The document outlines the agenda for an Internet Sales 20 Group workshop. It begins with housekeeping items like turning off phones and expectations for participants to complete action plans and respect others. It then explains that a 20 Group is a structured meeting for dealership leaders to compare metrics, discuss incentives and growth strategies. The Internet Sales 20 Group expands on this model with benchmarking, social media integration and a technology platform. A key tool is an Internet Sales Composite that identifies dealership strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The agenda includes a situation analysis where participants assess their roles, successes, strengths/weaknesses and goals for the workshop.
This document contains questions and answers from a quiz competition. It includes questions about topics like types of visas, famous people, brands, movies, and more. The answers are provided in numbered sections corresponding to the questions.
Define and understand communication and the communication process
List and overcome the filters/barriers in a communication process
Practice active listening
Tips to improve verbal and non verbal communication
Parallel and Distributed System IEEE 2015 ProjectsVijay Karan
List of Parallel and Distributed System IEEE 2015 Projects. It Contains the IEEE Projects in the Domain Parallel and Distributed System for the year 2015
This document provides an introduction to a research study on the relationship between self-esteem and health-related risk behaviors among adolescents in Baguio City, Philippines. The study aims to understand how self-esteem relates to physical harm, substance abuse, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, and physical inactivity. It also examines potential differences based on gender and ethnicity. A correlational quantitative research design will be used, collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 385 adolescents. The questionnaire will assess self-esteem and engagement in health risks, adapted from established tools.
The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance. Options for action.
Prof Didier Pittet
Director, Infection Control Programme,
WHO Collaborating Center for Patient Safety, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
External Lead, 1st Global Patient Safety Challenge & African Partnerships for Patient Safety, WHO Patient Safety
Essex Park is an important community park in Portland that brings neighbors together but is in need of renovation. It has old playground equipment and sports courts with cracks and slippery surfaces that have led to injuries. The park also sees some crime and illegal activities at night. Updating the park's facilities and making it less accessible at night could attract more community members to spend time there, enhancing social ties and physical and mental health while potentially reducing crime.
Actuarial comparative analysis of natural premiumanglo99
The document compares natural premium and level premium insurance systems.
[1] Natural premium increases over time as the insured ages and risk of death rises, making it unsustainable. Level premium charges the same premium each year by building up reserves from early premiums to cover later claims.
[2] An example policy shows level premium reserves increasing over time, allowing the company to pay claims later in the policy that exceed premiums.
[3] The analysis recommends level premium over natural premium because it provides consistent premiums and is more practical for policyholders and insurance companies.
This document discusses different approaches to building a mobile-friendly website, including responsive design, device detection, and using the Mobile Joomla plugin. Responsive design adapts the site layout based on screen size, while device detection uses different templates for different devices. Mobile Joomla is a paid plugin that allows previewing and customizing the mobile site, including hiding modules and customizing menus for tablets and phones. Basic setup of Mobile Joomla may take 5-10 hours of CSS and template styling work.
The document lists the names and affiliations of 44 scholars who serve on the editorial panel for EC Chemistry. The panel members are from various universities, institutes, and companies located around the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. They represent a diverse international group of experts in chemistry.
This document discusses Nokia's launch of the 6630 phone in India. It provides background on Nokia's history and entry into the Indian market in 1996. It describes Nokia's product portfolio, which is divided into ten series catering to different customer needs. The document assesses Nokia's strong competitive position in India with 36% market share and extensive product portfolio. It also discusses threats from competitors, technology changes, and new entrants. Nokia's NPD strategy focuses on speed, capacity, niche markets, and pricing approaches like skimming and penetration. Promotion strategies include partnerships and integrated marketing campaigns.
JD Rucker "How To Create The MOST Powerful Website"Sean Bradley
The document discusses how to create the most powerful website. It states that content is very important for website traffic and recommends focusing on creating helpful, high-quality content that establishes you as a local authority in your industry. Some specific tips provided include being an authority, focusing on the future, targeting the local area, helping others, and not overly focusing on search engine optimization.
This presentation is the first in a series of monthly Social Media Training titled Third Tech Tuesday. This month's training is on 10 Uses of Facebook for Business. The presentation is packed with resources.
The document summarizes a debriefing on the DICOM Standard of China. It introduces the drafting of the standard, including background, aims, and procedures. It discusses the progress of standard staffing and provides an introduction to the submitted version of the standard, covering its range, references, terminology, character set solutions, rules, and conformance testing for worklist and DICOM print services. The goal is to realize processing of medical image information in Chinese and to incorporate the DICOM Standard of China into the national DICOM standard.
Dasar pembangkit dan pengukuran teknik tegangan tinggiIndra S Wahyudi
Dokumen menjelaskan tentang definisi tegangan tinggi menurut berbagai negara. Tegangan tinggi didefinisikan mulai dari 0,6 KV hingga ribuan volt. Negara-negara membagi tegangan tinggi menjadi beberapa kategori seperti tinggi, menengah, ekstra tinggi, dan ultra tinggi dengan batas berbeda-beda. Di Eropa, tegangan tinggi adalah 0,6-2,4 KV, menengah 3-30 KV, ekstra tinggi 60-100 KV,
Keputusan Gubernur mengenai kenaikan pangkat beberapa pegawai negeri sipil daerah. Keputusan ini memberikan kenaikan pangkat dan gaji berkala kepada beberapa pegawai yang telah memenuhi syarat masa kerja dan persyaratan lainnya.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan rencana pembelajaran mata kuliah Bioremediasi dan Bioremediasi pada semester genap 2015/2016. Mata kuliah ini akan membahas konsep-konsep teoritis dan praktis mengenai biodegradasi, metabolisme, resistensi mikroba, bioakumulasi logam berat, dan peran biologi mikrobia pada bioremediasi air, tanah, dan limbah. Mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat makalah berupa ringkasan dan dua art
Parallel and Distributed System IEEE 2015 ProjectsVijay Karan
List of Parallel and Distributed System IEEE 2015 Projects. It Contains the IEEE Projects in the Domain Parallel and Distributed System for the year 2015
This document provides an introduction to a research study on the relationship between self-esteem and health-related risk behaviors among adolescents in Baguio City, Philippines. The study aims to understand how self-esteem relates to physical harm, substance abuse, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, and physical inactivity. It also examines potential differences based on gender and ethnicity. A correlational quantitative research design will be used, collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 385 adolescents. The questionnaire will assess self-esteem and engagement in health risks, adapted from established tools.
The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance. Options for action.
Prof Didier Pittet
Director, Infection Control Programme,
WHO Collaborating Center for Patient Safety, University of Geneva Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland
External Lead, 1st Global Patient Safety Challenge & African Partnerships for Patient Safety, WHO Patient Safety
Essex Park is an important community park in Portland that brings neighbors together but is in need of renovation. It has old playground equipment and sports courts with cracks and slippery surfaces that have led to injuries. The park also sees some crime and illegal activities at night. Updating the park's facilities and making it less accessible at night could attract more community members to spend time there, enhancing social ties and physical and mental health while potentially reducing crime.
Actuarial comparative analysis of natural premiumanglo99
The document compares natural premium and level premium insurance systems.
[1] Natural premium increases over time as the insured ages and risk of death rises, making it unsustainable. Level premium charges the same premium each year by building up reserves from early premiums to cover later claims.
[2] An example policy shows level premium reserves increasing over time, allowing the company to pay claims later in the policy that exceed premiums.
[3] The analysis recommends level premium over natural premium because it provides consistent premiums and is more practical for policyholders and insurance companies.
This document discusses different approaches to building a mobile-friendly website, including responsive design, device detection, and using the Mobile Joomla plugin. Responsive design adapts the site layout based on screen size, while device detection uses different templates for different devices. Mobile Joomla is a paid plugin that allows previewing and customizing the mobile site, including hiding modules and customizing menus for tablets and phones. Basic setup of Mobile Joomla may take 5-10 hours of CSS and template styling work.
The document lists the names and affiliations of 44 scholars who serve on the editorial panel for EC Chemistry. The panel members are from various universities, institutes, and companies located around the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. They represent a diverse international group of experts in chemistry.
This document discusses Nokia's launch of the 6630 phone in India. It provides background on Nokia's history and entry into the Indian market in 1996. It describes Nokia's product portfolio, which is divided into ten series catering to different customer needs. The document assesses Nokia's strong competitive position in India with 36% market share and extensive product portfolio. It also discusses threats from competitors, technology changes, and new entrants. Nokia's NPD strategy focuses on speed, capacity, niche markets, and pricing approaches like skimming and penetration. Promotion strategies include partnerships and integrated marketing campaigns.
JD Rucker "How To Create The MOST Powerful Website"Sean Bradley
The document discusses how to create the most powerful website. It states that content is very important for website traffic and recommends focusing on creating helpful, high-quality content that establishes you as a local authority in your industry. Some specific tips provided include being an authority, focusing on the future, targeting the local area, helping others, and not overly focusing on search engine optimization.
This presentation is the first in a series of monthly Social Media Training titled Third Tech Tuesday. This month's training is on 10 Uses of Facebook for Business. The presentation is packed with resources.
The document summarizes a debriefing on the DICOM Standard of China. It introduces the drafting of the standard, including background, aims, and procedures. It discusses the progress of standard staffing and provides an introduction to the submitted version of the standard, covering its range, references, terminology, character set solutions, rules, and conformance testing for worklist and DICOM print services. The goal is to realize processing of medical image information in Chinese and to incorporate the DICOM Standard of China into the national DICOM standard.
Dasar pembangkit dan pengukuran teknik tegangan tinggiIndra S Wahyudi
Dokumen menjelaskan tentang definisi tegangan tinggi menurut berbagai negara. Tegangan tinggi didefinisikan mulai dari 0,6 KV hingga ribuan volt. Negara-negara membagi tegangan tinggi menjadi beberapa kategori seperti tinggi, menengah, ekstra tinggi, dan ultra tinggi dengan batas berbeda-beda. Di Eropa, tegangan tinggi adalah 0,6-2,4 KV, menengah 3-30 KV, ekstra tinggi 60-100 KV,
Keputusan Gubernur mengenai kenaikan pangkat beberapa pegawai negeri sipil daerah. Keputusan ini memberikan kenaikan pangkat dan gaji berkala kepada beberapa pegawai yang telah memenuhi syarat masa kerja dan persyaratan lainnya.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan rencana pembelajaran mata kuliah Bioremediasi dan Bioremediasi pada semester genap 2015/2016. Mata kuliah ini akan membahas konsep-konsep teoritis dan praktis mengenai biodegradasi, metabolisme, resistensi mikroba, bioakumulasi logam berat, dan peran biologi mikrobia pada bioremediasi air, tanah, dan limbah. Mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat makalah berupa ringkasan dan dua art
Keputusan ini menetapkan kenaikan pangkat pegawai negeri sipil daerah EUIS TAHI-ASARI menjadi Penata Tk. I, III/d, terhitung sejak 1 Oktober 2010 berdasarkan masa kerja dan angka kreditnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tegangan dan regangan pada bahan. Secara singkat, dibahas konsep tegangan tarik, tekan, geser, dan hubungannya dengan regangan. Juga dibahas modulus elastisitas, kekakuan, dan diagram tegangan-regangan untuk baja.
Keputusan Gubernur Jawa Barat menetapkan kenaikan pangkat pegawai negeri sipil daerah Udin Saripudin dari Penata Tk.I menjadi Pembina dengan gaji pokok Rp.1.778.400 mulai 1 Oktober 2007.
Penulis : Mistra
Penerbit : Griya Kreasi
Rumah di kota-kota besar dan padat seperti Jakarta, Surabaya, Bekasi, dan Tanggerang sangat sulit direnovasi. Hal ini dikarenakan lahan yang ada semakin sempit sehingga tidak ada jalan lain selain meningkat rumah. Bagi sebagian masyarakat, meningkat rumah merupakan momok yang menakutkan kerana biayanya tidak sedikit. Namun, seiring majunya teknologi dibidang konstrusi bangunan, muncul beberapa teknik meningkat rumah. pada buku ini disajikan 9 teknik meningkat rumah beserta kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Tak, lupa disajikan gambar struktur bangunan untuk meningkat rumah tipe 21, 36, 38 dan tipe lainnya.
Link download :
Dukuh Pagerjurang di Klaten, Jawa Tengah memiliki tradisi pembuatan gerabah dengan teknik "putaran miring" yang sudah turun temurun. Teknik ini hanya tersisa di desa ini. Ada sekitar 100 pengrajin gerabah di Pagerjurang, kebanyakan menggunakan teknik putaran miring warisan nenek moyang. Teknik ini perlu diwariskan dan dikembangkan untuk melestarikan budaya lokal serta meningkatkan ekonomi m
This document provides an overview of LTE technology including:
- The evolution of 3G UMTS networks and the motivation for developing LTE standards.
- Key requirements for LTE such as higher data rates, improved spectrum efficiency, and reduced latency.
- An overview of LTE release versions and their major features such as OFDMA, SC-FDMA, E-UTRAN architecture.
- LTE frequency bands and the expansion of spectrum for 3GPP standards.
- How LTE-Advanced builds upon LTE to meet IMT-Advanced specifications including carrier aggregation and advanced MIMO.
This document provides an overview of topics covered in a two-day LTE training session, including:
1. An introduction to LTE radio procedures such as initial access, downlink physical channels, and cell search.
2. Details on synchronization signals like the primary and secondary synchronization signals that help devices find and synchronize to cells.
3. Descriptions of downlink reference signals and the system information broadcast channel that provide essential configuration details to devices.
1. Analisis sistem modulasi optik NRZ-DPSK pada sistem lightwave berkecepatan tinggi dengan melihat parameter BER.
2. Didapatkan BER sekitar 107 pada sistem NRZ-DPSK 40 Gbps.
3. Penelitian ini juga mengoptimasi sistem untuk mendapatkan BER maksimal 109.
Akhmad Hambalir* dan Ary Syahriar2
Program Pascasarjana padaProgram Studi Opto-Elektroteknika dan Aplikasi
Laser, Fakultas Teknik Universitas lndonesia,SalembaRaya 4, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia.
E-mail: hbl@rnyself.corn
T"kttologi lnformasi dan Elektronika,-gpFT Building II, 2l't Floor, MH. Thamrin
Jakanal0340,Indonesia. Telp.:(021)3169826,3169835. E-mail:
korespondensi dapatditujukan kepadapenulis
Padaiaringanjarakjauh dibutuhkan beberapapenguat ulang (repeater) elektronik untuk
memperbaiki pelemahan sinyal yang terjadi. Solusiuntuk mengatasinya adalah dengan komponen.
aktif erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) yang dapat menguatkan sinyal tanpa harus terlebih
dahulu mengubahnyake dalam sinyal elehronik. Tulisan ini menganalisa secara teoritis hubungan
antara karakteristik gain terhadap
daya pompa (pump power) pada ). = 980 nm, ), = 1480nm dan )": 1550 ntn, serta hubungan
antara karakteristik gain terhadap panjang serat pada serat optik erbium doped amplifier mode
tunggal. Sehingga dapat dipahami bagairnana unjuk kerja komponen aktif erbium doped fiber
amplifier (EDFA) tersebut.
1. Pendahuluan
Seraterbiumdopedamplifierterdiri dari beberapa meterseratoptik yangdidopeddengan
elemen- elemen rare earth erbium. Prinsipnya,laser digunakanunfuk memompa seraterbium
dopeddan atom - atom di seratakanberpindahpita energidari tingkat energi terendahke tingkat
energi yang lebih tinggi. Sinyal optik yang melewati serat erbium doped berfungsi sebagai
perangsang sehingga terjadiemisiyangmelepaskan energlphoton.Energitersebut bersifatkoheren
dan dengan demikian terjadi penguatan sinyal secara optik. Bagaimanapun kombinasi
keistimewaanini menghasilkan beberapa karakteristikbaru yang tidak terdapatdi seratoptik pada
umunrnya.Agar analisasecara teori dapatdilakukanlebih khususmakadikembangkansuatumodel
penguatan cahayapada seraterbiumdoped.
Gambar 1. Blok diagram sistempengutan serat erbium doped
3. Analisa Karakteristik Gain Serat Optik Erbium Doped Amplifier Mode Tunggal P-3
a$v) (3 . 1 )
oo(r) =
r oto obznlfia (A |(v, a,
q oto ro r),
Dimana att(u) adalahredamanyang disebabk,an erbiumdalam decibel per meter pada frekrvensi y.
ps,{r) adalah konsentrasi erbium, adot adalahjari - jai erbium dopant, dan f'O, r) adalah
normalisasi intensitas mode LP6, yang ditenhrkanberdasarkan,
z"tff Io1(r,r)rdr = l (3.2)
Cross section emisi dapat ditentukan dari pengukuran gain, anggap bahwa semua ion
erbium tereksitasi,
o"(r) = sQ) ( 3.3)
t oIosrr(e12,r er rG)o| (v, r
!ffd t r)d
Dimana g(v) adalahgain dalam decibel per meter pada frekwensi v.
Menentukan cross section dengan menggunakan persamaan ( 3.1 ) dan ( 3.3 ) tersirat
disana suatu ketelitian yang diketahui dari integral antara konsentrasi ion erbium dan mode LPs1.
Karena itu hal ini dianggap bahwa hanya mode LPu yang merambat diserat dan yang sangat
penting, ini sulit sekali untuk menyelesaikansyarat bahwa semua ion erbium tereksitasi. Sehingga
cross section emisi dapat ditentukan dari bentuk spektrum fluoresensi , I"(u), dan harga emisi
spontan, A" = l/r21. Disini r2r merupakan lifetime radiasi. Berikut ini adalah persamaan yang
diturunkan dari persamaan Fuchtbauer - Ladenburg,
A i"2 r
o " (r)=-n eQ) ( 3.4)
- " I
S rn o I
" (v )d v
Dimana adalah
n indeksbiasdanl, adalah panjang gelombang - rata.
Spektrumcross section absorpsidapatjuga ditentukandari bentuk spektrumredaman,
persamaan Fuchtbauer Ladenburg,
A .2.2 Ia@ )
o -(" )= -S .2J2+ l (3.s)
" ^
8/rn" IIo?)dv 2Jr+ l
Dimana-Ir dan J2 adalahnomer quantummomentum angular untuk kondisi ground state dan
kondisieksitasi.Denganmenggunakan (
persamaan 3.4 ) dan( 3.5 ) bentukspektrum crosssection
emisi dan speklrumcrosssectionabsorpsi
dapatdilihat sepertigambar3 berikut ini :
.E +.ooszs
(/) 3.00E-25
$ z.ooazs
Gambar 3. Spektrum cross section absorpsi dan cross seclion emisi
5. Analisa Karakteristik Gain Serat Optik Erbium Doped Amplifier Mode Tunggal
Umumnya koefisien Co, adalah daya bebas, tetapi untuk daya yang cukup tinggi
etau untuk doping erbium terbatas seluruhnya diatur konstan. Nilainya ditentukan oleh
banya satu panjang gelgmbang pompa dan satu panjang gelombang sinyal. Untuk daya
pompa yang sangat tinggi dan daya sinyal diabaikanmaka dapat ditetapkan dari persamaan(4.2)
bahwa pendekatanpopulasi di tingkat energi atas N, -- Noi* f olo' * oT ).
Kemudian daya pompa absorpsi adalah :
pabs=h', I @7)
-P tfua1
r oi
' 1.;T
Gain maksimum dicapai dengan mengintegralkan persamaan (4.2) terhadap mode
G** =
Penjelasanyang sama diberikan untuk daya sinyal absorpsipada daya input yang tinggi dan untuk
faktor transmisi pada panjang gelombangpompa dimana daya pompa diabaikan. Diperoleh dari
persamaan (4.6) Ckjf I;'' = ll Pi"'dengan,
Potn' - I; (4.e)
Secarajelas pada persamaan(4.6) untuk pompa dapat ditulis k = p dan gelombang sinyal
k = s. Kemudian dari sini dapat dipisahkan daya pompa output Pfu'dan daya pompa absorpsi
P; - P;'' dari persamaansinyal serta memasukkannya persamaanpompa. Setelah didapatkan
beberapamodifikasidenganmenggunakangainsinyal = p,"* lPi'
G = exp(po"Z) maka:
{ul1*)=#rr.,td.ff (4.10)
Dengangain maksimum
Gr.* =eXP{t+-",)r} . 1 1 )
den perbandingandaya saturasi
6=w (4.r2)