Presentasi Diploma Bahasa Prancis SV-UGM 25 januari 2012Sekolah Vokasi UGM
Dokumen tersebut merangkum informasi tentang Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada yang menawarkan program studi di bidang teknologi, bahasa, organisasi, dan seni. Program studinya mencakup bidang-bidang seperti teknik, ekonomi, hukum, kehutanan, pariwisata, dan seni film dokumenter. Sekolah Vokasi UGM juga bekerja sama dengan mitra lokal dan internasional dalam mengembangkan laboratorium budaya dan pem
The document discusses how Twitter can be used for mobile reporting and citizen journalism. It provides examples of how Al Jazeera reporters use Twitter to report from the field and gather eyewitness information. The document also explores how geotagging and hashtags help authenticate Twitter posts and make reported information searchable.
Las diferentes prácticas fotográficas mencionadas en el documento incluyen tomas de cuerpo entero, de medio americano, de plano medio y de primer plano para retratar individuos o grupos de personas.
Mr. Shinde Mahesh Ramesh is seeking a position as an engineer. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from SPPU with 68.93% and a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from MSBTE with 76.42%. His goal is to serve the organization and help it progress by being honest, loyal, and giving maximum output. He has strong communication, teamwork, and adaptability skills. His projects include designing a coconut dehusking machine and a de-leafing machine for roses. He is proficient in MS Office, AutoCAD, ANSYS, MasterCAM, and Matlab.
Boschee CI5475 Final Project-Poetry UnitDixie Boschee
This document outlines the learning objectives, standards, assessments, and activities for an 8th grade poetry unit. The unit will focus on identifying and demonstrating various poetic elements through reading, writing, performing, and analyzing poetry. Formative assessments include matching exercises, practice tests, peer reviews, and self-assessments. Summative assessments include creating a poet biography, presenting a poetry lesson, taking a unit test, and compiling a poetry portfolio. Students will read and analyze poems, write poems in different forms and genres, memorize and perform poems, and research poets.
This very short document is written in Spanish and does not provide much contextual information. It mentions a cold winter and contains repetitive letters and punctuation marks without any clear meaning or message. The document is too brief and unclear to generate a meaningful summary.
Este poema ofrece consejos y palabras de consuelo para un ser querido en caso de que el autor muera antes. Aconseja llorar si es necesario pero no enojarse con Dios, reír si es posible, y defender al autor si otros lo critican pero corregir exageraciones en su elogio. También pide orar por el autor y hablarle a Dios, con la esperanza de poder seguir siendo útil desde el cielo.
La capa de aplicación del modelo OSI proporciona servicios a procesos de aplicación como correo electrónico y transferencia de archivos. Identifica la disponibilidad de socios de comunicación y establece acuerdos sobre el control de errores y la integridad de datos. Los servicios de la capa de aplicación, como la transferencia de archivos y cola de impresión en red, utilizan protocolos específicos para definir los estándares y formatos de datos a utilizar.
1. A quantum light-sail uses refraction to make the radiation pressure of the quantum vacuum push harder on one side than the other, producing a net force.
2. When light enters a refractive material, it exerts a stronger force on a mirror inside the material than outside. The refractive material exerts equal and opposite forces, producing no counterforce.
3. By combining a mirror with a refractive material on one side, the quantum vacuum radiation will push harder on the refractive side, producing a net force that can propel the light-sail. Multiple sails could replace engines.
Travel - Presentation by Tetyana Hrekh, Co-Founder & CEO of Traveltipz at the NOAH 2012 Conference in San Francisco, Four Seasons Hotel on the 26th of June.
The document discusses how Twitter can be used for mobile reporting and citizen journalism. It provides examples of how Al Jazeera reporters use Twitter to report from the field and gather eyewitness information. The document also explores how geotagging and hashtags help authenticate Twitter posts and make reported information searchable.
Las diferentes prácticas fotográficas mencionadas en el documento incluyen tomas de cuerpo entero, de medio americano, de plano medio y de primer plano para retratar individuos o grupos de personas.
Mr. Shinde Mahesh Ramesh is seeking a position as an engineer. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from SPPU with 68.93% and a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from MSBTE with 76.42%. His goal is to serve the organization and help it progress by being honest, loyal, and giving maximum output. He has strong communication, teamwork, and adaptability skills. His projects include designing a coconut dehusking machine and a de-leafing machine for roses. He is proficient in MS Office, AutoCAD, ANSYS, MasterCAM, and Matlab.
Boschee CI5475 Final Project-Poetry UnitDixie Boschee
This document outlines the learning objectives, standards, assessments, and activities for an 8th grade poetry unit. The unit will focus on identifying and demonstrating various poetic elements through reading, writing, performing, and analyzing poetry. Formative assessments include matching exercises, practice tests, peer reviews, and self-assessments. Summative assessments include creating a poet biography, presenting a poetry lesson, taking a unit test, and compiling a poetry portfolio. Students will read and analyze poems, write poems in different forms and genres, memorize and perform poems, and research poets.
This very short document is written in Spanish and does not provide much contextual information. It mentions a cold winter and contains repetitive letters and punctuation marks without any clear meaning or message. The document is too brief and unclear to generate a meaningful summary.
Este poema ofrece consejos y palabras de consuelo para un ser querido en caso de que el autor muera antes. Aconseja llorar si es necesario pero no enojarse con Dios, reír si es posible, y defender al autor si otros lo critican pero corregir exageraciones en su elogio. También pide orar por el autor y hablarle a Dios, con la esperanza de poder seguir siendo útil desde el cielo.
La capa de aplicación del modelo OSI proporciona servicios a procesos de aplicación como correo electrónico y transferencia de archivos. Identifica la disponibilidad de socios de comunicación y establece acuerdos sobre el control de errores y la integridad de datos. Los servicios de la capa de aplicación, como la transferencia de archivos y cola de impresión en red, utilizan protocolos específicos para definir los estándares y formatos de datos a utilizar.
1. A quantum light-sail uses refraction to make the radiation pressure of the quantum vacuum push harder on one side than the other, producing a net force.
2. When light enters a refractive material, it exerts a stronger force on a mirror inside the material than outside. The refractive material exerts equal and opposite forces, producing no counterforce.
3. By combining a mirror with a refractive material on one side, the quantum vacuum radiation will push harder on the refractive side, producing a net force that can propel the light-sail. Multiple sails could replace engines.
Travel - Presentation by Tetyana Hrekh, Co-Founder & CEO of Traveltipz at the NOAH 2012 Conference in San Francisco, Four Seasons Hotel on the 26th of June.