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Bree Hohnbaum


                                           Ocean Rescue
Grade Level: 1                          Subject(s): Physical Education

Overview and Purpose:                                Education Standards Addressed:
This is a lesson plan that is designed to help the   K-2.PE.1.1.1 Achieve mature forms in the basic
students work more towards their throwing with       locomotor skills (e.g., walking,
opposite foot skills and catching, while             running, skipping, etc.) and vary the manner in
incorporating a game. This lesson will also help     which these skills
the students be spatially aware and have to work     are performed during changing conditions and
together to achieve their goals. There will be two   expectations (e.g.,
adults in the classroom to monitor the students      levels, speeds, pathways, relationships, and
and help them work on form.                          effort).
                                                     K-2.PE.1.1.2 Demonstrate smooth transitions
                                                     between sequential locomotor,
                                                     non-locomotor, and manipulative skills (e.g.
                                                     PEmetrics, etc.).
                                                     K-2.PE.1.1.3 Achieve mature form in the less
                                                     complex manipulative skills (e.g.,
                                                     underhand throw, catching, rolling, etc.) and show
                                                     progress toward
                                                     achieving mature form in the more complex
                                                     manipulative skills
                                                     (e.g., foot dribble, overhand throw, kicking, etc.).
                                                     K-2.PE.2.1.2 Identify and apply critical cues and
                                                     concepts of body, space, effort,
                                                     and relationships that vary the quality of
                                                     movement (e.g., side to
                                                     target, move in personal space, throw hard for
                                                     distance, name
                                                     different pathways, etc.).

                                             Teachers Guide
Objectives (Specific Information   For physical education: Students      Materials Needed:
that will be learned):             will increase their throwing and          Poly Spots
                                   catching skills. Students will also       Soft Balls
                                   grasp a sense of spatial                  Cones
                                   For students: Students will
                                   increase self-confidence by
                                   working together to complete
                                   the game. Students will also use
                                   communication skills to
effectively throw and catch the
                           For the community: Students
                           will collaborate with each other
                           to perform a game accurately.
                           Students may take this game
                           into recess or in their own
                           neighborhoods as well.
Information (Give and/or   There will be a 5 minute warm         Other Resources:
demonstrate necessary      up, which will be listed on the           Space (enough so the
information):              whiteboard in front of the room.             students can run around
                           Once completed, the students                 and can throw without
                           will sit on their designated spots.          hitting another person)
                           There will then be a 3 minute             A gym, or lines that can
                           explanation on the activity which            be placed on the floor to
                           follows: The class is divided into           simulate the ship
                           two groups, which will be
                           counted off in ones and twos to
                           avoid fighting and favoring. One
                           group is the sailors and the
                           other group is the rescuers.
                           There will be enough poly spots
                           on the floor for the half of the
                           group that is the sailors. The
                           sailors are then to go find a poly
                           spot on the ground and stand on
                           it and get into the catching
                           position (hands up, arms out).
                           The rescuers will be on the other
                           side of the middle line in the
                           gym, which will be marked by
                           cones. They are not allowed to
                           step over the line. The rescuers
                           each get a ball and this is their
                           life ring to toss to the students
                           to save them. When the ball is
                           caught by the sailors, the
                           rescuers simulate the idea of
                           reeling them into the boat; once
                           all of the sailors are rescued or
                           after 5 minutes, the students
                           switch and the ones who were
                           rescuers are now sailors and the
                           ones who are sailors are now
                           rescuers. This game will last
                           about 10 minutes, and then the
                           students will return back to their
                           spots and put the equipment
away for evaluation.
Verification (Steps to check for   During the activity, the two           Additional Notes:
student understanding):            teachers will be going around          If there are any students with
                                   making sure that each student is       special needs in the class,
                                   throwing and catching the              verifications can be made. A
                                   correct way (hands up, arms out        bounce-rule may be
                                   for catching; opposite foot with       implemented or the line may be
                                   opposite hand for throwing).           closer. Bigger balls may be used
                                   The teachers will also be praising     for younger or smaller students.
                                   students that are doing well and       If there are any students who are
                                   if there is not an even number of      in wheelchairs, it will work the
                                   students in the class, one of the      same way. A beach ball may be
                                   teachers may step in to fill the       used as well.
Activity (Demonstrate the                5 minute warm-up that           Assessment:
independent activity to                     will be on the board and      The assessment will be given an
reinforce this lesson):                     then the students will sit    informal assessment at the end
                                            in their spots and wait       of this lesson. The assessment
                                            for directions                will ask such questions as what
                                         3 minutes for                   are the rules if you are a sailor?
                                            instruction; this will be     or what are the rules if you are
                                            demonstrated by the           a rescuer? Students will also
                                            teachers.                     have to either show or tell how
                                         10 minutes for the actual       to effectively catch and throw a
                                            game where half of the        ball. There will be a variety of
                                            class are sailors and       other questions to ask to make
                                            the other half are            sure the students understand
                                            rescuers. They switch       the game. The students should
                                            after 5 minutes or when       be chosen at random to answer
                                            all of the sailors are        questions. Students will also be
                                            rescued.                      praised on how good they did at
                                         Countdown from 10-0             this time.
                                            will be taken after the 10
                                            minute activity. The
                                            students will have to put
                                            all equipment away and
                                            sit on their spots for
                                            evaluation. If the
                                            students put all the
                                            equipment away on time
                                            and are seated, they
                                            earn a blue feather for
                                            the class.
                                         5 minutes for evaluation;
                                            this will consist of one of
                                            the teachers asking
                                            questions about the
game for verification.
Summary   The desired outcome for this         Safety Concerns:
          game is to work on the students     Be sure there is plenty of room
          throwing and catching skills         for this activity. Also, be sure to
          while playing a fun game with        tell students to be aware of
          sailors and rescuers in which    others so they do not get hit and
          they will be role playing. The       are cautious of their own
          students will gain self-confidence   personal space. Be sure that the
          at the end of this lesson and be     students are supervised at all
          actively participating. At the end   times. Make special
          of the lesson, students will have    accommodations for those who
          learned a new game they will be      are in need. Be sensitive to
          able to use outside of the school    students.
          and will have upgraded their
          throwing and catching skills.

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Lesson plan #1

  • 1. Bree Hohnbaum 3/22/2012 Ocean Rescue Grade Level: 1 Subject(s): Physical Education Overview and Purpose: Education Standards Addressed: This is a lesson plan that is designed to help the K-2.PE.1.1.1 Achieve mature forms in the basic students work more towards their throwing with locomotor skills (e.g., walking, opposite foot skills and catching, while running, skipping, etc.) and vary the manner in incorporating a game. This lesson will also help which these skills the students be spatially aware and have to work are performed during changing conditions and together to achieve their goals. There will be two expectations (e.g., adults in the classroom to monitor the students levels, speeds, pathways, relationships, and and help them work on form. effort). K-2.PE.1.1.2 Demonstrate smooth transitions between sequential locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills (e.g. PEmetrics, etc.). K-2.PE.1.1.3 Achieve mature form in the less complex manipulative skills (e.g., underhand throw, catching, rolling, etc.) and show progress toward achieving mature form in the more complex manipulative skills (e.g., foot dribble, overhand throw, kicking, etc.). K-2.PE.2.1.2 Identify and apply critical cues and concepts of body, space, effort, and relationships that vary the quality of movement (e.g., side to target, move in personal space, throw hard for distance, name different pathways, etc.). Teachers Guide Objectives (Specific Information For physical education: Students Materials Needed: that will be learned): will increase their throwing and Poly Spots catching skills. Students will also Soft Balls grasp a sense of spatial Cones awareness. For students: Students will increase self-confidence by working together to complete the game. Students will also use communication skills to
  • 2. effectively throw and catch the ball. For the community: Students will collaborate with each other to perform a game accurately. Students may take this game into recess or in their own neighborhoods as well. Information (Give and/or There will be a 5 minute warm Other Resources: demonstrate necessary up, which will be listed on the Space (enough so the information): whiteboard in front of the room. students can run around Once completed, the students and can throw without will sit on their designated spots. hitting another person) There will then be a 3 minute A gym, or lines that can explanation on the activity which be placed on the floor to follows: The class is divided into simulate the ship two groups, which will be counted off in ones and twos to avoid fighting and favoring. One group is the sailors and the other group is the rescuers. There will be enough poly spots on the floor for the half of the group that is the sailors. The sailors are then to go find a poly spot on the ground and stand on it and get into the catching position (hands up, arms out). The rescuers will be on the other side of the middle line in the gym, which will be marked by cones. They are not allowed to step over the line. The rescuers each get a ball and this is their life ring to toss to the students to save them. When the ball is caught by the sailors, the rescuers simulate the idea of reeling them into the boat; once all of the sailors are rescued or after 5 minutes, the students switch and the ones who were rescuers are now sailors and the ones who are sailors are now rescuers. This game will last about 10 minutes, and then the students will return back to their spots and put the equipment
  • 3. away for evaluation. Verification (Steps to check for During the activity, the two Additional Notes: student understanding): teachers will be going around If there are any students with making sure that each student is special needs in the class, throwing and catching the verifications can be made. A correct way (hands up, arms out bounce-rule may be for catching; opposite foot with implemented or the line may be opposite hand for throwing). closer. Bigger balls may be used The teachers will also be praising for younger or smaller students. students that are doing well and If there are any students who are if there is not an even number of in wheelchairs, it will work the students in the class, one of the same way. A beach ball may be teachers may step in to fill the used as well. void. Activity (Demonstrate the 5 minute warm-up that Assessment: independent activity to will be on the board and The assessment will be given an reinforce this lesson): then the students will sit informal assessment at the end in their spots and wait of this lesson. The assessment for directions will ask such questions as what 3 minutes for are the rules if you are a sailor? instruction; this will be or what are the rules if you are demonstrated by the a rescuer? Students will also teachers. have to either show or tell how 10 minutes for the actual to effectively catch and throw a game where half of the ball. There will be a variety of class are sailors and other questions to ask to make the other half are sure the students understand rescuers. They switch the game. The students should after 5 minutes or when be chosen at random to answer all of the sailors are questions. Students will also be rescued. praised on how good they did at Countdown from 10-0 this time. will be taken after the 10 minute activity. The students will have to put all equipment away and sit on their spots for evaluation. If the students put all the equipment away on time and are seated, they earn a blue feather for the class. 5 minutes for evaluation; this will consist of one of the teachers asking questions about the
  • 4. game for verification. Summary The desired outcome for this Safety Concerns: game is to work on the students Be sure there is plenty of room throwing and catching skills for this activity. Also, be sure to while playing a fun game with tell students to be aware of sailors and rescuers in which others so they do not get hit and they will be role playing. The are cautious of their own students will gain self-confidence personal space. Be sure that the at the end of this lesson and be students are supervised at all actively participating. At the end times. Make special of the lesson, students will have accommodations for those who learned a new game they will be are in need. Be sensitive to able to use outside of the school students. and will have upgraded their throwing and catching skills.