This document proposes a collaborative approach between the OASIS Web Services team and the ITS Web Services team at UNC-Chapel Hill to deliver web services. It notes the current inefficient model with different technologies, duplication of efforts, and lack of standards. The proposal is for the two teams to unite and work together, which would build knowledge through cross-disciplinary sharing, increase efficiencies and reduce costs, meet a wider range of needs, and future-proof their services. Working together as a unified team would scale to allow new services and benefit the university community.
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OASIS Web Services
College of Arts & Sciences
Content management web
solutions to departments,
centers, and programs
Free of charge to College
70+ departments
ITS Web Services
Office of CIO, ITS
Web design, development, and
content management services for
ITS, campus units
Cost recovery model
Serve internal and external
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Issue: An Inefficient Model
Different technologies
Duplication of efforts
Lack of standards,
policies, processes
Resource constraints
Customer confusion
Inconsistent UX and
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Create, administer, and support a truly collaborative
approach to delivering web-based services to UNC-
Chapel Hill and beyond.
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OASIS & ITS Web Teams Unite
First Step: A Partnership
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Building knowledge via cross-
disciplinary skills, insights, and
Communications (i.e Alert
Carolina messaging)
Design and branding
consistencies (set of WP themes
for different use cases)
Increased efficiencies, reduced
Meeting wider range of needs
Scalable infrastructure
Security (i.e plugin and theme
review process)
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
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Lessons Learned Learning
Importance of governance (but
need to be flexible)
Different cost models (may be
Demonstrate value (metrics,
Importance of integrated project
Communication (service
changes, maintenance,
procedures, etc.)
Risks of tool sprawl
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Next Steps
Continue to evolve model,
governance, technical framework,
Grow and respond to community
content editors,
communicators, developers, and
UNC System/Higher Ed
Collaboration opportunities
with you?
How might this model apply
to different service offerings
beyond web and UNC-CH?
#4: ** BILLY*** Show of handsSummarize CMS landscape at that timeDuplication of resources(themes, resources, widgets) Art Department story
#5: ** BILLY **March, 2011 ProposalAgreed on one CMS Chose WordPress based on success of web.unc.eduDiscussed model How to meet a very wide range of needs in a scalable model
#6: ** Billy **Staff split between both teams (MOUs, technically ITS staff administrative standpoint Supporting each others customers