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Mobile phone: 610.704.9455
E-mail: cmgillis519@gmail.com
* Focused and driven strategic marketing professional with substantial experience in market segmentation and forecasting, ,
strategic planning, corporate intelligence, customer insights and market research within a variety of industries, including:
- Evidence-Based Medical Content and Clinical Decision Support - Biologics (Vaccines) - Glass and High-Tech Ceramics
* Superior written and oral communication and interpersonal skills along with a keen ability to manage diverse teams and
achieve strategic business objectives.
 Macroeconomic Forecasting  Voice of Customer Research  Strategic Planning
 User Experience Insights  Product Benchmarking  Adjacent Markets Research
 Competitive Analysis  Branding / Messaging  Segmentation Strategy
July 2013 -Present: Health Industry Consultant: MerionStation,PA
Independent consultant conducting bespoke research for clients in a range of industries, including: HIT investments and
trends in the acute care hospital market; healthcare risk assessment, accreditation and compliance solutions for long-term
healthcare facilities; CDS and hospital informatics solutions and meaningful use trends; NHP professional training solutions
in the non-acute ambulatory market; optimizing pricing and business models for online content solutions; macro trends in
payer / provider reimbursement including fee for value vs. traditional fee for service reimbursement models. {Clients
include: British Medical Journal; Elsevier; F.A. Davis; TheraDoc; WK Health, WK Law & Business}
2004 2013:Elsevier and Elsevier Health Sciences, (multiple, progressiveroles): Philadelphia,PA
2012  2013:Director,CustomerInsights and Analysis: Nursingand Health Professions (NHP)
In chargeof customerintelligenceresearch,competitortracking, nursingeducation/nursingPOCsolutions
market sizing andgrowth
 Conducted customer interviews for Elseviers user-design group as part of a major initiative focused on mapping customer
 Developed and led NHPs first ever systematic customer interview initiative for its E-Solutions business; conducted
regular, one-on-one interviews with students, didactic and clinical faculty, simulation lab coordinators and
deans/directors of nursing and allied health.
 Conceived of and created NHPs first in-depth competitor database covering electronic educational products across new
segment areas such as adaptive quizzing, electronic patient charting, simulation, remediation, clinical evaluation tracking,
and live test review.
 Customer insights research results shared across multiple stakeholder groups including senior management, marketing,
sales, finance and product management teams.
2009  2012:Director,Customer Intelligence and StrategicPlanning: Global MedicalResearch (GMR)
LedGMRsVoiceof theCustomer researchandend-userengagement;also the developmentandexpansionofglobal
medicalinstitution/ hospitaldatabaseto supportcritical, strategice platform initiatives for clinical content
 Conducted deep-dive market analyses, forecasts and customer segmentation for GMRs key revenue sectors, ranging from
hospitals to individual subscribers.
 Provided senior management with key actionable insights and strategic recommendations based upon active engagement
with customers including direct interviews and developing personas by specialty.
 Created and directed the first customer panel for Elsevier  the Medical Library Advisory Panel in 2009  comprised of a
wide array of hospitals  academic; for-profit; specialty; launched first European panel (June 2011).
 Led global market analysis by medical specialty in support of journals publishing strategy and competitive analysis.
2004-2009:SeniorCISpecialist,Elsevier CorporateStrategy: Philadelphia,PA
Creatingcompetitiveandbusinesssectorintelligencein STMpublishing
 Conducted detailed analyses for critical company initiatives including its e-Health strategy.
 Provided senior management with up to date, in-depth analysis of competitors.
 Provided full assessments of potential acquisitions targets and tracked global healthcare trends.
 Supported business units operating strategy with bespoke and desk market research during the companys annual
planning and budgeting initiatives.
2000  2003:ManagingEditori-squared, IMS Health: PlymouthMeeting,PA
Wrote andeditedall U.S. pharmaceuticalcontent for customerportal i-squared
 Led strategy development for US marketing, including email campaigns and development of personalized URLs. Analyzed
user metrics: page views, registrations and content ratings.
 Drove a 75% increase in US content for customer Internet portal i-squared in less than a year; developed first global
editorial plan for client content.
 Appointed to Core Management Team after six months in position.
 Led a 10-month project to develop and launch new IMS corporate site; planned, wrote and edited content for the entire
site, and directed content publishing.
1998  1999:ManagerofStrategicPlanning,Wyeth-LederleVaccines: Radnor,PA
Directedthe businessandstrategicplanningprocess forWyeths internationalvaccines business
 Created short- and long-term forecasting models for Wyeths adult and pediatric vaccines portfolio, including the first 10-
year global demand model for Prevnar速, the most successful paediatric vaccine lunch in market history (first year sales in
2001 of more than $300M).
 Developed forecasts for Europe, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific, used in the pre-launch planning of Wyeth's conjugate
pneumococcal vaccine, rotavirus vaccine and respiratory syncitial virus vaccine.
 Created forecast model for global influenza market; this forecast was instrumental in Wyeths $400 millioninvestment in
FluMist (1999).
 Established and managed the companys competitive intelligence database and created and wrote a weekly vaccine
market and competitive intelligence newsletter for internal distribution.
 Managed a $3 million annual market research budget.
1989  1998:Manager,Strategic Planning& ProductMarketingManager: Saint-Gobain,ValleyForge,PA
Producedeconomicand marketforecastsfor the NorthAmerican composites market
 Developed macroeconomic and industry forecasts for $120 millionplant expansion; created multiple scenarios.
 Led the fiberglass reinforcements divisions annual strategic planning process.
 Actively supported industry trade associations; keynote speaker at the Composites Institutes Annual Meeting, 1993-1997,
at The Greenbrier, as well as at dozens of other industry events.
 Conducted quarterly survey of business conditions within the composites industry for management and selected
 Product manager for imported fiberglass product (Unifilo); grew sales from $5M to $7M in three years and developed
inventory reduction plan which saved the company $2M annually (while also serving as strategic planning lead).
Masterof Arts,Economics,Temple University,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
BachelorofArts,EconomicsandEnglish,Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
Member,Grinnell College Alumni Council (Alumni Engagement & Development committees)
Winner,Steiner Memorial Prize forFiction, Grinnell College
Member,Philadelphia Council of Business Economists
Finisher,11 full marathons, including three Boston Marathons

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Resume-Catherine Gillis-March 2015

  • 1. CATHERINE M. GILLIS, M.A. Mobile phone: 610.704.9455 E-mail: cmgillis519@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinemgillis HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY CONSULTANT C U S T OM E R IN T E L L IG E N C E | S T R A T E G IC P L A N N IN G | FOR E C A S T IN G * Focused and driven strategic marketing professional with substantial experience in market segmentation and forecasting, , strategic planning, corporate intelligence, customer insights and market research within a variety of industries, including: - Evidence-Based Medical Content and Clinical Decision Support - Biologics (Vaccines) - Glass and High-Tech Ceramics * Superior written and oral communication and interpersonal skills along with a keen ability to manage diverse teams and achieve strategic business objectives. Macroeconomic Forecasting Voice of Customer Research Strategic Planning User Experience Insights Product Benchmarking Adjacent Markets Research Competitive Analysis Branding / Messaging Segmentation Strategy PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE July 2013 -Present: Health Industry Consultant: MerionStation,PA Independent consultant conducting bespoke research for clients in a range of industries, including: HIT investments and trends in the acute care hospital market; healthcare risk assessment, accreditation and compliance solutions for long-term healthcare facilities; CDS and hospital informatics solutions and meaningful use trends; NHP professional training solutions in the non-acute ambulatory market; optimizing pricing and business models for online content solutions; macro trends in payer / provider reimbursement including fee for value vs. traditional fee for service reimbursement models. {Clients include: British Medical Journal; Elsevier; F.A. Davis; TheraDoc; WK Health, WK Law & Business} 2004 2013:Elsevier and Elsevier Health Sciences, (multiple, progressiveroles): Philadelphia,PA 2012 2013:Director,CustomerInsights and Analysis: Nursingand Health Professions (NHP) In chargeof customerintelligenceresearch,competitortracking, nursingeducation/nursingPOCsolutions market sizing andgrowth Conducted customer interviews for Elseviers user-design group as part of a major initiative focused on mapping customer workflows. Developed and led NHPs first ever systematic customer interview initiative for its E-Solutions business; conducted regular, one-on-one interviews with students, didactic and clinical faculty, simulation lab coordinators and deans/directors of nursing and allied health. Conceived of and created NHPs first in-depth competitor database covering electronic educational products across new segment areas such as adaptive quizzing, electronic patient charting, simulation, remediation, clinical evaluation tracking, and live test review. Customer insights research results shared across multiple stakeholder groups including senior management, marketing, sales, finance and product management teams. 2009 2012:Director,Customer Intelligence and StrategicPlanning: Global MedicalResearch (GMR) LedGMRsVoiceof theCustomer researchandend-userengagement;also the developmentandexpansionofglobal medicalinstitution/ hospitaldatabaseto supportcritical, strategice platform initiatives for clinical content Conducted deep-dive market analyses, forecasts and customer segmentation for GMRs key revenue sectors, ranging from hospitals to individual subscribers. Provided senior management with key actionable insights and strategic recommendations based upon active engagement with customers including direct interviews and developing personas by specialty. Created and directed the first customer panel for Elsevier the Medical Library Advisory Panel in 2009 comprised of a wide array of hospitals academic; for-profit; specialty; launched first European panel (June 2011). Led global market analysis by medical specialty in support of journals publishing strategy and competitive analysis.
  • 2. CATHERINE M.GILLIS page2 2004-2009:SeniorCISpecialist,Elsevier CorporateStrategy: Philadelphia,PA Creatingcompetitiveandbusinesssectorintelligencein STMpublishing Conducted detailed analyses for critical company initiatives including its e-Health strategy. Provided senior management with up to date, in-depth analysis of competitors. Provided full assessments of potential acquisitions targets and tracked global healthcare trends. Supported business units operating strategy with bespoke and desk market research during the companys annual planning and budgeting initiatives. 2000 2003:ManagingEditori-squared, IMS Health: PlymouthMeeting,PA Wrote andeditedall U.S. pharmaceuticalcontent for customerportal i-squared Led strategy development for US marketing, including email campaigns and development of personalized URLs. Analyzed user metrics: page views, registrations and content ratings. Drove a 75% increase in US content for customer Internet portal i-squared in less than a year; developed first global editorial plan for client content. Appointed to Core Management Team after six months in position. Led a 10-month project to develop and launch new IMS corporate site; planned, wrote and edited content for the entire site, and directed content publishing. 1998 1999:ManagerofStrategicPlanning,Wyeth-LederleVaccines: Radnor,PA Directedthe businessandstrategicplanningprocess forWyeths internationalvaccines business Created short- and long-term forecasting models for Wyeths adult and pediatric vaccines portfolio, including the first 10- year global demand model for Prevnar速, the most successful paediatric vaccine lunch in market history (first year sales in 2001 of more than $300M). Developed forecasts for Europe, Latin America, and Asia-Pacific, used in the pre-launch planning of Wyeth's conjugate pneumococcal vaccine, rotavirus vaccine and respiratory syncitial virus vaccine. Created forecast model for global influenza market; this forecast was instrumental in Wyeths $400 millioninvestment in FluMist (1999). Established and managed the companys competitive intelligence database and created and wrote a weekly vaccine market and competitive intelligence newsletter for internal distribution. Managed a $3 million annual market research budget. 1989 1998:Manager,Strategic Planning& ProductMarketingManager: Saint-Gobain,ValleyForge,PA Producedeconomicand marketforecastsfor the NorthAmerican composites market Developed macroeconomic and industry forecasts for $120 millionplant expansion; created multiple scenarios. Led the fiberglass reinforcements divisions annual strategic planning process. Actively supported industry trade associations; keynote speaker at the Composites Institutes Annual Meeting, 1993-1997, at The Greenbrier, as well as at dozens of other industry events. Conducted quarterly survey of business conditions within the composites industry for management and selected customers. Product manager for imported fiberglass product (Unifilo); grew sales from $5M to $7M in three years and developed inventory reduction plan which saved the company $2M annually (while also serving as strategic planning lead). EDUCATION & MEMBERSHIPS & ACHIEVEMENTS Masterof Arts,Economics,Temple University,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania BachelorofArts,EconomicsandEnglish,Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Member,Grinnell College Alumni Council (Alumni Engagement & Development committees) Winner,Steiner Memorial Prize forFiction, Grinnell College Member,Philadelphia Council of Business Economists Finisher,11 full marathons, including three Boston Marathons