SDN x Cloud Native Meetup #38
介紹 VSCode Remote Development 工具,示範如何透過 VSCode Development Container 來打造跨語言的容器式開發環境,包括 Java、Python、Node.js、Go 等程式語言都能夠使用此方式來開發系統,並且一個專案一個容器,不會污染本機環境,可以安心地執行程式開發工作。
全新 Windows Server 2019 容器技術及邁向與 Kubernetes 整合之路 (Windows Server 高峰會)Will Huang
Windows Server 2019 隨之而來的容器功能,帶領 Windows 容器化邁向另一個里程碑。本次演講將介紹全新容器功能,以及跟 Kubernetes 整合的歷程,並透過線上展示 Windows Server 2019 加入到 Kubernetes 叢集的完整步驟!
? Windows Server 高峰會
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
The document discusses Git and GitHub workflows. It begins by describing Git as a distributed version control system designed for speed, integrity and distributed workflows. It then explains Git's branching model including features, releases, hotfixes and how GitHub is used to collaborate through forking repositories and pull requests.
Docker is introduced and demoed. The document discusses running a Ghost container with Docker using the "docker run" command. It then covers building a development environment Docker image and using Docker for local development by mounting volumes, publishing ports, setting the working directory and running interactively. Finally, it discusses running end to end tests by starting a Selenium container and running tests with chimp, and debugging using VNC.
The document discusses setting up Git and GitHub tools like git, hub, gitty, git-flow, and tig. It also covers commands for managing Git features like starting, rebasing, publishing, and finishing a feature branch. Tips are provided for committing code to automatically close stories in Pivotal Tracker and sending pull requests on GitHub.
Web development, from git flow to github flowCaesar Chi
software development, website development, we move develope way from git flow to github flow.
what is github flow's advantage and who we change it, check it out.
狠狠撸 of the Month - Payment cards in NigeriaMarc Zander
The slide of the month July shows continuous growth of more than 20% in payment cards for Nigeria. At the moment the total market has got about 42 million cards according to various sources. The major share of payment cards in Nigeria are debit cards with almost 98%. Credit cards have not been popular in the market. This growth comes despite increased competition from new mobile money solutions.
全新 Windows Server 2019 容器技術及邁向與 Kubernetes 整合之路 (Windows Server 高峰會)Will Huang
Windows Server 2019 隨之而來的容器功能,帶領 Windows 容器化邁向另一個里程碑。本次演講將介紹全新容器功能,以及跟 Kubernetes 整合的歷程,並透過線上展示 Windows Server 2019 加入到 Kubernetes 叢集的完整步驟!
? Windows Server 高峰會
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
The document discusses Git and GitHub workflows. It begins by describing Git as a distributed version control system designed for speed, integrity and distributed workflows. It then explains Git's branching model including features, releases, hotfixes and how GitHub is used to collaborate through forking repositories and pull requests.
Docker is introduced and demoed. The document discusses running a Ghost container with Docker using the "docker run" command. It then covers building a development environment Docker image and using Docker for local development by mounting volumes, publishing ports, setting the working directory and running interactively. Finally, it discusses running end to end tests by starting a Selenium container and running tests with chimp, and debugging using VNC.
The document discusses setting up Git and GitHub tools like git, hub, gitty, git-flow, and tig. It also covers commands for managing Git features like starting, rebasing, publishing, and finishing a feature branch. Tips are provided for committing code to automatically close stories in Pivotal Tracker and sending pull requests on GitHub.
Web development, from git flow to github flowCaesar Chi
software development, website development, we move develope way from git flow to github flow.
what is github flow's advantage and who we change it, check it out.
狠狠撸 of the Month - Payment cards in NigeriaMarc Zander
The slide of the month July shows continuous growth of more than 20% in payment cards for Nigeria. At the moment the total market has got about 42 million cards according to various sources. The major share of payment cards in Nigeria are debit cards with almost 98%. Credit cards have not been popular in the market. This growth comes despite increased competition from new mobile money solutions.
DevOps has been an emerging trend in the software development world for the past several years. While the term is relatively new, it is really a convergence of a number of practices that have been evolving for decades. Unfortunately, database development has been left out of much of this movement, but that's starting to change. As database professionals, we all need to understand what this important change is about, how we fit in, and how to best work database development practices into the established DevOps practices.
One of the cornerstones of the DevOps methodology is source control. When most people think of source control, they picture a tool - either a traditional, centralized system like TFS, or a newer, distributed system like Git. Source control is more than a tool, though; human processes and practices also play a critical role in an effective source control (and DevOps) implementation. In this session, we'll talk in depth about both types of source control systems and how you can effectively use source control for your databases.
The document discusses tri-color garbage collection used in Go. It has three main phases: root scanning to identify reachable objects, mark phase to mark reachable objects, and sweep phase to free unmarked objects. This approach aims to minimize mutator pause times during garbage collection by using a write barrier to track pointers to unscanned objects during concurrent marking. The document also provides examples comparing memory usage and GC performance between using lists versus slices in Go code.
Paradigm shift in CI at PayPal with Docker and MesosSathiya Narayanan
PayPal moved from a single large Jenkins instance to using containers to improve scalability and efficiency of their continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. They deployed Jenkins masters and slaves as Docker containers on a Mesos cluster. This reduced resource usage by 10x, saving over $2.7 million annually. Issues with inconsistent environments and slow tooling updates were also addressed by using containers to standardize environments.
This document provides PayPal's corporate master brand guidelines. It outlines the core elements of PayPal's identity, including the brand promise, personality, voice, logo assets, visual assets, and guidelines for using branded materials properly and consistently. The guidelines are designed to help PayPal and its partners present the brand in a unified way that will resonate with customers.
The Future of Payments: Next-Gen Payment Processing TechnologiesDustin Lichey, PRM
This document summarizes the key trends and developments in next-generation payment processing technologies over the next decade. It highlights 9 important technologies: EMV chip cards, remote deposit capture, authentication/biometrics, contactless payments, real-time/faster payments, blockchain/bitcoin, e-commerce/m-commerce, mobile point of sale (mPOS), and mobile wallets. For each technology, it provides data on adoption rates, expected growth and revenues, as well as some of the major players in each field. The overall document indicates that payments are evolving rapidly due to innovation and that the pace of change will continue to accelerate in the coming years.
CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache MesosCarlos Sanchez
In this presentation Carlos Sanchez will share his experience running Jenkins at scale, using Docker and Apache Mesos to create one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Jenkins clusters to date.
By taking advantage of Apache Mesos, the Jenkins platform is dynamically scaled to run jobs across hundreds of Jenkins masters, on Docker containers distributed across the Mesos cluster. Jenkins slaves are dynamically created based on load, using the Jenkins Mesos and Docker plugins, running in containers distributed across multiple hosts, and isolating job execution.
This presentation will allow a better understanding of Apache Mesos and the challenges of running Docker containerized and distributed applications, particularly JVM ones, by sharing a real world use case, including good and bad decisions and how they affected the development.
The size and variety of big data means traditional scale-up strategies are no longer adequate for modern workloads. The need to consider a large number of commodity machines as a single computer, and the ability to share resources in an elastic manner by all the frameworks requires a cluster computing framework.
Mesos is inspired by the idea of sharing resources in a cluster between multiple frameworks while providing resource isolation.
This is a war-story about deploying and managing Jenkins instances in the cloud in our company. For this purpose, we use Mesos and Docker plugins. In the talk I focus on our requirements to Jenkins in the Cloud, prerequisites and the preparation process. The presentation also covers the current state of the deployment and the lessons learnt.
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Testing in Production, Deploy on FridaysYi-Feng Tzeng
本議題是去年 ModernWeb'19 「Progressive Deployment & NoDeploy」的延伸。雖然已提倡 Testing in Production 多年,但至今願意或敢於實踐的團隊並不多,背後原因多是與文化及態度有些關係。
此次主要分享推廣過程中遇到的苦與甜,以及自己親力操刀幾項達成 Testing in Production, Deploy on Fridays 成就的產品。