Both approaches have benefits and limitations for understanding different aspects of human phenomena.
Incarnation - Turning Real World Objects into Perfume WorldYung-Luen LanUse Free iOS App and Open Source Software to convert real-world objects to 3D houses in Perfume World website.
Solution Manual for Software Engineering, 9/E 9th Edition Ian SommervillecharycadicaSolution Manual for Software Engineering, 9/E 9th Edition Ian Sommerville
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Solution Manual for Software Engineering, 9/E 9th Edition Ian Sommerville
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Evaluation Strategies for Communicating and Reporting Enhancing Learning in O...sayhannchoduEvaluation Strategies for Communicating and Reporting Enhancing Learning in Organizations Mary E. Piontek
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American Democracy Now 4th Edition Harrison Test BankdileepstoykaAmerican Democracy Now 4th Edition Harrison Test Bank
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Test Bank for Business Government and Society A Managerial Perspective, 13th ...murphludjanTest Bank for Business Government and Society A Managerial Perspective, 13th Edition: Steiner
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5. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Online rendőrségi ügyintézés! Rendőrségi online bejelentések, feljelentések Mennyi az annyi?! Napjaink informatikája. Infokommunikációs eszközök (Eligazodás a mindennapi hardvereszközök terén) Szeretne otthon is internetezni, de nem tudja hogyan? Internet csatlakozási lehetőségek, az internet árnyoldalai, védelmi lehetőségek
6. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Internetes adóbevallás egyszerűbb, mint valaha! Személyi jövedelemadó bevallás, eligazodás a kapcsolódó APEH és ügyfélkapu oldalakon Szeretné ügyeit elektronikusan intézni? Mire használható és hogyan az Ügyfélkapu Kezdje nyaralását az Interneten! Utazástervezés, -szervezés az Internet segítségével
7. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Nincs szükség drága hirdetési újságokra! Keressen online! Internetes álláskeresési lehetőségek Fiatal felnőtt, át- vagy továbbképezné magát? Képzési lehetőségek ingyen vagy támogatással Nem kell a postán sorban állni! Elektronikus felvételi a közép- és felsőoktatásban
8. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Kerülje el a magányt, a bezártságot, éljen aktívan! A virtuális kapcsolatok pozitív oldala, elektronikus kapcsolattartás szeretteinkkel Használja az Internetet! Hol, hogyan, mennyiért lehet nyelvvizsgázni A bank már bezárt, mégis elintézheti átutalását! eKártyák és a házibankok előnyei és biztonságos használatuk
9. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Cipőt nem csak cipőboltból! Internetes vásárlás: olcsóbban, jobbat, megbízható helyről. Ne zárkózzon el, van megoldás! Internetezési lehetőségek a fizikai fogyatékos személyeknek. Könyvkölcsönzés egyszerűbben, gyorsabban! Az elektronikus katalógusok használata Biztos, hogy biztosított vagyok? Ne csak utólag szembesüljünk a tényekkel
10. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Információs napok (valamennyi régióban 1-1): Móricz Zsigmond Megyei és Városi Könyvtár (Nyíregyháza) Békés Megyei Tudásház és Könyvtár (Békéscsaba) Eötvös Károly Megyei Könyvtár (Veszprém) Pest Megyei Könyvtár (Szentendre) Illyés Gyula Megyei Könyvtár (Szekszárd) Deák Ferenc Megyei Könyvtár (Zalaegerszeg) Bródy Sándor Megyei és Városi Könyvtár (Eger)
11. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Felhasználói képzések az ország tíz könyvtárában: Németh László Városi Könyvtár (Hódmezővásárhely) Gödöllői Városi Könyvtár és Információs Központ Kölcsei Ferenc Városi Könyvtár (Dunakeszi) Tatabányai Városi Könyvtár Kresznerics Ferenc Könyvtár (Celldömölk) Justh Zsigmond Városi Könyvtár (Orosháza) Halis István Városi Könyvtár (Nagykanizsa) Vachott Sándor Városi Könyvtár (Gyöngyös) Városi Könyvtár (Kisvárda) Városi Könyvtár és Információs Központ (Jászberény)
12. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Célzott közönség: Civil szervezetek tagjai Vállalkozók Lakosság
13. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért A hatékony kommunikáció érdekében a projekthez készült portál, fórum és távoktatási felület is.
14. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Válogatás az információs napokon elhangzott előadásokból
15. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Válogatás az információs napokon elhangzott előadásokból
16. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Válogatás az információs napokon elhangzott előadásokból
17. Digitális felzárkóztatás - könyvtárosok az e-közszolgáltatásokért Válogatás az információs napokon elhangzott előadásokból