Basics of Server Side Template InjectionVandana Verma
The document discusses server-side template injection, where malicious code can be injected through templates used to generate web pages or emails. Templates are widely used by web applications to dynamically generate data. The first step in detecting a server-side template injection is noticing unusual behavior, errors, or mathematical expressions being executed on the server. Ways to detect injections include inserting mathematical expressions into templates. Mitigations include executing users' code in sandboxed environments like Docker containers and validating user input.
Catalin Jora gave a presentation on WebAssembly (WASM) at the Docker meetup. He began with an introduction to WASM, describing it as a fast, light alternative to containers that compiles code from 40+ languages to run in sandboxed environments. He then discussed WASI, which makes WASM usable by providing file system and network capabilities. The presentation included a demo of WASM integration with Docker Desktop and examples of WASM applications. Catalin also shared resources on WASM and its use in Kubernetes, as well as potential applications of WASM.
Explorations of the three legged performance stoolC4Media
Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL
Charlie Hunt explains the three performance attributes of throughput, latency and (memory) footprint and how each of these are influenced in terms of JVM garbage collection. Hunt also shows an example of the amount of work involved to realize an improvement in all three performance attributes. Filmed at
Charlie Hunt is currently a JVM Engineer at Oracle leading a variety of JVM projects. He is also the lead author of Java Performance, and co-author of the Java Performance Companion, which is due to be available in early 2016.
Catalin Jora gave a presentation on WebAssembly (WASM) at the Docker meetup. He began with an introduction to WASM, describing it as a fast, light alternative to containers that compiles code from 40+ languages to run in sandboxed environments. He then discussed WASI, which makes WASM usable by providing file system and network capabilities. The presentation included a demo of WASM integration with Docker Desktop and examples of WASM applications. Catalin also shared resources on WASM and its use in Kubernetes, as well as potential applications of WASM.
Explorations of the three legged performance stoolC4Media
Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL
Charlie Hunt explains the three performance attributes of throughput, latency and (memory) footprint and how each of these are influenced in terms of JVM garbage collection. Hunt also shows an example of the amount of work involved to realize an improvement in all three performance attributes. Filmed at
Charlie Hunt is currently a JVM Engineer at Oracle leading a variety of JVM projects. He is also the lead author of Java Performance, and co-author of the Java Performance Companion, which is due to be available in early 2016.
8. OFJP #studygroup meetup 2015 Fall
ISF Editor に燕幣されるのは Fragment Shader だけだが、Vertex
Shader を聞っているものもある。瘁宀がない栽は、デフォルトの
Vertex Shader が徭啜弔穆O協される。
void main()
// make sure to call this from your ISF based vertex shader
15. OFJP #studygroup meetup 2015 Fall
? エフェクトの栽?
Layer FX -> Load Asset
? g悶ジェネレ`タの栽?
Media Bin へ
Load Asset
Media Bin
16. OFJP #studygroup meetup 2015 Fall
oF 0.9.0 でサンプルがビルドできなかったので採とか咾したい。
#hell_yeah_crash で氏いましょう。
17. OFJP #studygroup meetup 2015 Fall
? Using the ISF Editor To Create GLSL Generators and FX ?
? Introducing ISF Video Generators and FX ? VDMX - MAC VJ
? Interactive Shader Format?