建立一個 Agile development team 這件事本身就充滿了敏捷挑戰性,而在一個並非 born to be agile 的公司內要做這事更是充滿坑洞與挑戰,這次我想分享的是近一年半來的實際經驗,中間融合了 Scrum 的儀式及 DevOps 的實戰導入,如果你也先相信了敏捷的價值,想著如果沒有現成環境何不自己打造一個?我想可以分享一些經驗給你/妳。
Testing in Production, Deploy on FridaysYi-Feng Tzeng
本議題是去年 ModernWeb'19 「Progressive Deployment & NoDeploy」的延伸。雖然已提倡 Testing in Production 多年,但至今願意或敢於實踐的團隊並不多,背後原因多是與文化及態度有些關係。
此次主要分享推廣過程中遇到的苦與甜,以及自己親力操刀幾項達成 Testing in Production, Deploy on Fridays 成就的產品。
建立一個 Agile development team 這件事本身就充滿了敏捷挑戰性,而在一個並非 born to be agile 的公司內要做這事更是充滿坑洞與挑戰,這次我想分享的是近一年半來的實際經驗,中間融合了 Scrum 的儀式及 DevOps 的實戰導入,如果你也先相信了敏捷的價值,想著如果沒有現成環境何不自己打造一個?我想可以分享一些經驗給你/妳。
Testing in Production, Deploy on FridaysYi-Feng Tzeng
本議題是去年 ModernWeb'19 「Progressive Deployment & NoDeploy」的延伸。雖然已提倡 Testing in Production 多年,但至今願意或敢於實踐的團隊並不多,背後原因多是與文化及態度有些關係。
此次主要分享推廣過程中遇到的苦與甜,以及自己親力操刀幾項達成 Testing in Production, Deploy on Fridays 成就的產品。
Plone is a powerful CMS based on Python/Zope, running on Linux, Windows, or cloud service., provided by Enfold Systems, is free, easy-to-use service for creating and hosting Plone sites. This presentation, in ICOS, showcases the updated technology used by Plone.
DevOpsDays Taipei 2024 - Evolution of DevOps: Lessons Learned from a Growing ...smalltown
Discover the journey of DevOps in a startup environment through our presentation from DevOpsDays. As the Head of SRE at MaiCoin Group, I share practical insights and lessons learned from our experience in building and scaling a DevOps team. This presentation covers:
- The realities of DevOps in a startup, beyond the buzzwords
- Strategies for team expansion and role evolution
- Tools and techniques for effective DevOps practices
- Balancing technical choices and budget constraints
- Survival guide for DevOps engineers in startups
? Monitoring
? Prometheus Operator — 為 Kubernetes 設定及管理 Prometheus:
? Kubernetes Multi-Clusters Monitoring With Prometheus & Thanos:
? 服務總是在半夜出事嗎? — 令人不再害怕 On Call 的系統化做法:
? Logging
? 我的 ElasticSearch 進化之旅:
? IaC
? Infrastructure As Code Day 2 — Unity:
? Infrastructure As Code Day 2 — Testing:
? Infrastructure As Code Day 2 — Collaboration:
? Argo CD ApplicationSet Controller: 世界為我而轉動!:
This document provides an overview and summary of GitLab and DevOps workflows presented by Cheng Wei Chen at the STUDY4 TW .NET Conf 2019. The key points discussed include:
- An introduction to GitLab and its components and architecture.
- A comparison of different software development workflows and an explanation of the GitLab Workflow.
- A discussion of different Git branching strategies including GitLab Flow.
- An overview of GitLab Auto DevOps and how it can automate the DevOps pipeline.
- A reiteration of the main topics and a conclusion on how GitLab supports DevOps practices.
The document talks about community, mutual trust, and mutual benefit. It discusses how everyone has the opportunity to be a hero to others. It references concepts like community, DevOps, and includes links to photos on Unsplash about networks and affinity. The overall message is about the importance of community and helping one another.
The document discusses Ignite Talks, which are short, fast-paced presentations given at DevOpsDays conferences. Ignite Talks are 5 minutes long with 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds, forcing presenters to keep their message concise and fast-paced. The format aims to expose attendees to many new ideas in a short period of time through short bursts of dense information on a variety of topics.
1. The document discusses the concepts of DevOps, including definitions, principles, and practices.
2. DevOps aims to break down silos between development and operations teams through collaboration, automation, measurement, and sharing of information.
3. Key aspects of DevOps include shifting to a learning culture, increasing automation through practices like continuous integration and delivery, monitoring metrics to provide transparency and feedback, and ensuring collaboration between teams.
23. code build test release deploy operateplan
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery
Continuous Deployment
24. In their efforts to compensate for the
unreliability of human performance, the
designers of automated control systems
have unwittingly created opportunities
for new error types that can be even
more serious than those they were
seeking to avoid.
—James Reason
37. Devops is a cultural movement that changes how
individuals think about their work, values the diversity
of work done, supports intentional processes that
accelerate the rate by which businesses realize value,
and measures the effect of social and technical
change. It is a way of thinking and a way of working
that enables individuals and organizations to develop
and maintain sustainable work practices. It is a cultural
framework for sharing stories and developing empathy,
enabling people and teams to practice their crafts in
effective and lasting ways.
: Effective DevOps P.13, Publisher: O'Reilly Media. (
《Effective DevOps》
38. DevOps is…
A cultural and professional movement, focused on how we
build and operate high velocity organisations, born from the
experiences of its practitioners.
113. 201620051930 1995 20001990
Agile 2008 conference,
Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois discussed “Agile Infrastructure”
2009/06/23, O’Reilly Velocity,
“10+ Deploys per Day Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr”
2009 - DevOpsDays
Ghent in Belgium
2010 - Book Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases
through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
2013 - Book The Phoenix Project
: http://? , , ? , ,
114. 201620051930 1995 20001990
Agile 2008 conference,
Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois discussed “Agile Infrastructure”
2009/06/23, O’Reilly Velocity,
“10+ Deploys per Day Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr”
2009 - DevOpsDays
Ghent in Belgium
2010 - Book Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases
through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
2013 - Book The Phoenix Project
: http://? , , ? , ,
115. 201620051930 1995 20001990
Agile 2008 conference,
Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois discussed “Agile Infrastructure”
2009/06/23, O’Reilly Velocity,
“10+ Deploys per Day Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr”
2009 - DevOpsDays
Ghent in Belgium
2010 - Book Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases
through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
2013 - Book The Phoenix Project
: http://? , , ? , ,
130. 201620051930 1995 20001990
Agile 2008 conference,
Andrew Clay Shafer and Patrick Debois discussed “Agile Infrastructure”
2009/06/23, O’Reilly Velocity,
“10+ Deploys per Day Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr”
2009 - DevOpsDays
Ghent in Belgium
2010 - Book Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases
through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation
2013 - Book The Phoenix Project
: http://? , , ? , ,
144. Jeff Geerling
《Ansible for DevOps》
“My advice: spend less time
arguing over the de?nition of the
word, and more time making it
mean something to you.”
156. Leaders need to realize that implementing DevOps
means changing the technology system as well as
the cultural system. They must acknowledge that
both are intertwined and, to be successful, both
systems must evolve to drive velocity.”
Learning how to manage and lead by giving people
context and information to make better decisions—
versus giving them tickets or briefs—is how leaders
and teams will thrive.
Chef CTO Adam Jacob