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Small-scale irrigation in Malawi:
challenges and opportunities
Small-scale irrigation has the potential to
contribute to improved food security and
higher rural incomes in sub-Saharan
Africa. However, a combination of factors
has hampered its development. These
include pressure on agricultural water due
to increased climate variability and
perceived institutional weaknesses. How
can such problems be overcome? How is
knowledge about irrigation transferred and
used? This briefing paper shares the
findings from an ethnographic study in
Malawi which sought to answers these
questions. It demonstrates the complex
context within which challenges and
opportunities for small-scale irrigation are
situated and aims to inform policy makers
and their development partners on
possible best practices for promoting
irrigation development.
 Irrigation can improve incomes and food security if farmers can access
markets for inputs and produce, food pricing systems reflect real costs of
production, and farmers diversify beyond staple cereals
 Crop management practices emphasise yield increase, but more attention is
required to adapt irrigation to both climatic variability and climate change
through optimising water use efficiency
 Lack of security of tenure of land and unclear water rights undermine
livelihoods particularly of those excluded by irrigation schemes, fuel conflicts
over land use, and are not compatible with sustainable land management
 Farmers are innovative and have modified both hard and soft technologies in
order to protect their interests, reduce labour demand and raise production.
When farmers local knowledge is taken into account in designing projects,
measures are more likely to be locally relevant and sustainable over the long
 Irrigation development is more effective when coordinated at catchment
rather than at administrative or irrigation scheme levels. Positive impact is
achieved when projects build on previous efforts, rather than when
development institutions operate in competition
existing land, water and irrigation laws
and policies have centred on increasing
the level of formalisation, rather than on
examining outcomes in terms of access.
At the same time as the promotion of
irrigation through schemes,
smallholders have continued to carry out
irrigation in ways that are classified as
informal. There is a growing tendency
towards formalisation of such practices,
particularly as schemes are increasingly
associated with donor and government
financial support.
The two sets of irrigation practice
examined in this research illustrate both
cases. Muona scheme was formally
established nearly fifty years ago and,
like other schemes established by the
government, has been rehabilitated
several times in its history, most recently
by the World Bank-supported IRLAD
project. Chitsukwa is of much more
recent origins, and represents the
gradual formalisation of irrigation
practices following NGO-support for
treadle pump technology. The two
schemes are within a few kilometres of
one another and have broadly similar
socio-economic characteristics. These
two irrigation schemes typify the majority
of schemes in Malawi.
Malawi is a predominantly agriculturally-based
economy with the sector contributing more
than a third of the national income and directly
supporting over three quarters of the
population. The agricultural sector comprises
large-scale estates producing mainly for export,
and small-scale farming operated on plots of
less than a hectare and concentrating on food
crops. While most food consumed in Malawi is
produced by this smallholder sector, family
farming is highly exposed to the vagaries of
climate. The effect of stressors such as drought
and flooding appear most magnified in the
Lower Shire to the south of the country where
both land scarcity and poverty are high, and the
potential for irrigation development is,
ironically, also highest. Growing agriculture
through enhancing production and productivity
in irrigation based small-scale farming is seen
as an important strategy to respond to the
The history of irrigation promotion in Malawi
spans over five decades and has been beset by
problems and missed opportunities which are
well documented. President Bandas
government sought to transform and
modernise smallholder farming by borrowing
from the estate-farming model through setting
up irrigation schemes. Most of these schemes,
referred to as irrigation factories by Veldswich
et al. (2009) were judged to have been
failures. Since the beginning of multiparty
democracy in 1994, the governments strategy
has been on formalising land, water and
irrigation access and decentralising the
management of such schemes (Peters and
Mulwafu, 2007). The approach has been to
transfer management responsibilities to the
farmers through the establishment of Water
Users Associations. While it has been argued
that ensuring farmers rights over land and
water is a vital ingredient for an effective
strategy for growing agriculture, most of the
Irrigation can result in improved crop
productivity for farmers, but this has not
generally been promoted alongside a full
appreciation of the significance of the
interaction of this with dry land farming.
While irrigation development has had the
potential for leveraging human and
financial resources for developing
smallholder farming, interventions have
primarily focused on setting up the
physical and management infrastructure
for irrigation without necessarily
addressing the underlying constraints that
afflict agriculture in general. Increases in
production do not translate to better
incomes if farmers lack outlets to
favourable markets. While a small
proportion of farmers has received
government farm input subsidies, the
overall production-cost savings have not
been sufficient to allow farmers to make a
profit out of farming, thereby minimising
opportunities for poverty reduction. Thus,
barriers to irrigation development are
intimately connected to wider issues of
labour and market access, input supply,
and access to knowledge and information.
Irrigation development in southern Malawi
has favoured production of single crops by
targeted farmers. In the two irrigation
schemes, the emphasis has been on rice
This research was one of a series of projects
funded by the DFID-ESRC Growth Research
Programme (DEGRP) which funds research on
issues relating to inclusive economic growth in
Low Income Countries (LICs). In Malawi, the
project adopted an ethnographic approach to
explore a range of issues pertaining to irrigation
and agricultural development. Questions were
asked concerning the contribution of irrigation,
institutional responses to managing water
under increased water scarcity regime, and the
role of rules and norms in the governance of
access to water. The research examined how
knowledge about innovations that facilitate
adaptation is produced, valued, transferred and
used within and between communities.
Research focused on two irrigation schemes in
Nsanje District, at Muona and Chitsukwa.
Fieldwork combined ethnographic and
qualitative methods along with a formal sample
or maize only farming systems in Muona and
Chitsukwa, respectively. In addition, promotion
of irrigation has sometimes been at the
expense of other livelihoods especially livestock
farming. In Chitsukwa, land use change in
favour of cropping with more people moving
into crop growing there has been a problem of
irrigators encroaching into pastures, driving
conflicts and upsetting social relations that
were responsible for the sharing of manure,
milk and grain. In this case, building resilience
through irrigation has resulted in worsening
vulnerability for those whose livelihoods
depend on livestock farming.
There are also fewer staff within the extension
services dedicated to livestock issues than
those with responsibility for agronomy and
irrigation. Irrigators also appear to be more
organised than livestock farmers. The
encouragement of mulching has not considered
livestock farming needs. Change in land use
from livestock to crop production has sparked
conflicts among farmers, and farmers have
been left to resolve these issues on their own.
Ironically, some farmers view livestock farming
as their ideal livelihood but are unable to
transition from crop production to a
predominantly livestock oriented livelihood.
Farmers can and do innovate in their irrigation
practices. For example, some farmers made
treadle pumps lighter by removing some
rubbers that made working the treadle pump
strenuous. One person could operate the lighter
treadle pump, significantly reducing labour
demand. In the absence of spare parts, farmers
innovated with cut-offs from flip-flops to replace
some cylinder rubbers required for the treadle
pump. The ease with which the treadle pump
could be operated encouraged more people to
move into irrigation. Also, a system of intensive
maize planting called Sasakawa has been
widely adopted. Farmers have, without any
extension involvement, come up with a smaller-
bladed and shorter-handled hoe to replace the
traditional hoe that would otherwise be too
large for the narrower row spacing required.
Development partners supporting community
resilience building in Malawi
This briefing is an output from the research project
Innovations to Promote Growth among Small Scale
Irrigators, led by the University of Sussex. Further
information and other project outputs can be obtained
from the website at: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/global/
Within irrigation schemes, farming knowledge is
transferred through participation in ganyu,
while mobility of tenants spreads knowledge,
including skills for canal maintenance. This is
important because there is a lack of extension
capacity to support farmers. In the field sites,
extension officers considered themselves to be
only responsible for providing services to
farmers in the dry land, and believed that the
irrigation schemes should be managed by the
Irrigation Department. However, the Ministry of
Water and Irrigation Development in Nsanje
only had two officers for the entire district.
There are also attitudinal problems in which
farmers are frequently dismissed as ignorant
and slow to learn.
Because of the lack of extension support the
promoters of irrigation also rely on lead
farmers. But we identified a strong reluctance
to take notice of their information that came
from this source. Some respondents see lead
farmers as too local to know any more than
they do. One lead farmer was told, Babies like
you cannot advise us on anything. We have
been farming even before you were born.
Other farmers believe that those that have
received training from government and NGOs
have been paid and are not willing to take their
advice for this reason. They also believe that
the extension services are biased towards NGO-
funded projects where the officers have an
opportunity to claim expenses. Lead farmers
themselves find the demands on their time
excessive and, contrary to the view among their
neighbours that they gain from study visits and
training at a distance, argue that it would be
better for such activities to take place where
they live, Instead of simulations conducted in
hotel gardens in the city.
The model widely used in support of irrigation is
that of schemes. But such schemes involve a
need for collective management alongside the
reality of individualised and household-level
interests. Irrigation schemes also do not equate
neatly with communities. For example, the
Muona scheme is used by farmers who
come from at least 45 surrounding villages.
They have certain shared interests and a
sense of common purpose in different  but
not always compatible  spheres; these
include their households, lineage groups,
villages and the schemes themselves.
Farmers derive their livelihoods from a
combination of cultivation both inside and
outside of the schemes and may see it is
more important to prioritise dry land
cultivation than take part in shared scheme
management. Even within the schemes,
farmers tend to prioritise their own farming
over collective action.
However, such schemes have been treated
by donors and government alike as
equivalent to a community. Measures to
formalise this in terms of land and water
access and management of the scheme
have not taken into account the ways in
which the community of the scheme does or
does not intersect with other interest
groups. This has important implications for
both scheme management - and hence
productivity, and for the livelihoods and
wellbeing of farmers both within and outside
of the scheme.
In Muona scheme there are significant and
recurrent problems of siltation. This is partly
an issue of regional water catchment
management. The challenges of siltation are
seen by many to be due to unsustainable
cutting down of trees for charcoal and
stream bank cultivation in higher districts of
Thyolo and Mulanje. There is reportedly a
lack of communication between the upland
and downstream district authorities on the
However, scheme management is also
affected by problems that relate to a lack of
a sense of collective responsibility that is
increased by formalisation. Muona irrigation
scheme is managed by a Water Users
Association (WUA). However, the WUA has
difficulties in both ensuring equitable access
to land and water, and in resolving conflicts
among farmers. It also finds it difficult to
enforce regularity of irrigation practice, with
corresponding negative effects on
productivity. The problems faced by the WUA
result both from scheme design (lack of
levelling, inappropriate layout), and from a
lack of overall legitimacy among farmers.
However the presence of the WUA and a
focus on bureaucratic resolution of disputes
provides a reason for the farmers not
resolving their water management conflicts.
Formalisation of land and water access has
also resulted in both the exclusion of some
farmers and in interventions that can result
in the resilience of some at the cost of the
vulnerability of others. In Muona, a bund
was constructed with donor support to
protect Muona scheme from the overflowing
Tangadzi River. However, this caused
flooding in an adjacent area, Makhapa,
leading to significant loss of homes, crops
and food and worsened vulnerability to food
insecurity. A different donor was
constructing an irrigation scheme in
Makhapa, and farmers were excluded from
their fields during the construction process.
This exclusion compounded the serious
effects of the flooding. We found little
evidence of communication between the two
donors or their contractors and unclear lines
of responsibility. The flooding in Makhapa
was seen as unfortunate but it was argued
that the construction of the bund reflected
the wishes of the community of the
scheme, as promoted by the WUA.
A different group of farmers in an area
called Magreaver, also adjacent to Muona
scheme, cannot continue accessing the
Tangadzi River with the new bund
constructed. They are now only growing
maize because of the loss of floodwater that
previously enabled rice farming. Ironically
Magreaver was the original inspiration
behind the establishment of the Muona
scheme back in the 1960s. This exclusion
has important gender dimensions because
those farming in Magreaver were
predominantly women. They have been told
that they do not have rights to access the
water from the Tangadzi, because they
have not paid.
Applying the treadle pump
in brick making
Ferguson, A., and W. Mulwafu. 2007. If government
failed, how are we to succeed? The importance of
history and context in present-day irrigation reform in
In Community-based water law and water resource
management reform in developing countries editors
van Koppen, B.,M. Giordano and J. Butterworth; CABI
Veldwisch, G.; Bolding, A. and Wester, P. 2009. Sand
in the engine: The travails of an irrigated rice scheme
in Bwanje valley, Malawi. Journal of Development
Studies 35(3): 197-226.
Dr Elizabeth Harrison. School of Global Studies,
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ
Dr Canford Chiroro, Centre for International
Development and Training, University of
Wolverhampton, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Telford Innovation Campus, Shifnal Road,
Priorslee, Telford TF2 9NT, UK
Such an approach involves ensuring
complementarity of agricultural interventions
particularly to ensure that farmers are
supported not only to produce but to market
their products and earn an income sufficient to
lift them out of poverty. Pricing policies should
be revised in light of the need to make
irrigation profitable; particularly with labour
costs factored in. Clear land and water rights
are essential to ensure that the poor and
those operating outside the confines of the
schemes are not excluded from irrigation. The
poor should be enabled to participate in
planning and making decisions about
irrigation, including those pertaining to water
sharing, as they often operate in areas
underserved by scheme canals and shallow
wells. Skills in understanding the gender
implications of irrigation management are
essential. Evaluation of potential hard
technologies for irrigation should emphasise
labour cost-effectiveness, and implications for
land and water accessibility.
Improving water use efficiency should be at
the centre of efforts to promote irrigation
development. Linking farmers to markets and
information could encourage farmers to
produce a wider diversity of crops and
raise farmer incomes. There is scope for
developing a strategic overview of the
nature and use of national water
resources, including the cost and
benefits of supporting water-intensive
and export-oriented crops.
For smallholder irrigation, consider
moving away from a model of irrigation
development based on schemes that
formalise access to land and water and
develop complicated bureaucratic
mechanisms for scheme management. Build
on farmers innovation instead.
It is important to support farmers innovation
where it occurs and to understand the
constraints within which farmers work. Those
seeking to improve irrigation should focus on
gaining an understanding of, and support to
existing irrigation practices. Approaches to
training extension officers should recognise
the value of farmers local knowledge and
ensuring that irrigation knowledge is part of
general agricultural extension training. If lead
farmers are used, it would be more practical
if training and support were offered where
they live and work. This would obviate the
need for travel expenses, reduce costs to
farmers incurred by being absent from their
fields, and also lessen the mistrust created of
such farmers.
Water as a mobile resource transcends
administrative boundaries. Managing
irrigation takes into account managing water
across administrative boundaries and should
therefore be coordinated by well-resourced
teams at catchment level. Budgets should be
considered for maintaining inter-district
dialogue on catchment management. Further,
partners operating at the local level need to
consider more seriously the costs of their
interventions on the lives and livelihoods of
those for whom the interventions are not
Using the treadle pump for
maize irrigation in Chitsukwa
A woman farmer tries the
cornweeder on a rice field in Muona

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Malawi brief

  • 1. SCHOOL OF GLOBAL STUDIES RESEARCH BRIEFING JANUARY 2016 Small-scale irrigation in Malawi: challenges and opportunities SUMMARY Small-scale irrigation has the potential to contribute to improved food security and higher rural incomes in sub-Saharan Africa. However, a combination of factors has hampered its development. These include pressure on agricultural water due to increased climate variability and perceived institutional weaknesses. How can such problems be overcome? How is knowledge about irrigation transferred and used? This briefing paper shares the findings from an ethnographic study in Malawi which sought to answers these questions. It demonstrates the complex context within which challenges and opportunities for small-scale irrigation are situated and aims to inform policy makers and their development partners on possible best practices for promoting irrigation development. KEY FINDINGS Irrigation can improve incomes and food security if farmers can access markets for inputs and produce, food pricing systems reflect real costs of production, and farmers diversify beyond staple cereals Crop management practices emphasise yield increase, but more attention is required to adapt irrigation to both climatic variability and climate change through optimising water use efficiency Lack of security of tenure of land and unclear water rights undermine livelihoods particularly of those excluded by irrigation schemes, fuel conflicts over land use, and are not compatible with sustainable land management practices Farmers are innovative and have modified both hard and soft technologies in order to protect their interests, reduce labour demand and raise production. When farmers local knowledge is taken into account in designing projects, measures are more likely to be locally relevant and sustainable over the long term Irrigation development is more effective when coordinated at catchment rather than at administrative or irrigation scheme levels. Positive impact is achieved when projects build on previous efforts, rather than when development institutions operate in competition UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX
  • 2. SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION IN MALAWI: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES existing land, water and irrigation laws and policies have centred on increasing the level of formalisation, rather than on examining outcomes in terms of access. At the same time as the promotion of irrigation through schemes, smallholders have continued to carry out irrigation in ways that are classified as informal. There is a growing tendency towards formalisation of such practices, particularly as schemes are increasingly associated with donor and government financial support. The two sets of irrigation practice examined in this research illustrate both cases. Muona scheme was formally established nearly fifty years ago and, like other schemes established by the government, has been rehabilitated several times in its history, most recently by the World Bank-supported IRLAD project. Chitsukwa is of much more recent origins, and represents the gradual formalisation of irrigation practices following NGO-support for treadle pump technology. The two schemes are within a few kilometres of one another and have broadly similar socio-economic characteristics. These two irrigation schemes typify the majority of schemes in Malawi. BACKGROUND Malawi is a predominantly agriculturally-based economy with the sector contributing more than a third of the national income and directly supporting over three quarters of the population. The agricultural sector comprises large-scale estates producing mainly for export, and small-scale farming operated on plots of less than a hectare and concentrating on food crops. While most food consumed in Malawi is produced by this smallholder sector, family farming is highly exposed to the vagaries of climate. The effect of stressors such as drought and flooding appear most magnified in the Lower Shire to the south of the country where both land scarcity and poverty are high, and the potential for irrigation development is, ironically, also highest. Growing agriculture through enhancing production and productivity in irrigation based small-scale farming is seen as an important strategy to respond to the challenges. The history of irrigation promotion in Malawi spans over five decades and has been beset by problems and missed opportunities which are well documented. President Bandas government sought to transform and modernise smallholder farming by borrowing from the estate-farming model through setting up irrigation schemes. Most of these schemes, referred to as irrigation factories by Veldswich et al. (2009) were judged to have been failures. Since the beginning of multiparty democracy in 1994, the governments strategy has been on formalising land, water and irrigation access and decentralising the management of such schemes (Peters and Mulwafu, 2007). The approach has been to transfer management responsibilities to the farmers through the establishment of Water Users Associations. While it has been argued that ensuring farmers rights over land and water is a vital ingredient for an effective strategy for growing agriculture, most of the FINDINGS IS IRRIGATION IMPROVING LIVELIHOODS? Irrigation can result in improved crop productivity for farmers, but this has not generally been promoted alongside a full appreciation of the significance of the interaction of this with dry land farming. While irrigation development has had the potential for leveraging human and financial resources for developing smallholder farming, interventions have primarily focused on setting up the physical and management infrastructure for irrigation without necessarily addressing the underlying constraints that afflict agriculture in general. Increases in production do not translate to better incomes if farmers lack outlets to favourable markets. While a small proportion of farmers has received government farm input subsidies, the overall production-cost savings have not been sufficient to allow farmers to make a profit out of farming, thereby minimising opportunities for poverty reduction. Thus, barriers to irrigation development are intimately connected to wider issues of labour and market access, input supply, and access to knowledge and information. Irrigation development in southern Malawi has favoured production of single crops by targeted farmers. In the two irrigation schemes, the emphasis has been on rice THE RESEARCH This research was one of a series of projects funded by the DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) which funds research on issues relating to inclusive economic growth in Low Income Countries (LICs). In Malawi, the project adopted an ethnographic approach to explore a range of issues pertaining to irrigation and agricultural development. Questions were asked concerning the contribution of irrigation, institutional responses to managing water under increased water scarcity regime, and the role of rules and norms in the governance of access to water. The research examined how knowledge about innovations that facilitate adaptation is produced, valued, transferred and used within and between communities. Research focused on two irrigation schemes in Nsanje District, at Muona and Chitsukwa. Fieldwork combined ethnographic and qualitative methods along with a formal sample survey. or maize only farming systems in Muona and Chitsukwa, respectively. In addition, promotion of irrigation has sometimes been at the expense of other livelihoods especially livestock farming. In Chitsukwa, land use change in favour of cropping with more people moving into crop growing there has been a problem of irrigators encroaching into pastures, driving conflicts and upsetting social relations that were responsible for the sharing of manure, milk and grain. In this case, building resilience through irrigation has resulted in worsening vulnerability for those whose livelihoods depend on livestock farming. There are also fewer staff within the extension services dedicated to livestock issues than those with responsibility for agronomy and irrigation. Irrigators also appear to be more organised than livestock farmers. The encouragement of mulching has not considered livestock farming needs. Change in land use from livestock to crop production has sparked conflicts among farmers, and farmers have been left to resolve these issues on their own. Ironically, some farmers view livestock farming as their ideal livelihood but are unable to transition from crop production to a predominantly livestock oriented livelihood. INNOVATION, LEARNING AND FARMERS ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE Farmers can and do innovate in their irrigation practices. For example, some farmers made treadle pumps lighter by removing some rubbers that made working the treadle pump strenuous. One person could operate the lighter treadle pump, significantly reducing labour demand. In the absence of spare parts, farmers innovated with cut-offs from flip-flops to replace some cylinder rubbers required for the treadle pump. The ease with which the treadle pump could be operated encouraged more people to move into irrigation. Also, a system of intensive maize planting called Sasakawa has been widely adopted. Farmers have, without any extension involvement, come up with a smaller- bladed and shorter-handled hoe to replace the traditional hoe that would otherwise be too large for the narrower row spacing required. Development partners supporting community resilience building in Malawi
  • 3. SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION IN MALAWI: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES This briefing is an output from the research project Innovations to Promote Growth among Small Scale Irrigators, led by the University of Sussex. Further information and other project outputs can be obtained from the website at: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/global/ research/researchprojects/small_scale_irrigation Within irrigation schemes, farming knowledge is transferred through participation in ganyu, while mobility of tenants spreads knowledge, including skills for canal maintenance. This is important because there is a lack of extension capacity to support farmers. In the field sites, extension officers considered themselves to be only responsible for providing services to farmers in the dry land, and believed that the irrigation schemes should be managed by the Irrigation Department. However, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation Development in Nsanje only had two officers for the entire district. There are also attitudinal problems in which farmers are frequently dismissed as ignorant and slow to learn. Because of the lack of extension support the promoters of irrigation also rely on lead farmers. But we identified a strong reluctance to take notice of their information that came from this source. Some respondents see lead farmers as too local to know any more than they do. One lead farmer was told, Babies like you cannot advise us on anything. We have been farming even before you were born. Other farmers believe that those that have received training from government and NGOs have been paid and are not willing to take their advice for this reason. They also believe that the extension services are biased towards NGO- funded projects where the officers have an opportunity to claim expenses. Lead farmers themselves find the demands on their time excessive and, contrary to the view among their neighbours that they gain from study visits and training at a distance, argue that it would be better for such activities to take place where they live, Instead of simulations conducted in hotel gardens in the city. IRRIGATION IN SCHEMES The model widely used in support of irrigation is that of schemes. But such schemes involve a need for collective management alongside the reality of individualised and household-level interests. Irrigation schemes also do not equate neatly with communities. For example, the Muona scheme is used by farmers who come from at least 45 surrounding villages. They have certain shared interests and a sense of common purpose in different but not always compatible spheres; these include their households, lineage groups, villages and the schemes themselves. Farmers derive their livelihoods from a combination of cultivation both inside and outside of the schemes and may see it is more important to prioritise dry land cultivation than take part in shared scheme management. Even within the schemes, farmers tend to prioritise their own farming over collective action. However, such schemes have been treated by donors and government alike as equivalent to a community. Measures to formalise this in terms of land and water access and management of the scheme have not taken into account the ways in which the community of the scheme does or does not intersect with other interest groups. This has important implications for both scheme management - and hence productivity, and for the livelihoods and wellbeing of farmers both within and outside of the scheme. DECENTRALISING IRRIGATION: CHALLENGES FOR MANAGEMENT In Muona scheme there are significant and recurrent problems of siltation. This is partly an issue of regional water catchment management. The challenges of siltation are seen by many to be due to unsustainable cutting down of trees for charcoal and stream bank cultivation in higher districts of Thyolo and Mulanje. There is reportedly a lack of communication between the upland and downstream district authorities on the matter. However, scheme management is also affected by problems that relate to a lack of a sense of collective responsibility that is increased by formalisation. Muona irrigation scheme is managed by a Water Users Association (WUA). However, the WUA has difficulties in both ensuring equitable access to land and water, and in resolving conflicts among farmers. It also finds it difficult to enforce regularity of irrigation practice, with corresponding negative effects on productivity. The problems faced by the WUA result both from scheme design (lack of levelling, inappropriate layout), and from a lack of overall legitimacy among farmers. However the presence of the WUA and a focus on bureaucratic resolution of disputes provides a reason for the farmers not resolving their water management conflicts. THE CONTRIBUTION OF IRRIGATION TO REDUCING VULNERABILITY AND ENHANCING RESILIENCE Formalisation of land and water access has also resulted in both the exclusion of some farmers and in interventions that can result in the resilience of some at the cost of the vulnerability of others. In Muona, a bund was constructed with donor support to protect Muona scheme from the overflowing Tangadzi River. However, this caused flooding in an adjacent area, Makhapa, leading to significant loss of homes, crops and food and worsened vulnerability to food insecurity. A different donor was constructing an irrigation scheme in Makhapa, and farmers were excluded from their fields during the construction process. This exclusion compounded the serious effects of the flooding. We found little evidence of communication between the two donors or their contractors and unclear lines of responsibility. The flooding in Makhapa was seen as unfortunate but it was argued that the construction of the bund reflected the wishes of the community of the scheme, as promoted by the WUA. A different group of farmers in an area called Magreaver, also adjacent to Muona scheme, cannot continue accessing the Tangadzi River with the new bund constructed. They are now only growing maize because of the loss of floodwater that previously enabled rice farming. Ironically Magreaver was the original inspiration behind the establishment of the Muona scheme back in the 1960s. This exclusion has important gender dimensions because those farming in Magreaver were predominantly women. They have been told that they do not have rights to access the water from the Tangadzi, because they have not paid. Applying the treadle pump in brick making
  • 4. REFERENCES Ferguson, A., and W. Mulwafu. 2007. If government failed, how are we to succeed? The importance of history and context in present-day irrigation reform in Malawi In Community-based water law and water resource management reform in developing countries editors van Koppen, B.,M. Giordano and J. Butterworth; CABI Publications Veldwisch, G.; Bolding, A. and Wester, P. 2009. Sand in the engine: The travails of an irrigated rice scheme in Bwanje valley, Malawi. Journal of Development Studies 35(3): 197-226. SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATION IN MALAWI: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES CONTACTS: Dr Elizabeth Harrison. School of Global Studies, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9SJ UK E.A.Harrison@sussex.ac.uk Dr Canford Chiroro, Centre for International Development and Training, University of Wolverhampton, Faculty of Social Sciences, Telford Innovation Campus, Shifnal Road, Priorslee, Telford TF2 9NT, UK C.Chiroro@wlv.ac.uk POLICY IMPLICATIONS A MORE COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO IRRIGATION DEVELOPMENT IS ESSENTIAL TO MAKE IRRIGATION WORK FOR THE POOR Such an approach involves ensuring complementarity of agricultural interventions particularly to ensure that farmers are supported not only to produce but to market their products and earn an income sufficient to lift them out of poverty. Pricing policies should be revised in light of the need to make irrigation profitable; particularly with labour costs factored in. Clear land and water rights are essential to ensure that the poor and those operating outside the confines of the schemes are not excluded from irrigation. The poor should be enabled to participate in planning and making decisions about irrigation, including those pertaining to water sharing, as they often operate in areas underserved by scheme canals and shallow wells. Skills in understanding the gender implications of irrigation management are essential. Evaluation of potential hard technologies for irrigation should emphasise labour cost-effectiveness, and implications for land and water accessibility. MANAGEMENT OF IRRIGATION Improving water use efficiency should be at the centre of efforts to promote irrigation development. Linking farmers to markets and information could encourage farmers to produce a wider diversity of crops and raise farmer incomes. There is scope for developing a strategic overview of the nature and use of national water resources, including the cost and benefits of supporting water-intensive and export-oriented crops. THE ORGANISATION OF IRRIGATION For smallholder irrigation, consider moving away from a model of irrigation development based on schemes that formalise access to land and water and develop complicated bureaucratic mechanisms for scheme management. Build on farmers innovation instead. KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION It is important to support farmers innovation where it occurs and to understand the constraints within which farmers work. Those seeking to improve irrigation should focus on gaining an understanding of, and support to existing irrigation practices. Approaches to training extension officers should recognise the value of farmers local knowledge and ensuring that irrigation knowledge is part of general agricultural extension training. If lead farmers are used, it would be more practical if training and support were offered where they live and work. This would obviate the need for travel expenses, reduce costs to farmers incurred by being absent from their fields, and also lessen the mistrust created of such farmers. PARTNERSHIPS IN BUILDING RESILIENCE Water as a mobile resource transcends administrative boundaries. Managing irrigation takes into account managing water across administrative boundaries and should therefore be coordinated by well-resourced teams at catchment level. Budgets should be considered for maintaining inter-district dialogue on catchment management. Further, partners operating at the local level need to consider more seriously the costs of their interventions on the lives and livelihoods of those for whom the interventions are not intended. Using the treadle pump for maize irrigation in Chitsukwa A woman farmer tries the cornweeder on a rice field in Muona