Ipsos KMG¡¯nin Aral?k 2011¡¯de sahas?n? ger?ekle?tirdi?i T¨¹rkiye 2012 Be?eniler ve Beklentiler ara?t?rmas?, T¨¹rkiye¡¯nin 2012 beklentilerini ortaya koydu.
2007 y?l?ndan beri y¨¹r¨¹t¨¹len ara?t?rmaya g?re T¨¹rkiye¡¯de ki?isel durum beklentisi ?nemli bir de?i?iklik g?stermezken, 2012¡¯deki ekonomik duruma dair umutsuzlar?n artt??? g?r¨¹l¨¹yor. Bir ?ok kategorideki t¨¹ketim ve sat?n alma e?ilimleri 2011¡¯e g?re d¨¹?¨¹?te. Ancak, konut ve konuta ba?l? kategorilerde, ki?isel bak?m, tekstil ve ileti?im kategorilerinde harcama e?ilimi y¨¹kseliyor. Alt?n hala en pop¨¹ler yat?r?m arac?.
Devam?n? ve daha fazlas?n?, y?llar?n ve demografik profillerin kar??la?t?rmalar?n? da i?eren raporumuda bulabilirsiniz.
The document provides information on various adult education courses being offered at Zinc, including taster sessions, half-day classes, and full six-week courses. Courses cover topics such as Adobe Photoshop, ceramics, comedy acting, creative drawing, crochet, folk art, jewellery making, knitting, patchwork, photography, portraiture, textile printing, and starting your own business. It includes the course titles, durations, dates/times, and prices for each. Full details and registration information are provided.
The document discusses personal branding and how to build an effective personal brand. It recommends focusing on becoming an invaluable asset to your network through your skills and expertise, positioning yourself as the go-to person for a specific skill, and producing and sharing content that demonstrates your knowledge so that others will talk about you positively. The goal is to have people perceive you in a certain way and know what you are known for so that you can be compensated based on your passions.
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- Social Network Trend? ??? ??
- Social Media PR & Marketing ???
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- Social Media ?? Point
- eStoryLAB ????