The document discusses data compression in Hadoop. There are several benefits to compressing data in Hadoop including reduced storage needs, faster data transfers, and less disk I/O. However, compression increases CPU usage. There are different compression algorithms and file formats that can be used including gzip, bzip2, LZO, LZ4, zlib, snappy, Avro, SequenceFiles, RCFiles, ORC, and Parquet. The best options depend on factors like the data, query needs, support in Hadoop distributions, and whether the data schema may evolve. Columnar formats like Parquet provide better query performance but slower write speeds.
This document presents an optimization model for the design of vegetative filter strips (VFS) for stormwater management and sediment control. VFS are effective at reducing runoff volumes and trapping sediments. The optimization model minimizes land requirements for VFS design through a system of equations describing sheet flow over paved and grassed areas along with sediment transport. The model is applied using different soil types and rainfall characteristics to validate the approach.
The document summarizes the key characteristics and classifications of the Animal Kingdom. It discusses that animals are multicellular, obtain food from outside sources, and move to get food. It then classifies animals into two main groups - invertebrates without backbones and vertebrates with backbones. Finally, it outlines the 9 main phyla that make up the Animal Kingdom - including sponges, jellyfish, worms, mollusks, echinoderms, arthropods, and chordates.
Hamburger, Birthday Cake, Tic Tac, and Pinot Noir are inmates who describe their crimes. Hamburger rants about her murder of men and conspiracy theories. Birthday Cake tortured and killed two children to avenge her son's death by police. Tic Tac sarcastically recounts her school shooting. Pinot Noir calmly explains she drowned her three kids for relief from her routine life. All four inmates rationalize their violent acts and show no remorse.
Deze keer: Morningstart lanceert Sustainability atlassen op basis van hoofdindices met ESG & controversies, een nadere blik op winnaar Portugal en Nederland en hun duurzame indexserie voor DM, EM en landen.
Amerikaanse fintechs voor online retail impact investing. Media: IEX interviewt Blackrock Nederland's Monique Donders over #impinv.
Metrics: Het Global Reporting Initiative integreert Sustainable Development Goals, Simpele metrics voor Sustainable Development Goals, het European Impact Investing Luxemburg, interessante opzet en aanpak.
Social impact bonds: the early years door Social Finance UK, een impressie.
Reina Kurato is a student at the University of Aizu studying Computer Science and Engineering with an expected graduation date of March 2016 and a GPA of 3.50. Her goal is to become a programmer designing software and applications, primarily related to games. She has work experience in catering and service at a wedding hall from 2012 to 2015. Her computer skills include programming in C, C++, Java and visual languages, and creating Android applications. She is also fluent in English. During a computer science summer camp, she gained experience producing 3D images and games for students through team-based design, creation and communication.
Data Stream Controller for Enterprise Cloud ApplicationIJSRD
Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm where computing resources are provided as services over Internet while residing in a large data center. Even though it enables us to dynamically provide servers with the ability to address a wide range of needs, this paradigm brings forth many new challenges for the data security and access control as users outsource their sensitive data to clouds, which are beyond the same trusted domain as data owners. The occupier need not be concerned with how the Paas system achieves expansion under high load.MAC systems differ as security policy is defined for the entire system, typically by administrators. Information flow control (IFC) is a MAC approach, developed originally from military information management methodologies. IFC can be used to enforce more general policies, using appropriate labeling and checking schemes. The labels can be used to manage both confidentiality and integrity concerns, tracking ??????“secrecy??????? and ??????“quality??????? of data, respectively. Decentralized Information Flow Control (DIFC) is an approach to security that allows application writers to control how data flow between the pieces of application and the outside world. As applied to privacy DIFC allows un trusted software to compute with private data while trusted security code controls the release of that data. As applied to integrity DIFC allows trusted code to protect un trusted software from unexpected inputs.
An Enhance Image Retrieval of User Interest Using Query Specific Approach and...IJSRD
In recent years, image retrieval process has increased artistically. An image retrieval system is a process for searching and retrieving images from large amount of the image dataset. Color, texture and edge have been the primitive low level image descriptors in content based image retrieval systems. In this paper we discover a system which splits the search process into two stages. In the query specify approach the feature descriptors of a query image we re-extracted and then used to check the similarity between the query image and those images which is in database. In the evolution stage, the most relevant images where retrieved by using the Interactive genetic algorithm. IGA help the users to retrieve the images that are most relevant to the users???????? need and SVM will rank the image as their title and as par time of search. So that user can get search image as par their requirements.
The document discusses various topics including the countdown until Hong Kong returns to China in 1999, the author's apartment building, the university where they taught, their vehicle, and snow plow duty.
This document describes a stock market game created by ZZ110 and their team. It lists their investments which include Apple, Burger King, Sony, Verizon Wireless, and FedEx. For each company, it provides a brief description and history along with the original and new stock prices. It concludes with the team's total equity of $100,938.24 and cash balance of $13,685.43.
Erosion corrosion is the accelerated deterioration of a metal due to the combined effects of corrosion and mechanical erosion from solid or liquid particles in fluid flow. It occurs when a corrosive fluid carrying solid particles flows rapidly across a metal surface. This damages protective surface films and removes metal, leading to deeper corrosion. Common examples include erosion corrosion in pipes, valves, pumps and heat exchangers exposed to fluids. Prevention methods include design modifications to reduce turbulence, filtering solids, using more erosion-resistant materials, coatings, cathodic protection, and altering the environment.
Deze keer: het Global Impact Investing Forum 2016 in Amsterdam: trends & analyse, veel technische info, traditionele sectoren (carbon, microkrediet) maar voor verbreding en versnelling zijn de Sustainable Development Goals een terugkerend thema. Vooraf een belofte en oproep voor meer inclusive (retail!) impact investing mogelijkheden door grote Nederlandse financials (partnership primeur)
Facts & Figures: EuroSIF cijfers over de groei van duurzaam beleggen (2013-2015), de VBDO van duurzaam particulier beleggen en sparenen en Toniic, het netwerk van vermogende particuliere impact investors presenteert hun portfolios analyse. EuroSIF 2016 rapporteert 40miljard Impact Investments in Nederland (weer kampioen, mn de institutionele investeerders), de VBDO noteert 35% groei in duurzaam beleggen onder particulieren dat nu vrijwel gelijk is aan duurzaam sparen en 13% marktaandeel heeft! Toniic's 100% Netwerk presenteert een overzicht van de asset classes en allocatie in impact portfolio's: 29% public equity en 19% Fixed Income.
In de Toniic (internationale) directory met 1037 impact prospects: 254 public equity (aandelen en beleggingsfondsen) en 251 Fixed Income (obligaties en beleggingsfondsen) met profielen en links.
Ik duik in de MSCI Global Impact Index, een framework voor public equity impact investing voor de Sustainable Development Goals met 5 actionable themes, maar een miniem universum in hun ESG database: maar 34 large cap ondernemingen halen 90% van hun inkomsten uit sustainable impact themes. Van de 123 ondernemingen die 71% inkomsten genereren uit deze thema's is tweederde gericht op milieu en maar eenderde op mensen. Mon pauvre peuple......... iShares bouwt er een ETF mee met 108 holdings.
Tot slot een opmerkelijk intiatief van Cameron heeft geleid tot het Dementia Fund, een VC fonds van 8 grote pharmaceuten met 82miljoen UK? om zsm vermarktbare medicijnen voor Dementie te ontwikkelen. Sectorale voorfinanciering van 'Low Hanging Fruit' door 'concullega's', om in chari termen te spreken.
La Reforma y Contrarreforma Religiosa generó un periodo de críticas hacia la Iglesia Católica por su riqueza excesiva, relajación de costumbres y venta de indulgencias. Martín Lutero inició la Reforma Protestante en 1517 oponiéndose a estas prácticas. Los principales movimientos protestantes fueron el Luteranismo, Calvinismo y Anglicanismo. El Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) dio inicio a la Contrarreforma Católica para corregir errores, defender dogmas
Erosion corrosion occurs when the rate of material deterioration increases due to the combined effects of corrosion and mechanical wear from fluid flow. It can occur in pipes, valves, pumps and other equipment exposed to flowing liquids or gases. The mechanism involves turbulent flow damaging protective surface films and exposing the bare metal to chemical attack. Common signs are grooves, holes and valleys in the direction of flow. Prevention methods include design modifications to reduce turbulence, removing abrasive particles from the fluid, protective coatings, cathodic protection, and using more corrosion resistant materials.
Data Stream Controller for Enterprise Cloud ApplicationIJSRD
Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm where computing resources are provided as services over Internet while residing in a large data center. Even though it enables us to dynamically provide servers with the ability to address a wide range of needs, this paradigm brings forth many new challenges for the data security and access control as users outsource their sensitive data to clouds, which are beyond the same trusted domain as data owners. The occupier need not be concerned with how the Paas system achieves expansion under high load.MAC systems differ as security policy is defined for the entire system, typically by administrators. Information flow control (IFC) is a MAC approach, developed originally from military information management methodologies. IFC can be used to enforce more general policies, using appropriate labeling and checking schemes. The labels can be used to manage both confidentiality and integrity concerns, tracking ??????“secrecy??????? and ??????“quality??????? of data, respectively. Decentralized Information Flow Control (DIFC) is an approach to security that allows application writers to control how data flow between the pieces of application and the outside world. As applied to privacy DIFC allows un trusted software to compute with private data while trusted security code controls the release of that data. As applied to integrity DIFC allows trusted code to protect un trusted software from unexpected inputs.
An Enhance Image Retrieval of User Interest Using Query Specific Approach and...IJSRD
In recent years, image retrieval process has increased artistically. An image retrieval system is a process for searching and retrieving images from large amount of the image dataset. Color, texture and edge have been the primitive low level image descriptors in content based image retrieval systems. In this paper we discover a system which splits the search process into two stages. In the query specify approach the feature descriptors of a query image we re-extracted and then used to check the similarity between the query image and those images which is in database. In the evolution stage, the most relevant images where retrieved by using the Interactive genetic algorithm. IGA help the users to retrieve the images that are most relevant to the users???????? need and SVM will rank the image as their title and as par time of search. So that user can get search image as par their requirements.
The document discusses various topics including the countdown until Hong Kong returns to China in 1999, the author's apartment building, the university where they taught, their vehicle, and snow plow duty.
This document describes a stock market game created by ZZ110 and their team. It lists their investments which include Apple, Burger King, Sony, Verizon Wireless, and FedEx. For each company, it provides a brief description and history along with the original and new stock prices. It concludes with the team's total equity of $100,938.24 and cash balance of $13,685.43.
Erosion corrosion is the accelerated deterioration of a metal due to the combined effects of corrosion and mechanical erosion from solid or liquid particles in fluid flow. It occurs when a corrosive fluid carrying solid particles flows rapidly across a metal surface. This damages protective surface films and removes metal, leading to deeper corrosion. Common examples include erosion corrosion in pipes, valves, pumps and heat exchangers exposed to fluids. Prevention methods include design modifications to reduce turbulence, filtering solids, using more erosion-resistant materials, coatings, cathodic protection, and altering the environment.
Deze keer: het Global Impact Investing Forum 2016 in Amsterdam: trends & analyse, veel technische info, traditionele sectoren (carbon, microkrediet) maar voor verbreding en versnelling zijn de Sustainable Development Goals een terugkerend thema. Vooraf een belofte en oproep voor meer inclusive (retail!) impact investing mogelijkheden door grote Nederlandse financials (partnership primeur)
Facts & Figures: EuroSIF cijfers over de groei van duurzaam beleggen (2013-2015), de VBDO van duurzaam particulier beleggen en sparenen en Toniic, het netwerk van vermogende particuliere impact investors presenteert hun portfolios analyse. EuroSIF 2016 rapporteert 40miljard Impact Investments in Nederland (weer kampioen, mn de institutionele investeerders), de VBDO noteert 35% groei in duurzaam beleggen onder particulieren dat nu vrijwel gelijk is aan duurzaam sparen en 13% marktaandeel heeft! Toniic's 100% Netwerk presenteert een overzicht van de asset classes en allocatie in impact portfolio's: 29% public equity en 19% Fixed Income.
In de Toniic (internationale) directory met 1037 impact prospects: 254 public equity (aandelen en beleggingsfondsen) en 251 Fixed Income (obligaties en beleggingsfondsen) met profielen en links.
Ik duik in de MSCI Global Impact Index, een framework voor public equity impact investing voor de Sustainable Development Goals met 5 actionable themes, maar een miniem universum in hun ESG database: maar 34 large cap ondernemingen halen 90% van hun inkomsten uit sustainable impact themes. Van de 123 ondernemingen die 71% inkomsten genereren uit deze thema's is tweederde gericht op milieu en maar eenderde op mensen. Mon pauvre peuple......... iShares bouwt er een ETF mee met 108 holdings.
Tot slot een opmerkelijk intiatief van Cameron heeft geleid tot het Dementia Fund, een VC fonds van 8 grote pharmaceuten met 82miljoen UK? om zsm vermarktbare medicijnen voor Dementie te ontwikkelen. Sectorale voorfinanciering van 'Low Hanging Fruit' door 'concullega's', om in chari termen te spreken.
La Reforma y Contrarreforma Religiosa generó un periodo de críticas hacia la Iglesia Católica por su riqueza excesiva, relajación de costumbres y venta de indulgencias. Martín Lutero inició la Reforma Protestante en 1517 oponiéndose a estas prácticas. Los principales movimientos protestantes fueron el Luteranismo, Calvinismo y Anglicanismo. El Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) dio inicio a la Contrarreforma Católica para corregir errores, defender dogmas
Erosion corrosion occurs when the rate of material deterioration increases due to the combined effects of corrosion and mechanical wear from fluid flow. It can occur in pipes, valves, pumps and other equipment exposed to flowing liquids or gases. The mechanism involves turbulent flow damaging protective surface films and exposing the bare metal to chemical attack. Common signs are grooves, holes and valleys in the direction of flow. Prevention methods include design modifications to reduce turbulence, removing abrasive particles from the fluid, protective coatings, cathodic protection, and using more corrosion resistant materials.