El documento habla sobre el concepto de portafolio y sus caracter鱈sticas. Explica que un portafolio es una colecci坦n de trabajos de un estudiante que muestran su progreso y aprendizaje. Discuten que tanto estudiantes como docentes participan en la selecci坦n de trabajos para el portafolio. Tambi辿n describen diferentes tipos de portafolios como de trabajo, presentaci坦n y evaluaci坦n diagn坦stica. El portafolio beneficia a los estudiantes al permitirles mostrar su aprendizaje de manera integral.
The document outlines a proposal for a celebrity news and gossip television programme with the following key points:
The format would involve celebrities coming on the show to play games and answer questions about rumors about themselves. The target audience is ages 16+ worldwide. It would air weekday evenings for 30-40 minutes in a studio combining elements of E! News and Alan Carr's shows. Health and safety precautions and copyright clearance would need to be addressed for the production.
The document describes the SE30A Series brushless servo amplifiers made by Electromate. The series includes models SE10A8, SE10A20, SE10A40, SE30A8, SE30A20, and SE30A40. The amplifiers are small, surface-mount devices that drive brushless motors with 3-phase sine wave current generated from an encoder. They have features like optical isolation, DIP switch selectable modes, regenerative braking, and overcurrent protection.
Belgian ceramics studio Fou de Feu rethinks classical ceramic objects and imbues them with new personalities. The studio is run by Veerle Van Overloop, a ceramics artist graduate who has brought Fou de Feu's timeless designs to the Belgian design map since 2009. Fou de Feu focuses on honest design and embraces the life cycle of clay from raw material to finished product and back again.
How can companies attract and retains the right customer and cultivate strong...Sameer Mathur
This document discusses customer relationship management (CRM) and its goals of maximizing loyalty through carefully managing customer information and interactions. CRM involves identifying customer needs, differentiating customers, customizing products and messages, reducing customer defection, enhancing relationships through cross-selling, and focusing on high-value customers. Strong customer bonds are created through superior customer experience, cross-departmental collaboration, understanding customer needs, and making it easy for customers to get help.
La Personera del Municipio de Titirib鱈, Antioquia adopt坦 el Plan Anticorrupci坦n y de Atenci坦n al Ciudadano para 2013 a trav辿s de la Resoluci坦n N属011. El plan busca fortalecer los mecanismos de prevenci坦n, investigaci坦n y sanci坦n de actos de corrupci坦n y mejorar la atenci坦n al ciudadano a trav辿s de la implementaci坦n de un mapa de riesgos de corrupci坦n, medidas para mitigarlos, estrategias para reducir tr叩mites innecesarios y la conformaci坦n de una red de apoyo en derech
This document provides specifications for the DigiFlex速 PerformanceTM Servo Drive DPRANIE-060A400. It can drive brushed and brushless motors in torque, velocity, or position mode. It has a peak current of 60A, continuous current of 30A, and operates on a supply voltage of 100-240VAC. It features space vector modulation, configurable I/O, and is compliant with various safety standards.
The DigiFlex速 PerformanceTM Servo Drive DPRANIR-100A400 is a digital servo drive designed to drive brushed and brushless servomotors in torque, velocity, or position mode. It has a peak current of 100A, continuous current of 50A, and operates on a 200-240VAC supply voltage. The drive features space vector modulation, configurable I/O, and is compliant with various safety standards including UL, CE, and RoHS.
Este documento presenta res炭menes breves de varios pr坦ceres de la independencia de Colombia del siglo XIX, incluyendo Sim坦n Bol鱈var, Jos辿 Acevedo y G坦mez, Antonio Baraya, Manuela Beltr叩n, Francisco Jos辿 de Caldas, Jos辿 Mar鱈a Carbonell, Jos辿 Antonio Gal叩n, Jorge Tadeo Lozano y Policarpa Salavarrieta. Cada pr坦cer se describe con su fecha y lugar de nacimiento, sus logros y contribuciones a la independencia de Colombia.
The document discusses how mobile devices will become even more integral to our daily lives and interactions with brands. It suggests that smartphones and other mobile technologies will continue evolving to understand users on a deeper level by discerning their emotions and anticipating their needs. This will allow for highly personalized experiences across shopping, transportation, health and more. Brands will need to get to know users intimately through their digital traces and design immersive experiences that seamlessly blend the physical and virtual world.
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci坦n, Humanas y Tecnolog鱈as de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo busca convertirse en una facultad de renombre a nivel nacional e internacional vinculada con otras instituciones y enmarcada en los 炭ltimos avances cient鱈ficos y tecnol坦gicos. Su misi坦n es formar maestros de todos los niveles educativos siguiendo tendencias pedag坦gicas contempor叩neas para brindar una educaci坦n de calidad.
Why Does the Atmosphere Rotate? Trajectory of a desorbed moleculeJames Smith
As a step toward understanding why the Earth's atmosphere "rotates" with the Earth, we use using Geometric (Clifford) Algebra to investigate the trajectory of a single molecule that desorbs vertically upward from the Equator, then falls back to Earth without colliding with any other molecules. Sample calculations are presented for a molecule whose vertical velocity is equal to the surface velocity of the Earth at the Equator (463 m/s) and for one with a vertical velocity three times as high. The latter velocity is sufficient for the molecule to reach the K叩rm叩n Line (100,000 m). We find that both molecules fall to Earth behind the point from which they desorbed: by 0.25 degrees of latitude for the higher vertical velocity, but by only 0.001 degrees for the lower.
This document provides specifications for the DigiFlex速 PerformanceTM Servo Drive DPRANIE-060A400. It can drive brushed and brushless motors in torque, velocity, or position mode. It has a peak current of 60A, continuous current of 30A, and operates on a supply voltage of 100-240VAC. It features space vector modulation, configurable I/O, and is compliant with various safety standards.
The DigiFlex速 PerformanceTM Servo Drive DPRANIR-100A400 is a digital servo drive designed to drive brushed and brushless servomotors in torque, velocity, or position mode. It has a peak current of 100A, continuous current of 50A, and operates on a 200-240VAC supply voltage. The drive features space vector modulation, configurable I/O, and is compliant with various safety standards including UL, CE, and RoHS.
Este documento presenta res炭menes breves de varios pr坦ceres de la independencia de Colombia del siglo XIX, incluyendo Sim坦n Bol鱈var, Jos辿 Acevedo y G坦mez, Antonio Baraya, Manuela Beltr叩n, Francisco Jos辿 de Caldas, Jos辿 Mar鱈a Carbonell, Jos辿 Antonio Gal叩n, Jorge Tadeo Lozano y Policarpa Salavarrieta. Cada pr坦cer se describe con su fecha y lugar de nacimiento, sus logros y contribuciones a la independencia de Colombia.
The document discusses how mobile devices will become even more integral to our daily lives and interactions with brands. It suggests that smartphones and other mobile technologies will continue evolving to understand users on a deeper level by discerning their emotions and anticipating their needs. This will allow for highly personalized experiences across shopping, transportation, health and more. Brands will need to get to know users intimately through their digital traces and design immersive experiences that seamlessly blend the physical and virtual world.
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci坦n, Humanas y Tecnolog鱈as de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo busca convertirse en una facultad de renombre a nivel nacional e internacional vinculada con otras instituciones y enmarcada en los 炭ltimos avances cient鱈ficos y tecnol坦gicos. Su misi坦n es formar maestros de todos los niveles educativos siguiendo tendencias pedag坦gicas contempor叩neas para brindar una educaci坦n de calidad.
Why Does the Atmosphere Rotate? Trajectory of a desorbed moleculeJames Smith
As a step toward understanding why the Earth's atmosphere "rotates" with the Earth, we use using Geometric (Clifford) Algebra to investigate the trajectory of a single molecule that desorbs vertically upward from the Equator, then falls back to Earth without colliding with any other molecules. Sample calculations are presented for a molecule whose vertical velocity is equal to the surface velocity of the Earth at the Equator (463 m/s) and for one with a vertical velocity three times as high. The latter velocity is sufficient for the molecule to reach the K叩rm叩n Line (100,000 m). We find that both molecules fall to Earth behind the point from which they desorbed: by 0.25 degrees of latitude for the higher vertical velocity, but by only 0.001 degrees for the lower.